Medical Madness Snips

Daily Snippet Archives

07/01/15 The Gardasil boomerang: Ladies, parents, you’ve been lied to, you’ve been sold a bill of goods – and you’ve been poisoned. The latest study shows that while the HPV vaccine Gardasil “protects” against four strains of HPV it simultaneously puts vaccinated women at a 21% increased risk for becoming infected with other high cancer risk HPV viruses – and consequently develop cervical cancer. In fact, women who have not had the Gardasil vaccine at all actually had 40% lower HPV infection rates along with corresponding lower cervical cancer risk than the unlucky dupes that rolled up their sleeves. So, what do the experts say about this latest debacle? That their hapless victims now need yet another vaccine to cover a few more of the known HPV virus types. Keep in mind that there are 80 known HPV strains and some of those have not been researched and could be just as nasty – or even worse- than the nine HPV strains that are now targeted by vaccination. Don’t believe me? Find and read the UT Galveston study abstract presented to latest meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research.

11/21/14 PC double-speak: Now the Nanny Capital – NYC is forbidding the Ebola “E-bomb” from being used over the radio. If that wasn’t enough, the double-speak department of feel-good has replaced a suspected Ebola case announcement with the warm-fuzzy label of “Travel Fever” – or “TF” for short. Merriam Webster defines doublespeak as language that can be understood in more than one way and that is used to trick or deceive people; language used to deceive usually through concealment or misrepresentation of truth. Under these rules, abortion becomes a Near-Life Experience, alcoholics are Anti-Sobriety Activists and clumsy people become Uniquely Coordinated. At this rate we are going to “PC” ourselves to death for certain – or should I rather say “terminally inconvenience ourselves”?

11/19/14 It seems like I see an even dozen studies every week touting some new cancer breakthrough related to yet another wonder chemical concocted by Big Pharma. The real wonder is about how gullible we humans are. If 1% of these studies were truly bringing to light cancer-killing miracles then cancer would be wiped out already. But the public is bombarded with exciting news about cancer research every day – enough to keep them investing their money, lives and health in waiting upon a magic potion cure. Truth-be-told, cancer is not a disease but rather symptoms of things gone haywire in the body. The real news is that the human body already knows how to conquer cancer if we would only support its efforts and quit sabotaging our health with lifestyle and diet self-destruction. The only real cure for cancer answer lies within our own selves and not in a laboratory.

11/04/14 Speaking of elections and how much we mistrust our politicians, do you trust your doctor? The level of public trust in physicians as a whole in the US ranks right at the bottom of trust levels in 29 industrialized countries surveyed by the International Social Survey Program. In 1966, 73% of US citizens said they had great confidence in our medical professionals. By 2014, a meager 23% expressed this same confidence. According to the survey, this dwindling faith has not affected physicians in most other countries. Furthermore; the 2013 Commonwealth Fund survey found the US to rank last in high-income countries on financial access to care as well as of availability of care on nights and weekends. All this to say: It’s broken! And all the king’s horses and all the king’s men can’t fix it… The things that do work and will fix it are diet, exercise and herbs – Oh, and some personal accountability. But you can’t make big money on those things.

10/17/14 Costly ebola misstep: The recent outbreak of Ebola virus has pretty much everything in common with the 1976 outbreak – except we were smarter about it back then. Both outbreaks were caused by Zaire ebolavirus 2 that began in rural forest communities. Severely ill victims made their way to provincial hospitals with systemic illness. Unsuspecting personnel had contact with ebola patients’ blood and body fluids and the outbreaks amplified. The 1976 outbreak came to a head when 13 hospital staffers became sick, of which 11 died, and the hospital was closed. Out of genuine mistrust of Western medicine, infected people fled back to their home villages and sought treatment from traditional healers. The government then quickly quarantined 275,000 people in the region and allowed no commercial planes or boats in or out. Citizens were told not to leave their villages or allow strangers to enter. Ebola victims were isolated in huts outside their villages. Bottom line, the 1976 outbreak was contained. 36 years later we lost our freaking minds… If it comes to your community what will you do?

10/10/14 WebMD is a corporation – not a governmental entity. WebMD even calls itself an advocate for patients and a tracker for health issues – all the while collecting more site visits than any other health information resource in the US. Did you know that according to the Free Beacon, the Oh-oh-bamacare federal government paid WebMD some $14 million since 2011 to “show” the huddled masses the benefits of Obamacare? It turns out that the Department of Health and Human Services is still paying WebMD to help carry out the “Affordable Care Act and Health Care Priorities Educational Initiative” through September of 2015. The contract agreement between our O’bummercare government and WebMD states: “The goal of this task order is to encourage providers and consumers to turn to official information sources regarding the ACA and to create an accurate perception of the ACA among health care providers and consumers…” – – And a moose needs a hat rack.

10/08/14 The CDC is back to the old annual flu-scare tactics. Surprised? Last year the flu vaccine had a 91% failure in the senior population – but OMGolly, 100 children reportedly died from flu complications last year. Do you realize that there are some 74 million kiddos under the age of 18 in the good ole USA? Do you realize that there is a 99.999% probability that your child will NOT die from complications around contracting the flu? Do you also realize that over 30% of all flu vaccines administered bring adverse reactions, and about 6% of those bring serious health events – including death? Did you know that in 2010 the combined flu vaccinations increased official VAERS fetal death reports by 4,250%?? Did you know that 55 year old people who receive the flu vaccine each year for 5 years in a row increase their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease a whopping 1,000%??? In my opinion, the flu vaccine is a Big Pharma criminal farce being forced upon the American sheople.

10/06/14 Do you want to what’s really sad? While Alzheimer’s Disease now claims a new victim every 69 seconds and has become the sixth leading cause of death in the U.S., scientists have discovered that popular anti-anxiety, anti-depression and sleep drugs – benzodiazepines – are actually helping cause Alzheimer’s. And the more you take, the higher your risk of developing a dementia disease. Of course, Big Pharma is quick to point out that Alzheimer’s symptoms appear gradually and include the very issues benzodiazepines treat and that the anxiety, depression, and insomnia are connected to dementia, not the drugs. Not so says the latest university research which eliminated the possibility of reverse causation bias by studying patients with Alzheimer’s not on drugs to those with a history of benzodiazepines. If you suffer with anxiety, depression or insomnia, find the cause and fix it! Don’t just throw drugs at it.

10/03/14 Our bodies have what is called the innate immune system which kicks into high gear at the first sign of sickness-causing pathogens to keep them from getting past the nose, mouth, digestive tract, skin and other entry points. The second line of defense is the adaptive immune system which picks up where the innate leaves off. By adapting (as its name implies), the adaptive immune tailors its response to the specific threat. What main-stream medicine refuses to see is that vaccines bypass the body’s innate immune system and jump straight to the adaptive immune system – coming from routes of invasion that are highly unnatural and carrying multiple threats in one surprise attack. What this immune system bypass does is to gain only temporary and incomplete immunity as opposed to the lifelong immunity garnered from natural exposure. This is why, for instance, the best “protection” provided by pertussis vaccination lasts no more than 3 years in only a percentage of those who are fully vaccinated.

09/11/14 We are told to vaccinate our infants to “protect them from deadly diseases” – but what protects them from the vaccine? When we vaccinate babies (or children and adults for that matter) we weaken their immune systems with a massive surge of antibodies which can cause increased allergies, auto-immune diseases and poorer overall health. Because the body has no special antibodies waiting to counter vaccine pathogens and toxins coming through unusual routes, injection of vaccines gobbles up to 70% of the immune system’s resources – instead of the usual 3% to 4% of resources demanded with a wild variety of disease coming through natural routes. Besides all that, vaccinations can come in combination (e.g. measles, mumps, rubella all in one). A child would never naturally contract multiple diseases at the same time, and vaccinating this way puts yet another tremendous strain on the immune system. Bottom line, vaccination is NOT immunization peeps. Think it through very carefully. Do some research!

09/09/14 Does Ebola kill the most victims or does standard medical treatment kill more? The latest Ebola outbreak has caused more deaths than any other on record with up to 90% of infected people dying from it – or are they dying from the wrong medical care? Present treatments use intravenous fluids, antibiotics, fever reducing medicines, anti-clotting chemicals, blood pressure medicines and oxygen. The fact is that all this “medicine” works contrary to the body’s natural healing processes. First of all, the healing capacity of the body depends upon nutritional sufficiency and cellular respiration and Ebola victims have critical nutritional requirements that affect the outcome. Natural and nutrition medicine uses things like un-patentable magnesium chloride, iodine, selenium, vitamin C and sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) that support the body’s innate healing capacity rather than toxic pharmaceuticals that cripple the immune system and further damage nutritional status. Unfortunately, Big Pharma pride is going to allow this Ebola mayhem to continue.

08/29/14 What if I told you that sleeping with a night light could cause cancer in your body? Stay with me on this one. Your body’s ability to fight off cancer relies in part on the hormone melatonin and melatonin deficiency has been proven to be a common factor in some cancers. Melatonin given to lab rats delays the formation of tumors while significantly slowing their growth and turning off key cancer growth factors. Sleeping with a nightlight effectively shuts off nighttime production of melatonin and disrupts the body’s circadian rhythms, causing stress levels to rise and increasing your chance of cancer while hindering your body’s ability to fight existing cancer. The latest nightlight study even found that sleeping with a light on actually renders breast cancer completely resistant to the cancer drug tamoxifen.

08/14/14 Yet one more study has just been published in JAMA Pediatrics showing how acetaminophen taken during their pregnancy ups the risk of ADHD by up to 40%. And the more mommy takes the more the risk increases. Acetaminophen actually crosses the placental barrier to interrupt fetal brain development by interfering with maternal hormones and also causing neurotoxicity. This study was pretty generous towards Tylenol and other acetaminophen products as a study published last year illustrated how women taking acetaminophen during pregnancy increased the risk of their children having serious behavior problems at age 3 by a whopping 70%. Manufacturers say “no way Jose” and blame the flu for causing brain development problems. The flu has been around and acetaminophen hasn’t. Well, ADHD rates are skyrocketing in the last few decades and Tylenol sales are flourishing as well. Tylenol is a miracle drug only in the sense that it is a miracle the FDA hasn’t banned it yet.

08/06/14 The vaccine issue has sparked a veritable war of strife and debate on both sides of the issue. Some pro-vaxxers insist that mercury found in vaccines is completely safe while many studies and legitimate vaccine injury claims show otherwise. Sometimes there is the pronouncement made by the pro-vaccination side that mercury is no longer being added to vaccines – which is true only in part. “No mercury added” doesn’t make vaccines mercury-free as mercury is still used in process for a lot of vaccines – just no extra mercury is added to some of them. Meanwhile, preggos, infants, children and the elderly are encouraged to or even badgered into to lining up for mercury-toxic vaccinations. Government agencies shout out how toxic mercury is – that is, when it comes from other sources, but we seem to let our brains fall out of our heads when it comes to the sacred cow of vaccinations.

08/04/14 While over 200,000 women develop breast cancer in the U.S. every year, yet another study in the journal Stem Cells finds that ionizing radiation made less malignant breast cancer cells into induced breast cancer stem cells. The main reason that chemo or radiation treatments seldom works on breast cancer is that cancer stems cells are especially non-responsive to these treatments. In effect, you “wake the dragon” with chemo and radiation treatments to turn less harmful cancer into a virulent, invasive and an uncontrollable disease. In stark contrast, natural treatments for breast cancers do not cause renegade cancer cells. Natural cancer treatments with IV vitamin C, Gerson therapy, raw and vegan diets, enzyme therapy and supplements and herbs like selenium, turmeric and black cohosh and other non-invasive treatments are simple solutions that bring up to 90% remission of cancer! These treatments not only have a greater success but won’t cause your hair to fall out, skin to burn, mouth and gut to become inflamed, fatigue, anemia, lymphedema, extreme nausea or poisoned death.

08/01/14 A UCLA study describes how radiation treatments for breast cancer actually promote malignancy in cancer cells instead of supposedly eradicating them. Radiation therapy actually induced breast cancer cells to form more tumors while causing malignancy in radiation treated breast cells at a rate of 30 times more compared to untreated tissues and cells. The red herring that suckers most women is that radiation treatments can usually temporarily send tumors into regression. But then, the piper comes for his payment… Soon after radiation treatment, the ratio of highly malignant cells to benign cells begins to spiral out of control leading to a treatment-induced death. UCLA further reports that radiation treatment transforms cancer cells into treatment-resistant breast cancer stem cells, even as it kills half of all tumor cells. Even though this is recent news, it is also old news warmed over – but this news hasn’t slowed down the usage of worthless radiation treatments. Must be the money…

07/31/14 OK, so which is stronger: cancer, chemo or you? Well, it’s a close race between chemo and cancer for the most deadly. If the chemo doesn’t kill you outright, medical studies show that cancer often wins that race later because of the damage chemo does to healthy cells. Formerly-healthy fibroblast cells hit by chemo receive severe DNA damage causing them to release the protein WNT 16B that actually encourages cancer to grow and spread. Cells damaged by chemo increase their WNT 16B by a whopping 3,000%. Oh sure, the tumors shrink at first but watch out for the rebound! On the US National Library of Medicine website is the news of a study estimating the overall contribution of chemotherapy to 5-year “survival”. Stage IV cancers treated with chemo brings a shameful 2.1% five-year survival. Top this off with 201 nasty side effects of chemo listed on the Chemocare website alone. Are you ready to listen to the alternatives?

07/29/14 Want to know what is sadder than having your doctor put you antidepressants? How about finding out that those antidepressants cause birth defects but Big Pharma somehow failed to disclose that to the public? Did you know that it is not uncommon at all for doctors to put pregnant ladies on this crap? Well, Big Pharma is going back to court – again – because the antidepressants Lexapro and Celexa can do just that. The latest lawsuit claims that “…(Big Pharma) fraudulently concealed the true risks associated with Lexapro and Celexa…” This is just one more of the multitudes of lies and frauds perpetrated by Big Pharma. If you are depressed you more likely need a good nutritionist and perhaps a successful and experienced therapist or spiritual counselor. If your doc writes the prescription without warning you of side effects or offering diet/nutrition/lifestyle suggestions, they are bad docs – very bad docs.

07/28/14 Children with asthma often get corticosteroid drugs that can suppress their growth according to The Cochrane Review. Researchers found that children’s growth slows within the first year of treatment. Corticosteroids are the medical go-to “treatment” for asthma. But these drugs only treat the symptoms. While they can prevent death from an asthma attack, they never solve the problem – only make new ones like: obesity, convulsions, depression, euphoria, insomnia, mood swings, and personality changes. The worse side effect is that corticosteroids suppress the immune system. I find a majority of asthma cases improve immensely just going off of gluten, casein and sugar. Some even resolve completely. So why the increasing numbers of asthma cases these days? I blame both vaccines and chemical-laden processed foods for most asthma cases. Another big factor is a low thyroid. If your child has asthma you can actually do lots of simple things to improve their condition – or, just keep on medicating them.

07/25/14 People go to the hospital to get better, right? So what do they feed you there? Crap… Some 90% of diseases are diet related. How are you going to get better eating the same stuff you always have or worse? It is really a simple little paradigm. Hospital dieticians are hired to feed a host of patients, visitors, staff and various humanoids on a strict budget. Literally, they have “X” amount of dollars and broken food pyramid to work with. So, when you need targeted nutrition the worst, you get standard fare or worse. Well, standard fare likely put you in this living morgue in the first place. A lack of drugs and surgery didn’t get you this point in your life! A good nutritionist now, that can save your life. A nutritionist will look at you, your crisis, your past lifestyle and diet and develop a plan that will start to reverse the process of disease. THERE ARE NO SHORTCUTS! So quit praying for a miracle drug to cure your problem. “Go thy way and sin no more”. Nothing changes if nothing changes.

07/22/14 So, where will the next deadly flu outbreak come from? Odds are one out of five that it will come from our own government within the next decade. How can that even happen? It is because the government high-security germ labs are run by people experimenting with and developing deadly flu strains. And this is what happens: A few months ago the USDA asked for some ordinary flu virus samples from the CDC and got way more than they expected. The CDC actually accidently shipped a deadly flu strain called H5N1. The USDA recognized the error (supposedly) before anyone was exposed but then failed to report the incident to the head honchos for six weeks. An isolated incidence perhaps? Not according to the CDC which reports that high-containment laboratories have errors and incidents on almost a weekly basis. Recently some anthrax was mishandled and put lives at risk. We the sheople won’t have to wait for the enemy to weaponize some deadly virus or bacteria – our government will do that to us first.

07/21/14 Is this why they call them shrinks? Take antipsychotic medications and suffer a measureable decrease in brain volume! Our brains naturally lose some volume as we age with lost brain cells and connections, known as atrophy. But how many shrinks will tell you that taking antipsychotic drugs will also cause you to lose your brain at a faster rate than others? This accelerated loss of billions of brain cells causes a total brain volume loss of 0.7% a year. Oh, and the higher the dose of medication, the greater the brain loss. The loss of brain cells and connections in general will exacerbate cognitive problems and brain disorders – if not actually cause them… According to a recent study out in PLOS ONE, the newer antipsychotics are no easier on brain loss than the old ones. You are so much better off going to a good nutritionist or naturopath for disease treatment rather than running to the medical mucky mucks for disease management.

07/18/14 It used to be that prostate cancer occurred in men in their 70s and 80s. It used to be that prostate cancers were so slow-growing that most men diagnosed with early stage prostate cancer ended up dying from other causes. That’s what used to be… The new face of prostate cancer is younger men being diagnosed with prostate cancer. The new face of prostate cancer is that it has multiplied in younger men by nearly 6-fold in the last 20 years. The new face of prostate cancer is that it is more likely to be an aggressive prostate cancer in these younger men. The new face of prostate cancer is that the average survival for stage 4 of this disease is generally less than three years. The new face of prostate cancer is that American men have a 16% risk of developing prostate cancer in their lifetime. Studies show that GMOs cause prostate inflammation in about 90 days in rats. Gluten causes prostate inflammation. Plasticizers cause prostate inflammation. Vaccine adjuvants cause prostate inflammation. Did you know that cancer is a disease of inflammation? Something to think about!

07/15/14 Any time you cut or drug the human body there are consequences and vasectomy is no exception. Men that undergo sterilization by vasectomy are actually at a greater risk for prostate cancer, and at an even stronger risk for advanced or lethal prostate cancer according to Harvard. And this wasn’t some dinky study of 10 patients over 90 days but rather a 24 year follow-up study on about 50,000 men. The fact is that 15% of men have the snip-snip surgery and vasectomy is the most common form of contraception in the U.S. Prostate cancer is now the second-leading cause of cancer death among U.S. men (mostly thanks to aggressive and unnecessary cancer treatments causing even more deaths…) and having a vasectomy ups the risk of deadly prostate cancer up to 56% – the younger the man with the vasectomy, the higher the risk. If you are considering a vasectomy, think it through carefully. If you already had one, then start lowering your risk with diet and lifestyle changes while you are still healthy.

07/14/14 We will never win an Alzheimer’s battle using chemicals – because Alzheimer’s is not caused by a drug deficiency. And yet, the best that Big Pharma has to offer is the Alzheimer’s drug Aricept, which has side effects that cannot be tolerated by a whopping 26% of takers, AND it only offers a temporary boost in memory and cognitive function with absolutely no reversal or slowing the progress of Alzheimer’s Disease. Namenda is another Big Pharma gambit that is no better and packs a litany of similar side effects along with no hope for reversing or stopping Alzheimer’s. Side effects reported from either of these drugs include: arrhythmia, high blood pressure, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, reduced hearing, blurred vision, cataracts, kidney disease, heart attacks, and seizures or convulsions. Did you know that coconut oil and niacin out-perform these meds naturally and actually help reverse Alzheimer’s disease without the deadly side effects? Still want those drugs?

07/11/14 The Medicaid cookie cutter doesn’t work compared to regular health insurance. First of all, compare to private insurance patients, average Medicaid patients are usually younger, twice as likely to smoke, and have higher rates of conditions related to chronic poor health habits – including diabetes, obesity, lung disease and vascular problems. This makes the Medicaid patient a much riskier patient for surgery and treatment at any medical facility. No wonder hospitals and care facilities around the nation turn down the Medicaid patient when they can. The fact is that over 61% of all surgeries on Medicaid patients are done at about one-third of hospitals. We are entering an era of expanding Medicaid coverage and are going to see a sharp rise in medical complications, readmissions to hospitals and other issues. Medicaid patients already receive a lower quality of care on average. I think this should be a diet and lifestyle wake-up call. Don’t hit the snooze button peeps!

07/08/14 How is your medical plan working out for ya? Are you getting any better? Improving your health? Going to the doctor less and less? Or are you picking up more prescriptions as you go? Can you even still remember to take the meds? We pay dearly for medical professionals to “keep us well” and yet in the US, neurological deaths recently rose by 66% in men under 74 years old and jumped 92% in women under 74. Neurological disease pathology is starting earlier in life and affecting more people under 55 years of age now. The medical system isn’t winning this battle. They are making it worse! Fire them for poor performance and hire a good nutritionist to take their place if you want to avoid this scary problem. Or, go on taking your prescription drugs and forget everything – literally! In less than 60 days, even OTC drugs cause cognitive impairment and memory problems. Using multiple anticholinergic drugs for two months doubles your risk of developing cognitive impairment.

07/07/14 Don’t let the medical term “minimally invasive robotic surgery” fool you. Researchers at the University of California found that using the innovative, minimally invasive robotic surgery for prostate cancer (MIRP) has effectively increased the risk of patient harm to over double that of conventional surgery between 2003 and 2006. It all started in 2003 with a mere 617 robotic surgeries, but by the year 2005, patients were twice as likely to experience adverse events with MIRP as compared to a traditional surgery. By 2006, adverse events with MIRP rates exceeded 10% of all procedures. (The exact same trends for adverse events have also occurred in robotic surgery for gallbladder and kidney surgeries.) Today, the number of prostatectomies done robotically has burgeoned to 4 out of 5 surgeries now done by machines. Experts claim the harmful adverse event rates have dropped in the past few years – but these events still match or exceed those of conventional surgery. Why do we even do this mechanical surgery?? It’s because the hospitals have invested major millions of bucks for these machines and now have to pay for them. Salesmen do the rest. This makes you the Patsy.

07/04/14 Microorganisms have the innate ability to evolve and develop real strategies to defeat antibiotics. Modern medicine, on the other hand, has remained pretty much stagnant in the development of antibiotics that work against the smarter bacterium. The real truth is that bacteria can evolve within days while antibiotics remain the same. The latest studies show that bacteria actually develop a biological timer when subjected to antibiotic exposure that allows it to go dormant and wait for the antibiotic to pass out of the system. This is why you can take antibiotics and feel better almost immediately but have rebound symptom within a few weeks – or sooner. The biggest problem is that the bacteria get a little more evolved each time you take antibiotics – until they become superbugs that completely resist antibiotics. That’s when the feces hits the oscillator… Resist the antibiotics to resist superbugs.

07/01/14 The federal government is requiring every American citizen to carry health insurance and threatening fines for the non-conformers. This puts your health squarely in the hands of the medical system and its doctors. You have to be insured, but are doctors required to have malpractice insurance? Believe it or else, there are no federal laws requiring doctors to carry malpractice insurance – or any insurance at all for that matter. Oh, a few states require it, but not all of them. Doctors who practice without insurance say that skyrocketing awards for frivolous claims have multiplied insurance costs and ruined the system for everyone. How about this: When your doctor asks for your insurance, ask them to see theirs! If your doctor botches your treatment and doesn’t have malpractice insurance, he will probably still bill your insurance company AND good luck getting a lawyer to help you sue them.

06/30/14 Can you trust Big Pharma to do its cancer research right? Not when there’s money to be made from fudging the studies. How about university studies? A whopping 47 of 53 cancer research studies could not be replicated – according to an item posted recently in the journal Nature. One cancer researcher reported that a high percentage of cancer research from university labs are unreliable. These were not obscure studies either but rather were “landmark” study publications put out in top medical journals, from reputable labs. War on cancer? Pshaw! All they want is your money and most drug companies won’t even do their own basic research to identify new targets for drug development. Even Big Pharma giant Merck admits that many academic studies do not hold up. It’s a Big Pharma crap-shoot when it comes to cancer treatment peeps. Do your own research as if your life depended upon it!

06/27/14 Prescription drugging hasn’t made us any better off. The latest rising numbers for DUI is not in drunk drivers but rather in drugged drivers as more and more drivers test positive for prescription drugs, cannabis, and multiple drugs. In fact, the percentage of drugged drivers with three or more drugs in their system has nearly doubled in less than 20 years, increasing from 11.5 percent to 21.5 percent. Today, close to 1 in 5 drivers are on multiple drugs. The only thing that can make this worse is that there is a scary uptick in people using drugs and alcohol together. Some 70% percent of alcohol-influenced drivers also now test positive for drugs and 55% of alcohol-influenced drivers now test positive for cannabis also. Here is a disturbing fact: 90% of people over the age of 65 are now on prescription drugs. DUI has a very different meaning these days from when I was a kid…

06/24/14 The latest diabetes drug to be cross marketed should just make you just want to puke – and it does. This chemical drug is linked to nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, headaches, horrible sore throats, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, shortness of breath, pancreatitis, kidney failure, thyroid tumors, thyroid cancer – and this is the side effect short-list. Rightfully called the “vomit comet”, Victoza is cross-promoted for a weight loss drug for non-diabetics when double-dosed. But how many dozens of pounds will this potentially harmful concoction melt off of you? According to Big Pharma studies, two meager pounds a month on average. None of this is a cure for diabetes or obesity. The best Big Pharma ever has to offer is disease management to people who don’t know any better. If you want a cure for diabetes or obesity you will have change your life drastically.

06/23/14 Just how safe are breast implants? Well, about one out of five women with breast implants will need those implants eventually removed due to serious health complications. Problems like: implant ruptures, scar tissue hardening, breast wrinkling, and in the most dire cases; the occurrence of anaplastic large cell lymphoma. This is not just a one-in-a-million happenchance. It’s one out of five… Even the FDA says that many women who have breast implants will require to have them removed or replaced within one decade. Breast implants are not lifetime devices and the longer you have them, the more likelihood for complications. One other side-effect of augmentation surgery is the total loss of sensation and sexual stimulation in the breasts. This loss of sensation is often lifelong – but the implants may not last that lifetime.

06/20/14 Once upon a time (before vaccination programs), crib death was never heard of. In fact, it was never even mentioned in historical infant mortality statistics. Then, along came the national immunization campaigns initiated in the 1960’s. For the first time in history, a majority of infants were shot with multiple toxic vaccine doses. By 1969, medical certifiers were forced to coin a new medical term – Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is the sudden and unexpected death of an infant which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation. By 1980, SIDS became the leading cause of infant deaths in the US. So, what does a smart ignoramus do? Put the babies on their backs. The 1992 ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign dropped the SIDS rates by 8.6% BUT raised the ‘suffocation in bed’ incidences by 11.2% along with bringing another new disorder: flat head syndrome. Dumb donkey – dumb… It’s past time for us to wake the heck up.

06/17/14 Are guns really the problem, or is it Xanax?? Normal people don’t go around shooting other people. So what is the common factor to almost every recent shooting rampage in America today? Prescription antidepressants… The latest deadly rampage by Elliot Rodger has that same old common link – he was taking Xanax and may have even been abusing the anti-anxiety medication according to his parents. At least 34 documented school shootings and associated deadly violence have been confirmed to be related to psychiatric drugs, resulting in 167 wounded and 78 killed. Interestingly, in other school shootings, information about associated drug use has not been made public to confirm or refute any drug connection. Something is very rotten about this whole stink – and it ain’t guns causing it. It’s doctors prescribing drugs…

06/16/14 In 1963, the AMA decided to form a Committee on Quackery, loving dubbed “the quack-pack”. Sounds warm and fuzzy and highly necessary, right? Well, what if I were to tell you that an internal memoranda from that era stated that its goal was to first contain, and then eliminate, the entire profession of chiropractics? In all 50 states! The fact is that the AMA was found guilty of conspiring to contain and eliminate the chiropractic profession, and was forced to change its tactics under an ongoing court injunction. Of course, the AMA was no more interested in “patient safety” because of chiropractic care, but rather was highly concerned about the money they lost when a patient was cured. The AMA was and still is only interested in one thing: a monopoly over ALL health care delivery. Even today, the AMA continues to fight against nurse practitioners, physician assistants, naturopathic doctors, psychologists (who would infringe on psychiatrists), midwives, dentists and doctors of chiropractic who are all viewed as competitive models to allopathic medical care.

06/13/14 Vaccination is poisonation… Has anyone ever gone over the side effects of the chickenpox vaccine with you? The chickenpox vaccination can cause pneumonia, meningitis or hepatitis, even years later if the virus re-emerges after the immune system has been weakened. Vaccines give you absolutely NO permanent immunity while actually damaging a healthy immune system. Out of 6, 574 reports of health problems after chickenpox vaccination in about a three year period, about 4% of those cases included severe shock, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia (blood disorder) and 14 deaths. There are now 17 more side effects listed on the manufacturer’s product label since the vaccine was first licensed. Other side effects of the vaccine include secondary bacterial infections (cellulitis), secondary transmission of vaccine virus to close contacts, transverse myelitis, Guillain Barre syndrome and herpes zoster (shingles).

06/10/14 A Harvard study revealed a whopping 50% increase in the risk for developing diabetes when you take statin drugs. Of course, experts are quick to downplay this diabetes to a “slight” or “modest” increase. Take statin drugs and get diabetes, muscle wasting, dementia and dozens of other conditions. Statin drugs not only cause diseases but they don’t even treat the original problems. Statins only treat the symptoms of high cholesterol while the causes are left to fester. FYI: Vitamin C does a much better job than statins at treating high cholesterol causes and vitamin C’s side effects are improved health and less diabetes. What else you doc didn’t tell you is that statin drugs block production of CoQ10 to bring neurological decline, heart attacks, fatigue, weakness, memory loss, impotence, shortness of breath, leg cramps and frequent infections. 1,000 mg of vitamin C beats the statin drugs like Crestor in university studies.

06/09/14 The DHS says that only one out of seven medical mistakes are reported. The BMJ says that only 4% of preventable medically related deaths are ever reported. Now take those pitiful numbers and compare them to the over 100,000 or so actually reported Medicare deaths each year and we are easily looking at way over TWO MILLION unreported and unnecessary deaths a year because of medical mistakes – including Medicare mandatory reported hospital acquired infections, wrong meds, unintentional overdoses, patient mix-ups and etc. And that is just using Medicare numbers! Some 130,000 patients are reported hurt every month by medical mistakes meaning that there are almost 800,000 incidents of unreported medical screw-ups every single month. I’ve always said that one of the most dangerous things you can do is to set foot in a hospital.

06/06/14 Chemotherapy causes heart damage. If the disease didn’t get you, the cure likely will… A recent study presented to the American Heart Association tracked which breast cancer patients developed cardiomyopathy or heart failure after cancer treatment. Out of some 8,400 breast cancer patients treated with anthracyclines or trastuzumab, 12% developed heart problems within three years. The study also found that a majority of older women who develop heart problems after breast cancer treatment weren’t followed up with by a cardiologist, and also had lower quality of care. Truth be told, chemotherapy works by tearing down tissues – sometimes very vital tissues. But, if you die of a heart attack during or after cancer therapy then you didn’t die of cancer. This fact will skew the real cancer numbers – and the numbers are already very poor for 5 year survival after chemo. Research natural cancer treatments before rolling the dice.

06/03/14 There’s never a good time to have to go to the hospital but there are worse times to go – like on a weekend. A review of hospital data shows evidence that patients admitted to hospital at weekends have higher mortality than those admitted on weekdays. How much greater? Up to 17% greater chance of dying… And this wasn’t a piddly little study of one dinky hospital but rather a meta-analysis covering over 55 million patient admissions. One study conclusion was that there is a poorer quality of care in hospital on the weekend. Afternoon surgery brings any day of the week brings a whopping 21% increased risk of death compared with surgery at other times of day and weekend surgery in general brings a 22% increased risk of death compared with surgery on weekdays. Moral of this story: Avoid hospitals! You can die there.

06/02/14 What is causing the majority of our children to exhibit “immune overload”? This is a rapidly rising medical condition that threatens the lives of our children as much or even more than common mumps, measles, polio, chickenpox, diphtheria and other childhood diseases. And it is caused by misguided trust that steers parents to the pediatrician for the plethora of vaccine jabs that are supposed to “protect” the child. A new peer reviewed paper published in Molecular and Genetic Medicine presents convincing evidence that vaccines given to our children has caused this immune overload that in-turn is manifested by epidemics of obesity, diabetes, autism, allergies and many other health woes. Vaccine induced chronic disease now dwarfs asbestos poisoning, low dose radiation, lead and even smoking adverse effects. Worse yet; innocent parents are being accused of child abuse, poor dieting and exercise habits and neglectful health issues when in fact the child suffers from vaccine induced conditions.

05/29/14 There are no such things as side effects. In fact, they are ALL effects. Did you know that one of the effects of taking Big Pharma drugs it losing your health? One common occurrence with almost all medications is that drugs deplete major nutrients from the body. In the top 50 most commonly prescribed drugs, 80% of them can be associated with drug-induced nutrient depletions. When the body is depleted of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids, it begins to weaken. Drugs are also mostly chemical poisons. When the body has to detoxify them, it takes more precious nutrients to do so. This whole drugging process makes us susceptible to a host of diseases and loss of well-being. Did you also know that research has found that placebos are 80% as effective, have fewer side effects (like nutrient depletion), and are a lot cheaper than drugs? (Angell, 2004, 113).

05/28/14 Question of the century: Do vaccines cause cancer? Well, straight from the horse’s mouth, the CDC says it just may be so – but heavily stress that more studies are needed. 50 years after-the-fact, the CDC posts on its website that as many as 30 million Americans could be at risk for cancer caused by a Polio vaccination given during the 1955 – 1963 time frame. This concern exists because the vaccine was contaminated with the cancer-causing SV40 virus. Back then, most Americans received multiple doses of this vaccine administered to around 100 million people. After 1960, any new Polio vaccine was free of this virus yet it took 3 years for the supplies to run out while there were no controls made to insure the tainted vaccine was effectively recalled. Because of this major farble, baby boomers are experiencing the highest cancer rates in history.

05/27/14 Did any doctor handing out Ritalin tell you that after just three months on this hard drug, there is a three-fold increase in chromosomal abnormalities linked to increased cancer risk? Even the American Academy of Pediatrics ignores clear evidence of cancer risk while they continue to endorse Ritalin and similar mind-altering drugs. What is the Big Pharma answer to this threat? Drug researchers say this doesn’t mean kids are going to get cancer… it’s just that there is an additional risk factor, like smoking is. Anyone out there tell their kids to smoke? This escalating cancer risk goes right along with our escalating rate of childhood cancers. I call it “collateral damage” and once you know the risk, this damage becomes intentional. There is absolutely no medical test for ADHD. In my world, ADHD is a product of sorry nutrition, antibiotic overuse and toxic vaccines. So, next time some idiot educator tells you to get your kid on Ritalin, tell them to go soak their head.

05/26/14 Back in the 90’s I remember a notice sent out to pediatricians from the American Academy of Pediatrics warning about the overuse of antibiotics in children. Over two decades later, that call to action has been grossly ignored by mainstream medicine. Now, growing resistance to antibiotics is causing a global crisis that eclipses global warming. Without an immediate international commitment and response (like, last week…), the world faces a not-so-distant future in which some simple little infection that has been treatable for decades becomes a deadly disease. In a world without antibiotics, mainstream medicine will be basically crippled and unable to use their infection-risky surgeries and inflammation-causing chemicals they currently use to treat cancer, diabetes complications, organ failures and transplants and plethora of other “disease management” issues. I guess everyone will have to turn to naturopathic and homeopathic treatments that actually deal with disease causes… Sad day (for Big Pharma). It’s a good day for humans though IMO.

05/23/14 There is a popular male birth control out there called Reversible Inhibition of Sperm Under Guidance (RISUG). It has been out for over a decade, but the carcinogenicity (cancer-causing), teratogenicity (birth-defects), and toxicity testing in clinical trials has been called in question. One clinical trial was aborted due to reports of albumin in urine and scrotal swelling in Phase III trial participants. RISUG is a polymer made with iron oxide and copper particles injected into the scrotal area that can actually be strategically moved around later with an external pulsed magnetic field. This polymer generates its own low frequency electromagnetic field that disintegrates the sperm cell membrane. RISUG is touted as “reversible male contraception” because when you want to become fertile, just apply external microwave heat to the polymer to liquify the polymer for removal by the body. shudders at the thought

05/22/14 Want your child to have a higher risk of asthma? Then be sure to load them up on antibiotics before their first birthday… Infants on antibiotics before their first birthday can have an increased risk of developing asthma, according to new research published in The Lancet. What antibiotics do is impair viral immunity and produce genetic anomalies that bring yet even more antibiotic use in early life and consequent higher risk for the development of asthma. Early life antibiotic prescriptions also bring the development of atopy, or allergic diseases. Just about any visit to the pediatrician can result in a prescription for antibiotics – and what’s a “responsible parent” to do but give that baby the medicine. This damning study found that children with wheezing who were treated with an antibiotic in the first year of life had double the chances to experience severe wheeze or asthma exacerbations and be hospitalized for asthma.

05/21/14 Why do they put polysorbate in vaccines and other drugs? Polysorbate 80 is a detergent and a stabilizing agent that is in drugs to help other chemicals cross the blood-brain barrier. Polysorbate 80 has been shown to cause anaphylactic reactions and is associated with blood clots, stroke, heart attacks, tumor growth, immune compromise and can contribute to liver toxicity. If that wasn’t enough, polysorbate is also a feminizing chemical that turns little boys into girls and helps little girls blossom way too soon. Polysorbate 80 in HPV vaccines is known to cause ovarian deformities, degenerative follicles, hormonal changes, womb and vaginal changes and cause infertility in rats. The polysorbate 80 Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) says that it may cause cancer and birth defects. When you see Polysorbate 80 you had best run the other way.

