Craig Stellpflug, is the best and most informative on all alternative medicine. I have gone to him with everything from aggressive cancer (which is in remission now) to rare auto immune diseases to dislocated knees. I consult him with EVERYTHING! He’s amazing. Janette S. Wundowie, Australia
Hi, Craig: well my PSA is back to normal. I can’t thank you enough for your encouragement and insistence on coffee enemas. It has become my main topic of conversation. Is there anyone who shouldn’t do them? Love you Brother! God is Good! Bob A., Great Falls, Montana
I’m so grateful to Craig for his information. I feel more empowered to take control of my own health. Linda G. Jacksonville, Florida
Craig Stellpflug is an amazing man… he researches and teaches and I listen!! save me some steps in my busy life!! thanks Craig, I’d be sick without you!!! Joy N. (Saudi Arabia) Dhahran, Ash Sharqiyah
I’m taking all the supplements you suggest in your article about thyroid, and I have been for almost 9 months now. In the last 3 weeks I’ve added Terry’s iodine and Lugol’s. HalleluYah! My monthly is MUCH less because of the iodine, and my foggy brain has lifted! Craig, you continually make me laugh, and you also have the ability to make me consider new and interesting possibilities! Kendra J. Carlsbad, New Mexico
Thank you so much for your time and for all of the incredible information. Adding you as a FB friend has taught me so much and I have been able to teach my friends and family. I see things differently because of you and for that I will be forever grateful. God Bless Craig Stellpflug and his family!!! Take care. Shannon H. Puyallup, Washington
I can’t thank you enough either, you have helped my family with some really tough stuff! You must put in a lot of your free time to help SO many people, I can’t imagine. You are a very good man and you have truly blessed us with your time and knowledge! Thank you! Raechel L. Fort Smith, Arkansas
I know you may not remember me, but I will always remember you. You helped our son over 13 years ago. His name was Dylan. He was 3 at the time and we walked in your office and you went to the floor with him and a rubber chicken! Dylan is now going to be graduating this next school year. I want you to know your name has forever been a part of our home as you helped change our lives and the life of my son. He is now graduating with honors and has been the starting QB for our high school FB team for the last 3 years. I want to thank you for everything you taught us that allowed us to help our son. I hope you are doing well. Sincerely, Cheri C. Lufkin, Texas
Craig has been an incredible help to me on my path to real health. He has taught me SO much! Unfortunately I was one that was let down by traditional medicine, but Craig has been an inspiration to me to get healthy and get the truth out. The time he has spent answering my questions has been like a kind friend taking my hand and leading me to the truth. I am just one that he has helped. I know there are many, many others. I am feeling a “call” to do the same when I have my health back. Thankfully I am on a path to true health, instead of a short life filled with medications to cover symptoms and side effects! Thank you, Craig, for being part of that journey for me! You are saving more lives than you know! Brenda S. Simi Valley, California
Thanks to Mark S. who referred me to you when I thought I was dying while passing a 10mm kidney stone which got stuck for a week, your article helped me tremendously! I’ve been doing everything you recommend and my goodness, what a difference! Thank you! I KNOW everything you wrote, works. Rosi G. Gretna, Louisiana
Rod also has some serious chronic back issues!! We have a contact on our FB page named Craig Stellpflug, he is VERY knowledgable in all things healthy!! He recommended Rod go on a 21 day fresh juice fast, and take 1000 mg vitamin c and 1000 mg fish oil. And no gluten!!! Seems pretty harsh, but he has been following this plan, pretty close, having a few meals here and there, but seriously his pain has GREATLY diminished!!! You should friend this guy!! Holly W. Chandler, Arizona
Thank you so much for your reply! Starting the 21 day juice fast today! I read the article and, wow, did a lot of stuff hit home! I have many many conditions that SSRIs worsen or cause. More determined than ever to get off of Celexa and start feeling better! I’m sure my body will appreciate the juice fast as it will give my digestive system a break, which it seems to need I am so so thankful for your help! —- 2 weeks later —-Just wanted to say that I feel FANTASTIC so far! I can’t tell you how long it’s been since I’ve been able to say that I feel fantastic My body is very happy to not be dealing w/ food right now. Slept through the night without having to get up and go to the bathroom for the first time in close to a year and my guts do not feel yucky for the first time in probably about a year as well. Carrie R. Seattle, Washington
I’m taking all the supplements you suggest in your article about thyroid, and I haveJust a quick FYI message, following the treatment advice you have me for my fathers throat cancer- which was so advanced they didn’t hold much hope for him especially along with his heart at kidney problems, here is the most recent diagnosis: No trace whatsoever of the cancer. They now want to remove the $60 000 defibilitor out of his chest and they can no longer detect a heart problem, (he has battled heart disease for 30 years) AND his kidneys are functioning like that of a 21 year old :):):):):):):) THANKYOU THANKYOU THANKYOU! Janette S.
