Effects of conventional prostate treatments and natural alternatives
Conventional prostate cancer treatments bring smaller penis and regrets
Prostate cancer diagnosis
Prostate cancer is one of the most over-treated cancers in the US–right up there next to breast cancer over-treatment.
According to a new Medscape Medical News article, the study published in the latest issue of Urology, treatments for prostate cancer can result in a little-mentioned adverse effect – a smaller penis. So what can you get with your unnecessary prostate cancer treatment? A smaller penis; wrecked sex life; anal leakage; urine dribble; greater chance of a more aggressive cancer; depression and regrets all bundled up with a bill for services for treatment of a cancer that wouldn’t have killed you in the first place.
A smaller penis is an adverse effect of prostate cancer treatment according to a study led by Paul Nguyen, MD, from the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts, where researchers found significantly more complaints of a shortened penis associated with surgery combined with radiotherapy plus androgen-deprivation therapy (ADT). The adverse effect of penile shortening is rarely mentioned by physicians, as they point out. “I would think that 10% or less of doctors who treat prostate cancer routinely discuss reduction in penis size as a possible side effect of therapy,” said Dr. Nguyen.
The authors suggest that denervation atrophy associated with erectile dysfunction and possibly fibrosis of the cavernous smooth muscle could be causes of shortened penis. Other researchers have noted long-term inflammatory changes to the microvasculature, neural tissues, along with structural changes to the corporeal smooth muscle, resulting from radiation therapy. Reduced penile size was significantly associated with more treatment regret according to this study along with an increased loss of close emotional relationships.
Another negative impact noted in the Nguyen study was the loss of “overall enjoyment” in life.
Lost sexual function and incontinence from prostate treatment The American Cancer Society reports that after standard radical prostatectomy, up to 90% of men experience erectile dysfunction with patients reporting in with about 20% incontinence rates.
With radiation treatments, erectile dysfunction happens slowly and is caused by damage to the blood vessels supplying the nerves responsible for erections. According to the American Cancer Society, erectile dysfunction rates equal that of the surgery after one year post-treatment. Incontinence rates for this procedure run up to 64%.
When the prostate gland is frozen during cryosurgery, the nerve bundles controlling erections can often be permanently damaged. Erectile dysfunction rates following this surgery are 72% and incontinence rates are 73%.
Hormone therapy brings erectile dysfunction within two to four weeks and is almost always paired with a decreased desire for sex. The male sex hormone testosterone is responsible for sex drive, or libido, as well the ability to achieve an erection. When hormone therapy stops testosterone production there is a definite loss of interest in sexual activity.
The over treatment of prostate cancer
The inordinate push by medical officials for prostate screening has brought an extreme rise in prostate cancer diagnosis and treatment – without improving the outcomes in term of life-saving interventions. The fact is that up to 55% of men in their fifties, and 64% of men in their seventies have prostate cancer diagnosed at autopsy. Less than 10% are detectable in a screening while alive. The main health threat of over-diagnosis is over treatment of an indolent disease – one that wouldn’t kill you anyhow.
Using data from the European screening trial, researchers have estimated that $5.2 million would have to be spent on screening (and the interventions that follow it) to prevent one death from prostate cancer. That estimate does not appear to include the costs of excessive serial PSA testing and repeated office-based encounters devoted to discussions about screening or interpretation of fluctuating PSA results.
Cancer is a disease of inflammation
Cancer is really not a disease but rather a symptom of something gone wrong in the body. Cancer is a disease of inflammation caused by damage to a body organ or system that causes ongoing weakness and inflammation. Chronically inflamed organs (like the prostate) become targets of heavy metals, viruses, bacterium and fungus. Food sensitivities (like gluten sensitivity) compromise the intestines and cause leakage of food particles into the blood, causing inflammation all through the body.
Natural prostate treatments–do’s and don’ts
There are studies showing that men consuming large amounts of synthetic folic acid and zinc oxide are more likely to develop prostate cancer. Men also taking large amounts of high-dose multi-vitamins develop prostate cancer more frequently. On the other hand, other studies suggest that fish oil, magnesium, curcumin, broccoli and lycopene (found in tomato products) help protect men against cancer. Avoiding all GMO foods and processed foods along with their litany of chemical additives is a must for prostate health. Maintaining a low-carb diet is also known to reduce the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Milking cancer
So, if you own a food product that causes cancer AND you own the cancer treatment, you cause cancer and then get paid to treat it. That is good business for Eli Lilly & Company and their rBST bovine growth
hormone that ends up in our milk supply. This artificial hormone is linked to colon, breast, and prostate cancers. By adding rBGH to products, Eli Lilly creates cancer with rBGH and then sells cancer treatment drugs like Gemzar and Evista. Eli Lilly’s cancer drugs made $2,683,000,000 for the company in 2008. Now that’s Pinkwashing for you.
- Selenium is boss for cancer prevention! Over 10 years ago, a group of researchers found that selenium reduced lung cancer risk by a whopping 46%, colon cancer risk by 58% and prostate cancer by 62%
- Saw Palmetto works for the prostate and more! Saw Palmetto is a natural steroid source herb with tissue building and gland stimulating properties that tonify and strengthen the male reproductive system. It is a primary herb for treating male impotence, low libido and prostate health. The body uses Saw Palmetto in the hormone pathway as the body needs it – unlike pharmaceutical testosterone which unbalances the system.
- The miraculous cayenne! Often called the most potent herb, cayenne is really one of the most powerful heart-healthy foods as it strengthens, stimulates, and tones the heart, balances circulation and blood pressure, and calms palpitations. Cayenne can destroy cancer cells in the prostate, lungs, and pancreas and even stop a heart attack within 30 seconds.
- The cancer champion! Ginger has anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiproliferative effects upon tumors making ginger a promising chemopreventive agent. Whole ginger extract holds significant growth-inhibitory and death-inductory effects in a spectrum of cancer cells by interrupting cancer cell-cycle progression, impairing cancer reproduction and modulating apoptosis. But most importantly, ginger does not have any toxicity in normal, rapidly dividing tissues such as gut and bone marrow.
- Extracts of the tropical fruit mango were shown to be effective in reducing proliferation of or stopping cell growth in various lines of cancer cells including breast, colon and prostate cell lines.
- Going gluten free lessens the inflammation in the body and in particular, the prostate.
- Eliminate sodas and sweetened drinks! Whether artificial sugar or not, sweetened drinks can also cause inflammation in the prostate.
The best way to fight the threat of prostate cancer lies in diet and lifestyle changes–and skip the unnecessary screenings and messy procedures.
Sources for this article
- http://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/777197?src=wnl_edit_medn_wir&spon=34
- http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1913182/
- Testosterone: Dude! Who stole my sex drive? Lecture notes from Nature’s Health Shoppe 1/24/13
Authored by Cancer Nutritionist Craig Stellpflug NDC, CNC, Dayspring Cancer Clinic Scottsdale, AZ
Copyright 2007 Craig Stellpflug© Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this article but only in its entirety