05/20/14 Something very near and dear to me is our veterans. They bravely face the enemy on the battlefield, pledging their lives for our freedom. They freely offer to die for our country the first time – but they also have a second opportunity to die for our country, waiting around for the local Veteran’s Administration to provide a benefit they earned. When a veteran enters the VA system wanting to see a doctor, they are supposed to be seen by one within 14 days. Right here in my front yard of Phoenix, Arizona, the Phoenix VA system has a backlog that goes for months. In fact, CNN News reported recently that 40 American veterans have died waiting for their medical appointments where another 1,600 veterans are waiting in line in Phoenix and can’t even get a simple doctor’s appointment for basic medical care. Is this any way to treat our nation’s finest?

05/19/14 Chemotherapy never kills an entire tumor the first round, but only takes out a percentage of cancer cells, called the “fractional kill”. The goal with chemotherapy is to repeat treatment cycles six times to knock down tumor cell population – hopefully without killing the patient… But a large and growing body of research evidence shows that conventional cancer treatment with chemotherapy and radiation are a major contributing cause to cancer patient mortality. While the chemo treatments usually wipe out a majority of cancer cells, the ones that chemo misses are now resistant and invariably ounce back stronger than before – much like antibiotic resistant bacteria. Unfortunately, conventional cancer treatment also wipes out the immune system that is needed to fight the cancer naturally, leaving the patient (victim) with a weak immune system and a more malignant cancer than ever.05/16/14 A grossly misguided trust: A very recent study published in the journal Stem Cells found that radiation therapy for cancer treatment reprogrammed breast cancer cells into “induced breast cancer stem cells”. If that wasn’t enough, even if the radiation kills half of the tumor cells, surviving cells are now up to 30 times more likely to form tumors than the non-irradiated breast cancer cells. Radiation treatment actually generates a false appearance that the treatment is working, while it ultimately increases the ratio of highly malignant to benign cells within that tumor. This is how conventional cancer treatment enriches the tumor population with more treatment-resistant cells than ever. You pay them money thinking they are saving your life but they actually do more harm than good. The treatment kills the patient more often than the original cancer does…But hey, they have a license to kill and get paid doing it. Iatrogenesis is the operative word here.

05/15/14 Surgery patients covered by Medicaid have higher rates of complications and are more than twice as likely to die in the first month after operations, than those with private insurance. Medicaid patients also require an average of one extra night in the hospital, and are more likely to be readmitted to the hospital after going home from surgery. They also suffer more emergency operations, experience two-thirds more complications after surgery, and absorb 50% more hospital resources than patients with private insurance. Now let’s glance into the crystal ball to see what happens to the millions of uninsured people becoming eligible to enroll in Medicaid programs because of the unaffordable – Affordable Care Act. Now, add to that the scores of new Medicaid coverage people that will use the new coverage to get treated for conditions that went untreated while they were uninsured… Anyone else see a problem here?

05/14/14 The cost of doing business: A Louisiana jury slapped Big Pharma Takeda Pharmaceuticals and Eli Lilly for $9 BILLION for allegedly lying and withholding data that proved that the diabetes drug Actos causes bladder cancer. They lied, they covered up and then they fought it in court. All that time Actos caused a 40% boost in bladder cancer risk – and the FDA knew this long time ago. But the FDA just happens to be run by a bunch of Big Pharma shills and cronies, so they “issued a warning” in 2011. According to the star-witness/whistleblower in the trial, these drug-pushing criminals knowingly withheld information that linked Actos to cancer. Even knowing this up front, Eli Lilly and Takeda still sold this carcinogenic drug. Do you think they even cared? Or were they trying to see how much of this deadly chemical they could sell for billions before they got stopped and fined? That much murder would send a person to death row. Murder doesn’t faze a corporation though – there is no corporate death penalty.

05/13/14 Why don’t antibiotics work? Maybe it is because bacteria are smarter than the antibiotics – and the person who takes them. At the first sign of a major invasion by antibiotics, some pathogenic bacteria go dormant. They shut down, go to sleep, hibernate for a while. Antibiotics skip right on by, looking for any active bacteria – good or bad – and smashing them to smithereens. Antibiotics don’t even notice the sleeping soldiers. A few weeks/months later, up from the grave they arise! The biggest problem is that the bad guys are a little smarter now than they were prior to antibiotics. Before you know it, you are back to the pill-pusher for another round of worthless antibiotics and your immune system is weaker than ever before. At this point it won’t be long before you need stronger and stronger antibiotics. Next thing you know, the bad guys are winning the war and you have an un-curable infection eating your flesh totally un-apposed… Anti-biotics are “anti-life”. Pro-biotics are “pro-life”. Pretty simple actually.

05/12/14 Can you imagine spraying your internal organs with small pieces of cancer? That’s exactly what happens when mainstream medicine uses their dicing machine to grind away uterine fibroids. The procedure is called “laparoscopic power morcellation” and literally involves a spinning blade that disintegrates unwanted tissues into tiny particles. But where does the chaff go? It is spread liberally onto the liver, kidneys, intestinal walls and other abdominal organs. Some of this morcellated tissue can be cancerous and more or less falls where it may – like leaving the top off the blender. The FDA (Footdragging And Alibis) has basically admitted that this ungodly procedure spreads cancer but stopped way short of banning it by “gently discouraging it” (my words). The FDA (Fraud and Deception Allowed) is instructing the manufacturers of power morcellators to review their current product labeling for accurate risk information for patients and health care professionals. Yep, that’ll do the trick – NOT!

05/09/14 Ionizing radiation exposure, whether accidental or deliberate, can be fatal. This is because of the widespread destruction that radiation does to hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow that make all blood cells. Some cancer treatments irradiate malignancies to destroy blood cells, followed by the transplantation of replacement stem cells to rebuild blood stores. Unfortunately, this procedure includes shutting down the immune system to prevent the body’s rejection of the new stem cells, bringing about high rates of severe anemia and deadly infections. The effectiveness of these radiation treatments depends upon how well the replacement hematopoietic stem cells do their job. Radiation therapy also affects any healthy cells hit with this cancer ray. This therapy can bring about the occurrence of secondary cancers caused by the “cancer treatment”. Have ever seen a double-blind study between chemo/radiation and a placebo to see who lives longer? Doesn’t exist…

05/08/14 ADHD drugs have been on the market for over 40 years now. In that time, has anyone paid attention to the fact that Ritalin causes cancer? Even back in 1995, a study revealed that two years of child-size doses brought liver abnormalities and tumors – including the once rare hepatoblastoma. Here are some sad facts: 90% of all Ritalin is consumed by Americans. In 2011, some 6.4 million kids were on the ADHD drug Ritalin. As of this year, 25% of insured children and 30% of teens take at least one prescription drug for a chronic illness, and up to 20% of students take Ritalin regularly. The DEA admits that many schools have more Ritalin on hand than the local pharmacy! Follow these facts up with hard statistics of deaths, suicides, cancer, birth defects, and other serious adverse reactions caused directly by ADHD meds. Now multiply in the countless families whose lives have been ripped apart by these drugs, never to be the same again. Big Pharma is literally “making a killing” off of our gullibility. They sell us chemicals that cause disease and then they sell the “treatment” to us also – until death does you part from their income stream…

05/07/14 Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) affects the breast cancer genes in women. Researchers looked at the Big Pharma version of HRT compared to natural formulations and found the pharmaceutical versions activated the cancer genes much more than natural estrogen gel applied to the skin in combination with oral progesterone. The Big Pharma HRT changed the genetic expression of half of breast tissue genes but the natural version changed only 25% of them. Bottom line, both therapies upped the risk for breast cancer. Any time you jack one hormone in the body you jack them all. The best solution is to feed the hormone pathways first to correct deficiencies. There are many wonderful herbs that are adaptogenics for balancing hormones. I highly recommend finding a seasoned naturopath with strengths in herbology and nutrition – before you think you need them.

05/06/14 What else comes with bariatric surgery? Five years after gastric bypass surgery, patients may have actually maintained significant weight loss but are now at risk of nutritional deficiencies, like low iron, mild anemia and low vitamin D. Bariatric surgery “bypasses” the portion of the small intestine where many nutrients, especially iron, are absorbed. In the long-term, bypass patients lost about 28% of their weight – if they kept it off at all… About 25% of patients described their quality of life as worse after the operation due to digestive problems which becoming chronic after surgery. The surgery does nothing to cure the original eating disorder, whether physical or psychological, and some patients go right back to over-eating after surgery. Bariatric surgeries come with a HUGE risk of complications from nausea, indigestion, dehydration, extremely bad flatulence and to even death. Obesity is not caused by a lack of surgery.

05/05/14 Doctors receive little or no information about the side effects of medicines when the pharmaceutical sales rep drops by. According to past and present research, these same docs are more likely than not to start prescribing these drugs right after the sales call. A recent study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine shows that sales reps failed to provide any information at all about common or serious side effects in up to 66% of promotions. Not only are there no real sanctions for misleading or inaccurate promotion of drugs, the U.S. appeals court invalidated the conviction of a Big Pharma sales representative recently who was caught in illegal promotion of a prescription drug by upholding the reps “protected speech” right.

05/02/14 The latest shocking drug study revealed that 42% of ALL reported adverse drug reactions – from anaphylaxis to death – were caused by vaccines. This study came out recently in the medical journal PLos, titled, “Adverse Drug Reactions of Spontaneous reports in Shanghai Pediatric Population.” Reports were gathered from physicians, pharmacists, other health care practitioners with only 2.52% of reports coming from ‘consumers.’ Vaccine dangers are far more significant than most people realize and the medical community would much rather write off the vaccine mistrust as consumer confusion or anecdotal reports lacking facts than have to face these hard facts. This study found that adverse vaccine reactions are one of the leading causes of morbidity in many countries. The study also found the younger the child, the more at risk they are for harm due to vaccines.

05/01/14 The emerging Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) virus has multiplied from one or so cases a day to over 10 a day in Saudi Arabia over the last 30 days. Last year in Saudi Arabia, 92 people were reported to have died from this virus. MERS has made the leap from camels to man it seems, evolving to where it can replicate from human to human. Saudi Arabian officials are accused of shuffling information to obscure the actual numbers and are refusing to fully cooperate or even comment according to the WHO. Over a million Muslims travel to Saudi Arabia every year to visit Mecca during the holy pilgrimage, coming from some 188 countries. Other countries are already reporting cases of MERS showing up. Being a virus, there is no use taking antibiotics and there is no medical treatment or prevention for it. Vitamins A, C & D along with astragalus should be highly effective in either preventing an infection or for treating symptoms.

04/30/14 Kidney stone treatments bring lots of side effects: Shock wave lithotripsy brings a 12% complication rate and ureteroscopy brings a 15% complication rate within 30 days of the procedures. Both of these procedures used to treat kidney stones lead to complications that require hospitalization or emergency care for one in seven patients. If you think these complications are cheap, the average patient faces an average cost of about $30,000. These procedure complications generate a total of over $10 billion bucks in revenue for the medical industry a year. All for a preventable condition – the price we pay for trash diets and soda pops. If you want a pill to make kidney stones “go away”, there is none. You earn kidney stones with diet and lifestyle habits and you only pay them off using diet and lifestyle changes as the foundation.

04/29/14 New research says that using aspirin regularly over a long period are up to 86% more likely to develop pancreatic cancer. Aspirin in the 15th most common cause of death and more than a third of women in the US take aspirin regularly. Aspirin is not a wonder drug, it is an “I wonder why” drug. Why is usurped white willow bark as the go to pain killer. Because you can’t patent an herb, that’s why! One of the more common dangerous side effects of the regular use of aspirin is intestinal bleeding with other side effects including ulcers, kidney dysfunction, stroke, heartburn, indigestion, bruising, heavy bleeding and many more nasty effects. A study published in 2007 found that aspirin was a major cause of stroke in the elderly, causing a sevenfold increase in strokes over the past twenty five years among elderly patients. Clinical trials in 2011 showed that aspirin caused a 4-fold increase in hemorrhagic stroke along with an increase in ischemic stroke. Time to rethink our flawed thinking I’m thinking.

04/28/14 Big Pharma wants your gall bladder and they have many ways to get it out of you! The most common reason the condemn any gallbladder is because of gallstones causing pain and obstructing the bile. Easy-peasy to fix in a vast majority of cases. Before you let some knife-happy surgeon extricate your gall bladder (along with your money), try a good, old fashioned gall bladder/liver cleanse. I have literally heard of thousands of gall bladders being saved from extinction with something so simple and non-invasive. One day of cleansing can save you from a lifetime of complications! Why the huge problems with gall bladders? For one thing, the FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed,) proton pump inhibitors such as Prilosec and Prevacid have significant side effects – like decreasing gallbladder motility and causing subsequent biliary symptoms. Besides this, we lack the appropriate minerals in our nutrient-deficient diets to keep things moving properly.

04/25/14 What is vaccine shedding? Vaccine shedding is what happens when a person gets vaccinated and then starts to give-off the disease that they were just vaccinated for. Shedding is when the vaccine virus comes back out in the feces, urine or the lungs, nose, saliva or mouth. Anyone who comes near a shedding child or adult can now contract the same disease for weeks after the vaccine. Want to cause a flu epidemic? Take a FluMist Vaccine and watch it spread as the vaccinated victim sheds the flu. Other vaccines that “shed” are Varicella Vaccine, Oral Polio Vaccine (shedding for up to 6 weeks), Measles Vaccine (up to 14 days), Acellular Pertussis Vaccine (in the airways for up to 6 weeks), Mumps Vaccine, Rubella Vaccine (up to 4 weeks), Chicken Pox Vaccine (replicates in the lung and transmits zoster -shingles sores), and the Rotavirus Vaccine. Many of these shedding diseases are also passed along in the breast milk of a vaccinated mother.

04/24/14 The drug Botox is derived from the deadly Clostridium botulinum bacteria – uh, ever heard of deadly botulism food poisoning?? Even though the doctor will tell you that Botox is a muscle relaxant, it is actually causing muscle paralysis. Botox blocks the nerve signals to the muscles. One of the worst drug ideas EVER is using Botox for migraines. The typical treatment includes 30 shots of deadly poison injected into your face. The worst thing about Botox for migraines is the FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) approved Botox for migraines and it doesn’t even work at all for people with 15 or fewer headaches a month. For those with more than 15 migraines a month, Botox “prevented” an average of 2 headaches a month. So, for that pitiful little 30-shot “benefit”, you risk side effects ranging from nausea and flu-like symptoms all the way to paralysis or death.

04/23/14 To bring a single Big Pharma drug to market can cost a around $350 million. But, because 95% of drugs fail to produce positive effects, the overall cost is actually closer to $5 billion per new medicine. Of course, they take the failed drugs and market the side effects – like Viagra started out as a heart med but didn’t help the heart – but caused amazing erections (plus other knit-picky side effects, like death). Rogaine started out as a blood pressure med that didn’t lower blood pressure but caused you to become hairy – as one of its many side effects. You see, drugs cure nothing! They cause side effects because they are chemicals. Some of the side effects are desirable but most of them are not desirable. That is where business marketing, politics and shell games come into play.

04/22/14 Researchers followed thousands of breast cancer cases almost 2 decades to see if radiation therapy and had any benefit whatsoever. Radiation therapy was pretty much absolutely worthless as a breast cancer treatment. It had no effect whatsoever on whether cancer returns or whether it is fatal. It did however pretty much guarantee to harm the heart as Harvard researchers found that radiation therapy increases the risk of deadly heart disease. What this translates to is that literally thousands of women every year are getting the mainstream cancer treatment that’s actually more likely to kill them than make them well. If this is what your oncologist is recommending, don’t be a team player on his team. Find an experienced naturopath who can save your breasts and your life. If you don’t have cancer yet, find an experienced nutritionist and seek your health while you still have it!

04/21/14 Anyone here heard of Project BioShield? Project Bioshield was initiated in 2004 to be the cutting edge of counter-bioterrorism. It has developed and procured more than 50 million doses of vaccines and drugs – most of which are grossly untested and highly toxic – against bioterrorism. In order to be truly “effective”, these untested “vaccines” and other chemicals would have to be delivered to every living person in the continental US at the onset of a bioterrorist event. In the last ten years Project Bioshield has spent well over $5.6 billion attempting to romance pharmaceutical companies to produce vaccines for which there is no commercial demand, no real testing and no guarantee that any vaccine would be even slightly effective against bioterrorism. The real terror will be when the government flies to stick every man, woman and child with some concocted potion, whether they wish it or else. Maybe this is why our government agencies spend so much on ammunition…

04/18/14 Which is worse; chemotherapy or radiation therapy for cancer treatment? Well, truth be told, chemotherapy is a chemical, that although will kill you, can be effectively detoxified out of the body – if you are still strong enough after treatment. Radiation therapy is more permanent because it damages the DNA of a cell to cause more cancer later. Radiation damage to the DNA cannot be effectively undone in the body. Radiation exposure at even low-levels is solidly linked to causing cancer. Bottom line, scientists know – but oncologists don’t say – that radiation therapy can destroy primary cancers but invariable cause second primary cancer later. Radiation therapy for lung cancer brings a meager 2% five-year survival rate. Breast cancer has a 1.4% and pancreatic cancer 0.0% five-year survival. The house wins your money…

04/17/14 What is more depressing than being depressed and relying on SSRI antidepressant drugs? How being pregnant on these nasties and consequently birthing a child with autism? Now that’s really sad. The California MIND Institute studied some 1,000 mother/child pairs to find that children with Aspergers were 3X more likely to have prenatal SSRI exposure than neurotypical children with the highest risk for developing Aspergers in the mothers taking SSRIs in the first trimester. Serotonin drug exposure in the mother affects early brain development. Placebos work just as well as SSRI drugs without the side effects of higher suicide risk, adverse health outcomes and fetal damage. Here’s a novel thought: Find the cause of the depression and fix it! It is not a lack of drugs causing depression.

04/16/14 The experts at The Cochrane Collaboration finally weighed in on Tamiflu and found it severely wanting. The antiviral drug oseltamivir only shortens symptoms of the flu by a mere half a day and doesn’t reduce hospital admissions or complications of flu. What do you get with your half-day of “flu relief”? How about an increased risk of suffering from nausea and vomiting? Not so bad, eh? Now add in an increased risk of headaches, psychiatric disturbances, and renal events. Even though it supposedly marginally “reduces” the risk of people suffering symptoms of the flu, when used as a preventative treatment, it is can’t stop people from carrying and spreading the virus to others. Once again, chemical poison and maim and treat nothing. You are MUCH better off IMO to tough it out with some good ole natural remedies.

04/15/14 Using Ritalin leads to a plethora of side effects including: increased blood pressure, elevated heart rate, higher body temperature, lowered alertness and suppressed appetite. Think taking Ritalin is a cake-walk? Try these additional side effects: cancer, increased suicidal thoughts and suicidal behavior, seizure disorder, angina, Tourette syndrome, heart attack, brain hemorrhage, hallucinations, liver failure, extreme personality changes, a 7X increase in sudden death and more way too much more. According to the CDC, 20% of high school students in the US have taken Ritalin or a similar prescription drug without a doctor’s prescription. Most of the kids who take these drugs without a prescription get them from family members and friends. I personally think that Ritalin and related drugs are a huge mistake in the first place.

04/14/14 This year so far 1095 people in the US came down with measles. The feds are squealing “epidemic” and blaming anti-vaccers for this near-pandemic, citing failed “herd immunity” as the cause of this. Really? Well some 85% of the measles victims were already at least partially vaccinated so why did they contract measles? And since when does 1095 people out of over 327 million people become a crisis? Almost one half of 5 Americans coming down with cancer—now that’s a crisis. A 30% increase in autism in 1 year—that’s an epidemic. Child obesity out if control—now here’s a huge problem. Measles is caused by a vitamin A shortage, poor diets, and weak immune systems—not by a lack of vaccines. Besides, vaccine “herd immunity” is just a theory from the 1930s (way before measles vaccines) that said that epidemics of measles only occurred when natural immunity levels in the “herd” of children fell below 68%. How that got morphed to above 95% of the vaccinated public I have never found out…

04/11/14 Lowering your cholesterol with drugs raises your cancer risk. Yet another recent study links artificially low LDL levels with an increased risk of developing cancer. In fact, more than 20 studies have been done on the cholesterol/ cancer association – and the overall majority linked cancer with low cholesterol. Certain cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins (such as atorvastatin, cerivastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin) also deplete levels of cancer fighting CoQ10 in the body. If your doc has you on a statin drug without requiring CoQ10 also, they are very bad doctors. Besides this, statin drugs also wrecks the sex life, tanks cognitive function, wastes muscles, causes headaches and many more bad things. Don’t believe the shining studies that highlight one “positive effect” or another of a statin drug. Look at the big picture. Besides, why is your cholesterol high in the first place?

04/10/14 You were never told about the countless people who developed paralysis after being vaccinated against polio. David Bodian, M.D., Ph.D., at Johns Hopkins University told the International Poliomyelitis Conference in the year before the polio vaccine was introduced that vaccines “may be causing polio.” The Salk vaccine was introduced in 1955 and by 1956, many states reported sharp increases in polio rates – up to 645% more polio – because of the polio vaccine program. In fact, Idaho and Utah both halted polio vaccines because of the inordinate increase in polio cases and deaths from the vaccines. A Congressional testimony in 1962 said there were sharp increases in polio rates from 1957-1959 and that the Public Health Service had conducted a whitewash to suppress this knowledge. Big Pharma money has effectively rewritten vaccine history and consequent generations have bought into this wholesale.

04/09/14 Researchers found that regular acetaminophen use brings a 51% increased relative risk of renal cell carcinoma (RRC) compared with non-regular use of this NSAID. The risk of RCC increases the longer that non-aspirin NSAIDs are used. NSAID use brings chronic low level toxicity that flies under the radar to bring chronic disease health problems like diabetes, neurological disorders, asthma, cancer and a plethora of other problems. Bottom line, chemicals are poisons and cannot be safely used for human consumption. A poison is a substance that when absorbed by a living organism destroys life or injures health. NSAIDs do just that – destroy life and injure health. Some experts believe that the increase in autism, asthma, and ADHD may be largely caused by the use of acetaminophen in genetically and/or metabolically susceptible children,

04/08/14 Jonas Salk and the polio vaccine were credited for the end of the polio epidemic. But did you know that the real rise of polio in the 1950s coincided with the increased use of pesticides which were actually byproducts of chemical weapons manufactured during World War II? Pesticides have long been known to increase susceptibility to viral infections. In the 1950s, one of the biggest exposures to pesticides came through milk that was heavily contaminated with pesticides. Polio was actually transmitted through contaminated milk, along with tuberculosis, typhoid fever, scarlet fever, septic sore throat, diphtheria and infantile diarrhea. Tonsillectomy patients who ate ice cream right after surgery had a greater chance of contracting bulbar poliomyelitis. But the pharmaceutical companies funded the writings on the history of polio and its treatment to present drugs in the best possible light. In 1977, Jonas Salk admitted that mass inoculations caused most of the polio cases since 1971.

04/07/14 What if you went to your doctor and got a prescription for a drug but the drug doesn’t work because it is counterfeit? Some of drugs manufactured in India and sold in the US have no active ingredients with over 5% of Indian drugs failing quality-control tests. The heck of it is that these drugs are made in India but sold under reputable labels and you never even know where they were made. India’s largest drug maker, Ranbaxy, recently pleaded guilty in a U.S. court to criminal offenses involving fraudulent manufacture and sale of adulterated drugs. Ranbaxy actually made up facts and figures to demonstrate product safety for many drugs, including critical HIV medicines paid for by U.S. tax dollars. Of course, the Indian government promptly claimed that Indian drugs are in fact safe to protect its country’s $20 billion pharmaceutical industry.

04/04/14 Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer-related death in the United States with over 130,000 new diagnosed cases every year. Obesity causes changes in the colon that can predispose a person to colorectal cancer. This makes a healthy diet and exercise a key strategy to lower the risk for colon cancer. If you are not obese now, keep in mind that preexisting colon lesions will be more likely to evolve rapidly into malignant tumors if you should become obese. Some of the symptoms of colorectal cancer to watch for are: changes in stools and bowel habits, such as diarrhea, constipation, or narrowing of the stool, that lasts for more than a few days, feeling constipated after bowel movements, rectal bleeding, blood in stools or black stools, persistent cramping or abdominal pain, ongoing weakness, fatigue and unintended weight loss. Change your lifestyle now – before something like colon cancer gets a grip on you.

04/03/14 So, you took an aspirin or Tylenol to get rid of your fever. But just because some drug treatment appears to eliminate specific symptoms does not mean that it is “effective.” The bottom line is, suppressing a symptom can be worse than the original disease. If you suppress symptoms you drive the toxins deeper into the tissue that your body was trying to eliminate. You can even cause bacteria and viruses to become subclinical. Symptoms either rebound later or relocate in another body system. Taking antibiotics causes bad bacteria to go dormant and come back later with a vengeance. Sleep drugs might help you to fall asleep, but do not lead to refreshed sleep while setting up a cycle of insomnia and fatigue – leading to addiction. Drugs are only “effective” for a very limited time and cause a plethora of serious symptoms. Research finds that placebos are 80% as effective and have fewer side effects and are a lot cheaper than drugs. (Angell, 2004, 113).

04/02/14 Which is smarter? The flu virus or all the Big Pharma scientists in the world put together? Why, the flu virus of course! The best chemical solution that scientists have come up with so far is Tamiflu. But the virus is smarter than Tamiflu and quickly develops drug resistance and continues to multiply by several generations in a single day. When Tamiflu was used for the first time on a very wide scale in 2008, resistant strains of the virus appeared within a few weeks. Newly discovered mutations are reason for high level concern for drug scientists because they can allow the virus to be chemical resistant while maintaining an elevated reproductive capacity. Besides all that, now they really have to guess for the next flu vaccine. You know what is smarter than the flu virus? The human immune system, good nutrition and the right herbs.

04/01/14 The NY Times published a story titled: 90% of medical research is wrong. So, who are you to believe? Researchers with no vested interest in a product – or – the manufacturer who is out to recoup research dollars and make a killing on the next blockbuster drug? FYI, Cochrane researchers don’t dip into Big Pharma money. The Cochrane Collaboration produces rigorous reviews of multiple studies while culling studies with severe methodological problems. What comes out of Cochrane Reviews is the summing up of the results of many studies; culminating in a powerful meta-analyses that illuminates the real evidence of pharmaceutical drugs and other medical treatments. For instance: Cochrane reviewers have found that there isn’t enough evidence to show that getting a flu vaccine reduces infection or flu-related death. On the other hand, Big Pharma is losing billions of bucks if we refuse to spend our money on flu shots. Who do you believe?

03/31/14 The best place to stay healthy is away from a hospital. Disease management in America is now causing 205 deaths a day just from Hospital Acquired Infections. Top that fact with one out of every 25 patients in U.S. hospitals now acquires an infection as a routine part of “health care” despite the acclaimed progress in controlling pathogens at medical facilities. The CDC Director Tom Frieden says: “today and every day, more than 200 Americans with healthcare-associated infections will die during their hospital stay.” Pneumonia brings 22% of these killer infections, surgical site infections bring another 22%, gastrointestinal infections bring 17%, urinary tract infections bring 13% and bloodstream infections bring 10 percent. The baddest pathogen of all is the c. diff followed by MRSA. This report did not include other medical facilities like nursing homes and only looked at hospitals.

03/28/14 Would you call a 279,000% markup price gouging or smart business? Gilead is a new Hepatitis C drug that will cost $84,000 for a 12-week course of treatment. In other countries this $1,000-a-pill costs $10 a pill. The owners of Gilead are in effect reaping a cash-cow bonanza by exploiting cash-strapped government programs, thereby making state programs a privately rigged market for them. This cold-blooded meanness is also taking severe advantage of AIDS victims in the process who are the target market for this drug. This side-effect ridden drug was approved by the F.D.A. back in December of 2013 and Gilead immediately announced the price of $1,000 per tablet. This is the most expensive drugs ever marketed with unbridled greed. Gee, I wonder why health care costs are breaking America’s wallets?

03/27/14 If you have breast cancer and take Paxil, you are more likely to die of breast cancer than if you are prescribed a different antidepressant. A 2010 study found that breast cancer patients also died even quicker still if they were on tamoxifen AND Paxil. Now I ask you; did your oncologist, pharmacist or psychiatrist ever once mention any of this? More likely not…. It turns out that paroxetine — taken by about one-fourth of cancer patients in the study that were diagnosed with depression — can block the liver enzyme required to break down the deadly chemo agent tamoxifen. Paroxetine has an estrogenic effect on the body that counters tamoxifen’s effectiveness and can also drive estrogen related cancers. More Americans die every year at the hands of the medical system than died in the entire Vietnam War.

03/26/14 According to the CDC, 73% of “community-associated” C. difficile cases in children had been prescribed antibiotics just weeks before contracting the superbug infection. Antibiotics are most often prescribed for them by a doctor or outpatient facility for ear, sinus, or upper respiratory infections. Antibiotics are one of the most overprescribed medicines in history (followed very closely by statin drugs). Prescribing antibiotics willy-nilly for every little sniffle and whine are putting our children at risk for many health problems including C. difficile infection and dangerous antibiotic resistant infections. But the CDC has a weak plan to put in place. It’s called “recommendations… There’s no teeth in a recommendation. Of course the doctors with the prescription pads blame the parents for bullying them into harming the children by requesting antibiotics.

03/25/14 How to manufacture a flu vaccine: Start with egg protein and grow enough flu virus to make the vaccine (take a wild guess as to which strain of flu might dominate the next season). Next, add some formaldehyde to kill the virus and then stir in small doses of antibiotics to prevent bacterial contamination during the manufacturing process, add in a few micrograms of thimerosal as a preservative against any further contamination (about 25mcg per dose should do it). Fold in some sucrose, polysorbate 80, and/or animal gelatin to help stabilize the vaccine during transportation and storage. Oh, and don’t forget a stiff shot of aluminum salts to over-stimulate an immune response to the “dead” virus. Now get the FDA, doctors, school officials and random pedestrians to cow everyone into buying into this concoction and VIOLA! An instant recipe for Big Pharma money with NO responsibility for the effects of the known carcinogens and detergents…

03/24/14 Want to get a good mad on? What if you had really good health insurance but it dropped your chances for appropriate critical care by 15% over some under-insured person? Researchers looked at cases of live-threatening emergencies admitted to 636 American hospitals to find out that if you had health insurance, you were 15% less likely to be transferred to an appropriate first-class trauma hospital. How can this be? The problem is that once you have been identified as a good-for-payment victim, the small hospital wants to keep your money there – not send you somewhere else. In other words “life-saving” health insurance is your ticket to a greater chance of lesser care. If the greedy admin finds out that you don’t have insurance, they can’t wait to get you out of their hospital with any excuse they can find.

03/21/14 The newest guidelines for statin drugs to “treat high cholesterol” will result in another whopping 12.8 million more people in the U.S. taking the worthless drugs. What new guidelines are these? Mostly just people over 60. That will make statin drug use prevalent in 49% of the U.S. population between the ages of 40 and 75. The biggest increase in use will also be among adults that are free of cardiovascular disease… Huh? Statin drugs are Big Pharma’s industry sweetheart and are linked to many devastating health effects in users. Did you know that in 75% of all heart attack victims cholesterol levels are normal? Cholesterol is not the problem here peeps. Big Pharma greed and the ignorance of the sheople – now that’s the real problem.

03/20/14 Just one more side effect from ADHD medications – Teen rebound obesity. Johns Hopkins analyzed the health records of 163,820 children to discover that children treated with ADHD stimulants at first experience a slower body mass index growth followed by a rebound of body mass index that exceeds that of children with no ADHD or stimulant use. In other words, ADHD makes them more likely to become obese. In fact, the earlier the medication begins, and the longer the medication is taken, the slower the growth in earlier childhood but the more rapid the rebound in late adolescence, usually right after discontinuation of medications. Others have tried to blame ADHD on higher rates of child obesity when in fact it is the medication side effect and not a diagnosis of ADHD.

03/19/14 If you go to your doc for a headache or migraine, don’t be surprised if he offers you a brain scan. Don’t be further surprised when it show nothing wrong. One out of eight doctor visits for headaches or migraines end up with a brain scan to the tune of about 1 plus billion extra dollars spent each year, according to the latest JAMA article. Even though national guidelines specifically discourage brain scans for headache and migraine complaints, these expensive, toxic, cancer-causing MRI and CT scans for headaches have continually risen – blamed of course on “patient demand”. Research shows that as low as 1% of these scans find any problem in the brain might be to blame and many of those issues never even pose a serious threat or require immediate treatment.

03/18/14 So, researchers designed a study where actor patients requests specific medications and filmed the actors for osteoatrthritis knee pain or for sciatica back and leg pain. Half of the actor “patients” with knee arthritis requested Celebrex and the other half with sciatica requested oxycodone. The Celebrex seekers claimed said they saw it advertised, and that a co-worker had recommended it. The oxycodone seekers said they had tried their spouse’s leftover medication. About half of faking knee arthritis patients requesting Celebrex got that drug approved and about 20% of faking sciatica patients requesting oxycodone got that one. Oh, by the way, another group of patients that made no specific requests only got a 1% prescription rate for those two drugs. These findings bring up major safety concerns over the “Ask Your Doctor” ads.

03/17/14 Here is an interesting comparison/trend: Between 2001 and 2010, ER visits with opioid analgesic prescribed jumped from 21% to 31% percent. Meanwhile, opioid prescription rates sky-rocketed overall. Dilaudid, one of the most addictive opioid medications blasted the sound barrier with a 668% increase during that time. The latest study blames the patient once again saying that ER providers are forced to write the prescriptions based on how patients report their satisfaction with their ER experience. Because patients have been trained to ask for and expect opioids, when they can’t get them, they report a poor experience with that ER and providing doctor. Opioid prescribing has steadily increased across all age groups and races. All this craziness to treat symptoms – not causes…

03/14/14 So, chemotherapy stops some fast growing tumors and makes you think you are winning a cancer battle. But what scientists at Harvard Medical School have proven by systematically testing various chemotherapy drugs is that about half of these agents also induce hyper proliferation in stem cells that leads to tumor recurrence – now you are losing the battle and don’t even know it. These drugs have totally opposite effects on different cells in the body – suppressing tumor growth on one cell population while initiating rapid growth in another. Not only do these drugs do opposite things to different cells but they also trigger inflammatory responses – which are generally associated with cancer. Chemo has a lousy 2.1% overall 5-year “survival rate”. Wouldn’t you rather have a 90% remission rate? Do your research – make your choice.

03/13/14 Here’s one for the record books on flu scare propaganda: The National Institute of Health blasted a story for the headlines to the effect: Duke University Medical Center; 90% of flu patients in Intensive Care Unit skipped the flu shot… Sounds pretty dire, eh? Well don’t rush to the grocery store pharmacy for your toxic flu shot until you read between the lines and through the study. The fact is that just twenty-two DUMC patients required ICU treatment and about one-third of those actually tested negative for flu. HUH?? Of 11 of patients who were hospitalized, but not in intensive care, nine of those were immune-compromised in some way. In the same NIH article, DR Norbert Herzog said: “Flu kills around 35,000 people a year…” Well Nutty Norbert put his decimal in the wrong place AND misquoted to-boot. The CDC places the low count of 3,000 deaths per year for influenza-associated deaths – and 90% of those were over 60 years old.

03/12/14 The most commonly used anesthetic, etomidate can put you to sleep for surgery, but it is also well-known to cause The Big Sleep – AKA, death. This drug ups your risk for heart attack, stroke and death before and after the procedure – up to a month after… The latest study shows your risk of death during the operation and for 30 days after escalating by a whopping 250%. Even after 30 days later the risk of a major cardiovascular event surges 50%. The kicker? This study compared the death rates of the drug etomidate with another drug, propofol – which already carries a litany of trouble all by itself. IF you ever require surgery, discuss this closely with your docs and choose the lowest dose possible of least-likely to kill you drug. Always seek an alternative treatment with an experienced naturopath before going under – or way under…

03/11/14 Parents blame the physicians for antibiotic overuse and physicians blame the parents. Either way, antibiotics are often prescribed for young children with upper respiratory tract infections regardless of whether they are bacterial or not. The argument is that this will prevent complications, such as ear infections and pneumonia. But the latest evidence review in The Cochrane Library finds absolutely no evidence to support this abuse of prescription-writing. The fact is that most upper respiratory tract infections caused by viruses and typically last between 2-14 days. In high-income countries like the US, upper respiratory tract infections are responsible for 75% of prescribed antibiotics. This abuse of antibiotics is helping cause the pandemic of killer drug resistant microbes we are seeing today. Wise up parents – question everything.

03/10/14 The deadly hepatitis B jab given to infants is causing babies in China to die within 48 hours of vaccination. So, how do you explain this away if you are the Big Pharma company behind them? You simply say that it is all just one big coincidence. And that is just what the manufacturers are saying: that the cause of these “unexpected” deaths in otherwise healthy infants must be from some unidentified and underlying health condition that occurred about the same time these babies were vaccinated – – for a sexually transmitted disease?? Merck is the company behind the latest hepatitis B campaign in China that is responsible for killing these babies. Two manufacturing companies are responsible for some of these deaths directly linked to hepatitis B vaccines. Meanwhile, the Chinese government has suspended millions of these vaccines that were blessed by and pushed by Merck.

03/07/14 Breast cancer chemo survivors often have fatigue, pain and other debilitating symptoms that persist for months and sometimes years after treatment has ended. This is because chemotherapy leaves behind epigenetic damage to the survivor’s blood and other cells. This damage is associated with inflammation months after the treatment and brings with it pain and fatigue – just like the achy, tired feeling that comes with the inflammation during a bout of the flu. This post-treatment achy, tired feeling is also caused by inflammation from the chemo damage but unlike the flu inflammation, this stuff doesn’t just go away. The journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity calls this the “cost of cancer treatment”.

03/06/14 A recent study in the International Journal of Clinical Pharmacy found medication errors were common on admission to mental health services. How common were they you ask? How about errors in 56.2% of patients… If these errors aren’t caught before the patient gets the drugs, researchers say that over three-quarters of these patients are consequently exposed to moderate harm. The errors they found mostly involved anti-psychotics, heart, diabetes, and dementia medications. You’d have to be genuinely crazy to submit your health to this kind of statistics. Question ALL medications from here to the pharmacy and back. Also, remember that chemical drugs do nothing to treat the causes and actually make things worse – both in the short-term and in the long-run. If the doctor that put you on a medication can’t get you back off that med, you have the wrong doctor.