Testimonies about vitamins, herbs and supplements
My son was saved by taking glutathione IV when he was diagnosed with Leaky Gut Syndrome which is a methylation deficiency. Dr. Andrew Dickens and Craig Stellpflug are to be mentioned here for their hard work and support in helping to save my son! It took 6 months to regulate but all has been well now for 4 years. Rebecca H. Nicaragua
Thanks for info Ornithine!! I’ve slept 6-10 hours every night since Friday. That’s more than I have slept total in two months!! Thanks again!! Cristie F. Paris, Texas
I have added astragalus to my morning routine and after 4 days, I have more energy that I’ve had in months! Thank you! Krissy H. Dallas, Texas
Thank you so much for all you do! Most recently for the tip on taking melatonin while breastfeeding. This is the best both my 18 month old and myself have slept since he arrived! Thank you, thank you, thank you! Emily M. Cotati, California
Craig Stellpflug, the black walnut tincture seems to really be helping my tooth. I’m still taking the oil of oregano am and pm, still oil pulling with sesame oil, and now added the walnut oil and peroxide onto my toothbrush after I brush my teeth. I honestly lost all remnant of pain yesterday. I’m kind of excited. Deanna J. Bonham, Texas
I want to thank you for posting this (chasteberry post) cause I had some bad months…even since I was a kid. Seems with age it gets worse. So I went out and got some….I have been on it and usually my symptoms start 10days prior and wow!!! This stuff is magic. I feel almost human again and now able to cope with what comes. I still have the moodiness but not as sever …..I just wanted to thank you sooooo much. This will be a happy month – the soreness went from 100% to 25% I can handle that. Leslie C. Lake Havisu City, Arizona
I’m a true believer in DMSO with coconut oil on troubled areas, thanks to Craig it helped me tremendously. Judy G. Winter Park, Florida
The Iodine deficiency patch test and taking iodine supplements work! My daughter was having joint pain and her dr told her to just stop working out. We did the test and she takes her iodine and it helped! Jessica W. Denham Springs, Louisiana
…the remedy you prescribed did the job. (after daily bleeding for weeks) … The juice, chasteberry and K2 reduced the flow within about 2.5 days… the Passionflower…had a very unexpected, positive side effect. I guess I should have known by the name, right? It has kickstarted my libido! It’s the craziest thing. I guess it was hormonal all along. If you haven’t done so already, please tell the couples out there that this stuff WORKS! Btw, my swelling went away and we are treating our colds with acv, honey and hot water. No doctor visits yet…well, except you. I’m so thankful we met you and grateful for your wisdom. Brenda G. Mesa, Arizona
Gluten free testimonies
Hi again! Btw, I stopped grain and am virtually pain free now! Praise God. Michelle R. C., California
Due to Craig’s information, I started eating GF in January to help with the hot flashes, etc. Made a huge difference. Haven’t been 100%, and yes, I can tell when I do eat it. For me, it’s just an all over ‘not feeling good’ feeling. I think one key to adapting to the diet is not focusing on all the things you can’t have. There is so much more than bread! There are great GF pasta choices out there if you must have it. If you avoid heavily processed foods, it’s much easier to determine if it contains gluten. Robin A. K., Washington
There are some days that I don’t eat any gluten and I do feel better. Craig suggested I go gluten free to eliminate hot flashes at night. I can say that just cutting way down on the gluten has helped with the hot flashes. They were coming 4 to 6 times a night. No it may be once or twice a month and only one time in the night. I can tell when I’ve had too much gluten – those are the nights I have the hot flashes. Cheryl H., Carlsbad, New Mexico
My friend Craig Stellpflug recommended this product for me recently because I was having pretty intense hot flashes after going off my hormones. I went off my hormones because I had been on them enough years that I felt it was time. Because of a surgery I had in the mid 80’s I was left without any ovaries, hence the reason for the frequent hot flashes. I bought a bottle of ashwagandha and began taking them. At first I wasn’t sure how much the product was helping until I ran out of them and the hot flashes became intolerable. I returned to the vitamin store to replenish my supply. Almost immediately I noticed a difference and that the hot flashes had lessened and were not as intense or as long lasting. I’m amazed at what a small herb that I can barely pronounce it’s name or had ever heard of could make such a difference and relive my misery. Cannot thank my friend Craig enough for helping me and recommending this herb!!! This stuff really works I’m happy to say ~ Barbara C.
Hey, Craig, don’t forget that it helps nosebleeds! The boys are down to almost nothing. The last time my son had a nosebleed it was minimal and lasted a minute or two only. The previous time (before we started supplementing with zinc, per Craig) we were headed to the ER after gushing for more than half an hour. Thank you for all that you do! Lisa F.
Awwww thank you for asking, I forced Noni juice into all my kids & plenty of coconut water, all of my kids are healthy as. This is largely because I follow your teachings and advice very closely, we’ve all never been healthier. I’ve decided not to vaccinate my new baby because of what I’ve learned too, it is getting a lot of negative responses from people & is very hard to stick to which just proves how well our governments lies are working on everyone. Melissa Anne H.
Thanks for posting on Craig Stellpflug. I now follow his posts and am making a decisive change also in my eating habits. I’m making the change because I want to feel better not because of how I will look on the outside. I think that wanting to feel better is the thing that has ‘clicked’ for me. Donna Salmon K.
Craig, I just want to tell you a big Thank You & God bless you! After just 6 days gluten-free,I have had 3 nights of good sleep, with only a couple of very mild night sweats, which I expect to be gone completely soon. And I have not had one hot flash all day today! Though I have not convinced my children yet that gluten-free is a good thing, I am loving it 🙂 I have spent the last 2 weeks cleaning out the cupboards, restocking it with healthier, gluten-free food, gathering info & recipes. Craig, thanks again for sharing your wealth of knowledge. Robin L.
1 year soda free…thanks to your information:) Keep spreading the knowledge! Terri Robinson P.
Craig, I was on Dexilant for years Pam told me about the HCL. I got about half way through the bottle and I’m cured! Thanks so much!! Sandra G.
HCL with Betatine(sp)… worked for me!… I was on Nexium for about 4 yrs and took this and now I dont take anything anymore… = ) Pam B.
Primadophilus sure stopped the chronic monthly stomach ‘virus’ we were suffering several years ago! Thanks Craig!” Ayesha R.