03/05/14 Chemicals aside, did you know that if you are Vegan you would have to refuse all vaccines on the principle of animal and aborted fetal cells, proteins and other animal products that are in all the vaccines that I know of? If you are Jewish, wouldn’t you have to refuse them for the human diploid cells, pig parts, washed sheep’s blood, dog kidney, rat DNA, and other unclean things? If you are just plain rational, you would have to avoid them for the toxic mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, MSG, phenoxyethinol (antifreeze), polysorbate, phenol (carbolic acid), sucrose (yes, sugar) and many other additives – some of them “proprietary”. Think I’m making this up? Do your own research people. Vaccines did not lower the polio and measles rates. History shows that vaccines actually raised them in some cases.

03/04/13 ADHD, did we cause it? A new long-term study by UCLA targets the use of acetaminophen during pregnancy as a contributor to ADHD, emotional dysregulation and other neurodevelopment disorders. Researchers found that children whose mothers used acetaminophen during pregnancy had up to a 37% higher risk of later having a diagnosis of hyperkinetic disorder, being treated with ADHD meds or having ADHD-like behaviors by age 7. Should this chemical ever be taken, let alone taken while pregnant? Acetaminophen – AKA Tylenol – is the most commonly used medication for pain and fever during pregnancy. The ADHD component of taking this drug during pregnancy is entirely avoidable. Acetaminophen is also a known hormone disruptor, and abnormal hormonal exposures in pregnancy can influence fetal brain development.

03/03/14 A study with some 60,000 women published in the British Medical Journal, revealed that a whopping 70% of the women referred to oncologists after mammograms did not actually have cancer. An article published in The Lancet said that 93% of mammogram referrals to oncologists were actually false-positives. Yet another article in The Atlantic Monthly showed that up to 80% of positive mammograms were false positives. False-positives often lead to unnecessary biopsies, invasive surgical procedures and other unnecessary procedures, causing emotional trauma, financial drain, physical maiming, disfigurement and even death. How about this thought? Mammograms are also rife with false-negatives to show “no cancer” when in fact there is cancer there. A 25 year study shows that mammograms have not lowered the overall death rate from breast cancer. Yet we still do them…

02/28/14 The latest research reveals another depressing fact: suicidal thoughts, sexual dysfunction and emotional numbness resulting from anti-depressant use may be more widespread than previously thought – much more! This latest university shocker found that over 50% of medication takers reported suicidal feelings, 62% reported sexual difficulties and 60% were feeling emotionally numb. Professor John Read from the Institute of Psychology, Health and Society, says: “The medicalization of sadness and distress has reached bizarre levels… While the biological side-effects of antidepressants, such as weight gain and nausea, are well documented, the psychological and interpersonal effects have been largely ignored or denied.” These numbers are NOT what Big Pharma reported to get these drugs approved. We’ve been out-and-out lied to peeps.

02/27/14 New and improved seizure rates! Studies show an over four-fold increase in child febrile convulsions within 12 days of the first dose of any of the quadrivalent MMRV vaccines. The kicker: It is a four-fold increase over what the MMR vaccine already causes! Don’t let number science fool you by dumbing down the statistics. Vaccines cause fevers and seizures. Bacteria, virus and fungal fevers usually top at about 104 degrees and are nothing to run to the ER over and rarely – if ever – cause convulsions. A fever that tops 105 or more is from a chemical poison or a toxic heavy metal and are VERY serious and can cause convulsions. Are going to allow someone else to poison your child with chemicals and unnatural foreign materials? Read the inserts. Question everything!

02/26/14 So, following the U.S. government’s lead, Japanese officials shoved a nationwide HPV vaccination program on junior high schools. Almost immediately, health officials were flooded with 1,968 documented adverse events pouring in. Parents sent videos of their daughters suffering from walking disturbances, seizures and body tics. Some cases reported girls fell to the floor, resulting in head injuries and fractures. Japan’s health officials then sent formal notifications to discontinue the HPV vaccine. What did American health officials do? Within weeks, the Obama administration dedicated $1.2 million to ‘increase HPV vaccine uptake in low income ethnic minority populations’. The problems associated with Gardasil are only getting worse and Americans are fools.

02/25/14 Want to hear something really sad? Maddening saddening? One of the more popular antidepressants, Paxil, can actually contribute to cancer in women. Paroxetine (AKA, Paxil) has an estrogenic effect that can promote the development and growth of breast tumors in women. Add this and find that 25% of women who are under treatment for breast cancer also suffer from depression – regularly treated with antidepressants like Paxil. Add in another finding that nearly a quarter of all women in the U.S. in their 40s and 50s are on antidepressants and the toll mounts skyward. Add yet another factor into the mess with Brisdelle (another form of paroxetine), used as a common treatment for hot flashes and other menopause-related problems. Multiply all this by the fact that 70% of breast cancers in women are estrogen-sensitive and we have a smoking gun here. Man messing with chemicals to treat symptoms… Bad idea

02/24/14 The latest study in the Journal of the AMA once again shows that people taking PPIs -like Prilosec, Prevacid, and Nexium – for over two years had a 65% increase in vitamin B12 deficiency. Over a 13 year span with 25,956 patients, a study looking at PPI-related vitamin B12 deficiency found that the higher the dosage of a PPI, the greater the risk for deficiency. This is because the same cells that these drugs block in the stomach to prevent stomach acid also makes a protein that helps the body absorb vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiency brings with it shifts in mood, a pronounced lack of motivation, memory and mental acuity problems, muscle weakness, a general state of fatigue, anemia, irreversible nerve damage and even dementia. High price to pay for treating symptoms with chemicals…

02/21/14 Did you know that the rate of scheduled caesarean sections among private patients pretty much double that of publicly funded patients? Of course, there was no difference in the medical and obstetric risks between the two groups according to the journal BMJ Open. The main difference was in the booking because of insurance. The study of some 30,000 hospital deliveries also found that private patients were more likely to be older, more affluent and better educated. They were also less likely to be single, childless, having an unplanned pregnancy, or to have booked late for obstetric care. The sad fact is that the medical system has taken the event of childbirth and turned it into a procedure. Studies find a broad range of adverse effects that were more likely with cesarean than vaginal birth. In 40 years, the c-section rates have jumped from 5% to well over 30%.

02/20/14 So now they are studying the chemo drug Tamoxifen for everyday dosage for “breast cancer prevention” in healthy women. A new study is looking at the risks/benefits of using Tamoxifen as a chemoprevention agent, and how physicians should communicate its use to their patients. They are following women on a 20 mg per day for 5 years dose but are failing to compare it to any other breast cancer prevention treatment, like-oh say, diet or supplements? The whole point of this study (IMO) is to sell more chemotherapy drugs – nothing else. The known side effects of Tamoxifen read like a laundry-list from hell: hot flashes, weight gain, screwed up menstrual periods, vaginal discharge, nausea, fatigue, bone pain, cataracts, depression, blood clots, embolism, dead and dying livers and much-much more.

02/19/14 Killer drugs! Beta-blocker drugs are commonly used for treating high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. These drugs “work” by blocking the neurotransmitters that bind to beta receptors and cause blood vessels to dilate, which reduces both heart rate and blood pressure. What if someone came out to say that these “scientifically proven” drugs were approved on fraudulent studies and actually have caused the deaths of some 800,000 patients in just a few years? Really? 800,000 deaths/murders? This is possibly the worst cases of genocide and mass murder in recent history. Fraudulent and fictitious research established the medical guidelines for Beta-blocker use – all in the name of increasing profits to the drug company. People are still dying and the murderers are merely fired from their positions. Doesn’t seem fair, does it?

02/18/14 New research shows that well-child doctor appointments and consequent vaccinations are associated with increased flu-like illnesses in children and family members within two weeks of the visit. This risk accounts for over 700,000 potentially avoidable illnesses each year and costs more than $490 million annually. Lisa Saiman, MD, notes, “The true cost of flu-like illnesses are much higher… Furthermore, these flu-like illness visits are associated with inappropriate antimicrobial use.” Why are you taking a well-child in to the doctor’s office anyhow? Children are intrinsically healthy until you shoot them up with toxic chemicals and lower their immune systems. Vaccines, for the most part, haven’t reduced infections or deaths by diseases – vaccines have caused a world of degenerative and chronic diseases.

02/17/14 Some one-half of all Americans now suffer from acid reflux gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or peptic ulcer disease. A huge boon for Big Pharma profits in more than one way. The drugs proton pump inhibitors (PPIs), like Prilosec are sold hand over fist to attempt to end the heartburn, tightness in the throat and general discomfort, bloatiness and belching that is afflicting so many. But these drugs are merely Band-aids to cover over the real causes of reflux and GERD while causing osteoporosis, permanent digestive damage and deadly vitamin deficiencies. Did you know that there are over 16,000 articles in medical journals that show PPIs to have no effect on the most common cause of GERD: the hiatal hernia. The real cause of most reflux and GERD is a lack of stomach acid – not an overabundance. Find the cause and fix it!

02/14/14 Before the introduction of vaccination programs, ‘crib death’ was so unheard of that it wasn’t even mentioned in infant mortality statistics. National immunization campaigns were initiated in the 1960s and in the first time in history, most US infants were required to receive several toxic vaccine doses of DPT, polio, measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines. By 1969, medical certifiers coined a new medical term – sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS). SIDS is defined as the sudden and unexpected death of an infant which remains unexplained after a thorough investigation. Autopsies often reveal congestion and edema of the lungs and inflammatory changes in the respiratory system with SIDS. By 1980, SIDS became the leading cause of infant deaths in the US. The 1992 ‘Back to Sleep’ campaign dropped the SIDS rates by 8.6% but raised the ‘suffocation in bed’ incidences by 11.2% along with bringing another new disorder: flat head syndrome. How dumb can we get sheople?

02/13/14 Bariatric surgery for weight loss brings more quality of life for some and less quality of life for others. About 25% of patients interviewed described their quality of life as worse after the operation due to stomach and intestine problems – which became chronic after surgery. For bariatric surgery patients, eating too much, too little, eating the wrong food or dining at the wrong time of the day can result in sudden episodes of stomach/intestine problems, nausea, tiredness, dizziness, and even intense quivering. The surgery does not cure the original eating disorder, whether physical or psychological, and some patients started to over-eat after surgery again. Back to the basics: Surgery and drugs do not treat disease causes! In fact, they either amplify the original problem and/or cause other problems that are often worse.

02/12/14 A snapshot of our deteriorating health: Are we getting generally healthier or sicker? Some 17% of people are prescribed antibiotics – the number 1 drugs. 13% are on antidepressants – the number 2 drugs, and 13% are on opioid pain killers – the number 3 drugs. Drugs for high blood pressure are 4th at 11% and toxic vaccines are 5th at 11%. Women receive the most drugs overall and about 1 in 4 between the age of 50-64 are on antidepressants. Antidepressants and opioid drugs are most common among younger to middle-aged adults. Cardiovascular drugs are seen the most in older adults. Vaccines and antibiotics are most commonly prescribed in children. Drug-related expenditure is growing while our general health is declining. Anyone see a correlation here?

02/11/14 When something works better than the usual drugs it is a serious threat to mainstream medicine and its ill-gotten gains. This is true of chelation therapy which helps cure anything from cancer to heart disease to dementia and many things in between by helping your body to get rid of disease-causing heavy metals like lead, mercury, cadmium, calcium deposits clogging your arteries along with other nasty deposits. Not only does chelation therapy work but it is also highly effective and very cheap. Now, the American College of Medical Toxicology is asking doctors to spy on other doctors and report them when they use chelation. But chelation is legal! Even FDA has approved chelation for the removal of toxic heavy metals. State by state it is becoming illegal to even discuss chelation therapy. Conspiracy? Yep…

02/10/14 The 2011/12 flu season brought the lowest flu vaccination rate for children than in recent years. Deaths blamed on flu were also lower than in other years. During that same period, the use of single-dose, preservative-free flu shots rose and the more toxic preservative-containing multidose vials declined 35%. One Dr. Antonova MD suggested the falling rates are due to children who don’t see their doctors more and wants schools to be the next vaccination site. Pediatricians were a broke lot until vaccinations came along. Now they’ve got everyone trained to bring their child in some 5 times a year of more. Children are generally healthy before a flu shots and other vaccines. Why mess with it?

02/07/14 Antibiotics decimate the gut bacteria balance. Over 80% of the immune system is built in the gut, making our gut bacterial balance an integral part of the immune defense system. Shortly after a course of antibiotics is started, that defense falters. When the immune system stumbles, micro-organisms such as salmonella or Clostridium difficile begin to establish colonies. When they reach sufficient numbers, these two parasitic invaders proliferate and induce inflammation to prevent the restoration of a normal gut balance so that salmonella and C. difficile can rule. The old gut balance of bacteria has now suffered permanent loss of some of its constituent bacterial strains and will technically never be the same again.

02/06/14 Cardiology diagnostic procedures account for 40% of patient radiology exposure from X-rays, MRI’s and CT scans. The stunning average for one cardiology patient is the equivalent to 50 chest X-rays per person per year. Now cardiologists are being urged to reduce radiation exposure. Will it work? Believe it or not, some of the highly educated cardiologists don’t even know what the side effects of the over-ordered radiological scans are, like cancers that appear decades down the line. CT scans, percutaneous coronary intervention, cardiac electrophysiology and nuclear cardiology deliver doses of radiation equivalent to 750 chest X-rays in one zap. This multiplies though, as there is usually more than one procedure given per patient admission.

02/05/14 Is the FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) really here to keep you safe? I’d say not. Did you know that the FDA (Fostering Drug Addiction) says that 500mg of Tylenol (acetaminophen) is dangerous if a doctor gives it to you but it is perfectly safe to buy it over the counter (and 90% of all OTC Tylenol and other acetaminophen products are 500mg or over) and take it yourself or give it to your child? The FDA (Future Delays Ahead) actually says that doses above 325mg are so bad for you that they need to be banned. Somehow they are only including prescription Tylenol in that warning and not even mentioning the 500mg over-the-counter tablets available to everyone – including children. Here’s an idea: enforce your own ban on Tylenol and acetaminophen!

02/04/14 The main problem with using a PSA test for prostate cancer screening is that they often result in over-diagnosis and over-treatment of benign cancers or treating inflammation in the prostate like is cancer. The over-diagnosed prostate cancer victim is quickly labeled as a prostate cancer case even though he may never suffer from the disease. Problems arise when he experiences the potential side-effects of prostate cancer treatment. One national study indicates that PSA screening causes more harm than good – and especially in men aged 70 or older who have triple the risk of dying with some treatments.

02/03/14 There was a classic study done in 1973 called “Rosenhan’s study on Being Sane in Insane Places.” In this study, healthy researchers were covertly admitted to inpatient psychiatric wards, claiming that they heard voices. But after admission, they behaved as they normally would and did not exhibit any further symptoms. Want to take a wild guess to what happened next? ALL their behaviors were interpreted as consistent with their original diagnoses. Worse yet, a wide range of psychotropic medications were prescribed. The Rosenhan study came to the conclusion that once a person is labeled with a stigmatizing psycho-diagnostic label, mental health professionals cannot distinguish the sane from the insane. Now that’s crazy!

01/31/14 Hormone replacement Therapy (HRT) is not just some willy-nilly drug treatment to throw at women. In fact, women who use postmenopausal HRT can be at increased risk of acute pancreatitis – a sudden inflammation of the pancreas that has symptoms ranging from mild discomfort to severe, debilitating pain and may, in some cases, even lead to death. Researchers have found that women who currently or previously used HRT had an approximately 1.5 greater risk of acute pancreatitis than those who had never used the therapy. The risk grows higher for women who used HRT for more than 10 years. Exogenous estrogen induces changes in the pancreas. Your best bet is to find a naturopath that understands how to use bio-identical hormones.

01/30/14 Sandy Hook, Newton, Adam Lanza, are all names that we will not soon forget. The real question: Why did this happen? The criminal investigation is still ongoing, but they aren’t looking for spent shell casings. The investigation is now about Lanza’s medical/psychiatric history, what diagnoses were made, what psychiatric drugs he was on and who the heck prescribed them in the first place. Psychiatric drugs did not make Lanza better; they made him worse. Drugs, like selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors are known and documented to cause violent behavior, including homicide. Big Pharma celebrates the massive proliferation of drugs and consequent profits for every condition under the sun, including made up ones, creating the illusion that the drugs are absolutely necessary to maintain health. Will Big Pharma accept the rightful blame for Sandy Hook?

01/29/14 Testosterone marketing ploys by Big Pharma have patients asking for testosterone from their docs. If you have low testosterone levels, taking testosterone could improve how you feel, but it doesn’t have any impact on other medical outcomes where it counts, like in coronary heart disease, myocardial infarction and stroke. Clever marketing has led men to think that with a little more testosterone they can have more muscle mass, be stronger, more alert, and just about any other benefits they want. What are the side effects? Shrinking testicles, jaundice, depression, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, hair loss, trouble sleeping, redness/swelling of the skin, change in skin color, acne and more. Bottom line, testosterone is a “quality-of-life drug” recommended for men with low testosterone levels (< 300 ng/dL). Not something to toy with…

01/28/14 Talk about a goldmine! How about a vaccine that needs to be repeated every month? Great for Big Pharma profits, great to curb cocaine addiction but full of toxins that will make you sick long-term. Scientists have successfully attached cocaine to the Adeno virus to make a cocaine “vaccine”. Once injected into the host, this virus alerts the immune system to cocaine so the body’s immune system automatically prevents the cocaine from making the host high. The body thinks that the cocaine is a cold virus and makes antibodies against the cocaine. Nearly $40 billion a year is spent on cocaine and it is one of the most difficult drug habits to kick. Vaccine; no cocaine high, no pleasure, Big Pharma gets your money instead of the drug dealer… Pure genius!

01/27/14 MMRV stands for a vaccine called the Mumps, Measles, Rubella and Varicella shot given to young children. If you want to make something bad look not-so-bad, compare it to something a little-less bad. The regular MMR vaccine ups the risk for febrile seizures 2.8% but the MMRV vaccine brings an additional four-fold increase in risk for these seizures above the “normal” risk for MMR induced seizures. This is according to the latest Medscape report number 819454. And this is just the reported seizure events… Many, if not most of these “events” go unreported. Why are we even considering injecting something into our children toxic enough to cause seizures in the first place? Childhood diseases never come in a package of four diseases at once, yet doctors all over the world seemingly never hesitate to crank 3-4-5 or more vaccine strains into a small child in one visit.

01/24/14 Treat a fever – spread the flu! Fever-reducing medication can cause more harm than good. Fever-reducing drugs actually may lead to tens of thousands more influenza cases, and more than a thousand deaths each year across. When people take drugs including ibuprofen, acetaminophen and acetylsalicylic acid to reduce their fevers, they delay recovery and they falsely feel better when in reality they are not better. A good, solid fever lowers the amount of virus load in the body and will you get over the flu quicker – reducing the chance of transmitting flu to others. A McMaster University study recently shows that taking drugs for flu actually increase transmission of flu virus to others, and sick people can give off more of the virus when the fever has been artificially reduced.

01/23/14 With the flu vaccine, the route of the disease entry is different to naturally occurring flu which enters through the mouth or the nasal cavity. The flu vaccine enters through the skin and muscle when the needle breaks the skin and foreign matter is injected into the muscle. This of course, bypasses the skin’s barrier role in immune function, as well as avoiding the normal route of infection defenses; the tonsils, the mucous membranes, and so on. Normally, the body primes with extra antibodies once the tonsils are alerted that there is impending infection. By the time the normal route of infection takes hold, there is an army of white blood cells already waiting to neutralize the invaders. With vaccinations, the infection goes straight to the blood, with no prior build up for the body, and no extra immune cells to deal with it.

01/22/14 Clostridium difficile (C. diff), is a gram-positive spore-forming anaerobic bacillus that is responsible for up to 25% of superbug diarrhea and almost every case of pseudomembranous colitis in adults. The biggest risk factor for C. diff infection is the administration of antibiotics to people over 65 years old. A recent study found C. diff spores on the bare hands of 24% of C. diff caregivers but none at all in the non-C. diff caregivers. C. diff often contaminates multiple sites, including the groin, chest, abdomen, forearms, and hands of infected patients. The next person, or caregiver, picks it up from the bed rail, bedside table, telephone, and call button in the hospital. Transmission of C. diff occurs most often via the hands of healthcare workers.

01/21/14 David Brownstein, M.D., analyzed a study that compares Fluzone to Fluzone High-Dose vaccines. The study showed the new “high dose” vaccine (that contains four times the amount of antigen than the regular flu vaccine) is a whopping 0.46% more effective than Fluzone. Furthermore, the study shows that a grand total of 217 people must be vaccinated with Fluzone High-Dose to “prevent” just one lousy case of flu. So, 216 victims paid extra for the price for the Fluzone High-Dose but received absolutely no benefits. Here’s the punch line… 23 seniors died during the drug’s trial and there were 226 “serious” adverse events out of the 3,833 trial participants. The most predominant adverse event was Guillain-Barré syndrome. Did you know that if you go the ER and they suspect Guillain-Barré, the first question is: “did you have a flu shot recently?”

01/20/14 One of the best ways to cause a disease is to treat it pharmaceutically before it turns into the disease. Big Pharma is Big Business and requires lots of sick people to maintain its trillions of dollars money habits. Did you know that there is an actual medical term out there called “disease creep”? Disease creep happens when a patient with risk factors for a condition such as cancer, hypertension and other diseases – or even just a mild case of the disease – are treated and drugged with the same medications and treatments as patients with severe cases. Disease creep will be seen a lot more with the recently created concept of “predisease”—such as “prehypertension”, “precancer” or “prediabetes.” Getting people on drugs sooner multiplies Big Pharma profits by getting more people on even more medications for far longer periods of time.

01/17/14 The Obamacare rollout has caused well over double the insurance cancellations to enrollments. Oh, the government promised health insurance for the huddled masses, but the first day of Obamacare left more Americans without coverage than before the law was passed. Almost 5 million Americans have had health insurance cancellations reported by the Associated Press. The Department of Health and Human Services shows that a mere two million Americans have enrolled for Obamacare coverage – but not all have been able to purchase insurance there… The final tally of full enrollments, confirmed once the customers have made their first payment will leave these numbers even worse. Who wants to sign up for disease management anyhow? Not me.

01/16/14 Chemotherapy drugs have poor results rates for many reasons. One big reason is that solid tumors have a unique method of growth from healthy organs and tissues. As a tumor grows, it puts out hormonal signals for outside blood vessels to grow towards and into it. These new blood vessels are imperfect though in that they have minute holes in the walls that allow fluid, proteins and blood particles to leak into the tumor for food. The blood vessels around the outside of the tumor are normal and do not leak. This is like a balloon that is being inflated while the outside world doesn’t affect it. Chemotherapy chemicals cannot effectively penetrate this “balloon” and end up destroying healthy organs and tissues instead.

01/15/14 There is lots of scientific research available today that shows the adverse health effects associated with the measles vaccine – particularly the infamous trivalent mumps, measles, rubella (MMR) combination vaccine. Even if a vaccine is successful at preventing and/or delaying infection from measles it does not improve the overall health of those vaccinated, resulting in even higher infant mortality rates in developing countries according to the BMJ article 8257878. According to another article published in the New England Journal of Medicine: “We conclude that outbreaks of measles can occur in secondary schools, even when more than 99 percent of the students have been vaccinated and more than 95 percent are immune.” Synthetic, vaccine-induced “immunity” does not guarantee real world protection.

01/14/14 Stanford researchers have followed and studied the link between flu vaccines and narcolepsy – a debilitating disorder characterized by sudden, uncontrollable sleepiness and muscle weakness. This condition can occur when a vaccine confuses the body’s immune system and it mistakenly destroys brain cells that make the protein hypocretin, which keeps you awake. Studies in China and Europe have identified thousands of vaccine-related narcolepsy cases related to the H1N1 vaccine alone. Do you still trust the unproven flu vaccines? It’s a literal shot in the dark peeps.

01/13/14 So, here’s my plan: I am going to mix up a tiny bit of mercury, some formaldehyde, aluminum, antifreeze, and some virus particles from the snot of a flu victim cultured in aborted baby fetal and dead animal tissue. Then I’ll mix them in with peanut oil and inject myself, my wife and my kiddos with it. That should make me a good parent by today’s medical standard, right?… Yet we pay our doctors to inject our bodies with the same ingredients and they tell us “this will keep you from getting sick.” Chemical concoctions do NOT prevent disease and NEVER will – but the human immune system can. Trying to fool the human immune system will either piss it off badly (cytokine storm), or you weaken the immune system to allow degenerative diseases to take over.

01/10/14 Literally millions of people take statin drugs every day. What do they get? Almost all side effects and little, if any, benefit. Lowering cholesterol artificially with statin drugs has NOT reduced the number of heart attacks in men or women. In a five-year study of 950 men and women, researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that 95 percent of all heart attacks, strokes, heart-related deaths and other heart problems occurred in the patients with high levels of arterial calcification, not high cholesterol. In a Berkeley study, the statin drug users had a whopping 34% of “heart events” while vitamin C users had none at all – AND vitamin C lowered cholesterol better than the statin drug group. Don’t let your doctor think for you.

01/09/14 CNN recently reported that the US measles cases in 2013 may be the worst in 17 years. Are the failure-numbers of measles outbreaks in the U.S. caused by failure to vaccinate, or failure of the vaccine? Measles vaccine failures in fully vaccinated kiddos have been reported for decades. Surprised? Of course, main-stream medicine along with the sycophantic media are pretty much ignoring peer-reviewed and published epidemiological and clinical studies, indicating that the recent measles outbreaks are likely caused by failure of the vaccine. Big Pharma wants you to believe that it is the irrational and/or irresponsible parents exercising their legal right and responsibility to choose whether or not to vaccine their children that cause measles outbreaks. Vaccine-induced antibody elevations do not guarantee any protection against pathogens vaccines are intended to “immunize” us against.

01/08/14 All antidepressant drugs can cause liver injury at recommended doses. Some of these meds are worse than others and some people are more vulnerable than other people. Gabriel Perlemuter, MD goes on record to say that “Antidepressant liver toxicity has been underestimated in the scientific literature.” Sometimes the victim recovers from the damage after ceasing to take the drugs but often they do not completely recover. Most of the time, liver damage levels are highly unpredictable and completely unrelated to drug dosage. Liver damage can start several days after initiation of an antidepressant. Virtually all antidepressants can damage the liver but even more so when patents take multiple pharmaceutical drugs.

01/07/14 Needed: kids for a scientific study. PaxVax wants you to volunteer your young child for studies on a new oral cholera vaccine that contains live, genetically modified bacteria. Wanna participate? PaxVax wants to administer the live, GM bacteria in both young and old. Participants will have to drink a cocktail of mercury-resistant, GM Shigella flexneri NR1 bacteria from the Vibrio cholera bacterial strain that causes cholera. Why the mercury resistant variety? Because this concoction was brewed in mercury – a neurotoxin and general life-killer that damages the brain and gastrointestinal tract. Using untested transgenic bacteria doesn’t sound like a good idea to me.

01/06/14 Currently, there are 16 different rapid influenza diagnostic tests (RIDTs) used identify the presence of influenza A or B virus antigen in respiratory specimens. These tests work in less than 15 minutes. But how accurate are these tests? 62% accurate overall with the worst of the worst failing at 27% accuracy… Might as well flip a coin because this sounds like hodge-podge guesswork to me… Physicians use these tests to guess whether or not you malady will respond to antibiotics or toxic antivirals. Either one of these treatments carry longer-term consequences than just putting up with the flu while your immune system is trained naturally.

01/03/13 Got C-diff? The latest study finds that about one out of four healthcare workers actually have Clostridium difficile spores on their hands after caring for C-diff patients. Common protocols for C-diff include single-bed rooms, dedicated equipment, wearing disposable gowns, full-length sleeves, gloves, hand hygiene with alcohol-based hand rub before gloves and before and after body fluid exposure, hand washing with medicated soap followed by alcohol-based hand rub after glove removal, and a daily room cleaning with hypochlorite-based disinfectant. C. difficile spores are highly resistant to disinfectants and glove use is not an absolute barrier. The number of patients hospitalized in the US with C-diff has tripled in the last decade or so.

01/02/14 There are over 25,000 cases in medical literature of SSRI exposure and side effects during pregnancy. Consequentially, we teach pregnant women to avoid medications for a healthier infant but then lose our mind and inject them with flu shots containing unidentified viral DNA from animal tissue, polysorbate 80 (carcinogen that crosses the blood brain barrier), cancer-causing formaldehyde, the detergent triton x100, resin, the antibiotic gentamycin, and thimerosal/mercury. There are no case studies available looking at the effect of injecting any single one of these ingredients, let alone the whole combination into a pregnant woman. But there are facts: In 2010 alone, the combined flu vaccinations increased fetal death reports by 4,250% according to VAERS.

12/31/13 Western allopathic oncology treatments are derived from chemical weapons developed in World War II. Chemical chemotherapy agents are so toxic that they cause permanent organ damage. Chemotherapy treatments cause permanent heart, liver, kidneys and brain damage. Did you know that the number 1 side effect of chemotherapy is cancer? Chemotherapy treatments are so toxic that pharmacists and care givers contract cancer just from handling chemo drugs. Although chemo- poisons “shrink tumors,” they also cause the tumors to come back with a vengeance afterwards. Chemotherapy can take a fairly benign or slow-growing cancer and morph it into an aggressive one. There are over a hundred systems of medicine that offer treatments for cancer but the Western oncology system kills the most cancer patients overall.

12/30/13 Did you know that you can outright lie, receive 19 million bucks and not go to jail? Only in the medical realm can that happen. In the largest research fraud case of the century, an Iowa State University researcher admittedly lied about finding a breakthrough AIDS vaccine to cure AIDS. Dr. Dong-Pyou Han then secured $19 million in research grants from the National Institute of Health after heralding his supposed medical miracle. What Dr. Dong did was to secretly infuse clinical samples with healthy blood before announcing his breakthrough findings. The punishment? Well, there was no punishment meted out for this white-collar-crime. But he did resign his position and agree not to seek any government contracts…for three years.

12/27/13 So, when a drug company does a clinical trial, the results are skewed to come up roses. This is the case with the leukemia drug Ponatinib. The original clinical trials showed a mere (insert sarcasm) serious arterial blood clots in 8% of patients treated with the drug. Since then, the real numbers crunch in at up to a 48% occurrence of serious events. That’s pretty much one out of every two patients having “an increased frequency of blood clots and narrowing of blood vessels…” according to the FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed). In their infinite wisdom, the FDA says: “We will continue to evaluate the drug to further understand its risks and potential patient populations in which the benefits of the drug may outweigh the risks…” In some drug victims, fatal and serious adverse events or blindness occurred as early as 2 weeks after starting ponatinib therapy.

12/23/13 The best way to avoid a cesarean birth is by avoiding hospitals. Beyond that; focus on proper nutrition and exercise through the pregnancy for the best results. Taking a Lamaze class, performing yoga and meditation all help to build an awareness and build a confidence in the ability of your body to deliver a healthy baby. Childbirth is a blessed event – not a medical procedure. Medicine in general does a pretty good job of squashing mother and father’s confidence in the ability to safely deliver a healthy baby during labor. My advice: find a good midwife and stay at home for the labor and delivery.

12/20/13 The treatment of metastatic breast cancer with radiotherapy and surgically hacking apart the breasts after initial chemotherapy treatment provides absolutely NO benefit to patients according to a 2013 clinical trial. In fact, the over-treated cancers had a 7% higher death rate with what is called loco-regional treatment (LRT) after chemotherapy compared to the breast cancer tumors that were left alone. Of course, the over-treated group that survived the treatments also suffered many more side-effects of treatment along with a lower quality of life. The bombastic cancer experts who did this study called a 7% percent excess death rate “statistically insignificant”. Really?? It is HIGHLY significant in the real world. That statement of “7% insignificance” is called “conventional wisdom”. That means “educated idiocy” to me.

12/19/13 What happens when you give someone anti-flu drugs like Tamiflu? The virus mutates to become a new strain of drug-resistant flu. This brings prolonged, severe infections and poor clinical outcomes. The latest deadly flu virus – the H7N9 avian flu from China is no exception. Medical professionals have found the mutating behavior in this new strain that allows the virus to attack and replicate with full-force in human respiratory cells. Of course, many of the people infected with H7N9 in China were elderly and/or had conditions that predisposed them to contracting the flu virus. But do the experts study flu prevention? No money in that. Loads of money in toxic vaccines though.

12/18/13 What they didn’t tell you about the 2009 flu pandemic and consequent vaccine push was that there was a damning spike in fetal deaths that the CDC somehow failed to report. In September 2010, the CDC denied any adverse events in the pregnant population during the pandemic. The CDC even had a task force assigned to track all adverse events during the 2009 pandemic season, including those adverse events in the pregnant population. Requests for the release of this info through the Freedom of Information Act have brought nothing but delays. Wonder what they are hiding? Could it actually be a fact that vaccines are deadly for unborn children? Don’t be a sheople, people. Say no to toxic flu vaccines.

12/17/13 The use of breast MRI has increased for diagnostic evaluations and screenings. Not only is this method more expensive, it is also more invasive and leads to a heck-of-a-lot more false-positive rates. The guidelines from the American Cancer Society say that breast MRI should only be used for women with a 20% or greater lifetime risk of breast cancer. Yet that is not what is happening as the overall rate of breast MRI nearly tripled between 2005 and 2009. The kicker: they use breast MRI the most when they don’t find anything at all with a mammogram. That’s a hammer searching for a nail.

12/16/13 One Big Pharma drug company is saying that it is five years away from an Alzheimer’s cure. Biggest faker claim I’ve ever seen from out of these money-grubbing clowns. Do want to know how they will achieve this result? Well, the early trials show that this drug does NOT work on dementia disorders AT ALL. But this is what the researchers claim: that the study subjects are not getting on this side-effect ridden chemical soon enough… They want everyone on their miracle drug BEFORE they get dementia. Newsflash: Not everyone gets dementia disorders in the first place, so the drug is “bound to work” on some people. There’s no blood test or x-ray for diagnosing early dementia or Alzheimer’s because the disorder diagnosis is based solely on opinion in the earliest stages. How about some diet and supplement interventions that really work? Start with the thyroid.

12/13/13 Take some Proton Pump Inhibitor (PPI) antacids and you will increase your risk of dementia, nerve damage, anemia, and other medical complications. You see, you need strong stomach acid to break down proteins, minerals and vitamins but suppressing stomach acids with drugs can also lead to health-threatening vitamin deficiencies. In the US last year, about 15 million people received some 157 million prescriptions for PPI anti-acid medications. And that doesn’t count the OTC meds people buy daily. Most people actually need more acid in their stomach to avoid heartburn and GERD, not less.

12/12/13 On the heels of a healthy 19 year old kid dying from a flu vaccine recently, the infamous Nanny State NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg is pushing to force all children who attend public schools or licensed daycares to get annual toxic flu vaccinations – regardless of the parents’ objections. This forced medical care without informed consent and has to be stopped! This new law – if it goes into effect – will force all children and infants over 6 months old to receive flu immunizations every year. John Gilmore of the Autism Action Network says: “The Bloomberg administration is wildly exaggerating the benefit of the flu shot and we think they are wildly underestimating the risks involved with it,” Flu shots are medical procedures with deadly risks – higher risks than the flu itself.

12/11/13 What is worse than cancer? Dying from the cancer drugs that are supposed to “cure” it for one…Capecitabine, AKA Xeloda, is an oral chemical used to treat breast and colorectal cancers but is associated with potentially fatal cutaneous reactions. Other symptoms of this nasty drug include flu-like symptoms, fever, skin itching, and a painful red or purplish skin rash that spreads and blisters and eventually causes the skin to shed, mouth sores, eye burning, itching, and discharge, diarrhea, vomiting, nausea, mouth sores, hand-foot syndrome, fever, suppressed immune function, infection and – death. The five-year breast cancer stage IV survival rate after capecitabine is 1.4%. Naturopathic medicine does better than that peeps.

12/10/13 Want to know the quickest way to make a cold worse? Grab for some painkillers and you can quickly worsen any viral respiratory infection. Reach for the ibuprofen and make the illnesses last longer. Painkillers in general interfere with the immune system as it mounts its defense against viruses. Your body’s immune system fights the virus with an inflammatory response by bringing healing fluids to the tissues, Fighting down immune response inflammation with anti-inflammatories can definitely prolong symptoms and even help the virus progress and do more damage. Besides this, Big Pharma drugs ALL come with side effects – some that are very serious.

12/09/13 Another case of the cure is worse than the disease. Actually, taking the antiseizure drug clobazam, a benzodiazepine, does not cure anything but rather just hides the symptoms of seizures – maybe… Well now, clobazam has been found to clobber the hapless patient by sometimes causing a potentially fatal skin reaction according to the USDA. Clobazam is an add-on therapy to “treat” seizures that can cause Stevens-Johnson syndrome (SJS) and toxic epidermal necrolysis (TEN) and the risk escalates during the first 8 weeks of treatment or when treatment resumes after it was stopped. Clobazam adverse events also include blindness. Just trying to get off this nasty drug can trigger seizures, nervousness, and hallucinations.

12/06/13 Proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are used for the treatment of reflux esophagitis in infants – even when infant symptoms are not even related to reflux. A recent study took infants with the diagnosis of reflux and gave one group PPIs and the other group, a placebo. The overall effectiveness of PPIs compared to placebos in infants was a close 14% for both groups… Reflux episodes in both groups reduced at basically the same rate; a lousy 14%. Let me state this another way – DON’T LET THEM PUT YOUR INFANT ON MEDICATION! The side effects of the PPI medications often cause – guess what? Reflux esophagitis… Try some ginger tea instead of medicine on your reflux baby.

12/05/13 Hammer in search of a nail… Meningitis B is the latest “outbreak” among college kids. I use the quote marks for “outbreak” because out of tens of millions of students, only a small handful (7 people in 8 months) have been struck with meningitis B, none of them have died from it, AND it’s not even expected to spread. But what does the crazed medical establishment do? They concoct an unapproved vaccine (along with all of its horrible additives) to conduct a mass-experiment on some 15,000 people. This is not some kind of pandemic outbreak here – just more Big Pharma fear mongering that comes with a well-publicized “outbreak”. You know what spreads this particular meningitis? Sharing saliva…

12/04/13 What was that definition of insanity? Chemotherapy fits that one. Chemotherapy carries an overall 5-year survival rate of 2.1% This means there is about a 98% chance you’re not going to make it. One common problem with chemo is that a tumor responds very well at first only to come back resistant to chemo. It is a pretty simple thing for cancer to outsmart deadly chemo by switching off one gene in the cancer’s DNA. These tumor cells quickly repair the chemo effect and refuse to die. Would you board an airplane that had a 98% probability of crashing? If you could choose between that plane and one that has a 90% chance of making it alive to the destination, which would you choose? Choose wisely peeps.

12/03/13 A BIG NO-NO! Over 80% of pregnant ladies take OTC and/or prescription drugs during the pregnancy. They pump up with drugs for coughs, colds, allergies, gastrointestinal disorders, and pain. The most common cough, cold, and allergy products used during pregnancy are antihistamines, decongestants, antitussives, and expectorants. Another BIG NO-NO during pregnancy is the Tdap vaccine and influenza vaccine. Exposing an unborn child to drugs of any kind during pregnancy increases the likelihood of an adverse effect occurring like birth defects, heart defects, autism, ADHD and other problems. Consider the unborn child before succumbing to any drugs of chemicals that only treat symptoms.

12/02/13 The latest 2013 report in the Journal of Patient Safety estimated US hospital deaths from adverse events at up to 440,000 per year. That’s way up from the 1999 estimate of 98,000 per year. Medicare patients alone are dying at a rate of 180,000 per year from medical care-related problems. These all are cases of errors of treatment, medication errors and care-related infections. Hospitals, surgicenters, free-standing emergency rooms, and urgent care facilities are all dangerous places to visit for any reason. I avoid these places as much as possible and you should too.

11/27/13 What’s smarter than a flu vaccine? Why, it’s the flu virus of course! Scientists have identified a way that seasonal flu circumvents vaccines with a single amino acid substitution. The current flu vaccine is supposed to work by exposing the body to parts of inactivated flu, prompting the immune system to develop antibodies against these viruses. But the flu virus is one step ahead of science as every two or so years the seasonal flu evolves, preventing old antibodies from recognizing the new strain and thereby nullifying any “vaccine benefits”. Who is smarter than a flu vaccine? Anyone who knows better than to take a shot-in-the-dark.

11/26/13 It’s in your vaccines: Gelatin is found in lunchmeats, jellies, gummy candies and is also found in vaccines. Gelatin is produced by partial hydrolysis of collagen extracted from cow, pig, and fish tendons and bones. Allergic reactions to gelatin can trigger a deadly anaphylaxis emergency. Once you shoot gelatin (and/or other adjuvants, poisons and preservatives) unnaturally into the muscle, the body is left to clean-up the mess by mounting an immune response to the invasive products. Of course, the immune system remembers the adjuvants in its repertoire of immune responses to label the gelatin (and other adjuvants) as unwanted invaders. Vaccines containing gelatin include the influenza; MMR; varicella; yellow fever; zoster; rabies; Japanese encephalitis; and DTaP.

11/25/13 Insurance companies, medical clinics and employers don’t like fat people anymore. Obesity is probably the biggest epidemic of disease that doctors now deal with and obesity is responsible for diverse chronic illnesses that are causing health problems for patients and driving up medical bills. The latest trend in prejudice is to figure out new ways to penalize people who are overweight. Companies pay less, insurance companies charge more – or drop them -, countries can ban fat people from immigrating and laws are demanding that restaurants post calorie counts on menus. Of course, if you are eating at McDonald’s every day, you’re probably not even looking for calorie charts. Healing arts should teach people how to lose weight without drugs and surgery rather than figuring out how to penalize them more.

11/22/13 30% of Americans on mood-enhancing drugs suffer from sexual side effects of these chemicals together with an 80% decreased ability to cry, get angry, worry or care about another person’s feelings. Couple these two facts together and watch the romance fail. Antidepressants increase serotonin in the brain by producing malfunction in the serotonin reuptake. But they also decrease dopamine that is responsible for arousing emotions. Any feelings of passion and romance are dulled as a side effect of antidepressants. Tamper with one part of the chemistry of the brain and you whack another one.

11/21/13 Wanna fatten up your toddler? Give them antibiotics. Toddler too fat? Probably had antibiotics as an infant. Infants given multiple courses of broad-spectrum antibiotics have a 20% increased risk of becoming obese toddlers according to the Obesity Society. The greatest risk of obesity is in toddlers who had received antibiotics in the first 6 months of life. Of course, there are other “side effects” to prescribing broad-spectrum antibiotics to infants, like GERD, upset stomach, diarrhea and a whacked immune system – among many other side effects. Antibiotics always alter the gut microbiome – the colony of bacteria living there that build the immune system, fight other bacteria, suppress fungus, digest food and otherwise help regulate the metabolism of the body.

11/20/13 Do it ‘til you go blind… Did you know that women who have taken oral contraceptives for three years are twice as likely to suffer from glaucoma? Glaucoma is one of the leading causes of blindness worldwide. Did your doctor inform you of that pesky little side effect? Probably not. Think one brand of contraceptive is better than another? NOPE! Researchers haven’t got a clue as to why this happens, but who cares. At this point, researchers say that more studies need to be done. You are on your own on this one to protect your peepers, peeps.

11/19/13 A decade and a half of research reveals some eyebrow raising findings about the ubiquitous blood test and many other lab tests. Reported in the journal PLOS ONE is the analysis of 1.6 million results from 46 commonly ordered lab tests. Estimations by the researchers are that 30% of all tests were likely unnecessary. Of course, the almighty lab tests are used in virtually all patients. Many tests are ordered out of sheer dogma. Bottom line, it is not about ordering less labs but rather ordering the right labs – and only the right labs because what sometimes happens next is the real problem – repeat tests, more visits, unnecessary surgeries, expensive hospital stays, higher costs all around. Instead of ordering tests by asking ‘why not?’ let’s ask ‘why?’

11/18/13 The latest “expert advice” on cholesterol guidelines for identifying adults at risk for heart disease has been once-again lowered with the distinct purpose of getting more people than ever on the more cholesterol-reducing statin medication than ever before. Of course, the new guidelines out from the American Heart Association are not there to help people find the cause and fix it. Loyola cardiologist Ivan V. Pacold, MD says, “The guidelines emphasize that starting and KEEPING (my emphasis) patients on statin treatment is more important than looking at the actual cholesterol-lowering effect of the treatment.” HUH?? With the new guidelines, anyone with cholesterol 190 and above are now in the “very high” range. This latest Big Pharma tactic will bring in an estimated 35 million more cholesterol drug users – and kill and maim way more people than it helps (IMO).

11/15/13 The reason we have so much rebound sickness and antibiotic resistant infections is because bacteria goes into a dormant state when antibiotics show up. This makes some bacteria pretty much impervious to traditional antibiotics. Since antibiotics target only actively functioning bacteria, they are useless against “dormant persisters”. Take an antibiotic, feel better for a few weeks and OOOPS! The bacteria comes back – and stronger than ever. With the re-awakening of the dormant bacteria, the infection simply re-establishes itself anew. Scientists have now developed another line of antibiotics called ADEP that will activate the persisters and turn them into wimpy bacteria. But, how long ‘til the wimps beef up their resistance? Not long is my prediction…

11/14/13 There is a high-dose UTI drug that Big Pharma claims can beat low dose cranberry juice for UTI treatment. The only category that the TMP-SMX antibiotic beats cranberry juice is in the side-effect column. With TMP-SMX, you can experience vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, headache, muscle weakness, mental/mood changes, new lump/growth in the neck, low blood sugar, neck stiffness, seizures, liver damage, lung injury, and vaginal yeast infections. This commonly prescribed antibiotic also wreaks havoc on the kidneys and causes dangerously high potassium levels with five times higher incidence in patients prescribed TMP-SMX compared to amoxicillin. None of these side-effects occur with cranberry! Make the obvious choice here peeps – the natural one that won’t raise your antibiotic resistance.

11/13/13 Cesarean delivery rates rose 53% between 1996 and 2010, topping in at a whopping 32.8%. Most sheople believe that this rising C-section rate is from labor and delivery complications that make this surgery necessary. What people don’t realize is that common interventions such as Pitocin, Epidurals and lousy birthing positions prevent the mother from finding comfort and causes the body slow down labor progress – resulting in fetal distress (whether real or conjured by the caregivers to speed the decision for a cesarean). Caregivers rarely inform the patient of the intervention complications and long-term problems that occur using medical interventions and procedures. After all, a C-section takes less time leaving the practitioner more time away than with the longer route of natural vaginal birth – uh, while at the same time, earning much more profit.

11/12/13 So, Big Pharma study after study twist the perspective on aspirin to show “the possible benefits” of the daily dose of aspirin as a primary prevention for cardiovascular disease and colorectal cancer. What they don’t do is balance their sales-pitch with an understanding of the harmful and sometimes deadly side effects such as bleeding and gastrointestinal problems. Aspirin brings a 37% increase in gastrointestinal bleeding and up to an extra 38% increase in haemorrhagic stroke. Overlay those two figures with the reported benefits of daily aspirin bringing a mere 10% reduction in major cardiovascular events and close to the same results for colorectal cancer. But the mighty dollar rules Big Pharma sales and promotions and it takes an informed decision to figure this out on your own.

11/11/13 Are you allergic to Gummy Bears or even marshmallows? If you are not yet allergic to them, then flu vaccines can take you there! Gelatin, is used in flu shots, flu sprays and other vaccines as a stabilizer that causes the body to become sensitive or even allergic to anything with gelatin in it. Once you introduce this food product into the body via vaccination, the immune system is left with the cleanup and develops antibodies against it. This can cause allergic reactions, such as hives, sneezing, difficulty breathing and life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis whenever the victim encounters even more gelatin. Gelatin contains proteins from cow, pig or fish and is found in a variety of pharmaceuticals, vitamins and foods.

11/08/13 Vaccines cause seizure disorders in kids. But wouldn’t you know that the bigger concern for Big Pharma is studying which groups have more vaccine-induced seizures than other vaccinated groups. A data-base pool of over 9 million children was used to track vaccine safety focusing on children between 12 and 23 months old to find the magnitude of increased risk of seizures following measles vaccines. When they compared 12 to 15 month old seizure rates to children vaccinated at 16 to 23 months of age, they found a 61% increase in seizure rates for the older children. Here’s what YOU, the parent, needs to study: vaccinated children are a shameful 22 times more likely to have seizures than unvaccinated kids. Measles they’ll get over with some vitamin A and some time. Seizures – they may not…

11/07/13 So, take some ibuprofen or ibuprofen with paracetamol for your cold symptoms and come back within a month with worsening symptoms and even new symptoms. In the latest study, up to 70% of study participants prescribed ibuprofen or ibuprofen with paracetamol for respiratory symptoms came back with just that – worse symptoms than before. Researchers were surprised that this “preferred treatment” actually contributed to the progression of the illness. Well, that’s no surprise for met! Any nutritionist worth their salt knows that when you suppress symptoms you interfere with the healing process and make things worse. When the body is sick it needs good nutrition and lots of vitamins to get better. Colds are not caused by a lack of drugs!

11/06/13 Chemotherapy/radiation cancer treatments carry an average 2.1% “survival” rate over 5 years. But death isn’t the only “side effect” of chemo/radiation. Most chemo/radiation survivors report difficulties in attention, concentration, multitasking, short-term memory and in learning new material. These symptoms of chemo/radiation effects are exacerbated by treatment-related fatigue, sleep disturbances, anemia, nausea, new digestive problems, plus added stress and anxiety. It is common for cancer patients to have cognitive changes during treatment with nearly 100% of them having difficulty with attention, concentration, memory, multitasking, and so forth. Some of these symptoms never go away after treatment and the more intensive the treatment – the higher the level of persistent cognitive problems. Just one more reason to opt for natural cancer treatments that have much higher remission rates and not just higher “survival” rates.

11/05/13 A new study at Duke University shows that keeping newborns away from the doctor’s office lessens the Emergency Room visits made by parents. Some parents run to the pediatrician’s office for every cough, sniffle, sneeze and wheeze their baby makes. Of course, they also get extra shots, drugs and (IMO) bad advice for their “stellar efforts” – AND they also get 50% more emergency care. Duke’s solution: Hire a home-visit nurse. Researchers found that home visits for newborns had 50% less emergency room visits than the control group families. And the positive results of the home visits held for a year after birth, well after the nurse’s contact had ended. This newly designed program from Duke costs about $700 per family but saves thousands of bucks and needless suffering and hospital visits. Home is where it’s at baby!

11/04/13 Who is to blame for the overuse of antibiotics? The doctors say that it is the patient demanding them and that it is all the patient’s fault for the growing epidemics of antibiotic resistant bacteria. The biggest problem is that doctors pass out antibiotic prescriptions for every cough, sneeze, sniffle, rash, tummy ache and fever, even when they’re clinically proven to do nothing but damage. Well they can blame the patient all they want but the license to dispense is the doc’s sole responsibility. The patient is wrong to run to doctor for every cough, sneeze, sniffle, rash, tummy ache and fever. If a doctor’s first move is to reach for the antibiotics your next move should be to high-tail it out the door. If doctors would give patients actual informed consent as to why medications make them sicker, most patients would refuse them.

11/01/13 One out of 10 teens and young adults landing in the ER for any reason admitted to misusing a prescription painkiller or sedative one or more times in the last year. Reasons given for this were: taking the drugs to get high; taking more of the drug than was prescribed to them; taking drugs prescribed to someone else – helping to make a majority of these cases illicit drug use with no prescriptions for these drugs on their medical records. Even though ER docs prescribe opioid painkillers and sedatives for emergency use, they also care for a multitude of patients who either accidentally or intentionally overdose on these drugs. The CDC estimates that 100 deaths per day result from prescription drug overdoses and bring around 700,000 ER visits per year. School based studies find that 8% of school kids abuse these drugs.

10//31/13 Acetaminophen (pain drugs like Tylenol), are short-term pain relievers with LONG-TERM consequences – especially to the developing fetus. A new study suggests that a 28 day use of acetaminophen during pregnancy can increase adverse effects on child development. Children exposed to acetaminophen for over 28 days during pregnancy had poorer gross motor skills, poor communication skills and more behavioral problems and the same but weaker trend was found with acetaminophen taken for less than 28 days. The study tested about 3,000 children at 3 years of age to figure this out. Our first choice for pain relief should automatically be something natural rather than reaching for the Tylenol. Oh, and stop doing what hurt us in the first place.

10/30/13 Buyers beware! X-rays and CT scans are moneymakers that have toxic effects on the body. The latest study shows that ultrasound testing is much less toxic to the body and just as effective as ICU with a much lower cost. The fact is that there is an average of 5.21 x-rays done per patient in the ICU using x-rays and CT scans but only 1.10 x-rays per ICU patient in a hospital using ultrasound as the standard of care. CT scans dropped from 0.91 per ICU patient to 0.26 per patient in the ultrasound hospital. The most important part of this is that there was no significant short-term mortality rate between the two hospital ICU units. I say that long-term there will be many more complications and death from the radiological procedures.

10/29/13 Penicillin was the first antibiotic discovered in 1928 that led to the successful treatment of millions suffering from illnesses that were before deadly. Now the associate director of the CDC has announced the end of antibiotics. Dr. Arjun Srinivasan says that the overuse of antibiotics in humans, livestock, and even on crops has rendered the former “miracle drugs” useless against the new superbugs. But this problem didn’t just rise up overnight. Because of the decades of indiscriminate use of antibiotics we are entering a new post-antibiotic era with no treatment left for infections that just five to ten years ago could be treated. Seems like everything we do these days from diet to immunizations to antibiotic overuse is making us weaker and weaker. Time to shed the bad medicine and get healthy again.

10/28/13 Asthma is a disease of inflammation. Of course, the medical mucky-mucks only see the world through the eyes of Big Pharma, therefor the standard of treatment is via drugs. What’s worse than that is the fact that a pitiful one out of 169 caregivers even administered these dangerous medications to children properly according to the Journal of Asthma. This one factor has led to many bad outcomes that have raised hospital admissions and boosted healthcare costs. Fewer than 4% of caregivers were able to complete just half of the 10 essential steps to “safely” deliver asthma medications to children. Time for a different health paradigm peeps.

10/25/13 According to the World Health Organization, C-section rates should less than half of what they are. C-section deliveries are major surgery that can result in infections, loss of blood, placenta problems, complications in future pregnancies, ongoing pelvic pain, uterine rupture and bowel blockage. C-section babies can have breathing problems, difficulty breastfeeding, childhood onset diabetes and asthma. The real cause for the upsurge in C-sections rates lies in our increasing tolerance for clinical procedures and drugs that brings a casual attitude toward unnecessary interventions and surgery. Bottom line, cesareans do more harm than good and are quite often used inappropriately on healthy women with little or no complications.

10/24/13 Further evidence of harm with Gardasil: There was Zip, Zero, Nada studies on the effects of the HPV vaccines on the reproductive system of females before its approval. Not even an honorable mention. But there is one very large population that is PAYING money to offer their children as human lab rats on untested ground. The study results: Little girls are going into early menopause for no other known cause than as a “side effect” of this vaccine. One research study published in the American Journal of Reproductive Immunology followed young women who were normal before the vaccine but experienced ovarian failure after the HPV vaccination. I some cases there were both anti-ovarian and anti-thyroid auto-antibodies found in these hapless young girls. All the study patients experienced other post-vaccine symptoms including nausea, headache, sleep disturbances, arthralgia and a range of cognitive and psychiatric disturbances. It’s time to think-twice about this peeps.

10/23/13 Not only do antidepressants fail more often than not, a 2005 study revealed that antidepressant drugs also take over the brain’s dopamine signaling. This action blunts normal emotions all the way around. So, not only do these drugs tank your libido, but they blunt romantic feelings too. So, now you are depressed and have a damaged marriage and other relationships along with inappropriate development of long-term attachment bonds. Big Pharma reasons that it is depression that dulls passion and romance, but research suggests otherwise. Antidepressants in effect are designed to “dull emotional pain” to make depression “more manageable” and “neutralize anxiety”. Unfortunately, feelings of romance and love are dulled as well. This is not a “side-effect peeps, it is an effect – and a highly undesirable one.

10/22/13 Why you just can’t win with Big Pharma drugs. The FDA (Fabricating, Druggies and Addicts) now allows Big Pharma companies to “pre-select” their test subjects for painkiller studies based on who is most likely to respond to the treatment. How will you ever honestly know what works and what doesn’t? You really cannot. Big Pharma calls this “enriched enrollment,” but the only one getting rich is Big Pharma. The FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) has a panel in charge of painkillers that “collaborate” with Big Pharma to show them how to push their drugs through the approvals process. Sadly, none of the Big Pharma “solutions” deal with causes of pain to remove them. Why, if you got better, you wouldn’t need to pay for more Big Pharma solutions.

10/21/13 Lie of the century! “I like to say it this way – you can think of flu vaccines and rubella vaccines as anti-autism vaccines.” -Dr. Greg Poland, CDC. Truth of the century: In one year, ending in 2010 the combined flu vaccinations increased Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS) fetal death reports by 4,250%!! With callous regard for fetal life, the CDC is once-again recommending the multiple-strain, inactivated flu vaccine (containing mercury -Thimerosal) for EVERY pregnant woman as a safe vaccination this season. If this evil vaccine is causing massive amounts of stillborn babies and miscarriage pregnancies, then how is it really safe – for anyone? And just why are autism rates still climbing? Seems to be one heckuva disconnect between reality and fantasy with the CDC…

10/18/13 OCD is a psychiatric disorder with anxiety-provoking thoughts – obsessions- causing repeated, time-consuming behaviors -compulsions. Standard treatments for psychiatric disorders are antidepressant medications that don’t help some 65% of patients and/or have nasty side-effects. Well, let’s talk about another tool in the hands of an inept medical system called psychosurgery (bilateral anterior capsulotomy). At the end of a12- year study, less than 15% of victims (er-patients) recovered from their OCD while some 10% of these human lab rats had permanent surgical complications. Would you board a jet that had a 15% chance of safely making its destination?

10/17/13 Americans spend more for health care than any other nation in the world; and yet, we are not the healthiest nation in the world. Two years ago I reported that the US was number 34 in the world for infant mortality. Well, in two years since we have fallen to number 68 in the world. Losing ground fast and ignorant as hell as to why. It is no coincidence that chronic disease rates are rising in lock-step with our growing medical system. Pretty much about half of adults in the US can now look forward to getting cancer. About a quarter of our children are now on schedule II pharmaceutical drugs and one out of three preschoolers are overweight or obese. Heart disease, asthma, allergies, diabetes, mental illness, cancer, and obesity rates are spiraling upwards among every sector of the population. Bottom line – Our medical system is working against our health. What we need is an army of nutritionists that can keep us all away from Big Pharma.

10/16/13 Despite conclusive evidence of high death risk, low therapeutic efficacy and high failure rates of antipsychotics used for treating dementia, nearly one-quarter of all US nursing home residents are diagnosed with dementia and callously prescribed antipsychotic medication. In 2004, health authorities began warning health care practitioners about the cerebro- and cardiovascular risks of prescribing antipsychotics for the troublesome behaviors in elderly patients with dementia (a diagnosis of convenience). The FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) even requires a boxed warning over this for the entire drug class. There is something bad-wrong with the system when this brand of murder continues unabated. If you have a loved one in a nursing home, stand up for their rights for Pete’s sake. Your turn’s a-coming…

10/15/13 Wanna hear something that will absolutely make you sick? An all-out infant vaccination campaign has caused Hepatitis B virus (HBV) to more than double its “breakout” mutation rates. HBV mutations circumvent the vaccine and are causing the vaccinologists to scramble for even more new vaccines and strategies. Researchers at the University of North Carolina found that one universal vaccination program for infants implemented in 1992 dropped initial HBV rates from 10% to 1% – BUT, HBV mutants rose from 6.5% 1992 to nearly 15% and rising in 2005. The real question is: “Do vaccines really work? Or are we are creating our worst nightmares to come…”

10/14/13 Medicaid now provides health insurance for more than one fifth of the U.S. population and the Affordable Care Act will expand Medicaid coverage to millions more people. But, some 30% of office-based physicians do not accept Medicaid patients, with even higher levels in specialty practices. Physicians accepting new Medicaid patients severely limit the availability of their services by adding in an average waiting time for an appointment by some 22 days longer for children on Medicaid than for privately insured children. Of course, Medicaid’s doctor payment rate is very low and the formulary to obtain prior authorization for Medicaid patients is near impossible to meet anyhow. Bottom line, most physicians are reluctant to see Medicaid patients and Medicaid patients are more likely to initiate malpractice suits.

10/11/13 Vaccine “herd immunity” is a theory – and just a theory. It was originally coined in the 30s by a researcher studying measles patterns long before any vaccine was ever contrived for measles. The original assumption was that epidemics of measles only occurred when natural immunity levels in the “herd” of children fell below 68%. Hedrich’s “herd immunity” theory was about natural disease processes and had nothing to do with vaccinations. Somewhere in the next 50 years, vaccinologists appropriated the phrase and actually imposed a magic new number to increase the 68% figure to 95% – with no scientific justification as to why. The worse part of this travesty of science is that the Big Pharma industry now pits parent against parent to “cow” the rest of the unvaccinated herd into vaccination. If vaccines actually work, why should you be afraid of my unvaccinated kid? He’s not sick.

10/10/13 Both the American Academy of Pediatrics and the Centers for Disease Control recommend vaccinating children at any visit, including sick visits and have done so for the last 20 years. Their reasoning is that shooting a child during a sick-visit helps avoid “missed opportunities” to vaccinate if the parents do not attend scheduled well visits. Children are intrinsically healthy in the first place if you just leave them alone to grow up. Children didn’t start getting sick by the droves until vaccines hit full swing in the 60s and 70s. The fact is that infants who receive a vaccination at an ear infection visit make an average of about 20% more well-baby checkups than infants who did not receive a vaccination at a sick-baby visit.

10/09/13 Under the new ObamaCare rules, your doc – any doc – will be required to ask questions and record your answers for a national database. What kind of questions you ask? How about having to truthfully answer who you have sex with, how often you have sex, how many people you’ve had sex with, do you have one current partner or more, multiple partners or same-sex partners? Under the ObamaCare law, all doctors will have to ask and then record your answers in the government-linked computer databases all medical professionals must have starting next year. I’ve got an answer for their idiot prying into my protected rights: NUNYA

10/08/13 In 10 years, the prescription rates for the antibiotic azithromycin, increased from rarer than rare for strep throat to a horrendous 15% of antibiotics prescribed. A mere 10% of all strep throat is bacterial and yet 60% of sore throats get useless antibiotics thrown at them. Antibiotic over-prescribing increases the prevalence of antibiotic-resistant bacteria along with wrecking the immune system and trashing digestion. According to antibiotic researcher Jeffrey A. Linder, MD, antibiotic prescribing for acute bronchitis rate should be near 0% but the national antibiotic prescribing rate was 73%. According to the latest study, a majority of sore throats and acute bronchitis should be treated with rest and fluids and do not require a visit to the doctor.

10/07/13 An HIV positive can be triggered by vaccines, malnutrition, flu, hepatitis, MS, measles, papilloma virus wart, pneumonia, antibiotic damage, Epstein Barr virus, fever, malaria, syphilis, and over fifty other conditions. HIV tests are protein tests that look for reactions between the test kit proteins and proteins in the blood. HIV infection is merely inferred from HIV tests. The HIV virus has never been observed in any form and just how HIV causes AIDS remains a profound mystery in the hands of a multi-billion dollar cash-cow AIDS industry. Even the Western Blot Test carries the disclaimer that 94% of all positives will be false positives.

10/04/13 The drug most often associated with peripheral neuropathy is the antibacterial drug Isoniazid, which has been used for tuberculosis treatment since the 50s. Isoniazid can cause fatal liver injury in approximately 1 out of every 100 patients and the mortality rate among Isoniazid-induced hepatitis is approximately 10%. Other side effects include encephalopathy, optic neuritis, eye nerve atrophy, seizures, impaired memory, psychosis, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, dry skin, fever, skin rashes and eruptions, swollen lymph nodes, reductions in white blood cells, increased risk of bleeding, anemia, high blood sugar levels, man boobs, tinnitus, difficulty urinating and painful joints. BUT! 10,000 units of vitamin D daily for tuberculosis treatment brings a 100% cure rate. Now which medicine do you want?

10/03/13 Prostate cancer screening using the PSA (prostate-specific antigen) test does not reduce cancer deaths. New research has now shown that men experience more harm than good from routine PSA screening. The resulting treatment from positive PSA test results not only failed to lower cancer deaths but brought with it a plethora of total harm in terms of impotence and incontinence that severely affect quality of life. PSA test measures PSA protein levels in the blood produced by the prostate gland. Researchers estimate that out of 1,000 men screened with the PSA test, there would be12 additional cases of impotence and three additional cases of incontinence. Additionally, the risk of dying 60 days after any prostate operation tripled in 70 year and older men.

10/02/13 If I took some mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, antifreeze, and live virus particles cultured in aborted fetal and dead animal tissue, then mix them with peanut oil and inject my kiddos with it, would you call me a good parent? How about if I add some petroleum chemicals to the mix and told my wife “This will keep you from getting sick…” I would be arrested for child abuse and criminal assault. How is it then that we pay our doctors to inject our bodies with the same ingredients and let them tell us “this will keep you from getting sick.” Chemical concoctions do NOT prevent disease—but the human immune system can! Try as they might, all the king’s men cannot fool nature or the human immune system. In fact, when you try to fool it, you either piss it off badly (cytokine storm) or you weaken the immune system to allow degenerative and autoimmune diseases to take over. This is not sound logic peeps and the madness has to stop!

10/01/13 Ever heard of Roto-Rooter for heart disease? It’s call angioplasty and the medical mucky mucks can’t wait to get their hands on you and Roto-Rooter out your arteries. In order to do so they have cut emergency room wait times for this wallet-shrinking procedure by a whopping 20%! But did this rush to the operation table bring a fall in death rates with this is a “critical life-saving procedure?” The fact is that there have been ZIP, NADA, NO improvements in the death rates right after the procedure or even in 30 days beyond that. But, this procedure keeps the hospitals flush with some 25 billion smackers a year. Angioplasty isn’t even necessary in most cases and 5% of the time actually causes a heart attack during the procedure and 2% of angioplasty victims die during the procedure.

09/30/13 Maternal sepsis is increasing in hospital births and causing complications and death among women in developed countries. Deaths from sepsis have all but doubled in the last 10 years making sepsis the leading cause of maternal death. Of course, the latest study offers no conclusions as to what’s causing the rise in severe sepsis. Gee, could it be hospitals causing this? Sepsis is a system-wide inflammatory reaction to infection that can lead to multiple organ failure and death. Severe sepsis and death can occur during labor and delivery even in women with no recognized risk factors. A whopping 6% of deliveries are now bringing with them sepsis. Did you know that one increased risk factor for maternal sepsis is Medicaid insurance?

09/27/13 Did you know that antibiotics can cause neuropathy? There are now even upgraded warnings to the class of fluoroquinolone drugs (such as ciprofloxacin), because of their association with irreversible peripheral neuropathy. The FDA has received increasing numbers of reports of neuropathy caused by these antibiotics. These drugs are widely used and carry with them other adverse effects, such as tendon rupture, tendinopathy and QT wave prolongation. Antibiotics are “anti”-“life”. Antibiotic overuse should be a crime, so don’t be a medical Patsy. Question the use of all antibiotics very closely and seek alternatives every time.

09/26/13 Want to hear something stupid crazy? Digoxin, the go-to drug for treating heart conditions, was associated with a 72% higher rate of death among adults with systolic heart failure. Of course, this new independent finding flies in the face of the Big Pharma-backed usage of this drug. Heck, in a study done in 1993, they already knew that digoxin did not lower mortality among therapy patients with systolic heart failure. But they keep right on selling it like oceanfront property in Phoenix. The study recommendation? That care decisions should always be made by physicians and their patients working together… ?? Ya, that’s gonna work – NOT

09/25/13 Cognitive drug enhancers do not improve cognition in patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). The simple fact is that they do more harm than good according to research. Sharon Straus, MD says: “Our results do not support the use of cognitive enhancers for patients with mild cognitive impairment. These agents were not associated with any benefit and led to an increase in harms.” But the Big Pharma advertising works and Americans now demand these drugs for their loved ones, even with high rates of nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and headache among other side effects. Heaven forbid that we should treat the causes to alleviate the symptoms of MCI. Look to the thyroid and neglect not the diet!

09/24/13 Inhaled corticosteroid use for pneumonia treatment brought a 90% increase in risk for repeat pneumonia compared with the rate of recurrence among patients not using the drugs. A five-year study looked at inhaled corticosteroids among elderly patients and evaluated over 6,200 seniors after an initial episode of pneumonia and found an undeniable association between corticosteroid use and repeat pneumonia. Inhaled corticosteroids are generally used to treat asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic bronchitis, emphysema and other respiratory disorders. Heck, they are even casually tossed out for a nagging cough. Of course, the study conclusion didn’t nix the use of these drugs, instead it recommended continuing to take them, vaccinations and toxic hand soaps for a “solution”. Time to get a new health paradigm because this one does not have real health in it…

09/23/13 Liposuction sucks. The main thing most people lose with lipo is the cash in their wallets. Siphon off the fat and get fat again… A recent study found that women who had liposuction had the fat return in six months – if they had no change in habits after the procedure. Most lipo patients never leave the same bad eating habits that caused that fat in the first place. If this wasn’t bad enough, the fat that lipo removed came back as the deadly visceral fat that surrounds organs for even more metabolic syndrome, diabetes and heart disease. This is trading bad fat for really bad fat. Nutritional eating and lifestyle changes are the only true way to safely shed fat and keep it off.

09/20/13 How about a 3-year MD degree? Because of a critical shortage in pill-pushing disease management “experts”, it is now proposed that we mill out more docs for the prescription pad. Over 100 years ago, medical school consisted of 2 years of basic science instruction followed by 2 years of clinical experience. Now it takes about 8 years plus 3 or more years of additional training. When we finally get tired of getting what we’ve been getting with our disease-management system we will eventually turn to the real experts; the nutritionists, naturopaths, homeopaths, chiropractors and herbologists for a dose of real medicine.

09/19/13 Medicine is the number one cause of death in the US! William Charney, a 30 year veteran as a health and safety officer in the health care industry estimates that almost 800,000 people died in the year 2009 from happenings within the health care delivery system. This is a combination of medical errors, health care acquired infections, misdiagnoses, medication errors, surgical errors that produce fatality or morbidity, blood clots and deadly hospital-acquired diarrheas. In 2009 there were 2.4 million people who died of all causes and a close 1/3 of these died at the hands of the medical system. Charney recently edited the book titled “Epidemic of Medical Errors and Hospital-Acquired Infections” where he details these statistics. It is high time to switch from the disease management system to the healing arts.

09/18/13 Ok men, you can have either a full head of hair and feel better about your looks, or you can have naturally healthy sex drive. Finasteride (aka Propecia) is a hair restoration drug that could actually give you a Fabio fabulous head of hair but is a known erection-killer. The big problem is that finasteride not only shrinks men down under, but the sex problems last long after the drug is discontinued. Researchers found that most men under the age of 40 who took finasteride had normal sex lives before taking the drug, but were completely abnormal after. Their troubles just kept on racking up though with libido problems, trouble with orgasms, shrinking genitals, physical pain, depression and anxiety, cognitive haziness and more. I think I’d choose a healthy sex life over hair any day…

09/17/13 How about this conundrum? Take codeine for pain relief and produce a heightened sensitivity to pain. Of course, the same is true for all chemical pain relievers including morphine and other opioid drugs. These are “Trojan Horse Drugs” that increase pain sensitivity with the long term effect of worsening the problem rather than making it better. Codeine itself has a medical history of more than 100 years and is the most widely used strong pain reliever medication in the world; while not being controlled as rigorously as morphine. Here’s an unpopular and controversial concept: treat the cause of the pain and help the tissue repair rather than just dampening the pain signals.

09/16/13 No human or animal reproduction studies have been conducted with any of the latest influenza virus vaccines. Although it is not known whether influenza virus vaccine can harm a developing baby when administered to a pregnant woman, you would have read the ingredient list with much trepidation before even considering putting any of those known toxic, carcinogenic, taratogenic and otherwise unhealthy chemicals in the body. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice states that if used during pregnancy, administration of influenza virus vaccine after 14 weeks of gestation may be preferable to avoid coincidental association of the vaccine with early pregnancy loss. I say “why risk it”?

09/13/13 Real medical madness: Childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents in the last 3 decades. According to the CDC, by 2010, over a third of children and adolescents were overweight or obese. But now according to the American Heart Association, severe obesity rates in young people has swollen to a record 5%. Severe obesity is many times a more serious childhood disease than obesity bringing higher rates of type II diabetes, cardiovascular issues, high blood pressure, high blood cholesterol and early signs of atherosclerosis at much younger ages. So, what do you think the first recommendation of the medical mucky-mucks is? To conduct more research on bariatric surgery’s effects and safety… Really??

09/12/13 Which one is stronger: cancer, chemo or you? Medical studies show that cancer often wins that race against you because of the damage chemo does to healthy cells. In a series of experiments, researchers found that formerly-healthy fibroblast cells receive severe DNA damage from chemo, causing them to release the protein WNT 16B. Might not mean much to you, but this protein causes cancer to grow and spread. In this shocking study, the cells damaged by chemo increased their WNT 16B by 3,000%. Some 90% of solid tumors, like lung, prostate, breast, and colon cancers even become resistant to chemo. The chemo treatment itself helps solid tumors thrive.

09/11/13 The Disease-Focused Approach is what the medical system uses to take a patient through all of the usual paces the disease philosophy offers: behavioral modifications, drugs and surgery. This focus ultimately helps the patient deny any responsibility in the disease process while looking to the medical provider for solutions. Even as obesity is now labeled a chronic disease, patients will become lifelong paying customers of the growing list of prescription drugs and surgeries to address their obesity, associated secondary diseases and the side effects of drugs they take. The disease approach depresses health while providing marginal (if any) benefits. The healing arts in a wellness-based philosophy though, that’s where it is at!

09/10/13 So, a new Pennsylvania hospital is now holding an “inpatient treatment program” for people suffering with “severe internet addiction”. Of course these professionals are associating internet addiction with similar behaviors to alcohol and drug addicts. This cutting edge program and hospital stay costs about 14,000 smackers. What do get with this amazingly pricey stay in the hospital? Digital detox… I’m not trying to make fun of real problems here, but this is the epitome of medicalizing human behaviors. This means that we are one-half step away from a new drugging protocol to treat this “disease”. Or maybe they’ll patent a surgery for it. The new DSM-5 actually already includes “Gaming Disorder” for the first time.

09/09/13 According to a recent report, drug coupons are available for some 400 brand-name pharmaceutical products and their use has increased by more than 50% in the prior year alone. Patients either print the coupons off the manufacturers’ websites or get them at the doctors’ offices. This helps drug companies assure specific brand purchases and prescriptions. But the legality of drug coupons is held in question and has inspired lawsuits against larger manufacturers alleging that drug coupons are illegal kickbacks. The federal anti-kickback statute prohibits knowingly paying a party to stimulate business that is in turn paid for by a federal health care program. Smells like racketeering to my brain.

09/06/13 So, we wonder why cancer is so rampant. But we just keep right on swallowing cancer-causing drugs from the pill-pushing docs who don’t have the first clue about the oath they took to “first do no harm”. The latest added to the growing list of cancer-causers is a common class of hypertension drugs – calcium channel blockers. Millions of sheople swallow these every single day. Ready for the stats? Calcium channel blockers can increase the risk of breast cancer by two and half times or more. The highest risk is in women who take these drugs for 10 years or more – pretty much any woman on these drugs because they are supposed to be taken the rest of her life. Bottom line, find a naturopath who understands the real BP numbers and can help your body heal naturally.

09/05/13 The Sunshine Act recently went into effect on August 1. What is the Sunshine Act you ask? This physician payment act requires that any gifts or income doctors receive from a pharmaceutical company over $10 is put on a public website for all to see. So, doctors getting the big bucks from Big Pharma for giving promotional lectures, or receiving research funding, kyping free samples, attending luncheons and receiving other transfers of value from a pharmaceutical company are now on record – or at least should be. Of course, congress does very little to enforce the law but mostly leave it to journalists to operate as government watchdogs to oversee enforcement of the Act.

09/04/13 Did you know that women are more likely to have chronic pain and be prescribed prescription painkillers, at higher doses, and use them for longer periods than men? Studies show that women become dependent on prescription painkillers more quickly than men and also may be more likely to engage in “doctor shopping” than men. Pain medications are serious and dangerous medications. In most situations, the risks far outweigh the benefits. One prescription of an opioid painkiller could condemn a patient to deadly complications and a lifelong addiction. Here’s a novel thought for some cases: treat the cause and the pain will go away!

09/03/13 One of the quickest ways to bad health is through antibiotics. A new study at Stanford found a number of intestinal pathogens causing problems after antibiotic administration by actually opening the door for these pathogens to take hold. Within 24 hours after oral antibiotics are administered, a spike in carbohydrate availability takes place in the gut. This sudden nutrient surplus, along with the killing-off of the good-guys gut bacteria, is fodder for at least two deadly pathogens to make their stand in an otherwise uninviting environment. Every healthy human has a highly complex microbial ecosystem residing in the intestines with thousands of distinct bacterial strains inhabiting them. When we take antibiotics, we permanently alter our vital digestive functions.

09/02/13 Got repeat sinus infections? Taking antihistamines for allergy symptoms every time you sniffle is probably the culprit by causing a malfunction in the body’s normal elimination process. When you make the big mistake of shrinking the sinus tissues and shutting down the mucus-making elimination process with chemical drugs you “lock in” the allergens. When your body cannot get rid of allergens and toxins, they back up in the sinuses and fester until the sinuses become infected. Hiding the symptoms and ignoring causes can be especially dangerous for infants and the elderly. But it’s all about the marketing that convinces you that your body needs a lab-concocted chemical to “heal”. The more antihistamines you use, the more you need. Can you say “Monkey Trap”?

(A monkey trap works by putting a banana in a glass jug. The monkey sees the desired fruit and reaches into the jug to grab the banana. Of course, the monkey’s hand plus the banana will not come out of the jug – so the hapless monkey is trapped solid for the hunter. The silly monkey won’t let go of the banana no matter what. Don’t be a monkey peeps…)

08/30/13 Can you even imagine that in the last 3 decades, some 1.3 million women in the US had “over-diagnosed” breast cancers? A new study in the New England Journal of Medicine found that many women had screening-detected tumors that led to toxic and invasive treatment for tumors that never would have led to clinical symptoms. A sickening 31% of all breast cancers are over-diagnosed every year. Toxic and cancer-causing mammograms have been a huge part of the overall amount of over-diagnosed breast cancers. The fact is that mammograms cause 10 cancers for every 1 found and have not had any real impact on survival.

08/29/13 Autoimmune diseases have increased in lock-step with the inordinate childhood vaccination schedule increases. But even more toxic vaccines than CDC recommendations are available for naive recipients. Consider this: the very infectious diseases that vaccines are supposed to immunize against have appeared among the vaccinated more often than Big Pharma will ever publicly admit. Think it through very carefully peeps. A lifetime of autism or Guillain-Barre Syndrome, seizures and the distinct possibility of death is much scarier than the typical mumps, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox and other childhood diseases.

08/28/13 Big Pharma is now blaming you, the consumer, for side-effects of drugs -AND they have the “evidence” to back it up… So if you take a chemical medication and suffer diarrhea, hair loss, dizziness, sex problems, stroke, diabetes, depression or etcetera, it’s not their fault – it’s your fault. A couple of pill-pushing shrinks did a study and blame the power of suggestion as the cause of drug side effects simply because you know about them. Balderdash! If you stroke while taking daily aspirin, it’s not because you knew about the risk – it’s because you heard it and ignored it. Did statin drugs cause diabetes because you’re doc mentioned it as a side-effect? So, what these two shills want is for the doctor’s to “use the power of their words appropriately” lest they cause side effects merely by mentioning them. Ya, that should stop the side-effects… NOT!

08/27/13 Antidepressants work by causing a malfunction in the body’s re-uptake of serotonin. In theory, if you keep the brain flooded with serotonin it should lift your mood because serotonin has a mood-regulating effect in the brain. But, serotonin is also used for many other body functions. Did you know that this chemical also plays an important role in the digestion of your food? Helps your body to form blood clots to stop bleeding when you’re injured? Serotonin is also essential for growth and development of the body as well as taking a big part in the act of reproduction. So, boosting your serotonin unnaturally with chemicals puts you at added risk for sudden death, bleeding, strokes, digestive disorders, developmental disorders and sexual dysfunction – among many things. Evolutionary biologist Paul Andrews recently came to the conclusion that these drugs are more likely to do harm than good.

08/26/13 The actual incidence of flu in the population is grossly exaggerated as a common Big Pharma fear-mongering tactic. Patients presenting with flu-like symptoms are rarely diagnostically confirmed as being Influenza type A or type B. Studies show that the vast majority of these cases are neither types. According to one study by Ayoub and Yazbak “In general, most symptoms of the “flu” are not caused by influenza virus but by a variety of noninfluenza viruses, bacteria, other infectious organisms, or even noninfectious conditions.” The CDC states that only about 20% of influenza-like cases are actually caused by the influenza virus. Influenza vaccinations only sometimes work when there is a perfect match between the vaccine strain and the circulating virus.

08/23/13 How about this for child abuse? Allow some idiot doctor to put your kiddo on antipsychotic medication and TRIPLE their risk of diabetes within one year. Now, who is to blame? The symptom-treating doctor or the ignorant parent who is the one to finally allow the meds? The doctor goes home to enjoy his family at night but the parent is left with managing a lifetime of damage to their child. A Vanderbilt University Medical Center study of youngsters put on risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazol, olanzapine and other mood altering meds, says that these drugs put children at unnecessary risk for type II diabetes. The big stinker here is that this is a repeat study and this knowledge has been ignored and covered over by the medical industry for years. Now you are responsible for this knowledge.

08/22/13 Got ordinary grief? There is a DSM-5 number and corresponding drugs for that… Yes, the American Psychiatric Association is out to medicalize every facet of life from cradle to grave. Now they will make a major change in the way grief is viewed and treated. Current guidelines recognize grief after the loss of a loved one as normal and expected but the new DSM-5 will specifically characterize bereavement as a depressive disorder. This new gobbledygook psychobabble dangerously encourages clinicians to diagnose major depression in people experiencing normal, even mild, symptoms of grief after only two weeks. Two weeks? Really?? Want to know what is majorly depressing? America’s inordinate affair with drugs – now that is really sad.

08/21/13 Robotic surgery outcomes are NOT better than regular surgical procedures. One example is total knee replacement robot Vs human surgery. Of course the sales-pitch for this multi-million dollar machine is pure bunk claims of improving the positioning, sizing and alignment of replacement knee joints, resulting in greater durability of joints and overall improvement in patient movement. New research published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery found no difference in knee function, alignment or durability/survivorship between joints done robotically and those done with the good old “saw bones” doctor. But, once you’ve invested millions in a machine, you have got to make it pay. Don’t listen to the sales-pitch for robotic surgery peeps. It’s only a sales pitch- nothing else.

08/20/13 So many doctors now give the worst advice ever – and leave a swath of misery, injury and death – but are almost never held accountable. Let’s just look at statin drugs for one minute. They only “treat the symptoms” of high cholesterol and do much more harm than good. The latest harm from the “do no harm” specialist is for the breast cancer risk with statin drugs. Taking statins for 10 years or more can jump your risk of invasive lobular carcinoma by up to 250%. To cause this kind of harm is criminal! But the damage for statin drugs goes way beyond more than doubling breast cancer risk as these Big Pharma drugs shorten your memory, wreck your sex life, destroy your muscles and devastate your immune system. This is no wonder drug peeps. It only makes me wonder how doctors get away with violating the very oath they “swore” to – or was that “swore at”…

08/19/13 Women dying from overdoses of opioid painkillers increased 5-fold in the last decade according to the CDC. This is not deaths in the back alleys of America but are everyday mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters dying from overdoses at rates never seen before. Of course, the increase in opioid overdoses and opioid deaths is lock-step with the increase in painkiller prescriptions. It used to be that men were the leaders in the deaths by overdose. But since 1999, the increase in deaths was actually greater among women than men tipping in at a 400% increase in women vs 265% in men. There were actually 4 times more deaths among women from prescription painkiller overdose than for cocaine and heroin deaths combined in 2010.

08/16/13 Industry driven research somehow shows that an aspirin-a-day protects your heart. But real research finds that regular use of aspirin is linked to heart attacks and strokes. Other medical research shows that regular use of the salicylate drug aspirin deteriorates the intestinal lining – causing severe bleeding, colitis, intestinal perforation, infections and even death. Aspirin is the counterfeit to White Willow Bark that sometimes alleviates pain, but it consequentially depletes the body of critical minerals and nutrients, while damaging vital organs and exacerbating heart conditions. Big Pharma is all about the money and will kill you slowly to get yours.

08/15/13 Did someone hurt your feelings? The latest Tylenol recommendations are to pop some liver-killing acetaminophen. UCLA found that if you throw chemicals at hurt feelings you feel better than people who took the placebo. Did you know that acetaminophen is the single largest cause of acute liver failure in the country? Would dying hurt your feelings more? How about some abdominal pain, nausea, the sweats, and kidney failure? Now my feelings are hurt! Recent research has found a highly significant link between Tylenol and autism when the MMR vaccine and acetaminophen are given at the same time. Pediatricians even tell parents to “load the child with Tylenol before bringing them in for a MMR shot”.

08/14/13 In a hurry to cause autism: Once again man messes with natural forces and ends up the loser. A hot new study, published in JAMA, involving more than 600,000 births found a link between induced labor and autism. Out of 625,042 births, labor was induced in more than 170,000 births (27%) with a resulting 5,648 children developing autism. Boys from induced labor were 35% more likely to have autism whereas girls were 18% more likely to have autism. Of course, these red hot numbers should be a huge signal that we are in trouble here, but investigators said that more studies are needed. Really? So, keep doing the damage while we study this some more. I say – “irresponsible!” The continued medicalization of childbirth is only asking for more trouble.

08/13/13 There’s yet another vaccine trial going on – with human infants as the lab rats. The latest vaccine is the pentavelent vaccine which combines the usual DPT vaccine with Hepatitis-B and H influenza-b or Hibvaccine. Otherwise healthy children are dying with minutes of this vaccine and yet the WHO denies the connection – even though they have no other explanation for the deaths. Of course, this vaccine trial is happening in India where according to local news, “all the babies who died were in good health prior to vaccination and had serious trouble breathing before dying shortly afterwards”. In India, where the incidence of Hib is historically low, 25 million babies will be vaccinated to maybe save about 350 children from Hib meningitis and Hib pneumonia. At the current rates of death, 3,125 children will die from the vaccine adverse effects.

08/12/13 US ethics guidelines will protect drug researchers but leaves the research subjects hanging out there. So, if a research study goes wrong and the research subject is seriously injured, neither the researcher nor the sponsor has ANY legal obligation to pay for that subject’s medical care. If the study victim is permanently disabled and unable to work, sponsors have no obligation to compensate for lost income. If the victim dies – and this does happen – sponsors have no obligation to compensate their family. Not one academic medical center in the US has a policy to compensate injured subjects or their families for lost wages or suffering. This is not news because this has been the way it is from the beginning.

08/09/13 The worst drug idea EVER is Botox for migraines. The typical treatment includes 30 shots of deadly poison injected right into your face. Not only is this a hugely bad idea -but even worse than that – it doesn’t even work! In 2010 the FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) approved Botox for migraines and the latest study analysis of 31 studies confirms that for people with 15 or fewer headaches a month, Botox made no difference at all. But, if you are unlucky enough to have more than 15 headaches a month, Botox “prevented” 2 headaches a month. So take 30 shots at a time in your face and head, lather, rinse and repeat every few months for this pitiful “benefit” that puts you at risk for side effects ranging from nausea and flu-like symptoms all the way to paralysis or death.

08/08/13 Out of control health care expenditures: For the last 60-something years, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown at an average of 2.0% per year. Contrast that to the Real National Health Care Expenditures which has more than doubled the GDP with growth at 4.4% per year. This gap of 2.4% per year resulted in the actual percentage of the GDP related to health care spending to top 17.9% in 2011. The more this snowball grows – the more out-of-control it becomes. Experts believe that an exponential increase of this magnitude in future years will have catastrophic consequences for the U.S. economy. I’m no financial expert here but I see this as a huge problem for most folks now.

08/07/13 An ad run in 2011 by Komen during breast cancer awareness month hyped mammograms by pink-washing the statistics. Actually, they just simply invented impossible numbers to back up their statement that the “key” to surviving breast cancer is early screening because “early detection saves lives”. To back this up they quoted that you gain a 75% increase in the 5-year survival rate with screening when the real number is a measly 0.07%. Once you figure in the “lead time” you gain with early detection, mammograms plug a solid negative effect. PLUS, mammograms actually CAUSE 10 cancers for every 1 found. This lying trickery used by Komen is highly deceptive and totally ignores the harms of screening. Don’t believe me? Just keep on doing what you are doing.

08/06/13 Benadryl is basically diphenhydramine. An old Yale study back in 2002 found that seniors taking diphenhydramine had a 70% higher risk of delirium. That’s psychosis with delusions and memory loss. How many people use Benadryl to knock-out their children? How about to knock themself out? Sleep aids in general bring in somewhere near $25 billion a year – and now the NyQuil people want to cash in too so they took out the fluffs and stuff to put diphenhydramine in there to make the latest side-effect ridden “ZzzQuil.” All diphenhydramine drugs are anticholinergic and loading up on these meds up the risk of death – among many other side-effects. NEWSFLASH: There is no such thing as “side effects”. They are all effects.

08/05/13 HRT causes high blood pressure! Well, I’ve always said that if you manipulate one hormone you manipulate them all. The latest new study of over 43 000 women has found that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is linked to increased risk of high blood pressure that rises with longer duration of HRT use. But the association between HRT and high blood pressure was more prominent for women ages 45–55. In this set of women, any length of time on HRT was associated with higher odds of sub-sequentially increasing hypertension. All hormones work in specific pathways and if you come up short, there’s a cause. The only exception in my world is surgical menopause – in that case you’d best use bio-identical instead of the Big Pharma horse pee.

08/02/13 Children with “teeth restoration” coatings made with bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate composite resins can have more emotional and social problems than children without this type of restoration, according to a new study in the journal Pediatrics. Researchers theorize after studying the link that bisphenol A (BPA) leaches from restorations to affect mental health. An older study that didn’t get much press originally found that children with composite resin restorations had lower psychosocial scores. Of course, even after finding the same link in subsequent studies, the latest conclusion was business as usual: “Just keep doing what they have been doing.” This means that you, the parent, are still the only one responsible for your child’s health.

08/01/13 Did you know that warfarin is number two on the list of deadly drugs with “only” 1,106 reports of serious adverse events last year, including “just” 72 deaths? Wow! So what does it take to be number one on the death list? How about the warfarin replacement Pradaxa – you know, the latest blockbuster drug which is far deadlier than imagined. In just two years this blood thinner has become the most dangerous drug in the country. Pradaxa is touted to be “better than” warfarin – but better at what? Last year, Pradaxa was associated with 3,781 serious adverse events, including 2,367 cases of hemorrhage, 291 cases of acute renal failure, and 644 strokes and 542 deaths. Remember that only a fraction of adverse events are ever reported making the real numbers much higher. Did you know that good-old fish oil is the safest blood thinner around? You do now.

07/31/13 Are we getting healthier or sicker? If we are getting healthier than the number of prescription meds given out would decrease, right? Well people in the US took more prescription drugs than ever last year, topping at a record 4.02 billion prescriptions with a price-tag of $319.9 billion. Antipsychotics topped several spots among the 10 drugs that Americans spent the most on. Antidepressants are the most-prescribed class of CNS drugs in 2011 with prescriptions for ADHD medicines increasing 17% and multiple sclerosis meds jumping 22.5% in one year. What does this latest report in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience conclude? “… the industry should be heartened by the growth of the number of prescriptions and spending…” That’s just plain sick.

07/30/13 Physicians exhibit far more burnout compared to other workers in the United States – with close to one half of docs reporting at least 1 symptom of burnout. 37.9% of surveyed docs had high levels of emotional exhaustion, 29.4% had a high level of depersonalization and 12.4% had a low sense of personal accomplishment. This survey published in the Archives of Internal Medicine points out that this huge burnout rate has origins rooted in the environment and care delivery system rather than personal characteristics. Perhaps the 50% or so of docs would be happier doing something else?

07/29/13 Growing evidence of GSK’s Pandemrix flu vaccine and an increase in narcolepsy among children and adults in Europe has actually delayed approval of a similar vaccine in the United States. Flu is a transient illness but narcolepsy is a lifelong, incurable and potentially debilitating sleep disorder that even comes with hallucinations, daytime sleepiness and cataplexies where strong emotions trigger a sudden loss of all muscle strength. The BMJ reported that children in England vaccinated with Pandemrix had a 14-fold higher risk of developing narcolepsy. Here’s a hint: The flu doesn’t cause narcolepsy. The flu vaccine does. 30% of all flu vaccines in general have adverse reactions, and about 6% of those bring serious health events – including death.

07/26/13 Dumb physicians often label common symptoms in infants, such as crying and spitting up, as the disease GERD. A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that doctors’ labeling GERD in infants prompted parents to request medication for their baby – even when advised against the medication for GERD. The diagnosis of GERD makes a medical condition out of a finicky digestive system where the infant is probably just short on good bacteria or is reacting to food sensitivities – even from breast milk because of what the mother eats. GERD medications in infants have been correlated to higher rates of pneumonia. Even if your baby truly has GERD, it is more likely than not a lack of stomach acid rather than too much acid.

07/25/13 The BMJ has publically alleged that Big Pharma giant Roche has deliberately hidden clinical trial data about the efficacy of Tamiflu used for flu symptoms. The journal alleges that Roche concealed neurological and psychiatric adverse events associated with Tamiflu to help promote global stockpiling sales of the drug. The only two studies that had been published were funded by Roche and authored by Roche employees and Roche-paid external experts. How reliable is that? The Cochrane Library published an updated review of Tamiflu to find inconsistencies and incomplete data along with the likely overstating of effectiveness and the apparent under-reporting of potentially serious adverse effects. Of course Roche denies withholding clinical data. I recommend taking time-tested and safe astragalus for flu over drugs.

07/24/13 In 1988, the average total cholesterol was 206 with LDL levels at 126. Heart disease was the number killer – so the infinite(simol)wisdom of the feds thought to bring total cholesterol levels down below 200 as a national priority. Now today we average 196 total and 116 LDL cholesterol. A federal dream come true! But it is a nightmare in actuality because the heart disease numbers are exploding with a 50% rise in the numbers coming by the year 2030. And what else did we get for our government soothsaying? How about an already realized increase of dementia by a whopping 68%? Not to mention rising bone fractures, out-of-control depression, sex drives in the gutter and more – all from statin drugs. If Big Pharma really wanted to help you (and not just help themselves to your money) they would stop the madness and give up their cash cow. Not going to happen peeps…

07/23/13 Obesity has now been labeled as a disease by the AMA. Why would the AMA suddenly decide to declare that obesity is a disease? This decision, made by committee, went against the recommendation of the Council of Science and Public Health to NOT label obesity a disease. The real reason for labeling it: Get the doctor’s attention financially. Yep, that’s all it is – an overt attempt to get reimbursement from insurance companies for the treatment of obesity — and to promote payment for the 2 new obesity drugs that it just so happened to break the market very recently. But drugs only treat the symptoms and not the causes… Follow the money, peeps.

07/22/13 Getting your annual general health checks and screening for asymptomatic adults did not reduce either overall morbidity or mortality, according to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Besides lacking any clear benefits, general health checks can cause harm with even more suggested screenings for diseases – often with smaller benefits than expected and greater harms. The researchers concluded that a well person can go in for a general check-up and have screening done that leads to a cascade of events that can lead to more harm. Health checks for healthy people are a recent phenomenon that actually increases somewhat unreal expectations for medical discovery and treatment of a disease before there is irreversible damage.

07/19/13 Would you leave a dead organ inside of your bod or would you remove it before it effects the rest of your body? Dr. George Meinig, asserts in his book The Root Canal Cover Up that a root canal is paramount to leaving an organ that dies to rot inside your body. The main reason for root canals is that the tooth has decayed to the point of causing severe pain. Dig out the nerve root, pulp and blood vessels – nor more pain – problem solved? Inside of every tooth are thousands of side canals that branch off into the tooth now made up of dead and rotting nerves. Harmful bacteria then festers in these canals but eventually leaks into your bloodstream causing disease that no one equates with your dead tooth. It is far better IMO to yank the tooth and get a titanium implant.

07/18/13 35% of the strains of the novel avian H7N9 influenza out of China this year have developed resistance to the only pharmaceutical antiviral drugs available. The rock and the hard spot are that using neuraminidase inhibitors like Tamiflu and Relenza to treat for resistant strain of H7N9 only encourages the virus to proliferate and can lead to enhanced spread of the resistant strain. So much for Big Pharma wisdom… If you are concerned about getting the flu then act now by taking astragalus and l-lysine to get your body ready to fight flu naturally. A healthy diet is also a requirement for a healthy immune system that vaccines can never supply.

07/17/13 In 1990, infants received a total of 15 vaccine doses prior to their first year of life. By 2007, the CDC recommended 26 vaccine doses for infants including: 3 DTaP, 3 polio, 3 Hib, 3 hepatitis B, 3 pneumococcal, 3 rotavirus, and 2 influenza vaccines. The real question is: Are we getting healthier or sicker? We are quickly falling behind more and more 3rd-world countries with our infant death rates, currently coming at number 50 in the world. This means that there are 49 other countries that have a lower infant death rate than the US.

07/16/13 The American Academy of Pediatrics has turned around to endorse the World Health Organization’s recommendation that thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative), be exempted from a pending international treaty that strives to mitigate health hazards by limiting exposure to mercury. This is double-speak as the AAP in a joint statement with the US Public Health Service in 1999, called for the elimination of mercury in vaccines only to later about-face after much industry pressure. There is a UN international treaty underfoot calling for removal of mercury from vaccines, but this all about money – not health – as manufacturers balk at the cost of eliminating thimerosal to go to single-use vials for vaccines.

07/15/13 Don’t cut that umbilical cord! At least not for 20 minutes or more. The common practice in the “developed” world is to clamp and cut the umbilical cord connecting mother and baby in less than a minute after birth. Clamping the cord too soon reduces the amount of blood and life-giving nutrients that passes from mother to baby via the placenta. The latest study finds that early clamping affects the baby’s iron stores. In this study, clamping the cord later made no difference to the risk of maternal haemorrhaging and blood loss AND the babies were healthier in a number of ways – including that they were less likely to be iron-deficient six months after birth. Birth weight was also higher with delayed cord clamping.

07/12/13 The latest out on acid reflux drugs show that they may cause cardiovascular disease, according to an article in an upcoming issue of Circulation showing for the first time how proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) cause cardiovascular problems. But you can expect a big fight from Big Pharma on this one as the most common drugs, lansoprazole and omeprazole – OTC drugs- are the third-most taken drug in the U.S., accounting for $13 billion in sales. What scientists found was that PPIs caused the constriction of blood vessels and if taken regularly, could lead to a variety of cardiovascular problems over time, including hypertension and a weakened heart. Get this peeps: Drugs Always Cause Side Effects!

07/11/13 Infants receiving antibiotic treatments have a diminished gastrointestinal flora which leaves the disease-causing Proteobacteria the dominant bacterial population. In this study, infants treated with ampicillin/gentamicin within 48 hours of birth were compared to control infants to see what went on in the bacteria balance. At four weeks, bacteria from the beneficial Bifidobacteria and the Lactobacilli, were significantly reduced, and the species diversity never returned in the study period. The study concluded that by altering the gut microbiota, and consequently the immune system early in life bring a negative influence on long-term health – boosting the risk of asthma, allergies, and obesity.

07/10/13 Big Pharma loves their profits and really do NOT care if your child is hurt by them – in fact – if they are hurt, more profit! The latest and frightening new trend in medical idiocy is to prescribe psychoactive stimulant medication (ADHD meds) to children to “boost” their academic performance. The kicker: The kids don’t even have ADHD to begin with! They just need the extra 3 points extra on average that these meds temporarily add to their academic scores. Side effects of these ADHD drugs include: Growth suppression, high blood pressure, visual and auditory hallucinations, psychotic episodes, suicidal thoughts and a 7-fold increase for sudden death.

07/09/13 A recent study, published in Human and Experimental Toxicology, found that infants receiving multiple vaccines at one time increased the hospitalization rate for these infants more than double. But the more vaccines given at one time increased the hospitalization rates lineally – meaning – more vaccines equals more hospitalizations and infant deaths. Researchers found statistically significant correlations between the number of vaccine doses administered to infants and infant hospitalization and mortality rates. I repeat: Babies who receive the most vaccines tend to have higher hospitalization and death rates. How can I state this clearer?

07/08/13 Chronic pain in children has gone skyrockets with an increase of 831% between 2004 to 2010. Interestingly, girls outpaced the boys at about 2 ½ to 1 and the average patient was a white girl about 14 years old with headaches, abdominal and musculoskeletal pain, and depression and anxiety, according to a study in Pediatrics. Half of these young patients were admitted from the ER into the hospital which brought secondary diagnoses of abdominal pain (39% of patients), mood disorders (28%), constipation (20%), nausea/vomiting/diarrhea (18%), anxiety and panic disorders (18%), and headaches (18%). A whopping 65% had gastrointestinal diagnoses and almost half had psychiatric diagnoses. Bottom line: Are the doctors making us better or worse? My recommendation – find a good nutritionist and make them your best friend.

07/05/13 In one of the latest madcap high-risk heart patient medical studies of fish oil, researchers took fish oil capsules and pitted them against a placebo in some 12,500 patients. But the study announced loudly that fish oil group failed to bring any difference from the placebo group but that patients improved at the same rate on the placebo. Do you want to hear the funny part? The placebo was olive oil… All of the high-risk heart patients in both groups actually had the audacity to fail to die in the predictable rates or suffer the expected number of heart attacks but rather became generally healthier. So, what did they did next was stupid. They changed the latest study in mid-stride to eliminate the olive oil by switching to margarine AND dropped the amount of fish oil they gave to the patients. They didn’t give a rat’s behind that people now died in the “expected” rates.

07/03/13 How do you kill a rat? Give them vaccines. A dose of mercury big enough to kill 1 out of 100 healthy rats is very small. A dose of aluminum that will kill 1 out of 100 healthy rats is also very small. But when you combine the same amount of mercury PLUS the same amount of aluminum and inject 100 healthy rats – they all die. “Doses of mercury that have a 1 percent mortality will have a 100 percent mortality rate if some aluminum is there” says Donald Miller, M.D. Professor of Surgery, University of Washington. Many vaccines contain both aluminum and mercury. When you mix these 2 metals together it causes Extreme Synergistic Toxicity. Keep in mind that the after-effects of vaccines are only followed for a very short time. Effects that are not seen for 10, 20, 30 years will not even be associated with the vaccine.

07/02/13 Men who use sex pills for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) recreationally are more likely to develop psychogenic ED, the type that originates in the mind bringing a psychological dependence on ED meds. The more frequently ED meds were used recreationally, the lower the confidence men have in achieving and maintaining erections – bringing lower erectile function. ED affects about 34 million men in the U.S with up to 70% of them being 60 and older. The fact is though that the largest using group of Viagra is the 18 to 45 age group according to this study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

07/01/13 Want to compare apples to apples against flu shot risks versus the plain old flu? CDC statistics reveals that there was between zero and 1 death per year of identified influenza in reproductive age women from 1997-2002. Now the other apples to compare with are the vaccine-induced Guillain-Barre incidence in the same group which is estimated at up to 40 new cases annually. Furthermore, pregnant women are not at higher risk, do not die more frequently or suffer more complications from influenza as 2 previous “non-rigorous” studies claimed. The latest “rigorous” study done by Ayoub and Yazbak contests old standing industry flu propaganda and also shows that obesity was the underlying driver of influenza complications in preggos.

06/29/13 The Kobe vaccine trials of 2009 injected mice repeatedly with antigens, similar to infant vaccinations, to study how the immune system actually turns on itself to create autoimmune diseases. Antigens were injected without the toxic additives – like mercury and aluminum – normally used in vaccinations. For the first seven injections the mice recovered with intact immune systems. But after the eighth injection, problems with key immunity cells began arising. Damaged cells were now showing signs of autoimmunity and their immune systems started to self-generate antibodies causing autoimmune reactions. Conclusion: “Greening” vaccines by removing toxic additives might make the infant vaccination schedule of some 40 vaccinations by 18 months of age more agreeable – but it is still going to cause major problems by over-stimulating the immune system with repeated vaccination.

06/28/13 06/25/13 We spend a whopping $200 billion each year to pay for medical care stemming from improper or unnecessary prescription drug use. These costs rack up with fast with resulting hospitalizations and doctor visits for patients who either don’t get the right medications, suffer medication errors, fail to take their drugs, are over-prescribed antibiotics, or have inadequate oversight for taking multiple drugs. This $200 B represents something under 10% of the total bucks that Americans spend in a broken medical system that is making them sicker – and sicker – and sicker… We suffer 493 unnecessary medical deaths a day – enough people to fill up a 747 jet liner. You have to shut your eyes and look away to not see a huge problem here…

06/24/13 ADD and ADHD are actually not medical disorders but rather are neurodevelopmental disorders according to Stanford University. The bare-bone facts about drugs used for “medical treatment” of ADD/ADHD are as follows: ADD/ADHD medications initially raise math test scores of a child with ADD/ADHD by less than 3 points after 1 year but after three years, the child is academically back to where they would have been without drugs. After three years, the dosage rises an average of 41% and the child is on average 0.79 inches shorter and 6lbs lighter than non-medicated children.

06/21/13 Are we generally getting sicker or healthier? What has our modern health system wrought for our health? A shocking 70% or so of Americans are now on at least one prescription drug, and over 50% take two medications. A pitiful 1 out of 5 Americans are on five or more medications. Antibiotics, antidepressants and painkillers are the most commonly prescribed and prescription drug use has increased steadily in the past decade from 44% of people on one prescription in 2,000 to today’s insane rates. Big Pharma wants those numbers up to 100%. They are not solving the problem but rather causing it. Wise up peeps! Find a naturopath and a good nutritionist if you really want to stay healthy.

06/20/13 If you don’t like the drug study outcome – bury it with the trash. That’s what drug companies do with thousands of drug trials that turn out negative. But new freedom-of-information policies are making some of these invisible clinical trial documents and clinical study reports publicly available. Invisible trials cause major information distortion, bias, false conclusions and skewed results. Some BMJ study authors are calling out major drug companies to publish all studies within 1 year or make all available invisible data “public access data”. These authors claim to already have 178,000 pages of previously hidden and confidential company research documents for paroxetine, quetiapine (kwetai a peen), gabapentin, tamiflu and Plavix.

06/19/13 Walgreen Co, has recently been fined a record $80 million in civil penalties for allegations that it violated laws on how prescription painkillers are distributed. The DEA said Walgreen’s violations allowed narcotics to be distributed to abusers and sold illegally on the black market. The DEA probe was centered in Florida, where the DEA dismantled dozens of sham clinics, known as “pill mills”. As part of their settlement, where NOT ONE executive goes to jail, Walgreen had to admit that it failed to uphold its obligations as a DEA registrant. Of course, no comment from Walgreen is available…

06/18/13 Yet once again medical science falls short of mother nature – and medical science proves it over and over. Women who opt for home birth have a lower risk of severe complications than women who plan a hospital birth. The safety of planned home births is hotly debated by the medical professionals who insist that childbirth is a medical procedure and must therefore be treated as a medical disease. A team of Dutch researchers recently found that for parous women, the rate of severe outcomes for a planned home birth was 1 per 1000 compared with 2.3 per 1000 for a planned hospital birth. Win for natural birth – big lose for medical births.

06/17/13 A federally funded study begun in 1942, co-authored by Dr. Jonas Salk, injected experimental flu vaccines in male patients at a state insane asylum in Ypsilanti, Mich., then exposed them to flu several months later to see if it worked. Some the test subjects couldn’t even coherently describe their symptoms let alone say they had informed consent. Of course, we don’t need unwilling participants for vaccine studies anymore as the general public has unwittingly become one of the largest uninformed medical study participants in history. Bottom line, they are NOT studying the vaccine side effects here – just the vaccine cash flow. Don’t be a lab rat people. Say no to the flu vaccine.

06/14/13 Which kills more people? Chemotherapy or chemotherapy? It is a trick question that no one is able to give the right answer to because you simply are not allowed to compare chemotherapy with a placebo group or – heaven forbid – to a natural medicine group. But you can compare one chemotherapy to another to see which kills more people. Barbaric is a word… We are so scientifically minded that our brains fall out when it comes to cancer treatments. But if you compare overall 5-year cancer “survival” rates using chemotherapy with a horrible 2.1% to a much brighter 90% remission rate for stage 4 cancers using various natural treatments, the answer is blaringly obvious – at least to the uneducated layperson.

06/13/13 Scientists at Brown University found no difference in hospital readmission rates among patients who received antidepressants and those who did not – until the got to bipolar depression… When bipolar patients were administered the antidepressant venlafaxine, there was an associated 3-fold higher rate of hospital readmissions. Conclusion: Antidepressant use in patients hospitalized with bipolar depression is ineffective at best, and may be harmful to some patients. There are NO benefits in terms of keeping patients out of the hospitals with the use of antidepressants. These findings were presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s 2013 Annual Meeting. Do you think this report this will curb the rates of prescriptions in these situations? Probably not.

06/12/13 Johnson & Johnson has just recalled some 32 million packages of birth control pills because one active ingredient in Cilest did not “lead to a defined specification”. The batch tests showed that one of the two hormones in Cilest was being released too slowly. This doesn’t affect the US directly, but the drug Cilest (ethinylestradiol and norgestimate) was widely distributed in Europe, Asia and Latin America. In the past two years Johnson & Johnson has been plagued with recalls including OTC drugs, contact lenses, heart devices, and insulin pump cartridges. Earlier this year, Johnson & Johnson recalled nearly two million blood glucose meters due to a failure to operate properly with high glucose readings.

06/11/13 Take antibiotics for UTI and get better in seven days. But, if you refuse the drug, it takes a whole week to get better… New research in BioMed Central shows that more and more women with symptoms of urinary tract infections are avoiding antibiotics and giving their bodies a chance to heal naturally. Of course, this freaks out the pill-pushing docs. Research shows that 70% of women with uncomplicated UTI who did not use antibiotics for a week were either cured or showed improvement. Avoiding overprescribed antibiotics is an effective treatment for UTI that will also reduce the risks for antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

06/10/13 New risk identified: Just because your doctor is ignorant about the uselessness of dangerous cholesterol meds and their horrific side-effects doesn’t mean you have to be ignorant too. Aside from losing your cognitive function, sex life and experiencing excruciating muscle pain, the latest statins effects are associated with increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries, like dislocations, strains, and sprains, according to a new study analysis. The idiocy just keeps on building as the mainstream wants everybody starting statin therapy at a young age for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. What did I say about statin drugs affecting your cognitive function? I daresay our medical system is on a very high dose…

06/07/13 Take a lesson from history: In 1899, the American Medical Association (AMA) was a weak organization with little money and no respect from the general public. The AMA’s competition was reducing member physicians’ incomes. Chiropractic had just been introduced and homeopathy and herbalists were thriving while “regular” doctors were unable to profit from medicinal practices. By 1910, the AMA was broke until the Rockefellers joined with the Carnegie foundation to bail them out. The resulting schools were required to teach exclusively drug-oriented courses, with no emphasis placed on natural medicine. By 1940, 1500 chiropractors were prosecuted for practicing “quackery.” 22 homeopathic medical schools dwindled to 2. By 1950, all schools teaching homeopathy were closed. Point and case? During the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, 550,000 people died in the US from flu. Homeopathic physicians treated far more documented flu cases than conventional medicine and had a flu-mortality rate of 0.7% while conventional medicine had a fearsome mortality of 30%. I ask you; which modality would you have rather chosen?

06/06/13 Anyone who has known me for two weeks knows that I am against the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Need another reason? Using oral fluoroquinolone antibiotics, like ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and moxifloxacin, double the risk of acute kidney disease requiring hospitalization according to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibiotics used to treat respiratory and urogenital infections. Have you ever read the warning label? “May cause kidney failure…” Here’s a curve-ball: the study excluded anyone with a history of kidney problems. This makes the double-risk exclusively for healthy patients. Patients with unhealthy kidneys would be at an even higher risk.

06/05/13 Study after study show that men with low-risk prostate cancer are being over-treated. There is also a wide disparity in the truth of information that doctors are telling men. Not many doctors actually tell their patients the truth of the results of the PIVOT trial which showed no difference in survival at 12-14 years after prostate cancer being found then left alone compared to costly and sometimes devastating surgery. Unless the doctors submit to the facts, men everywhere will continue to be butchered with harmful drug therapies – and worse. Only 22% of thousands of doctors surveyed in a recent study actually recommended active surveillance in men with low-risk disease. Most of them recommended the money-making surgery or radiation therapy.

06/04/13 In the American Journal of Medical Quality, the researchers found that hospitals profit nearly 9 times more for treating infections that they caused! The hospital-infected patient spends an average of 24 days in the hospital. An ICU patient who develops a totally avoidable central line-associated bloodstream infection costs about three times more for care than the similar infection-free patient topping in at about $400,000 per hospital stay. Each year roughly 80,000 patients with central lines become infected and some 28,000 of those die – nearly as many people as die from breast cancer… A hospital’s average profit for treating an infected patient is $54,906 compared to an uninfected patient, which tallies $6,506 on average. Bottom line: hospitals profit from their screw-ups.

06/03/13 Want to lose your mind? Older patients, desperate to sleep, suffering incontinence and other ailments, often turn to anticholinergic (AC) medications. The latest study shows that the risk for cognitive impairment increases by 50% in adults receiving at least 3 mild ACs for more than 90 days. Not so bad? How about a 100% increase in cognitive impairment in those taking at least 1 severe AC for more than 60 days. Of course, even 1 day will have an effect on you as these are chemicals that treat symptoms and not something that will treat causes. The best solution is to never take the first one – no matter how much the doctor pleads with you.

05/31/13 Tamoxifen is the latest “go-to” chemical to supposedly slash women’s breast cancer risk by 38% for high-risk women. That’s the latest Big Pharma hook to get healthy women with no sign of the disease ask for and buy the drug. But don’t rush out get a fresh prescription because this Big Pharma tactic doesn’t tell the whole story… Tamoxifen does NOT reduce death rates. It only reduces “risk” of the non-threatening benign tumors that don’t even need to be screened, diagnosed and treated. Tamoxifen works by estrogen blocking and has side effects that actually cause other female cancers. Did you know that the American Cancer Society lists tamoxifen as a known carcinogen?

05/30/13 The sad news is that 30,000 people in the US die from C-difficile infections every year. The really sad news is that new research shows that the antidepressants Prozac and Remeron can actually double the risk of a C-difficle infection. C. difficile is a stomach-wrecking superbug that wreaks havoc on the gastrointestinal tract. But C-difficile alone doesn’t make you sicker than a tummyache most of the time as long as the “good guy” bacteria in the gut are in balance to keep “bad guy” C-difficile in check. Of course, our inordinate affair with antibiotics is steadily killing off the “good guy” bacteria to increase the risk of serious stomach infections. Antidepressants are consistently out-performed by placebos. If you are sad, start with an improved diet. It could save your life in more than one way!

05/29/13 Did you get your H1N1 flu vaccine a few years ago? So, you took the stupid medical advice from Big Pharma to have a swine flu shot but now you are more susceptible to a serious infection or even death from H7N9 bird flu?? This is according to a recently published paper in the journal Eurosurveillance. The problem is that all flu vaccines can prevent neutralizing antibodies from recognizing the newest pathogens, resulting in weakened immunity and higher susceptibility to more serious infection. Is that what you bargained for? Did anyone ever tell you that vaccines in general tie up over 90% of our immune system resources whereas the actual disease often uses less than 5% of our immune resources?

05/28/13 Flu shots for you to “protect” others? The medical idiocy of you needing to get the flu shot to protect the so-called vulnerable people, like old folks and babies has NO medical foundation. The extortionist rap of false culpability makes it YOUR fault if someone else gets sick and if they die. Contrary to this, a 40-year review of flu facts and vaccine studies found “no evidence that they affect complications, such as pneumonia, or transmission.” The flu shot is only about 60% “effective” anyhow and can actually make you much sicker than the flu ever would have.

05/28/13 05/17/13 Vaginal rejuvenation is a highly advertised trend that alarms some experts.” Also called “designer vaginoplasty,” “revirgination,” and “G-spot amplification,” these are all female genital cosmetic procedures in demand among women seeking to modify genital appearance, have a more youthful vulva, or to enhance sexual response. This growing trend packs its own set of drawbacks with a complication rate that pushes up to 18%. Complications include pain with sex, bleeding, scarring, and improper healing. These procedures are marketed heavily, and some of the requests for the procedures are even being done for prepubescent adolescents.

05/16/13 All acetaminophen products are now on the FDA quarterly watch list because of serious risks and/or new safety information. Making the watch list means that the FDA will investigate the causal link between harm and acetaminophen. Once the link is established, the FDA would take even more time to gather more data to better describe the risk which might result in revising the drug’s label, or more studies on risk evaluation and mitigation strategy. You don’t have time for this! All acetaminophen products cause reports of severe skin reactions, reports of hemophagocytic syndrome, life-threatening heart arrhythmia, catastrophic liver failure and more. I’ll make this one easy for you: all acetaminophen is bad for you. Stop using it!

05/15/13 We hire the medical professionals to keep us well. How is this working out for you? The US has the biggest increase in neurological deaths of all Western countries – up 66% for men under 74 years old and up 92% for women under 74 in the last 20 years. An article in the journal Public Health, found the sharp rise of dementia and other neurological deaths in people under 74 cannot be attributed to the fact that we are living longer. Even worse, this disease pathology is starting earlier and affecting more people under 55 years of age. The medical mucky-mucks aren’t winning this battle. They are making it worse! Time to fire them for poor performance and hire some nutritionists to take their place if we are going to survive this.

05/14/13 The government highly recommends this severely toxic vaccine for all the sheople. Straight off the Flulaval webpage: “… and there have been no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval.” Warnings on the website include: Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Altered Immunocompetence, Risk of Bleeding, Allergic Vaccine Reactions, Limitations of Vaccine Effectiveness. Side effects listed on website: Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders, Eye Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions, Immune System Disorders, Infections and Infestations, Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders, Nervous System Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders, Respiratory, Thoracic, and Mediastinal Disorders, Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders, Vascular Disorders and Anaphylaxis. Now that you know this, you would have to be stupider than stupid to take this vaccine! (This is without even going through the deleterious ingredients…)

05/13/13 There’s a placebo effect and now there’s a “nocebo effect”. Media reports about supposedly hazardous substances can cause suggestible people to develop the symptoms of a disease even though there is no objective reason for doing so. Dr. Michael Witthöft of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz says: “The mere anticipation of possible injury may actually trigger pain or disorders. This is the opposite of the analgesic effects we know can be associated with exposure to placebos.” The new study illustrates how media reports about health risks may trigger or amplify nocebo effects in some people. The so-called nocebo effect was initially identified during pharmaceutical trials when subjects were observed to exhibit undesirable side effects – even though they were knowingly taking a placebo.

05/10/13 PSA tests: The American Urological Association (AUA) has back-pedaled on its position for PSA testing going from ALL to NONE. Until recently, the AUA recommended an annual PSA test for all men over 40, but now they are recommending none at all – for anybody. A large body of solid scientific evidence proves that PSA tests do more harm than good. The AUA’s new position is for men between 55 and 69 to “discuss the test” with their doctor, in hopes that they can bully or scare them into the test. PSA tests typically are followed by aggressive treatment and yet the PSA test doesn’t distinguish between the harmless “common prostate cancer” and the rare life-threatening cancer.

05/09/13 Take your prescription drugs and forget everything! This includes many OTC drugs used daily by hoards of people. These drugs cause cognitive impairment when taken continuously for, as little as 60 days by causing memory problems and other indicators of mild cognitive impairment. Drugs that are anticholinergic are used for common sleep aids, antihistamines, digestive aids, bladder leakage relief, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and many other drugs for chronic diseases. Using multiple anticholinergic drugs added to two to three months of continuous exposure doubled the risk of developing cognitive impairment. A list of drugs noting their anticholinergic burden can be found on the Aging Brain Care website.

05/08/13 Aspirin is an anti-nutrient! Aspirin depletes the body of folate, iron, potassium, sodium, and vitamin C. Millions of people already take daily aspirin due to some doctors’ bad advice and Big Pharma propaganda that says daily aspirin will prevent heart attacks and strokes – even cancer. Researchers found that heart attack survivors given OTC aspirin and other NSAIDs were 45 percent more likely to have a second attack or die inside of one week and by 90 days, the aspirin taker’s risk increased to 55 percent. What do you think of your aspirin now?

05/07/13 In one three year period, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) received 6, 574 reports of health problems after chickenpox vaccination. About 4% of those cases included severe shock, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia (blood disorder) and 14 deaths. The VAERS data has led to the listing of 17 more adverse events to the manufacturer’s product label since the vaccine was licensed in 1995. Some of the other effects of the vaccine included secondary bacterial infections (cellulitis), secondary transmission of vaccine virus infection to close contacts, transverse myelitis, Guillain Barre syndrome and herpes zoster (shingles). There have been many documented cases of transmission of vaccine virus from a vaccinated child to household contacts.

05/06/13 More sad-medical drug madness: If you take mood-enhancing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), you now have a 10% increased chance of bleeding, transfusion, hospital readmission, death and other complications if you have surgery. SSRIs are also linked to a higher risk for arrhythmias and sudden death in ambulatory patients. The investigators in this JAMA article also note that patients on SSRIs are more likely to have conditions such as obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and depression – Yes, DEPRESSION! All this goes to show the SAD state of affairs in America with the use of drugs to treat symptoms.

05/03/13 Decongestants and antihistamines work against your natural body processes to dry up cleansing mucus and stop your nose from running. This is the exact opposite of what you need. When your ailing sinuses get too dry, it only irritates the nasal passages and triggers your body to produce even more mucus. Of course, this extra mucus turns into the gunk trapped in your sinuses called dried up mucus packs. The results: You end up with even more congestion. Mucus helps trap particles like bacteria, viruses and dust. 90% of invaders enter your body through your nose. What your body needs is healthy mucus to moisten the sinuses and keep them clean. Healthy mucus lets warm air flow easily through your nose and down to your lungs to keep your respiratory system running.

05/02/13 So the next “flu pandemic” has been thrown out there like bait for people to panic and demand yet another vaccine. But the new H7N9 bird flu doesn’t leap from human to human. According to the Lancet and WHO, it has been isolated to the bird markets of China and jumps from chicken to man. This H7N9 strain has infected 109 people in China since March and the WHO was quick to warn that this strain is “one of the most lethal” flu viruses ever. The University of Hong Kong finds that chickens in poultry markets were a source of human infections meaning that controlling the disease in these places and in these birds should be a priority. Did you know that one of the best natural flu preventatives is astragalus? It is definitely not the flu vaccine.

05/01/13 The medical fleecing of the sheep: The latest side effect of chemotherapy is “financial toxicity”. So, right there amidst the fatigue, nausea, and pain come the out-of-pocket costs that negatively affect patients’ lives. Financial toxicity can diminish quality of life and impede delivery of care and cause the family a large amount of distress. Researchers found that these patients were “spending their savings, canceling vacations, and working more hours to afford their cancer care.” All for something that has a meager 2.1% “survival” rate.

04/30/13 Medical Madness: A vaccine failure happens when someone develops a disease in spite of being vaccinated against it. One reason vaccine failure occurs is that vaccination antibody levels always fall over time. Vaccination is NOT immunization! Our inordinate affair with vaccinations has brought a heavy toll of autism, ADHD, asthma, pertussis, shingles, cancer and much more. The biggest advances in human health have been brought about by modern sewage systems and cleaner drinking water. The biggest losses in human health in modern times have been brought about by heavily toxic vaccinations and pharmaceutical drugs.

04/29/13 Medical interns spend just 12% of their time examining and talking with patients, and more than 40% of their time behind a computer, according to a new Johns Hopkins study. The study found that interns spent nearly as much time walking as they did caring for patients at the bedside. The researchers found that interns spent 12% of their time talking with and examining patients; 64% on indirect patient care, such as placing orders, researching patient history and filling out electronic paperwork; 15% on educational activities, such as medical rounds; and 9% on miscellaneous activities. The doctor/patient time is down from 22% in 1993.

04/26/13 Chickenpox vaccine epic fail: A county in Indiana now has the nation’s largest current chickenpox outbreak. An epidemiologist confirmed that 97% of the children that got-the-pox were vaccinated and 85% of them were fully vaccinated. In an asinine attempt to cover-up this epidemic in vaccinated kids, public health officials are blaming one unvaccinated child… But really, did the vaccine work? NOPE! Studies demonstrate that the chickenpox virus remains dormant in the body of those who are vaccinated and can become active again later on. Mass chickenpox vaccinations since 1995 have interrupted natural boosting of Varicella Zoster immunity in adults, causing a significant increase in cases of Herpes Zoster among adults.

04/25/13 Medical radiation is running amok! One CT angiogram of the heart brings 16 mSv. Did you know that this is equivalent to 800 chest x-rays? HUH? How about a typical nuclear scan? Humming in at 41 mSv, it is equivalent to 2000 chest x-rays. A lot of cardiology patients are” treated” to this cancer ray at least once a year. But radiation patients are never told any of this. IMO, this a critical breach of doctor responsibility to the patient. If you want to measure the mSv you receive, wear a simple radiation badge professionals use when they work in a cardiac cath lab or in an x-ray suite. Medical radiation use is a runaway freight train. Don’t just stand there on the tracks! Hold your doctor responsible to protect your health for real. Question ALL x-ray and radiological procedures.

04/24/13 What would you do with $750 billion a year? If you were the American health care industry you would absolutely waste it according to the latest study from the IOM which says “If banking were like healthcare, ATM transactions would not take seconds but perhaps days or longer as a result of unavailable or misplaced records.” To continue along this line; airline pilots would be free to do away with preflight safety checks and retail stores would not display product prices in the aisles. Think this inefficient, extraordinarily complex, and slow-to-change US healthcare system is going to get better?

04/23/13 Between 2004 and 2008, nearly half of US children below 2 years old received vaccines late or not at all – a new study in JAMA shows. Children under-vaccinated by parental choice had fewer emergency department visits than fully vaccinated children as well as fewer outpatient visits than fully vaccinated children. Under-vaccinated children in 2004 were at 48.7% and by 2008 the numbers rose to 54.4% of children. About 13% of these children were documented to be not vaccinated because of parental preference. However, those numbers could be significantly higher as reasons for under-vaccination were not documented in 60% of the medical records reviewed in this study. This study highlights that social media played an important role in educating the parents against vaccinations. This is a good start!

04/22/13 Physician phone apps are often designed by big Pharma and used to help the physician prescribe drugs. Sounds safe enough doesn’t it? Well Reuters reported April 10th that most electronic pharmacopoeia (EP) smartphone apps do not place important safety warnings ahead of or on the same screen as prescribing information. Physician use of EP has increased significantly over the past ten years but missing critical information can increase the likelihood that a dangerous medication is prescribed. Some medications carry ‘black box’ warnings about the dangers of use, but a rapid search of the app doesn’t always give enough information.

04/19/13 Medical Madness: Another Tamiflu fail: But this one is a good fail for once. The newest study found that about half of the prescriptions of Tamiflu went unused recently. This rebellious behavior represents a taxpayer loss of £7.8 million to the UK taxpayer alone. This recent study in PLOS ONE highlights people’s growing unwillingness to follow medical advice on antiviral usage. Tamiflu MIGHT lessen your flu symptoms by a few meager hours but brings horrible side effects like: abnormal behavior, deaths due to “irrational behavior”, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, dehydration, rebound flu and more. I’d rather have the sniffles for a few more hours than pay money for these side effects.

04/18/13 Medical Madness: There is a brand-new, untested and unapproved vaccine for smallpox (ya, you read right). The kicker? Our tax dollars just bought about a half-billion bucks worth for some kind of insane government stockpile. The vaccine, Arestvyr, is supposed to protect monkeys but has literally never been tested in humans. Oh yes, smallpox still lives in laboratories world-wide and it’s just a matter of time before some sadistic idiot or careless lab assistant drops a vile of it in public. So what’s the biggest problem? We now have NO natural immunity to smallpox since it has been “eradicated”. The solution is a natural one: You can stock a homeopathic remedy called variolinum to help protect against the disease and also help treat smallpox.

04/17/13 More Big Pharma chicanery: A majority of doctors receive little or no information about the harmful effects of medicines when they get the sales call by pharmaceutical representatives. Of course, these same doctors are likely to start prescribing these drugs according to past and present research. Bottom line, doctor’s prescribing behavior is directly influenced by pharmaceutical promotion. The latest study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine shows that sales representatives failed to provide any information about common or serious side effects in up to 66% of promotions. The biggest problem is that there are next to no sanctions for misleading or inaccurate promotion of drugs.

04/16/13 What’s in a vaccine? Any combination of the following ingredients could be there: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue), aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, amphotericin B, pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, bovine (calf) serum, betapropiolactone, fetal bovine serum, formaldehyde, formalin, gelatin, glycerol, hydrolized gelatin, mercury (thimerosol), monosodium glutamate (MSG), neomycin, neomycin sulfate, phenol red indicator, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), potassium diphosphate, potassium monophosphate, polymyxin B, polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein, residual MRC5 proteins, sorbitol, tributylphosphate, VERO cells, washed sheep red blood. NONE of this promotes health in the human body.

04/15/13 A popular asthma drug is now recommended for Urticaria (hives). What your pill-pushing doc likely won’t tell you is the side-effects of this drug, Xolair brings with it cardiovascular trouble with disproportionate increases in ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, cardiac failure, pulmonary hypertension,

04/12/13 Kidney damage, liver damage, cancer, memory loss, cognitive decline, sex problems, muscle damage, muscle pain and more… that is what you risk when taking cholesterol meds. The latest news in the BMJ is that these statin drugs may increase your risk of acute kidney injury by more than one-third – in the first 120 days on medication. And the risk remains higher for up to two years after starting these drugs. The name-brands they studied in everyday doses were Crestor, Lipitor and Zocor. One big problem is that statins block coenzyme Q10, which is critical for muscle function. Not enough CoQ10 and you get muscle pain first, then the muscles start disintegrating and drug-damaged tissues end up in the kidneys.

04/11/13 Managing symptoms for Big Money: Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex, and Nexium are the Big Pharma drugs most commonly used to “treat” acid reflux. These drugs are called PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) and do nothing to treat underlying causes of reflux. But PPIs are the industry sweethearts of Big Pharma that bring serious risks you won’t hear about from your doctor. A recent publication in the Annals of Family Medicine show that regular PPI users suffer up to a 53% increase in bone fractures. Think that’s bad enough? PPI users also have elevated risk of C. difficile, excess production of the gastrin hormone and also mineral imbalances that can lead to hypertension and even Alzheimer’s disease. The cause of reflux is usually very easy to find and treat naturally.

04/10/13 Which is worse? An arrhythmia in the heart or cancer? Well, how about both? Amiodarone is the most widely used drug to treat arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats. The problem is that this drug also causes cancer… Patients on high daily doses of amiodarone within the first year had an increased risk of developing cancer – at nearly twice the risk! How about we find the cause and fix it? But not everyone wants to quit the bad diet and sedentary lifestyle or change their environment, remove the metal fillings, treat the mineral deficiency or something simple and silly like any of these things.

04/09/13 A survey has suggested that dentists tend to overprescribe antibiotics in children. But what can go wrong with that? How about changing a child’s digestion and neurology permanently? Or, how about developing antibiotic-resistant organisms? How about severe allergic reactions? US dentists write up to 300 million antibiotic prescriptions a year. In a recent survey, only 31% of pediatric dentists and 24% of the general dentists followed ADA prescribing criteria. Dentists also departed from the guidelines in showing a willingness to prescribe antibiotics over the telephone.

04/08/13 How about the medical mistreatment of overactive bladder? Do you have recurring bladder infections and UTIs? Might just be because of an underactive bowel…There is a close relationship between bladder and bowel function that cause urinary symptoms, bowel symptoms, or both. Clinical studies show that there is a bladder-bowel cross-sensitization, or crosstalk. Functionally, this means that bowel distention affects bladder activity. This is very true in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and bowel symptoms in patients with acute cystitis. Constipation can contribute to the development of lower urinary tract symptoms like overactive bladder. The usually prescribed antimuscarinics can worsen constipation, a common side-effect. The real treatment would first deal with coexisting constipation to resolve urinary symptoms.

04/05/13 The worst vaccine of all is the whooping cough vaccine…It is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage. In susceptible infants, it knocks their immune systems about, leading to irreparable brain damage, or severe attacks, or even deaths from diseases like pneumonia or gastroenteritis and so on. It was similar with the measles vaccination. They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children…They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like an infection. ~ Dr A. Kalokerinos

04/04/13 A recent study is now turning 30 years of medical dogma along with the associated drugging on its head. The latest independent experts now report that blood pressure drugs used to treat mild cases of high blood pressure not only do not reduce heart attacks, strokes, or overall deaths, but that they come with a litany of nasty “side effects” from loss of libido to sudden pain, urinary infections, asthma symptoms, insomnia, depression, coughing, rashes, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, diarrhea and on and on. One of the “side effects” of these unnecessary medications is death. (There are no such thing as “side effects,” they are ALL EFFECTS)

04/03/13 If your baby even burps funny once, it seems that pediatricians are right there to write the prescription for Zantac or another harmful medication. Medications used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease are some of the most widely used medications unnecessarily prescribed for children less than one year old. According to the University of Michigan, pediatricians are taking normal processes in digestive development and turning them into a disease and making healthy infants sick. Of course, the best way to actually get a digestive disease is to treat for it with medications. I have yet to find a colicky infant that doesn’t respond to non-prescription ginger root tea and Primadophilus, a probiotic that is great for infants.

04/02/13 Did you know that C-section babies are more likely to have abnormally reactive immune systems along with asthma and allergies, according to the research disclosed from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology? Yes it’s true! By the age of two, C-section births are five times more likely to have elevated responses to common allergens – the first step toward developing asthma or allergies. Lead study author Christine Cole Johnson puts forward this hypothesis: “We believe a baby’s exposure to bacteria in the birth canal is a major influencer on their immune system.” This exposure actually helps the baby’s immune system develop correctly. Of course, the sterilizing of baby’s environment and the use of antibacterial soaps are also hurting the proper development of the immune system.

04/01/13 The FDA declared the HPV vaccine safe to prevent a sexually transmitted disease safe for girls and boys. Well, the federal government also protects vaccine manufacturers from being sued when the vaccines cause injury and death. But did you know that the federal government has recently paid out some 6 million of our tax dollars to victims of the HPV shot alone – including at least two who died from the shot? These facts come from information obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services. Of course, the government set their own program called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to limit the losses with this “kangaroo court” which dismisses cases, in my opinion, pretty much at whim. The government calls this a “no-fault alternative.” NO FAULT? The HPV vaccine has caused thousands of adverse reactions, including seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short-term memory loss, Guillain-Barré syndrome and even death. Want to know the kicker? According to the Annals of Medicine, “At present there are no significant data showing that either Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent any type of cervical cancer…”

03/29/13 Medicalization and pharmocracy: Do you have difficulty sleeping after guzzling coffee? It’s not your fault… You are a victim of 292.89 – Caffeine Induced Sleep Disorder. Don’t worry; drug treatment is available. If you’re thinking about spiritual issues, you’ve got V62.89 – Bad parenting? Again, not your or your child’s fault… Your child suffers from the drug-treatable 313.81. If your child argues with adults or annoys people then they are druggable F91.8. Sibling disputes? – V61.8. Heaven forbid, should you argue with your spouse about whether the child should be spanked, grounded or drugged, in this case YOU are the drug-treatable V61.1. My favorite is the drugging for math homework challenge 315.1. Crazy? This medicalization is a process by which the medical profession has asserted authority over spheres of life previously overseen by – well, you.

03/28/13 Harmed by the false positive… In the US and Europe, the rate of false positives with mammogram screening brings a rate of up to 60%. A false-positive screening mammogram can cause lasting psychological harm, according to the latest study. Three years after declared free of suspected cancer in a false-positive mammogram, women who had this event consistently reported greater negative psychosocial consequences than their peers with normal findings. Holly G. Prigerson, PhD told Medscape Medical News. “It is dramatic that 3 years after a false-positive screening there remained elevated psychological distress — mostly in anxiety-related symptoms,”

03/27/13 Think your parental rights are safe? Safe in the great state of Texas? NOPE! There is a new act in the Texas constitution that will either take effect immediately or automatically come into being September 1, 2013. This act allows children to make their own medical decisions and receive potentially deadly vaccines – without the parents’ knowledge or consent! This is not a joke and the all the child has to do is make their own legal statement to be empowered with this. Part D states: “A health care provider or facility may rely on the written statement of the child…” this kind of thinking is wrong on so many levels. But kids can already do this in California. Surprise!

03/26/13 HPV vaccination rates are falling. That’s because more parents are wising up to the deadly side-effects and poor efficacy of the vaccine. A rising percentage of parents say they won’t have their teen children vaccinated to protect against the human papilloma virus. Of course, physicians are increasingly promoting adolescent vaccinations and some vaccine companies even offer cash rewards to teens for taking a toxic jab. The Mayo Clinic reports that about 2 in 5 parents surveyed believe the HPV vaccine is unnecessary, and a growing number worry about potential side effects, researchers found. This was published in the latest issue of the journal Pediatrics.

03/25/13 Get a steroid injection and slow the healing process down! The most common treatment for ligament and joint aches and pains is a steroid shot. The latest research confirms that cortisone injections can actually make full recovery within a year less likely. They proved this conclusively by putting the steroid shots up against placebo injections. They also did this experiment with both groups – with and without rehab. Overall, the steroid patients took longer to recover and were more likely to suffer relapse. They take your money and call this a “treatment”. Sounds more like they are giving you the “business”. Steroids also cause appendicitis and pancreatitis. That’s a medical fact, Jack.

03/22/13 Got reflux? Don’t want to have to change your diet and treat the causes? The medical science has the “cure” for you… It’s called sphincter augmentation with a magnetic device. This where they cut you open and place a magnetic ring around one end of your stomach. Of course, placing your health in the hands of the medical mucky mucks will bring even more risk and procedures later. Placing metal objects with synthetic materials into your abdomen will not go unnoticed by your immune system. Eventually, this device will cause infection – maybe sooner, maybe later. So, if you escape this procedure without contracting a superbug you may still be on the toxic medications for life. Isn’t changing your diet and supplementing with some HCL with meals and baking soda at night to treat the cause a better idea?

03/21/13 The irony of tonsillectomy: Doctors have always treated the tonsils as a general nuisance and just can’t wait for the first excuse to charge you money to remove them. Yep, first sign of trouble and out they come! Doctors assume that tonsils are good for nothing except producing minor infections and bad breath. Researchers have found that the tonsils actually manufacture the T-cells your body needs to prevent or fight cancer and autoimmune diseases. According to the research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, T-cells in five different stages of development were found in the tonsils. If your tonsils are swollen and infected, there is a good reason. Find the cause and fix it.

03/20/13 The new #3 cause of death in America is sleep drugs! New numbers find that the sleep drugs could be linked to around 507,000 deaths a year. Heart disease is #1 killer at 599,413 and cancer a close enough #2 with 567,628 deaths a year. The heavy sleep drug users are 5.3 times more likely to wake up dead than non-users. Zolpidem (Ambien) ups the risk some 5.7 times and temazepam (Restoril) raises the risk to 6.6 times, according to the BMJ. Think that’s bad enough? Heavy sleeping pill users are also 35 percent more likely to get cancer. Just 18 pills or less a year more than triples risk of death and over 18 a year more than quadrupled it.

03/19/13 Did you know that MRSA kills more people each year in the US than HIV and AIDS? This man-made antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat. Just think, any one could go to a hospital for minor surgery and die from an infection that can’t be treated by antibiotics. To add to the dilemma, other superbugs are spreading. Even totally drug resistant tuberculosis has appeared in this new wave of “super superbugs”. Now the WHO says untreatable superbug strains of gonorrhea were spreading everywhere. Do you think we’ve learned our lesson on antibiotic overuse yet? Nope, not even slightly….

03/18/13 So, 4 doses of DTaP vaccines didn’t work. They upped it to 5 doses and guess what? Isn’t working either. In fact, the boosters just make the child more susceptible to pertussis every time the forced and fake immunity wanes. The 5-dose series was implemented in 2005 and the study published on March 11 in Pediatrics shows that children born between 1998 and 2003 and who had received 5 doses of DTaP, still had a rising incidence of pertussis where the rates rose from 13% to 23%, according to the CDC. Anyone for trying 6 toxic shots to see if the rates rise even more?

03/15/13 So, this year’s predicted flu epidemic was a major flop. No masses of dead bodies leftover from what the CDC claimed would be among the worst flu seasons – EVER. At the same time, the CDC also admits that this year’s shot is one of the least effective vaccines of all time. So, what’s a federal agency to do? I know! Blame Google… And that is exactly what they’ve done – blame it on Google. No, really! The CDC used Google to track the spread of flu and predict flu at double the rate of reality. What actually happened was that people heard the dire CDC warnings and rushed to Google-search for information on the flu. The CDC just assumed (you know what assuming does…) that these were sick people searching for help. I wonder what they’ll blame the hype on next year?

03/14/13 There is a hot new list out from the American Academy of Neurology that calls into question 5 clinical practices judged to be of little or no benefit for patients. Here they are: 1. Do not perform electroencephalography (EEG) for headaches – which does not improve outcomes, and increases costs. 2. Don’t perform imaging of the carotid arteries for simple syncope without other neurologic symptoms. 3. Don’t use opioid or butalbital treatment for migraine except as a last resort. 4. Don’t prescribe interferon-β or glatiramer acetate to patients with disability from progressive, nonrelapsing forms of MS as they can negatively affect quality of life. 5. Don’t recommend carotid endarterectomy (CEA) for asymptomatic carotid stenosis.

03/13/13 Welcome to the machine… Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems were implemented to reduce workloads and better health care in general. But the percentage of clinicians who would not recommend their EHR increased recently to 39%. In fact, clinician satisfaction overall has dropped and 34% of users are “very dissatisfied” with the ability of their EHR to decrease workload. The horrible part is that 32% surveyed have not even returned to normal productivity levels versus the old way. These findings were disclosed by the American College of Physicians and American EHR Partners at the 2013 HIMSS Conference & Exhibition.

03/12/13 The recent flu vaccine had a worse protection rate than it did side effect rates. According to Reuters, the flu shot was, at best, marginally effective, with protection so bad that Reuters declared the flu shot “largely failed” in its vain offer to protect the elderly during this recent flu season. According to the CDC, the efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccines among those 65 years of age and older was an epic fail with a mere 9% protection rate. Given the 30% rate of vaccine adverse reactions, this drugging of Americans is looking criminal at best. So, 91%of the elderly paid their money and had no benefit in the 2012-2013 flu season. Instead, the all had a lowered immunity and increased heavy metal toxicity with a total of 50mcg of mercury delivered in 2 shots.

03/11/13 Gross overspending on ineffective prostate cancer treatments: A majority of men with low-risk prostate cancer in the US are being treated unnecessarily, risking harm for no benefit. The cost? About $32 million a year. What do you get? All the side effects, significant harm, misery and even death. Previous studies have shown that for death for men with low-risk disease prostate cancer is very low – close to 0%. The kicker for this worthless over-treatment? Urologists suggest surgery and radiation oncologists suggest radiotherapy. Every man who undergoes a prostatectomy will have some degree of immediate urinary or erectile problems. With radiation, the problems develop and worsen with time.

03/08/13 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants may be caused by what their mothers ate during pregnancy, according to the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The sickest of the sick babies with RSV came from mommies who ate lots of foods high in carbohydrates during pregnancy according to Fernando Polack, M.D., study author. RSV is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract disease among infants and young children worldwide. Of course, we vaccinate these babies literally to death when we should be dynamically concerned with providing the diet and nutrients they need to thrive. Currently there is no effective vaccine against RSV. Don’t look for a vaccine that overcomes nutrition deficiencies, it ain’t happening.

03/07/13 The “silver tsunami”: Approximately 8 million Americans 65 years of age or older have mental health or substance-use disorders. According to the IOM, that number will reach up to 14.4 million by the year 2030. In that year it is estimated that there will be about 1650 geriatric psychiatrists – or less than 1 per 6000 older adults presenting with mental health and substance-use disorders. Of course, they want to be able to effectively drug those 14.4 million blue-hairs and have totally missed the important fact that diet and lifestyles are the absolute most effective treatment for mental disorders and the common aches and pains associated with aging that lead to substance abuse.

03/06/13 Getting tired of the ad-nauseum rhetoric that mercury does not help cause autism? Yea, me too… The latest study out shows that blood-mercury levels ARE higher in kiddos with autism. Up to 47% of the severest autism was associated with high levels of mercury and cadmium in this study. So, where did that mercury come from? There is mercury in literally dozens of childhood vaccines that infants are bombarded and assaulted with. Infant flu vaccines alone pack 12.5 mcg of mercury – each (2 shots yearly). That is 25,000 ppb of mercury in annual infant flu shots. 2 ppb is the adult limit of mercury allowed in drinking water according to the EPA.

03/05/13 Wanna up your risk for cancer? Then go ahead and take a cancer vaccine! Cancer vaccines are vain attempts by medical science to treat cancer by attempting to stimulate the immune system. The reason that these vaccines fail and actually assist cancer is that the killer T cells the body aims at tumors opt for the easier vaccination site according to MD Anderson Cancer Center. So, the killer T cells leave the cancer tumor unscathed and double back to the injection site. Meanwhile, the overstimulated immune system response can cause lesions at the injection site.

03/04/13 MRSA loves kids in the summertime and winter-time antibiotics could be to blame for this according to Eili Klein, Ph.D. Interestingly, in the winter, MRSA preys on the community of elderly in hospital settings. Overall MRSA infections have not decreased in the recent years, despite titanic efforts to control their spread. One thing is very clear, the overuse of antibiotics has caused this little problem and it is not going away – neither are we wising up to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staph aureus.

03/01/13 Root canal madness: Your tooth may look solid but it is alive with tiny tubules that carry nutrients and host nerves. By the time your dentist condemns a tooth to a root canal, the tooth is already in a diseased state and that is why the tooth is painful. So the dentist bores the center of the tooth out, severing the nerves, blood supply and nutrient flow to the tooth. The tooth is now dead. But this where some people’s problems begin as bacteria in the tubules moves into the tooth interior and begins to thrive. Over time, this bacteria mutates into disease-causing bacteria to become a veritable toxin farm. This subclinical fester now sends toxins into the body but there is no way to reach the bacteria with antibiotics from the outside. Dead tooth = long-term trouble.

02/28/13 Keep doing what you’re doing and keep getting what you’re getting… A recent report in the journal of the American Academy of Neurology found a spike in strokes among the young. If you want to call a decade or so increase of a 44% spike. I call it an alarming and dramatic trend that deserves immediate attention. Of course, the experts are dumbfounded as to why this is happening. They want to blame lifestyle factors while refusing to consider that one proven side effect of vaccines is strokes. Keep taking toxic vaccines and the stroke risk compounds with each heavy metal-laden dose. Vaccines are also linked to autism, narcolepsy, autoimmune disorders, macrophagic myofasciitis, encephalopathy, epilepsy, convulsions, Guillain-Barre syndrome, nerve deafness, blindness, paralysis, sudden infant death syndrome, and many other chronic health problems. I’d rather have the flu any day…

02/27/13 Did you know that cortisone causes acute appendicitis and pancreatitis? Did you know that cortisone is used in a lot of common medicines? This is just two of the nasty side effects of this drug. New study results published in JAMA Internal Medicine also shows that patients treated with some forms of cortisone should also be advised to refrain from alcohol and smoking. Another study shows that patients treated with cortisone in tablet form had a 70% higher risk of developing acute pancreatitis. The pancreatic connection was observed after three days’ medication, which substantiates that the causal factor was the cortisone rather than the treated disease. Cortisone treats symptoms – not causes. Find the cause and fix it – symptoms gone! No drugs needed.

02/26/13 So, an Italian court recently ruled that a boy’s autism was caused by the MMR jab. Meanwhile, the medical community in the US has pulled of all kinds of chicanery and shenanigans to hide MMR facts from Americans. The couple that was suing Italy’s Ministry of Health may have won the case, but they have lost their boy because of this bad jab. Worth it? The money will never bring back the child they had before the inoculation. Americans need to quit bowing to the medical mucky mucks and do some research of their own. Educate before you vaccinate and report vaccine reactions (It’s the law)! Less than 10% of adverse reactions are ever reported.

02/25/13 Early on in Western medical history, vaccines have been held with much public skepticism. Edward Jenner first published his claims that scratching cowpox pus into the arms of healthy children could protect them against smallpox in 1802. Almost immediately, a cartoon was published showing vaccinated people with cows’ hooves and horns. As the anti-vaccine movement began to build, it brought prominent supporters like Frederick Douglass and Leo Tolstoy. Even George Bernard Shaw called vaccinations “a peculiarly filthy piece of witchcraft.” Anti-vaccers from the beginning have been brow-beat and scorned by the main stream, yet the unvaccinated children are much healthier by and large than the vaccinated children.

02/22/13 Nature knows best and the consumer is basically stupid! Manufacturers take something natural and produce a chemical counterfeit and market it for mega-bucks. Take marijuana for instance: The synthetic marijuana causes acute kidney injury, psychosis, birth defects, behavioral changes, and acute coronary syndrome. AKA Spice, Spice Gold, and K2, synthetic cannabinoids have been marketed as various herbal mixtures and sold as incense, bath additives, and air fresheners. Synthetic cannabinoids cost about $20 per gram and are difficult to detect in drug tests which makes them even more popular than the real thing. In a recent 6 month period, cases of synthetic cannabinoid problems reported by US poison control centers rose by 430%.

02/21/13 About those bone meds: Drugs used to “prevent” bone loss in osteoporosis patients come with nasty side effects, like more bone breaks, fractures, muscle pain, cancer and other problems. Bone meds actually pervert the body’s natural remodeling of bone tissue and potentially have negative side effects that include unusual bone fractures and joint and muscle pain. Did you know that inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes cause bone loss? Now scientists are discovering what I’ve been saying all along: Probiotics that build the gut also build strong bones! “We know that inflammation in the gut can cause bone loss, though it’s unclear exactly why,” said Laura McCabe at MSU’s departments of Physiology and Radiology. “The neat thing we found is that a probiotic can enhance bone density.”

02/20/13 Fish exposed to anti-anxiety medications exhibit risky behavior, antisocial tendencies and over-eating. Researchers exposed perch to the anxiety-moderating drug Oxazepam in levels common to that found in densely populated areas and found obvious behavior changes. The drug made the fish braver and less social to leave the safety of their normal schools to look for food on their own. (A school formation is a key defense for perch to defend against being eaten by predatory fish.) The fish also exhibited gluttony and ate more quickly than before exposure to the drug. Could it be that we are changing our human society artificially with drugs? Not even a question actually. It’s a statement…

02/19/13 Hospital medical alarms can be very harmful! Ever ignored a car alarm in the parking lot? Most people do. Medical alarms on infusion pumps, ventilators, and numerous other devices are designed to inform medical staff of problems that needs prompt attention. But like the car alarm, the sheer number of alarms in a hospital can overwhelm staff. This leads to all alarms being given over to complacency, delayed response and patient harm. Caregivers have been known to turn alarm volumes down or even off. “If too many alarms are sounding, then all alarms start to lose their meaning,” said Rob Schluth, Senior Project Officer of ECRI’s Health Devices Group. This “alarming” situation – once again – puts the ultimate responsibility of health care back on the patient and their loved ones.

02/18/13 If you have Parkinson’s, MS or other muscle problems, your doc will want to prescribe dalfampridine (Ampyra, Acorda Therapeutics). I ask you this; do you want to improve your symptoms at the risk of anaphylaxis and developing seizures in the first week of taking this poison? Well the FDA is putting Ampyra on the “watch list” to warn prescribers about this overt problem. Betchya that you’ll never hear about this from your doc though… Doctors only throw drugs at symptoms to manage them. Every disease out there has causes that can be found and eliminated. Don’t wait to be a part of a lawsuit (if you survive the drug’s side effects). Take action now! Start with a healthy diet and targeted nutrition. Find someone who doesn’t prescribe drugs but has success with treating things naturally and make them your best friend – for life!

02/15/13 Do you guys realize that the “gold standard” of medicine is the double blind, placebo controlled study? How about this fact: There has never been any study on vaccines to prove their efficacy other than questionable and contradictory epidemiological studies – again with no control population. In the last 50 years, the US has accelerated the vaccine schedules to include well over 50 toxic vaccine doses given before Kindergarten and 26 in the first year of life. It is no wonder the kidney damage, diabetes, obesity, cancer, death, autism and other disease rates are gone sky-rocket. What we need is a vaccine against medical stupidity to inoculate the Big Pharma money mongers with.

02/14/13 How about a radiation burn from diagnostic radiology procedures? It happens a lot more often than it is reported. Image quality improves with higher radiation levels, so the toxic dose increases. If it is not clear enough the first time, crank the dial up and shoot again! Inappropriate dose levels and blatant overuse of CT scans lead to unnecessary radiation exposure for patients and greater risk to the patient. But will you associate the cancer 10 years from now with the scan given today? Probably not… Acute reactions such as radiation burns and hair loss occur way too frequently. “Radiation-induced burns occur because the radiation beam may stay on the same area of skin for too long”, said Jason Launders, Director of Operations of ECRI’s Health Devices Group.

02/13/13 Homeopathy under fire! A recent Medscape report issues a warning that homeopathy comes with risks. The researchers searched high and low for anything that resembled an adverse event to homeopathic remedies and found 38 such events (they included reports where homeopathy replaced conventional treatments). 38 events were all they could find in all of 2012 – This made headlines AND they are all up in arms about it! Gee, let’s make the control group for this study the 1.5 million people harmed by medical treatments last year according to the National Academy of Sciences. This makes homeopathy 50,000 times less harmful than medical madness. Peeps, this ought to give you a clue…

02/12/13 Want to be a good parent? Then do NOT give your child non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen. These drugs are commonly used to treat pain and reduce fever in children and now they are once-again linked to Acute Kidney Injuries in children. This latest study coming out in The Journal of Pediatrics reports the findings on children diagnosed with these Acute Kidney Injuries caused by NSAIDs. Kiddos less than 5 years old were more seriously affected by these Over-The-Counter poisons and more likely to need dialysis as a result of taking them. Grow a brain here peeps. Big Pharma is not out to heal you. They steal your money and eat your children without conscience.

02/11/13 The FDA has now approved even more GMO madness! A new vaccine has hit the market, called Flublok, which contains recombinant DNA technology to help them make faster vaccines. Flublok’s package insert tells you that it contains Genetically Modified proteins from three different flu strains. The maker of Flublok, states that this flu vaccine is produced by extracting cells from caterpillars and genetically altering them to produce large amounts of a flu virus protein that facilitates the flu virus’ entry into the human body. Caveat: The package label lists Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GSB) as a potential side effect. Other potential side effects include allergic reactions, respiratory infections, headaches, fatigue, altered immunocompetence, rhinorrhea, and myalgia – and let’s not forget death as a side effect… The kicker? Flublok is only effective 45% of the time. We are MUCH better off taking our chances with the flu itself peeps.

02/08/13 Alzheimer’s is growing out of control thanks to our own stupidity. The number of people with Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. is expected to triple in the next 40 years, according to a new study published in Neurology. Wanna know why? It’s our own fault because we listen to the medical mucky-mucks who treat dietary/lifestyle diseases with drugs and also destroy our immune systems with toxic vaccines that don’t even offer immunity. Dr. Hugh Fundenberg and colleagues have shown that 55 year old people who receive the flu vaccine each year for 5 years in a row increase their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease a whopping 1,000%!

02/07/13 Epidemic of opioid abuse. The rate of overdoses from prescription opioids multiplied by seven-fold in New York City in a recent 16 year period. Researchers examined deaths from prescription opioids versus heroin and found that the increase in the rate of drug overdose was driven entirely by prescription overdoses while heroin overdoses declined. Whites were twice as likely to overdose on opioids than Hispanics and three times more likely than blacks. Part of the problem is that users think that prescription opioids are safer than other drugs so they abuse them more freely.

02/06/13 Did you know that medication infusion pumps bring more adverse incident reports to the FDA than any other medical technology? More than 700 deaths were reported between 2005 through 2009 associated with infusion devices. But don’t blame the machines! They are just doing what they are told to do. Data-entry mistakes, like mistyping or entering the wrong field are the real problems. Often errors are caused by illegible orders or sometimes by drugs improperly prepared or even drugs given to the wrong patient. It behooves us to check out all procedures given to us or our loved ones. TRUST NO ONE! If the nurse or doctor makes a fatal mistake, they go home tonight – you don’t…

02/05/13 OK peeps, there is another BIG LOSER medical device coming your way. It’s a stomach pump that you use to get rid of the food in your tummy – through a different outlet. Doctors cut a hole in your stomach leading to your abdomen and put a cap on it. So you stuff your pie-hole all you want and then go to the potty and pump it all out again. The machine is called the AspireAssist which attaches to the port in your stomach and sucks the food right out. This crappy weight solution will be coming to America soon and is already being used in Europe. Call me crazy here, but isn’t it a much better solution to not put that food in the stomach in the first place?

02/04/13 Dirty endoscopes and cross-contamination hazards occur when flexible endoscopes aren’t properly reprocessed. This has been on the top 10 medical hazards list for years. Numerous reported incidents harmed the patients when “dirty” instruments were used in surgery and other medical procedures. Of course, contamination is often not detected until after the instrument had been used on a patient. The root causes of contaminated medical instruments? The staff didn’t know the correct procedure to decontaminate, the supplies were not available, there was insufficient time allotted to perform the procedure correctly, or the staff felt pressured to take short cuts.

02/01/13 Heavy metals from vaccines are cancer-causers. But who is going to relate the cancer they have now with the multitude of vaccines you may have had throughout the years? What doctor is going to look you in the eye to tell you that you have cancer because of choices you and your parents made throughout the years that involved bad diet and toxic medical procedures? What they’ll tell you these days is that it is genetics and random. Less than 5% of almost all cancers are genetically inherited, yet that is where all the big research money is spent – in genetics.

01/31/13 Relative flu numbers or real flu numbers? The CDC is claiming about a 60% relative effectiveness rate for the flu shot this year. Sounds like a fair number, but what if the real number was a lousy 1.5%? How many people would vaccinate then? Here’s the scoop on the 60%. Only about 2.7 out of 100 adults on average will get the flu in any given year. If you vaccinate 100 people, the rate of adults contracting the flu drops by 60%. So, instead of 2.7 out of 100 adults getting the flu, only 1.2 of the 100 adults gets the flu. This means that you vaccinate 100 people and a negligible 1.5 people are spared the flu – according to a recent meta-analysis in the Lancet. BUT, 30% of the 100 people vaccinated have an adverse reaction to the vaccine and 6% of those have life-changing, severe reactions – according to the CDC website.

01/30/13 Americans spend an estimated $322 million a year on laboratory tests as part of “general health examinations”. But – general health checkups do NOT reduce mortality, in fact the just add to the misery of once-healthy-now-medicated patients. Don’t believe me? Then believe their own studies published in JAMA January 2013. These studies exclude any visits for the management of chronic conditions or acute care visits. “Secondary outcomes assessed included morbidity, new diagnoses, hospitalizations, disability, worry, self-reported health, referrals to specialists, and additional visits to general practitioners,” the authors wrote.

01/29/13 Life-altering antibiotics are easier to get now than ever. But just one dose of these changes the body’s intestinal flora and even the neurological chemical makeup forever. Now you can get your over-prescribed antibiotics virtually every time (no, really virtually) by making an e-visit instead of an office visit. This is where patients fill out online forms about their symptoms and a doctor gives them antibiotics 99% of the time versus 49% with an office visit. Insurance companies love them because e-visits save them money, but I say it will only cost us more in health.

01/28/13 They’ve been treating this wrong all along, but they wouldn’t listen to me… Eczema is chronic inflammation of the skin. A new study looked at the gut bacteria of children with and without eczema and found that the children at 18 months with eczema also had clostridium clusters IV and XIVa (not normal for kids), and the no-eczema kids had a greater amount of Bacteroidetes (normal for kids). I’ve always said that eczema is caused by the composition of bacteria in a child’s gut. This is influenced by foods and especially affected negatively by gluten and casein. All those drugs, antibiotics and steroids given out like candy by doctors have only served to make things worse for the child.

01/25/13 Trust the scientific medical studies? Well, you shouldn’t… The latest report out from Albert Einstein College of Medicine takes a look at what really happened with some of the retractions of studies. In reviewing cases of retractions of scientific papers reported by the DHS supported – United States Office of Research Integrity, the researchers determined that fraud was involved in 94% of these cases. Interestingly, 40% involved trainees, 32% involved faculty members, and 28% involved technicians, study coordinators, and interviewers. This flies in the face of other experts that blame errors for the majority of retracted papers. You just can’t trust anyone anymore…

01/24/13 Big Pharma drugs are fueling a new wave of gunpoint-robbery crimes. Now in New York, police will have pharmacies stocking decoy bottles with GPS devices among the popular and powerful painkillers like Oxycontin and oxycodone because of gunpoint robberies of drug stores. Last year alone, federal and New York Police Department investigators seized 9,000 painkillers being sold at an open-air drug market in northern Manhattan. The infamous New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to restrict ER patients to a three-day supply of painkillers to limit abuse.

01/23/13 Would you trade a 62% chance of missing the flu for a nightmare? – A permanent nightmare?? Many countries are reporting a huge spike in narcolepsy cases right after the flu vaccine is given. This is especially a problem in young children. So, the flu lasts a few hours, maybe days, but this side-effect of the toxic flu vaccine is permanent and destroys any chance for a normal life! Europe’s drugs regulator has ruled that Pandemrix should no longer be used in people under 20. Dr. Mignot, who is a specialist in the sleep disorder at Stanford University, says: “There’s no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Pandemrix increased the occurrence of narcolepsy onset in children in some countries… Who out there is stupid enough to continue this vaccine madness?

01/22/13 For most lazy Americans it is easier to pop a pooping pill than to change the diet, take a supplement or exercise. They would rather pay to poop now and manage the side effects later than change harmful lifestyle habits. This is why the FDA recently approved the drug linaclotide – AKA Linzess (with side-effects)- for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C). But if you really want healthy bowel movements don’t rush out to demand this medication from your pill-pushing doc until you exhaust all the possible causes and natural remedies.

01/21/13 So you think Big Pharma really cares about your health and making you well? Think again, because the latest report states that spin and bias exist in a high proportion of published studies of phase III clinical trials of breast cancer treatments, according to the cancer journal Annals of Oncology. The study investigated how accurately outcomes and side-effects are reported in breast cancer trials and found that a third of all trials failed to show a statistically significant benefit and in two-thirds of the reports there was bias in the way adverse effects of the treatment were reported, with more serious side-effects poorly reported. It seems that reporting things honestly would severely affect sales dollars.

01/18/13 Did you know that cholesterol (the target of statin drugs) is critical for your internal dopamine factory to function? You are told that cholesterol is bad for you and that you should avoid it, yet your brain CANNOT function without it. The truth is that cholesterol is a healthy blood fat produced in your liver and used in muscles, hormone production, brain function and your sense of well-being, happiness, excitement and satisfaction. People with low cholesterol (below 200 for most) are weak and their muscles hurt – that’s depressing. People with low cholesterol are missing their feel-good dopamine – so they become depressed. They are missing their cognitive function – so they become forgetful and depressed. They are also missing their sex hormones – so they become sexless, celibate and depressed. Low LDL cholesterol TRIPLES the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Got it yet? Or do I need to repeat myself?

01/17/13 About those hystericalectomies: Women who have radical hysterectomies and go through surgical menopause have an increased risk of decline in memory and thinking skills, according to a study released at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting. The earlier the surgery – the faster the symptoms advance for decline in long-term memory related to concepts and ideas, in memory that relates to time and places, in overall thinking abilities, and in the plaques linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This same association was not seen in women who underwent natural menopause. Did you know that this is even elective surgery for some women??

01/16/13 Sounds like a shot in the dark to me! The CDC is reporting that the current seasonal influenza vaccine is effective in 62% of patients to prevent flu. This means that 38% of Americans who get the toxic vaccine still contract influenza. But the CDC isn’t reporting the some 30% of adverse reactions to the vaccine – 6% of which are far more serious than the flu itself. The 2011 CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website reported 51 deaths caused by the flu vaccines, along with 232 life threatening events, 116 permanent disabilities, 739 hospitalizations, 109 prolonged hospitalizations, 4,039 ER visits, and 6,221 “not serious” reports. According to the NVIC – fewer than 1% of all adverse vaccine reactions are ever reported.

01/15/13 The American Medical Association recently issued a warning to doctors reminding them that their first responsibility is to the patient and not their pocket books or their corporate sponsors. You see, docs working for their own money do overtly more procedures and treatments (mostly unnecessary) and make loads more than salaried docs. But the worm turns when it comes to salaried docs under-treating because they are trying to save the corporation money. Some of them even get bonuses based on how much money they save by denying treatments. As long as money is involved patient care, the patient will lose – maybe their life.

01/14/13 Freedom of speech and Big Pharma – goose and the gander: The goose (Big Pharma) got off the chopping block this last December when the U.S. appeals court invalidated the conviction of a Big Pharma sales representative who was caught in illegal promotion of a prescription drug. What was the hitch that got the goose off? The First Amendment “protected speech” now allows Big Pharma lawbreakers to – well, break the law some more. So, what about supplement companies (the gander)? If they say that a supplement treats a condition, even when backed up by studies, the FDA comes sweeping through to destroy the products and jail the hardened criminal vitamin pushers. A little bit of inequity in America? Damn right. It’s about money and Big Pharma has more of it.

01/11/13 What if I took some mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, antifreeze, and live viruses cultured in dead animal tissue, then mix them with peanut butter and had my kiddos eat this in a snack? Would you think I was a good parent? How about I inject them with it but add some petroleum oil and told them, “This will keep them from getting sick…”? I would be arrested for child abuse. However, when doctors inject our kiddos with the same ingredients and tell us “This will keep them from getting sick,” who even gives it a second thought? This is not good logic peeps and the madness has to stop!

01/10/13 Fudge the study, make the sale, collect the money, pay the criminal fine – come out ahead. One of Big Pharma’s underhanded ploys is to swamp drugs regulators with large numbers of “incomplete, partial, sub-standard clinical trials”. The poor feds (insert sarcasm font here) are overwhelmed trying to ferret out good from bad and have to rely on this garbage to make regulatory decisions on drugs that kill and maim. The net result is that drugs get approved without anyone being able to know how effective they really are or how much serious harm they will cause – that is until they are already out there killing and maiming. Did you know that pharmaceutical “recalls” are up by over 400% in recent years?

01/09/13 Easy to get hooked on, hard to get off of… Antidepressants such as Ativan, Xanax, Prozac, Paxil and Lexapro drugs are prescribed to patients without a mental health conditions. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry says that half of all patients who take these psychiatric meds never see a psychiatrist. Antidepressants only address symptoms and though they seem to work for some people they have their nasty effects. Look at the facts: St. John’s Wort in a 2005 depression study had a 50 percent remission rate in just six weeks with no reported side-effects. Paxil came in at just 35 percent remission but came with severe side-effects. Guess which one your medical doc is going to push on you?

01/08/13 Big Pharma pays out billions in criminal fines – but it is only a small “cost of doing business” – even if it kills you… Prosecutors charged that Amgen had promoted the anemia drug Aranesp to treat cancer patients not undergoing chemotherapy. It was unapproved by the FDA and a later study actually showed that this application of the drug increased the risk of death in cancer patients. So what’s a company to do? Pay the $762 million in fines. Amgen brought in $2.3 billion profit just last year alone. U.S. revenue totaled more than $11 billion from 2001 through 2008, with about $6 billion coming from Medicaid and Medicare. Would you spend $762 million to make $11 billion? Like I said – just the cost of doing business.

01/07/14 You’ve been Pink-washed! Eli Lilly & Company gets paid to cause cancer and then paid again to treat it: Eli Lilly creates cancer with rBGH for upping cows’ milk production and then sells cancer treatment drugs like Gemzar and Evista for the resulting cancer in women who drink the milk. Eli Lilly’s cancer drugs made well over $2.5 billion for the company in 2008 alone and Eli Lilly & Company stands to lose millions of dollars a year in rBGH sales if dairy producers have to label products for hormones. As so often happens in American society; money ‘talks.’ The FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) keeps right on bowing to corporate pressure to allow the sale of rBGH to continue in spite of scientific evidence relating it to breast cancer. Now that’s Pinkwashing for you.

01/04/13 Pain med side-effects: Men who use acetaminophen more than twice a week have double-the-risk of hearing loss. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs increase that risk by two-thirds. Regular aspirin use increases the odds of hearing loss by a third. According to a study of 26,917 men in a study the AMJ found all painkillers to be hard on the hearing. Painkillers don’t just kill your hearing; they tear apart your insides, increasing your risk of ulcers, bowel problems, kidney disease, high blood pressure and even the heart problems some of these drugs claim to prevent. Pain is just a symptom, not a cause. Find the cause and fix it – pain gone!

01/03/13 Sick people make for a healthy hospital cash flow. Vaccinations make you generally sicker and often offer very poor “protection” at best. Worse yet, fully vaccinated boys are 112% more likely to have autism than un-vaccinated. Vaccinated boys are 120% more likely to have asthma and 279% more likely to have ADHD than unvaccinated boys. People at 55 years of age who receive the flu vaccine each year for 5 years in a row increase their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease a whopping 1,000%!

01/02/13 Medical error statistics in the United States are horrendously alarming. Did you know that the total daily number of medical errors and related deaths equals a grand total of no less than SIX jumbo jets crashing every single day? The ten-year tally comes up to about 8 million deaths every decade caused by conventional medicine errors. Now, when the airlines have one jumbo jet crash we tremble and demand air safety measures immediately. It seems we have an inordinate infatuation with medical science as we seek after chemical and radiological invasions and avoidable surgeries to supersede the lifegiving basics of diet, exercise and stress relief.

12/31/12 Vaccines should never be called immunizations because that is a misnomer. Immunity and vaccinations are two different subjects altogether. In vaccines, an antigen is injected into the body to produce a reaction and the immune system responds in the form of antibodies, but antibody presence does not confer immunity. People still catch the diseases that they are vaccinated against. Vaccines actually skip the normal immune responses to activate killer cells which can also trigger an overproduction of cytokines in response to the toxic vaccine adjuvants and can damage tissues and organs and even stop the heart and block air pathways. Vaccines often kill and maim more than the disease they are supposed to fight…

12/28/12 History fact of the IoM: The Institute of Medicine was created by Congress in 1970 and is supposed to impartial to government influence. On its website, the IoM claims “we do not receive direct federal funding for our work,” yet an absurd 64.9% of the IoM’s funds actually come from the federal government – making it a government puppet IMO. Even though the IoM’s website claims it does not receive federal funding for its work, an investigation by Senator Coburn’s office reveals some of the real numbers: >>Read the report here<<

12/27/12 Ask your dentist which brand of X-ray machine he uses. Chances are that they might have bought the “bargain brand” that zaps you with higher and more dangerous levels than approved machines. There are unapproved X-ray machines that come direct from China, according to a new warning out of the U.K. Look out for the Tianjie Dental Falcon that costs one-twentieth of the dollars but delivers 10 times the normal dose of radiation. To top it off, the machine doesn’t use a focused beam, so your entire skull and thyroid gets radiated. Your dentist saves money and with the cancer you get, the oncologist makes money too!

12/26/12 More statin drug lies exposed! Recent Big Pharma lies tried to suggest –howbeit erroneously- that statin drugs had a benefit in persons with knee osteoarthritis. But an even newer statin drug study conclusion found that statins actually increased knee pain with NO function or structural progression over the 4-year period. In fact, there was a worsening of physical function associated with statin drugs. Before this, the effects of statins on knee pain and function had not been examined. High cholesterol is only a symptom of inflammation in the first place. Statin drug use is based on lies from the beginning. Did you know that a mere 500mg a day of vitamin C beats statin drugs in University studies?

12/24/12 Take a BP med and up your chances by about half! The risk of a hip fracture in people aged 66 and over is increased by about 50% in the first 6 weeks after they begin taking medication for high blood pressure. In a recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, it was found that there is an immediate increased risk of hip fracture on initiation of antihypertensive drug therapy. The likely mechanism is orthostatic hypotension – a blood pressure that is lower than the body is used to, which is also associated with dizziness and fainting that leads to falls and consequent hip fractures.

12/21/12 The infection by Clostridium difficile bacteria (C-diff) is linked to 14,000 deaths every year and most of them are seniors in hospitals and nursing homes. It turns out that hospital food is the worst food you could ever eat. And they want you to get better on this crap?? What is worse than that is the food in hospitals can be filthy with C-diff – so bad even that the germs actually thrive in the food. Researchers tested about 100 foods served at a university hospital in Houston and found the C-diff bacteria in a full half of the turkey meals, nearly half the chicken and egg dishes, one third of seafood and three out of five desserts.

12/20/12 Medical use of radiation is running amok. According to Eric Topol, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Medscape Genomic Medicine, “we’re not doing the right things for patients… We have runaway uses of nuclear scans, CT scans, and PET scanning, and we don’t even warn our patients; we don’t give patients any data on the dangers.” There is no accountability system to catalog the patients’ exposure and this is an even bigger problem with children diagnosed with a pediatric malignancy. All the information on cumulative amounts of medical exposure to radiation should be collected from birth and made a part of electronic medical records. Until then it is up to you question and limit all exposures to radiation. You are the one it affects, not the doc…

12/19/12 Over-the-counter acid reflux and heartburn drugs cause bone fractures! U.S. health officials are now warning both doctors and patients about the serious risks of these over-the-counter medications and how they are linked to increased bone fractures risk in middle-aged adults. If you have indigestion or acid reflux the problem is probably not too much acid but too little acid. OTC drugs only treat the symptoms and not the causes. The causes for this common digestion problem can usually be treated naturally, easily and quickly. Find the cause and fix it!

12/18/12 Someone’s bright 6-in-1 vaccine idea has caused at least 73 infant deaths since it came out. Of course, this has been hush-hushed by Glaxo-SmithKlein until a confidential document leaked out to expose these and other facts about the Infanrix Hexa vaccine that has left a swath of destruction and hearth-ache. According to Initiative Citoyenne, a confidential 1271 page document reveals that GSK received a total of 1,742 reports of adverse reactions in two recent years along with 503 serious adverse reactions and 36 deaths. Many of these hapless infants died within a few days of receiving the vaccine and some died within hours – at least these are a portion of the 10% of vaccine reactions that are ever actually reported. Still trust Big Pharma with your baby?

12/17/12 Vermont has officially declared a whooping cough epidemic and is, of course, urging everyone 19 and older to get a shot of toxic vaccine. This is in a state that boasts a 90% child vaccination rate. I guess it just doesn’t work, but they won’t listen to me. AND, most of these nasty infections are occurring in already-vaccinated children. In adults, the Tdap vaccine (which is a medical procedure WITH adverse reactions) only temporarily “protects” 7 out of 10 adults. Did you know that a recently vaccinated child or adult will infect others with this disease? The acellular whooping cough vaccine actually enhances the colonization of Bordetella parapertussis and contributes to the increase in whooping cough over the last decade.

12/14/12 The CDC is ramping up the push for toxic flu vaccines earlier than before, saying that this flu season “could be underway”. But they use the term “influenza-like illnesses” that may include everything from sniffles to coughing. Data from the CDC’s Flu View site shows the week ending November 24 to have 2.2% of physician office visits with unverified flu symptoms. Of course, they are now skewing the flu-death numbers to include both pneumonia and influenza. Only two pediatric influenza

08/26/13 The actual incidence of flu in the population is grossly exaggerated as a common Big Pharma fear-mongering tactic. Patients presenting with flu-like symptoms are rarely diagnostically confirmed as being Influenza type A or type B. Studies show that the vast majority of these cases are neither types. According to one study by Ayoub and Yazbak “In general, most symptoms of the “flu” are not caused by influenza virus but by a variety of noninfluenza viruses, bacteria, other infectious organisms, or even noninfectious conditions.” The CDC states that only about 20% of influenza-like cases are actually caused by the influenza virus. Influenza vaccinations only sometimes work when there is a perfect match between the vaccine strain and the circulating virus.

08/23/13 How about this for child abuse? Allow some idiot doctor to put your kiddo on antipsychotic medication and TRIPLE their risk of diabetes within one year. Now, who is to blame? The symptom-treating doctor or the ignorant parent who is the one to finally allow the meds? The doctor goes home to enjoy his family at night but the parent is left with managing a lifetime of damage to their child. A Vanderbilt University Medical Center study of youngsters put on risperidone, quetiapine, aripiprazol, olanzapine and other mood altering meds, says that these drugs put children at unnecessary risk for type II diabetes. The big stinker here is that this is a repeat study and this knowledge has been ignored and covered over by the medical industry for years. Now you are responsible for this knowledge.

08/22/13 Got ordinary grief? There is a DSM-5 number and corresponding drugs for that… Yes, the American Psychiatric Association is out to medicalize every facet of life from cradle to grave. Now they will make a major change in the way grief is viewed and treated. Current guidelines recognize grief after the loss of a loved one as normal and expected but the new DSM-5 will specifically characterize bereavement as a depressive disorder. This new gobbledygook psychobabble dangerously encourages clinicians to diagnose major depression in people experiencing normal, even mild, symptoms of grief after only two weeks. Two weeks? Really?? Want to know what is majorly depressing? America’s inordinate affair with drugs – now that is really sad.

08/21/13 Robotic surgery outcomes are NOT better than regular surgical procedures. One example is total knee replacement robot Vs human surgery. Of course the sales-pitch for this multi-million dollar machine is pure bunk claims of improving the positioning, sizing and alignment of replacement knee joints, resulting in greater durability of joints and overall improvement in patient movement. New research published in the Journal of Bone and Joint Surgery found no difference in knee function, alignment or durability/survivorship between joints done robotically and those done with the good old “saw bones” doctor. But, once you’ve invested millions in a machine, you have got to make it pay. Don’t listen to the sales-pitch for robotic surgery peeps. It’s only a sales pitch- nothing else.

08/20/13 So many doctors now give the worst advice ever – and leave a swath of misery, injury and death – but are almost never held accountable. Let’s just look at statin drugs for one minute. They only “treat the symptoms” of high cholesterol and do much more harm than good. The latest harm from the “do no harm” specialist is for the breast cancer risk with statin drugs. Taking statins for 10 years or more can jump your risk of invasive lobular carcinoma by up to 250%. To cause this kind of harm is criminal! But the damage for statin drugs goes way beyond more than doubling breast cancer risk as these Big Pharma drugs shorten your memory, wreck your sex life, destroy your muscles and devastate your immune system. This is no wonder drug peeps. It only makes me wonder how doctors get away with violating the very oath they “swore” to – or was that “swore at”…

08/19/13 Women dying from overdoses of opioid painkillers increased 5-fold in the last decade according to the CDC. This is not deaths in the back alleys of America but are everyday mothers, wives, sisters, and daughters dying from overdoses at rates never seen before. Of course, the increase in opioid overdoses and opioid deaths is lock-step with the increase in painkiller prescriptions. It used to be that men were the leaders in the deaths by overdose. But since 1999, the increase in deaths was actually greater among women than men tipping in at a 400% increase in women vs 265% in men. There were actually 4 times more deaths among women from prescription painkiller overdose than for cocaine and heroin deaths combined in 2010.

08/16/13 Industry driven research somehow shows that an aspirin-a-day protects your heart. But real research finds that regular use of aspirin is linked to heart attacks and strokes. Other medical research shows that regular use of the salicylate drug aspirin deteriorates the intestinal lining – causing severe bleeding, colitis, intestinal perforation, infections and even death. Aspirin is the counterfeit to White Willow Bark that sometimes alleviates pain, but it consequentially depletes the body of critical minerals and nutrients, while damaging vital organs and exacerbating heart conditions. Big Pharma is all about the money and will kill you slowly to get yours.

08/15/13 Did someone hurt your feelings? The latest Tylenol recommendations are to pop some liver-killing acetaminophen. UCLA found that if you throw chemicals at hurt feelings you feel better than people who took the placebo. Did you know that acetaminophen is the single largest cause of acute liver failure in the country? Would dying hurt your feelings more? How about some abdominal pain, nausea, the sweats, and kidney failure? Now my feelings are hurt! Recent research has found a highly significant link between Tylenol and autism when the MMR vaccine and acetaminophen are given at the same time. Pediatricians even tell parents to “load the child with Tylenol before bringing them in for a MMR shot”.

08/14/13 In a hurry to cause autism: Once again man messes with natural forces and ends up the loser. A hot new study, published in JAMA, involving more than 600,000 births found a link between induced labor and autism. Out of 625,042 births, labor was induced in more than 170,000 births (27%) with a resulting 5,648 children developing autism. Boys from induced labor were 35% more likely to have autism whereas girls were 18% more likely to have autism. Of course, these red hot numbers should be a huge signal that we are in trouble here, but investigators said that more studies are needed. Really? So, keep doing the damage while we study this some more. I say – “irresponsible!” The continued medicalization of childbirth is only asking for more trouble.

08/13/13 There’s yet another vaccine trial going on – with human infants as the lab rats. The latest vaccine is the pentavelent vaccine which combines the usual DPT vaccine with Hepatitis-B and H influenza-b or Hibvaccine. Otherwise healthy children are dying with minutes of this vaccine and yet the WHO denies the connection – even though they have no other explanation for the deaths. Of course, this vaccine trial is happening in India where according to local news, “all the babies who died were in good health prior to vaccination and had serious trouble breathing before dying shortly afterwards”. In India, where the incidence of Hib is historically low, 25 million babies will be vaccinated to maybe save about 350 children from Hib meningitis and Hib pneumonia. At the current rates of death, 3,125 children will die from the vaccine adverse effects.

08/12/13 US ethics guidelines will protect drug researchers but leaves the research subjects hanging out there. So, if a research study goes wrong and the research subject is seriously injured, neither the researcher nor the sponsor has ANY legal obligation to pay for that subject’s medical care. If the study victim is permanently disabled and unable to work, sponsors have no obligation to compensate for lost income. If the victim dies – and this does happen – sponsors have no obligation to compensate their family. Not one academic medical center in the US has a policy to compensate injured subjects or their families for lost wages or suffering. This is not news because this has been the way it is from the beginning.

08/09/13 The worst drug idea EVER is Botox for migraines. The typical treatment includes 30 shots of deadly poison injected right into your face. Not only is this a hugely bad idea -but even worse than that – it doesn’t even work! In 2010 the FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) approved Botox for migraines and the latest study analysis of 31 studies confirms that for people with 15 or fewer headaches a month, Botox made no difference at all. But, if you are unlucky enough to have more than 15 headaches a month, Botox “prevented” 2 headaches a month. So take 30 shots at a time in your face and head, lather, rinse and repeat every few months for this pitiful “benefit” that puts you at risk for side effects ranging from nausea and flu-like symptoms all the way to paralysis or death.

08/08/13 Out of control health care expenditures: For the last 60-something years, the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) has grown at an average of 2.0% per year. Contrast that to the Real National Health Care Expenditures which has more than doubled the GDP with growth at 4.4% per year. This gap of 2.4% per year resulted in the actual percentage of the GDP related to health care spending to top 17.9% in 2011. The more this snowball grows – the more out-of-control it becomes. Experts believe that an exponential increase of this magnitude in future years will have catastrophic consequences for the U.S. economy. I’m no financial expert here but I see this as a huge problem for most folks now.

08/07/13 An ad run in 2011 by Komen during breast cancer awareness month hyped mammograms by pink-washing the statistics. Actually, they just simply invented impossible numbers to back up their statement that the “key” to surviving breast cancer is early screening because “early detection saves lives”. To back this up they quoted that you gain a 75% increase in the 5-year survival rate with screening when the real number is a measly 0.07%. Once you figure in the “lead time” you gain with early detection, mammograms plug a solid negative effect. PLUS, mammograms actually CAUSE 10 cancers for every 1 found. This lying trickery used by Komen is highly deceptive and totally ignores the harms of screening. Don’t believe me? Just keep on doing what you are doing.

08/06/13 Benadryl is basically diphenhydramine. An old Yale study back in 2002 found that seniors taking diphenhydramine had a 70% higher risk of delirium. That’s psychosis with delusions and memory loss. How many people use Benadryl to knock-out their children? How about to knock themself out? Sleep aids in general bring in somewhere near $25 billion a year – and now the NyQuil people want to cash in too so they took out the fluffs and stuff to put diphenhydramine in there to make the latest side-effect ridden “ZzzQuil.” All diphenhydramine drugs are anticholinergic and loading up on these meds up the risk of death – among many other side-effects. NEWSFLASH: There is no such thing as “side effects”. They are all effects.

08/05/13 HRT causes high blood pressure! Well, I’ve always said that if you manipulate one hormone you manipulate them all. The latest new study of over 43 000 women has found that hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is linked to increased risk of high blood pressure that rises with longer duration of HRT use. But the association between HRT and high blood pressure was more prominent for women ages 45–55. In this set of women, any length of time on HRT was associated with higher odds of sub-sequentially increasing hypertension. All hormones work in specific pathways and if you come up short, there’s a cause. The only exception in my world is surgical menopause – in that case you’d best use bio-identical instead of the Big Pharma horse pee.

08/02/13 Children with “teeth restoration” coatings made with bisphenol A-glycidyl methacrylate composite resins can have more emotional and social problems than children without this type of restoration, according to a new study in the journal Pediatrics. Researchers theorize after studying the link that bisphenol A (BPA) leaches from restorations to affect mental health. An older study that didn’t get much press originally found that children with composite resin restorations had lower psychosocial scores. Of course, even after finding the same link in subsequent studies, the latest conclusion was business as usual: “Just keep doing what they have been doing.” This means that you, the parent, are still the only one responsible for your child’s health.

08/01/13 Did you know that warfarin is number two on the list of deadly drugs with “only” 1,106 reports of serious adverse events last year, including “just” 72 deaths? Wow! So what does it take to be number one on the death list? How about the warfarin replacement Pradaxa – you know, the latest blockbuster drug which is far deadlier than imagined. In just two years this blood thinner has become the most dangerous drug in the country. Pradaxa is touted to be “better than” warfarin – but better at what? Last year, Pradaxa was associated with 3,781 serious adverse events, including 2,367 cases of hemorrhage, 291 cases of acute renal failure, and 644 strokes and 542 deaths. Remember that only a fraction of adverse events are ever reported making the real numbers much higher. Did you know that good-old fish oil is the safest blood thinner around? You do now.

07/31/13 Are we getting healthier or sicker? If we are getting healthier than the number of prescription meds given out would decrease, right? Well people in the US took more prescription drugs than ever last year, topping at a record 4.02 billion prescriptions with a price-tag of $319.9 billion. Antipsychotics topped several spots among the 10 drugs that Americans spent the most on. Antidepressants are the most-prescribed class of CNS drugs in 2011 with prescriptions for ADHD medicines increasing 17% and multiple sclerosis meds jumping 22.5% in one year. What does this latest report in the journal ACS Chemical Neuroscience conclude? “… the industry should be heartened by the growth of the number of prescriptions and spending…” That’s just plain sick.

07/30/13 Physicians exhibit far more burnout compared to other workers in the United States – with close to one half of docs reporting at least 1 symptom of burnout. 37.9% of surveyed docs had high levels of emotional exhaustion, 29.4% had a high level of depersonalization and 12.4% had a low sense of personal accomplishment. This survey published in the Archives of Internal Medicine points out that this huge burnout rate has origins rooted in the environment and care delivery system rather than personal characteristics. Perhaps the 50% or so of docs would be happier doing something else?

07/29/13 Growing evidence of GSK’s Pandemrix flu vaccine and an increase in narcolepsy among children and adults in Europe has actually delayed approval of a similar vaccine in the United States. Flu is a transient illness but narcolepsy is a lifelong, incurable and potentially debilitating sleep disorder that even comes with hallucinations, daytime sleepiness and cataplexies where strong emotions trigger a sudden loss of all muscle strength. The BMJ reported that children in England vaccinated with Pandemrix had a 14-fold higher risk of developing narcolepsy. Here’s a hint: The flu doesn’t cause narcolepsy. The flu vaccine does. 30% of all flu vaccines in general have adverse reactions, and about 6% of those bring serious health events – including death.

07/26/13 Dumb physicians often label common symptoms in infants, such as crying and spitting up, as the disease GERD. A study published in the journal Pediatrics found that doctors’ labeling GERD in infants prompted parents to request medication for their baby – even when advised against the medication for GERD. The diagnosis of GERD makes a medical condition out of a finicky digestive system where the infant is probably just short on good bacteria or is reacting to food sensitivities – even from breast milk because of what the mother eats. GERD medications in infants have been correlated to higher rates of pneumonia. Even if your baby truly has GERD, it is more likely than not a lack of stomach acid rather than too much acid.

07/25/13 The BMJ has publically alleged that Big Pharma giant Roche has deliberately hidden clinical trial data about the efficacy of Tamiflu used for flu symptoms. The journal alleges that Roche concealed neurological and psychiatric adverse events associated with Tamiflu to help promote global stockpiling sales of the drug. The only two studies that had been published were funded by Roche and authored by Roche employees and Roche-paid external experts. How reliable is that? The Cochrane Library published an updated review of Tamiflu to find inconsistencies and incomplete data along with the likely overstating of effectiveness and the apparent under-reporting of potentially serious adverse effects. Of course Roche denies withholding clinical data. I recommend taking time-tested and safe astragalus for flu over drugs.

07/24/13 In 1988, the average total cholesterol was 206 with LDL levels at 126. Heart disease was the number killer – so the infinite(simol)wisdom of the feds thought to bring total cholesterol levels down below 200 as a national priority. Now today we average 196 total and 116 LDL cholesterol. A federal dream come true! But it is a nightmare in actuality because the heart disease numbers are exploding with a 50% rise in the numbers coming by the year 2030. And what else did we get for our government soothsaying? How about an already realized increase of dementia by a whopping 68%? Not to mention rising bone fractures, out-of-control depression, sex drives in the gutter and more – all from statin drugs. If Big Pharma really wanted to help you (and not just help themselves to your money) they would stop the madness and give up their cash cow. Not going to happen peeps…

07/23/13 Obesity has now been labeled as a disease by the AMA. Why would the AMA suddenly decide to declare that obesity is a disease? This decision, made by committee, went against the recommendation of the Council of Science and Public Health to NOT label obesity a disease. The real reason for labeling it: Get the doctor’s attention financially. Yep, that’s all it is – an overt attempt to get reimbursement from insurance companies for the treatment of obesity — and to promote payment for the 2 new obesity drugs that it just so happened to break the market very recently. But drugs only treat the symptoms and not the causes… Follow the money, peeps.

07/22/13 Getting your annual general health checks and screening for asymptomatic adults did not reduce either overall morbidity or mortality, according to the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. Besides lacking any clear benefits, general health checks can cause harm with even more suggested screenings for diseases – often with smaller benefits than expected and greater harms. The researchers concluded that a well person can go in for a general check-up and have screening done that leads to a cascade of events that can lead to more harm. Health checks for healthy people are a recent phenomenon that actually increases somewhat unreal expectations for medical discovery and treatment of a disease before there is irreversible damage.

07/19/13 Would you leave a dead organ inside of your bod or would you remove it before it effects the rest of your body? Dr. George Meinig, asserts in his book The Root Canal Cover Up that a root canal is paramount to leaving an organ that dies to rot inside your body. The main reason for root canals is that the tooth has decayed to the point of causing severe pain. Dig out the nerve root, pulp and blood vessels – nor more pain – problem solved? Inside of every tooth are thousands of side canals that branch off into the tooth now made up of dead and rotting nerves. Harmful bacteria then festers in these canals but eventually leaks into your bloodstream causing disease that no one equates with your dead tooth. It is far better IMO to yank the tooth and get a titanium implant.

07/18/13 35% of the strains of the novel avian H7N9 influenza out of China this year have developed resistance to the only pharmaceutical antiviral drugs available. The rock and the hard spot are that using neuraminidase inhibitors like Tamiflu and Relenza to treat for resistant strain of H7N9 only encourages the virus to proliferate and can lead to enhanced spread of the resistant strain. So much for Big Pharma wisdom… If you are concerned about getting the flu then act now by taking astragalus and l-lysine to get your body ready to fight flu naturally. A healthy diet is also a requirement for a healthy immune system that vaccines can never supply.

07/17/13 In 1990, infants received a total of 15 vaccine doses prior to their first year of life. By 2007, the CDC recommended 26 vaccine doses for infants including: 3 DTaP, 3 polio, 3 Hib, 3 hepatitis B, 3 pneumococcal, 3 rotavirus, and 2 influenza vaccines. The real question is: Are we getting healthier or sicker? We are quickly falling behind more and more 3rd-world countries with our infant death rates, currently coming at number 50 in the world. This means that there are 49 other countries that have a lower infant death rate than the US.

07/16/13 The American Academy of Pediatrics has turned around to endorse the World Health Organization’s recommendation that thimerosal (a mercury-based preservative), be exempted from a pending international treaty that strives to mitigate health hazards by limiting exposure to mercury. This is double-speak as the AAP in a joint statement with the US Public Health Service in 1999, called for the elimination of mercury in vaccines only to later about-face after much industry pressure. There is a UN international treaty underfoot calling for removal of mercury from vaccines, but this all about money – not health – as manufacturers balk at the cost of eliminating thimerosal to go to single-use vials for vaccines.

07/15/13 Don’t cut that umbilical cord! At least not for 20 minutes or more. The common practice in the “developed” world is to clamp and cut the umbilical cord connecting mother and baby in less than a minute after birth. Clamping the cord too soon reduces the amount of blood and life-giving nutrients that passes from mother to baby via the placenta. The latest study finds that early clamping affects the baby’s iron stores. In this study, clamping the cord later made no difference to the risk of maternal haemorrhaging and blood loss AND the babies were healthier in a number of ways – including that they were less likely to be iron-deficient six months after birth. Birth weight was also higher with delayed cord clamping.

07/12/13 The latest out on acid reflux drugs show that they may cause cardiovascular disease, according to an article in an upcoming issue of Circulation showing for the first time how proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) cause cardiovascular problems. But you can expect a big fight from Big Pharma on this one as the most common drugs, lansoprazole and omeprazole – OTC drugs- are the third-most taken drug in the U.S., accounting for $13 billion in sales. What scientists found was that PPIs caused the constriction of blood vessels and if taken regularly, could lead to a variety of cardiovascular problems over time, including hypertension and a weakened heart. Get this peeps: Drugs Always Cause Side Effects!

07/11/13 Infants receiving antibiotic treatments have a diminished gastrointestinal flora which leaves the disease-causing Proteobacteria the dominant bacterial population. In this study, infants treated with ampicillin/gentamicin within 48 hours of birth were compared to control infants to see what went on in the bacteria balance. At four weeks, bacteria from the beneficial Bifidobacteria and the Lactobacilli, were significantly reduced, and the species diversity never returned in the study period. The study concluded that by altering the gut microbiota, and consequently the immune system early in life bring a negative influence on long-term health – boosting the risk of asthma, allergies, and obesity.

07/10/13 Big Pharma loves their profits and really do NOT care if your child is hurt by them – in fact – if they are hurt, more profit! The latest and frightening new trend in medical idiocy is to prescribe psychoactive stimulant medication (ADHD meds) to children to “boost” their academic performance. The kicker: The kids don’t even have ADHD to begin with! They just need the extra 3 points extra on average that these meds temporarily add to their academic scores. Side effects of these ADHD drugs include: Growth suppression, high blood pressure, visual and auditory hallucinations, psychotic episodes, suicidal thoughts and a 7-fold increase for sudden death.

07/09/13 A recent study, published in Human and Experimental Toxicology, found that infants receiving multiple vaccines at one time increased the hospitalization rate for these infants more than double. But the more vaccines given at one time increased the hospitalization rates lineally – meaning – more vaccines equals more hospitalizations and infant deaths. Researchers found statistically significant correlations between the number of vaccine doses administered to infants and infant hospitalization and mortality rates. I repeat: Babies who receive the most vaccines tend to have higher hospitalization and death rates. How can I state this clearer?

07/08/13 Chronic pain in children has gone skyrockets with an increase of 831% between 2004 to 2010. Interestingly, girls outpaced the boys at about 2 ½ to 1 and the average patient was a white girl about 14 years old with headaches, abdominal and musculoskeletal pain, and depression and anxiety, according to a study in Pediatrics. Half of these young patients were admitted from the ER into the hospital which brought secondary diagnoses of abdominal pain (39% of patients), mood disorders (28%), constipation (20%), nausea/vomiting/diarrhea (18%), anxiety and panic disorders (18%), and headaches (18%). A whopping 65% had gastrointestinal diagnoses and almost half had psychiatric diagnoses. Bottom line: Are the doctors making us better or worse? My recommendation – find a good nutritionist and make them your best friend.

07/05/13 In one of the latest madcap high-risk heart patient medical studies of fish oil, researchers took fish oil capsules and pitted them against a placebo in some 12,500 patients. But the study announced loudly that fish oil group failed to bring any difference from the placebo group but that patients improved at the same rate on the placebo. Do you want to hear the funny part? The placebo was olive oil… All of the high-risk heart patients in both groups actually had the audacity to fail to die in the predictable rates or suffer the expected number of heart attacks but rather became generally healthier. So, what did they did next was stupid. They changed the latest study in mid-stride to eliminate the olive oil by switching to margarine AND dropped the amount of fish oil they gave to the patients. They didn’t give a rat’s behind that people now died in the “expected” rates.

07/03/13 How do you kill a rat? Give them vaccines. A dose of mercury big enough to kill 1 out of 100 healthy rats is very small. A dose of aluminum that will kill 1 out of 100 healthy rats is also very small. But when you combine the same amount of mercury PLUS the same amount of aluminum and inject 100 healthy rats – they all die. “Doses of mercury that have a 1 percent mortality will have a 100 percent mortality rate if some aluminum is there” says Donald Miller, M.D. Professor of Surgery, University of Washington. Many vaccines contain both aluminum and mercury. When you mix these 2 metals together it causes Extreme Synergistic Toxicity. Keep in mind that the after-effects of vaccines are only followed for a very short time. Effects that are not seen for 10, 20, 30 years will not even be associated with the vaccine.

07/02/13 Men who use sex pills for Erectile Dysfunction (ED) recreationally are more likely to develop psychogenic ED, the type that originates in the mind bringing a psychological dependence on ED meds. The more frequently ED meds were used recreationally, the lower the confidence men have in achieving and maintaining erections – bringing lower erectile function. ED affects about 34 million men in the U.S with up to 70% of them being 60 and older. The fact is though that the largest using group of Viagra is the 18 to 45 age group according to this study published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.

07/01/13 Want to compare apples to apples against flu shot risks versus the plain old flu? CDC statistics reveals that there was between zero and 1 death per year of identified influenza in reproductive age women from 1997-2002. Now the other apples to compare with are the vaccine-induced Guillain-Barre incidence in the same group which is estimated at up to 40 new cases annually. Furthermore, pregnant women are not at higher risk, do not die more frequently or suffer more complications from influenza as 2 previous “non-rigorous” studies claimed. The latest “rigorous” study done by Ayoub and Yazbak contests old standing industry flu propaganda and also shows that obesity was the underlying driver of influenza complications in preggos.

06/29/13 The Kobe vaccine trials of 2009 injected mice repeatedly with antigens, similar to infant vaccinations, to study how the immune system actually turns on itself to create autoimmune diseases. Antigens were injected without the toxic additives – like mercury and aluminum – normally used in vaccinations. For the first seven injections the mice recovered with intact immune systems. But after the eighth injection, problems with key immunity cells began arising. Damaged cells were now showing signs of autoimmunity and their immune systems started to self-generate antibodies causing autoimmune reactions. Conclusion: “Greening” vaccines by removing toxic additives might make the infant vaccination schedule of some 40 vaccinations by 18 months of age more agreeable – but it is still going to cause major problems by over-stimulating the immune system with repeated vaccination.

06/28/13 06/25/13 We spend a whopping $200 billion each year to pay for medical care stemming from improper or unnecessary prescription drug use. These costs rack up with fast with resulting hospitalizations and doctor visits for patients who either don’t get the right medications, suffer medication errors, fail to take their drugs, are over-prescribed antibiotics, or have inadequate oversight for taking multiple drugs. This $200 B represents something under 10% of the total bucks that Americans spend in a broken medical system that is making them sicker – and sicker – and sicker… We suffer 493 unnecessary medical deaths a day – enough people to fill up a 747 jet liner. You have to shut your eyes and look away to not see a huge problem here…

06/24/13 ADD and ADHD are actually not medical disorders but rather are neurodevelopmental disorders according to Stanford University. The bare-bone facts about drugs used for “medical treatment” of ADD/ADHD are as follows: ADD/ADHD medications initially raise math test scores of a child with ADD/ADHD by less than 3 points after 1 year but after three years, the child is academically back to where they would have been without drugs. After three years, the dosage rises an average of 41% and the child is on average 0.79 inches shorter and 6lbs lighter than non-medicated children. ADD/ADHD medications frequently cause the very symptoms they are treating and these medications physically alter the brain and cause brain atrophy and gross malfunctions in the brain. Now you can make your “informed choice”.

06/21/13 Are we generally getting sicker or healthier? What has our modern health system wrought for our health? A shocking 70% or so of Americans are now on at least one prescription drug, and over 50% take two medications. A pitiful 1 out of 5 Americans are on five or more medications. Antibiotics, antidepressants and painkillers are the most commonly prescribed and prescription drug use has increased steadily in the past decade from 44% of people on one prescription in 2,000 to today’s insane rates. Big Pharma wants those numbers up to 100%. They are not solving the problem but rather causing it. Wise up peeps! Find a naturopath and a good nutritionist if you really want to stay healthy.

06/20/13 If you don’t like the drug study outcome – bury it with the trash. That’s what drug companies do with thousands of drug trials that turn out negative. But new freedom-of-information policies are making some of these invisible clinical trial documents and clinical study reports publicly available. Invisible trials cause major information distortion, bias, false conclusions and skewed results. Some BMJ study authors are calling out major drug companies to publish all studies within 1 year or make all available invisible data “public access data”. These authors claim to already have 178,000 pages of previously hidden and confidential company research documents for paroxetine, quetiapine (kwetai a peen), gabapentin, tamiflu and Plavix.

06/19/13 Walgreen Co, has recently been fined a record $80 million in civil penalties for allegations that it violated laws on how prescription painkillers are distributed. The DEA said Walgreen’s violations allowed narcotics to be distributed to abusers and sold illegally on the black market. The DEA probe was centered in Florida, where the DEA dismantled dozens of sham clinics, known as “pill mills”. As part of their settlement, where NOT ONE executive goes to jail, Walgreen had to admit that it failed to uphold its obligations as a DEA registrant. Of course, no comment from Walgreen is available…

06/18/13 Yet once again medical science falls short of mother nature – and medical science proves it over and over. Women who opt for home birth have a lower risk of severe complications than women who plan a hospital birth. The safety of planned home births is hotly debated by the medical professionals who insist that childbirth is a medical procedure and must therefore be treated as a medical disease. A team of Dutch researchers recently found that for parous women, the rate of severe outcomes for a planned home birth was 1 per 1000 compared with 2.3 per 1000 for a planned hospital birth. Win for natural birth – big lose for medical births.

06/17/13 A federally funded study begun in 1942, co-authored by Dr. Jonas Salk, injected experimental flu vaccines in male patients at a state insane asylum in Ypsilanti, Mich., then exposed them to flu several months later to see if it worked. Some the test subjects couldn’t even coherently describe their symptoms let alone say they had informed consent. Of course, we don’t need unwilling participants for vaccine studies anymore as the general public has unwittingly become one of the largest uninformed medical study participants in history. Bottom line, they are NOT studying the vaccine side effects here – just the vaccine cash flow. Don’t be a lab rat people. Say no to the flu vaccine.

06/14/13 Which kills more people? Chemotherapy or chemotherapy? It is a trick question that no one is able to give the right answer to because you simply are not allowed to compare chemotherapy with a placebo group or – heaven forbid – to a natural medicine group. But you can compare one chemotherapy to another to see which kills more people. Barbaric is a word… We are so scientifically minded that our brains fall out when it comes to cancer treatments. But if you compare overall 5-year cancer “survival” rates using chemotherapy with a horrible 2.1% to a much brighter 90% remission rate for stage 4 cancers using various natural treatments, the answer is blaringly obvious – at least to the uneducated layperson.

06/13/13 Scientists at Brown University found no difference in hospital readmission rates among patients who received antidepressants and those who did not – until the got to bipolar depression… When bipolar patients were administered the antidepressant venlafaxine, there was an associated 3-fold higher rate of hospital readmissions. Conclusion: Antidepressant use in patients hospitalized with bipolar depression is ineffective at best, and may be harmful to some patients. There are NO benefits in terms of keeping patients out of the hospitals with the use of antidepressants. These findings were presented at the American Psychiatric Association’s 2013 Annual Meeting. Do you think this report this will curb the rates of prescriptions in these situations? Probably not.

06/12/13 Johnson & Johnson has just recalled some 32 million packages of birth control pills because one active ingredient in Cilest did not “lead to a defined specification”. The batch tests showed that one of the two hormones in Cilest was being released too slowly. This doesn’t affect the US directly, but the drug Cilest (ethinylestradiol and norgestimate) was widely distributed in Europe, Asia and Latin America. In the past two years Johnson & Johnson has been plagued with recalls including OTC drugs, contact lenses, heart devices, and insulin pump cartridges. Earlier this year, Johnson & Johnson recalled nearly two million blood glucose meters due to a failure to operate properly with high glucose readings.

06/11/13 Take antibiotics for UTI and get better in seven days. But, if you refuse the drug, it takes a whole week to get better… New research in BioMed Central shows that more and more women with symptoms of urinary tract infections are avoiding antibiotics and giving their bodies a chance to heal naturally. Of course, this freaks out the pill-pushing docs. Research shows that 70% of women with uncomplicated UTI who did not use antibiotics for a week were either cured or showed improvement. Avoiding overprescribed antibiotics is an effective treatment for UTI that will also reduce the risks for antibiotic-resistant bacteria.

06/10/13 New risk identified: Just because your doctor is ignorant about the uselessness of dangerous cholesterol meds and their horrific side-effects doesn’t mean you have to be ignorant too. Aside from losing your cognitive function, sex life and experiencing excruciating muscle pain, the latest statins effects are associated with increased risk of musculoskeletal injuries, like dislocations, strains, and sprains, according to a new study analysis. The idiocy just keeps on building as the mainstream wants everybody starting statin therapy at a young age for primary prevention of cardiovascular disease. What did I say about statin drugs affecting your cognitive function? I daresay our medical system is on a very high dose…

06/07/13 Take a lesson from history: In 1899, the American Medical Association (AMA) was a weak organization with little money and no respect from the general public. The AMA’s competition was reducing member physicians’ incomes. Chiropractic had just been introduced and homeopathy and herbalists were thriving while “regular” doctors were unable to profit from medicinal practices. By 1910, the AMA was broke until the Rockefellers joined with the Carnegie foundation to bail them out. The resulting schools were required to teach exclusively drug-oriented courses, with no emphasis placed on natural medicine. By 1940, 1500 chiropractors were prosecuted for practicing “quackery.” 22 homeopathic medical schools dwindled to 2. By 1950, all schools teaching homeopathy were closed. Point and case? During the Spanish flu epidemic of 1918, 550,000 people died in the US from flu. Homeopathic physicians treated far more documented flu cases than conventional medicine and had a flu-mortality rate of 0.7% while conventional medicine had a fearsome mortality of 30%. I ask you; which modality would you have rather chosen?

06/06/13 Anyone who has known me for two weeks knows that I am against the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. Need another reason? Using oral fluoroquinolone antibiotics, like ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin and moxifloxacin, double the risk of acute kidney disease requiring hospitalization according to a study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal. Fluoroquinolones are broad-spectrum antibiotics used to treat respiratory and urogenital infections. Have you ever read the warning label? “May cause kidney failure…” Here’s a curve-ball: the study excluded anyone with a history of kidney problems. This makes the double-risk exclusively for healthy patients. Patients with unhealthy kidneys would be at an even higher risk.

06/05/13 Study after study show that men with low-risk prostate cancer are being over-treated. There is also a wide disparity in the truth of information that doctors are telling men. Not many doctors actually tell their patients the truth of the results of the PIVOT trial which showed no difference in survival at 12-14 years after prostate cancer being found then left alone compared to costly and sometimes devastating surgery. Unless the doctors submit to the facts, men everywhere will continue to be butchered with harmful drug therapies – and worse. Only 22% of thousands of doctors surveyed in a recent study actually recommended active surveillance in men with low-risk disease. Most of them recommended the money-making surgery or radiation therapy.

06/04/13 In the American Journal of Medical Quality, the researchers found that hospitals profit nearly 9 times more for treating infections that they caused! The hospital-infected patient spends an average of 24 days in the hospital. An ICU patient who develops a totally avoidable central line-associated bloodstream infection costs about three times more for care than the similar infection-free patient topping in at about $400,000 per hospital stay. Each year roughly 80,000 patients with central lines become infected and some 28,000 of those die – nearly as many people as die from breast cancer… A hospital’s average profit for treating an infected patient is $54,906 compared to an uninfected patient, which tallies $6,506 on average. Bottom line: hospitals profit from their screw-ups.

06/03/13 Want to lose your mind? Older patients, desperate to sleep, suffering incontinence and other ailments, often turn to anticholinergic (AC) medications. The latest study shows that the risk for cognitive impairment increases by 50% in adults receiving at least 3 mild ACs for more than 90 days. Not so bad? How about a 100% increase in cognitive impairment in those taking at least 1 severe AC for more than 60 days. Of course, even 1 day will have an effect on you as these are chemicals that treat symptoms and not something that will treat causes. The best solution is to never take the first one – no matter how much the doctor pleads with you.

05/31/13 Tamoxifen is the latest “go-to” chemical to supposedly slash women’s breast cancer risk by 38% for high-risk women. That’s the latest Big Pharma hook to get healthy women with no sign of the disease ask for and buy the drug. But don’t rush out get a fresh prescription because this Big Pharma tactic doesn’t tell the whole story… Tamoxifen does NOT reduce death rates. It only reduces “risk” of the non-threatening benign tumors that don’t even need to be screened, diagnosed and treated. Tamoxifen works by estrogen blocking and has side effects that actually cause other female cancers. Did you know that the American Cancer Society lists tamoxifen as a known carcinogen?

05/30/13 The sad news is that 30,000 people in the US die from C-difficile infections every year. The really sad news is that new research shows that the antidepressants Prozac and Remeron can actually double the risk of a C-difficle infection. C. difficile is a stomach-wrecking superbug that wreaks havoc on the gastrointestinal tract. But C-difficile alone doesn’t make you sicker than a tummyache most of the time as long as the “good guy” bacteria in the gut are in balance to keep “bad guy” C-difficile in check. Of course, our inordinate affair with antibiotics is steadily killing off the “good guy” bacteria to increase the risk of serious stomach infections. Antidepressants are consistently out-performed by placebos. If you are sad, start with an improved diet. It could save your life in more than one way!

05/29/13 Did you get your H1N1 flu vaccine a few years ago? So, you took the stupid medical advice from Big Pharma to have a swine flu shot but now you are more susceptible to a serious infection or even death from H7N9 bird flu?? This is according to a recently published paper in the journal Eurosurveillance. The problem is that all flu vaccines can prevent neutralizing antibodies from recognizing the newest pathogens, resulting in weakened immunity and higher susceptibility to more serious infection. Is that what you bargained for? Did anyone ever tell you that vaccines in general tie up over 90% of our immune system resources whereas the actual disease often uses less than 5% of our immune resources?

05/28/13 Flu shots for you to “protect” others? The medical idiocy of you needing to get the flu shot to protect the so-called vulnerable people, like old folks and babies has NO medical foundation. The extortionist rap of false culpability makes it YOUR fault if someone else gets sick and if they die. Contrary to this, a 40-year review of flu facts and vaccine studies found “no evidence that they affect complications, such as pneumonia, or transmission.” The flu shot is only about 60% “effective” anyhow and can actually make you much sicker than the flu ever would have.

05/28/13 05/17/13 Vaginal rejuvenation is a highly advertised trend that alarms some experts.” Also called “designer vaginoplasty,” “revirgination,” and “G-spot amplification,” these are all female genital cosmetic procedures in demand among women seeking to modify genital appearance, have a more youthful vulva, or to enhance sexual response. This growing trend packs its own set of drawbacks with a complication rate that pushes up to 18%. Complications include pain with sex, bleeding, scarring, and improper healing. These procedures are marketed heavily, and some of the requests for the procedures are even being done for prepubescent adolescents.

05/16/13 All acetaminophen products are now on the FDA quarterly watch list because of serious risks and/or new safety information. Making the watch list means that the FDA will investigate the causal link between harm and acetaminophen. Once the link is established, the FDA would take even more time to gather more data to better describe the risk which might result in revising the drug’s label, or more studies on risk evaluation and mitigation strategy. You don’t have time for this! All acetaminophen products cause reports of severe skin reactions, reports of hemophagocytic syndrome, life-threatening heart arrhythmia, catastrophic liver failure and more. I’ll make this one easy for you: all acetaminophen is bad for you. Stop using it!

05/15/13 We hire the medical professionals to keep us well. How is this working out for you? The US has the biggest increase in neurological deaths of all Western countries – up 66% for men under 74 years old and up 92% for women under 74 in the last 20 years. An article in the journal Public Health, found the sharp rise of dementia and other neurological deaths in people under 74 cannot be attributed to the fact that we are living longer. Even worse, this disease pathology is starting earlier and affecting more people under 55 years of age. The medical mucky-mucks aren’t winning this battle. They are making it worse! Time to fire them for poor performance and hire some nutritionists to take their place if we are going to survive this.

05/14/13 The government highly recommends this severely toxic vaccine for all the sheople. Straight off the Flulaval webpage: “… and there have been no controlled trials demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with Flulaval.” Warnings on the website include: Guillain-Barré Syndrome, Altered Immunocompetence, Risk of Bleeding, Allergic Vaccine Reactions, Limitations of Vaccine Effectiveness. Side effects listed on website: Blood and Lymphatic System Disorders, Eye Disorders, Gastrointestinal Disorders, General Disorders and Administration Site Conditions, Immune System Disorders, Infections and Infestations, Musculoskeletal and Connective Tissue Disorders, Nervous System Disorders, Psychiatric Disorders, Respiratory, Thoracic, and Mediastinal Disorders, Skin and Subcutaneous Tissue Disorders, Vascular Disorders and Anaphylaxis. Now that you know this, you would have to be stupider than stupid to take this vaccine! (This is without even going through the deleterious ingredients…)

05/13/13 There’s a placebo effect and now there’s a “nocebo effect”. Media reports about supposedly hazardous substances can cause suggestible people to develop the symptoms of a disease even though there is no objective reason for doing so. Dr. Michael Witthöft of Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz says: “The mere anticipation of possible injury may actually trigger pain or disorders. This is the opposite of the analgesic effects we know can be associated with exposure to placebos.” The new study illustrates how media reports about health risks may trigger or amplify nocebo effects in some people. The so-called nocebo effect was initially identified during pharmaceutical trials when subjects were observed to exhibit undesirable side effects – even though they were knowingly taking a placebo.

05/10/13 PSA tests: The American Urological Association (AUA) has back-pedaled on its position for PSA testing going from ALL to NONE. Until recently, the AUA recommended an annual PSA test for all men over 40, but now they are recommending none at all – for anybody. A large body of solid scientific evidence proves that PSA tests do more harm than good. The AUA’s new position is for men between 55 and 69 to “discuss the test” with their doctor, in hopes that they can bully or scare them into the test. PSA tests typically are followed by aggressive treatment and yet the PSA test doesn’t distinguish between the harmless “common prostate cancer” and the rare life-threatening cancer.

05/09/13 Take your prescription drugs and forget everything! This includes many OTC drugs used daily by hoards of people. These drugs cause cognitive impairment when taken continuously for, as little as 60 days by causing memory problems and other indicators of mild cognitive impairment. Drugs that are anticholinergic are used for common sleep aids, antihistamines, digestive aids, bladder leakage relief, hypertension, cardiovascular disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and many other drugs for chronic diseases. Using multiple anticholinergic drugs added to two to three months of continuous exposure doubled the risk of developing cognitive impairment. A list of drugs noting their anticholinergic burden can be found on the Aging Brain Care website.

05/08/13 Aspirin is an anti-nutrient! Aspirin depletes the body of folate, iron, potassium, sodium, and vitamin C. Millions of people already take daily aspirin due to some doctors’ bad advice and Big Pharma propaganda that says daily aspirin will prevent heart attacks and strokes – even cancer. Researchers found that heart attack survivors given OTC aspirin and other NSAIDs were 45 percent more likely to have a second attack or die inside of one week and by 90 days, the aspirin taker’s risk increased to 55 percent. What do you think of your aspirin now?

05/07/13 In one three year period, the federal Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) received 6, 574 reports of health problems after chickenpox vaccination. About 4% of those cases included severe shock, encephalitis, thrombocytopenia (blood disorder) and 14 deaths. The VAERS data has led to the listing of 17 more adverse events to the manufacturer’s product label since the vaccine was licensed in 1995. Some of the other effects of the vaccine included secondary bacterial infections (cellulitis), secondary transmission of vaccine virus infection to close contacts, transverse myelitis, Guillain Barre syndrome and herpes zoster (shingles). There have been many documented cases of transmission of vaccine virus from a vaccinated child to household contacts.

05/06/13 More sad-medical drug madness: If you take mood-enhancing selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), you now have a 10% increased chance of bleeding, transfusion, hospital readmission, death and other complications if you have surgery. SSRIs are also linked to a higher risk for arrhythmias and sudden death in ambulatory patients. The investigators in this JAMA article also note that patients on SSRIs are more likely to have conditions such as obesity, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and depression – Yes, DEPRESSION! All this goes to show the SAD state of affairs in America with the use of drugs to treat symptoms.

05/03/13 Decongestants and antihistamines work against your natural body processes to dry up cleansing mucus and stop your nose from running. This is the exact opposite of what you need. When your ailing sinuses get too dry, it only irritates the nasal passages and triggers your body to produce even more mucus. Of course, this extra mucus turns into the gunk trapped in your sinuses called dried up mucus packs. The results: You end up with even more congestion. Mucus helps trap particles like bacteria, viruses and dust. 90% of invaders enter your body through your nose. What your body needs is healthy mucus to moisten the sinuses and keep them clean. Healthy mucus lets warm air flow easily through your nose and down to your lungs to keep your respiratory system running.

05/02/13 So the next “flu pandemic” has been thrown out there like bait for people to panic and demand yet another vaccine. But the new H7N9 bird flu doesn’t leap from human to human. According to the Lancet and WHO, it has been isolated to the bird markets of China and jumps from chicken to man. This H7N9 strain has infected 109 people in China since March and the WHO was quick to warn that this strain is “one of the most lethal” flu viruses ever. The University of Hong Kong finds that chickens in poultry markets were a source of human infections meaning that controlling the disease in these places and in these birds should be a priority. Did you know that one of the best natural flu preventatives is astragalus? It is definitely not the flu vaccine.

05/01/13 The medical fleecing of the sheep: The latest side effect of chemotherapy is “financial toxicity”. So, right there amidst the fatigue, nausea, and pain come the out-of-pocket costs that negatively affect patients’ lives. Financial toxicity can diminish quality of life and impede delivery of care and cause the family a large amount of distress. Researchers found that these patients were “spending their savings, canceling vacations, and working more hours to afford their cancer care.” All for something that has a meager 2.1% “survival” rate.

04/30/13 Medical Madness: A vaccine failure happens when someone develops a disease in spite of being vaccinated against it. One reason vaccine failure occurs is that vaccination antibody levels always fall over time. Vaccination is NOT immunization! Our inordinate affair with vaccinations has brought a heavy toll of autism, ADHD, asthma, pertussis, shingles, cancer and much more. The biggest advances in human health have been brought about by modern sewage systems and cleaner drinking water. The biggest losses in human health in modern times have been brought about by heavily toxic vaccinations and pharmaceutical drugs.

04/29/13 Medical interns spend just 12% of their time examining and talking with patients, and more than 40% of their time behind a computer, according to a new Johns Hopkins study. The study found that interns spent nearly as much time walking as they did caring for patients at the bedside. The researchers found that interns spent 12% of their time talking with and examining patients; 64% on indirect patient care, such as placing orders, researching patient history and filling out electronic paperwork; 15% on educational activities, such as medical rounds; and 9% on miscellaneous activities. The doctor/patient time is down from 22% in 1993.

04/26/13 Chickenpox vaccine epic fail: A county in Indiana now has the nation’s largest current chickenpox outbreak. An epidemiologist confirmed that 97% of the children that got-the-pox were vaccinated and 85% of them were fully vaccinated. In an asinine attempt to cover-up this epidemic in vaccinated kids, public health officials are blaming one unvaccinated child… But really, did the vaccine work? NOPE! Studies demonstrate that the chickenpox virus remains dormant in the body of those who are vaccinated and can become active again later on. Mass chickenpox vaccinations since 1995 have interrupted natural boosting of Varicella Zoster immunity in adults, causing a significant increase in cases of Herpes Zoster among adults.

04/25/13 Medical radiation is running amok! One CT angiogram of the heart brings 16 mSv. Did you know that this is equivalent to 800 chest x-rays? HUH? How about a typical nuclear scan? Humming in at 41 mSv, it is equivalent to 2000 chest x-rays. A lot of cardiology patients are” treated” to this cancer ray at least once a year. But radiation patients are never told any of this. IMO, this a critical breach of doctor responsibility to the patient. If you want to measure the mSv you receive, wear a simple radiation badge professionals use when they work in a cardiac cath lab or in an x-ray suite. Medical radiation use is a runaway freight train. Don’t just stand there on the tracks! Hold your doctor responsible to protect your health for real. Question ALL x-ray and radiological procedures.

04/24/13 What would you do with $750 billion a year? If you were the American health care industry you would absolutely waste it according to the latest study from the IOM which says “If banking were like healthcare, ATM transactions would not take seconds but perhaps days or longer as a result of unavailable or misplaced records.” To continue along this line; airline pilots would be free to do away with preflight safety checks and retail stores would not display product prices in the aisles. Think this inefficient, extraordinarily complex, and slow-to-change US healthcare system is going to get better?

04/23/13 Between 2004 and 2008, nearly half of US children below 2 years old received vaccines late or not at all – a new study in JAMA shows. Children under-vaccinated by parental choice had fewer emergency department visits than fully vaccinated children as well as fewer outpatient visits than fully vaccinated children. Under-vaccinated children in 2004 were at 48.7% and by 2008 the numbers rose to 54.4% of children. About 13% of these children were documented to be not vaccinated because of parental preference. However, those numbers could be significantly higher as reasons for under-vaccination were not documented in 60% of the medical records reviewed in this study. This study highlights that social media played an important role in educating the parents against vaccinations. This is a good start!

04/22/13 Physician phone apps are often designed by big Pharma and used to help the physician prescribe drugs. Sounds safe enough doesn’t it? Well Reuters reported April 10th that most electronic pharmacopoeia (EP) smartphone apps do not place important safety warnings ahead of or on the same screen as prescribing information. Physician use of EP has increased significantly over the past ten years but missing critical information can increase the likelihood that a dangerous medication is prescribed. Some medications carry ‘black box’ warnings about the dangers of use, but a rapid search of the app doesn’t always give enough information.

04/19/13 Medical Madness: Another Tamiflu fail: But this one is a good fail for once. The newest study found that about half of the prescriptions of Tamiflu went unused recently. This rebellious behavior represents a taxpayer loss of £7.8 million to the UK taxpayer alone. This recent study in PLOS ONE highlights people’s growing unwillingness to follow medical advice on antiviral usage. Tamiflu MIGHT lessen your flu symptoms by a few meager hours but brings horrible side effects like: abnormal behavior, deaths due to “irrational behavior”, nausea, vomiting, stomach cramps, dehydration, rebound flu and more. I’d rather have the sniffles for a few more hours than pay money for these side effects.

04/18/13 Medical Madness: There is a new, untested and unapproved vaccine for smallpox (ya, you read right). The kicker? Our tax dollars just bought about a half-billion bucks worth for some kind of insane government stockpile. The vaccine, Arestvyr, is supposed to protect monkeys but has literally never been tested in humans. Oh yes, smallpox still lives in laboratories world-wide and it’s just a matter of time before some sadistic idiot or careless lab assistant drops a vile of it in public. So what’s the biggest problem? We now have NO natural immunity to smallpox since it has been “eradicated”. The solution is a natural one: You can stock a homeopathic remedy called variolinum to help protect against the disease and also help treat smallpox.

04/17/13 More Big Pharma chicanery: A majority of doctors receive little or no information about the harmful effects of medicines when they get the sales call by pharmaceutical representatives. Of course, these same doctors are likely to start prescribing these drugs according to past and present research. Bottom line, doctor’s prescribing behavior is directly influenced by pharmaceutical promotion. The latest study published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine shows that sales representatives failed to provide any information about common or serious side effects in up to 66% of promotions. The biggest problem is that there are next to no sanctions for misleading or inaccurate promotion of drugs.

04/16/13 What’s in a vaccine? Any combination of the following ingredients could be there: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue), aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate, ammonium sulfate, amphotericin B, pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain, dog kidney, monkey kidney, chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg, bovine (calf) serum, betapropiolactone, fetal bovine serum, formaldehyde, formalin, gelatin, glycerol, hydrolized gelatin, mercury (thimerosol), monosodium glutamate (MSG), neomycin, neomycin sulfate, phenol red indicator, phenoxyethanol (antifreeze), potassium diphosphate, potassium monophosphate, polymyxin B, polysorbate 20, polysorbate 80, porcine (pig) pancreatic hydrolysate of casein, residual MRC5 proteins, sorbitol, tributylphosphate, VERO cells, washed sheep red blood. NONE of this promotes health in the human body.

04/15/13 A popular asthma drug is now recommended for Urticaria (hives). What your pill-pushing doc likely won’t tell you is the side-effects of this drug, Xolair brings with it cardiovascular trouble with disproportionate increases in ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, cardiomyopathy, cardiac failure, pulmonary hypertension, cerebrovascular disorders, and embolic, thrombotic, and thrombophlebitic events. This chemical death-pill brings upper respiratory tract infection in 20% of takers, sinusitis in 16%, pharyngitis in 11%, headache in 15%, dizziness in 3%, viral infections in 23%, pain in 7%, fatigue in 3% and earache in 2%. This is medical madness at its finest.

04/12/13 Kidney damage, liver damage, cancer, memory loss, cognitive decline, sex problems, muscle damage, muscle pain and more… that is what you risk when taking cholesterol meds. The latest news in the BMJ is that these statin drugs may increase your risk of acute kidney injury by more than one-third – in the first 120 days on medication. And the risk remains higher for up to two years after starting these drugs. The name-brands they studied in everyday doses were Crestor, Lipitor and Zocor. One big problem is that statins block coenzyme Q10, which is critical for muscle function. Not enough CoQ10 and you get muscle pain first, then the muscles start disintegrating and drug-damaged tissues end up in the kidneys.

04/11/13 Managing symptoms for Big Money: Prilosec, Prevacid, Protonix, Aciphex, and Nexium are the Big Pharma drugs most commonly used to “treat” acid reflux. These drugs are called PPIs (proton pump inhibitors) and do nothing to treat underlying causes of reflux. But PPIs are the industry sweethearts of Big Pharma that bring serious risks you won’t hear about from your doctor. A recent publication in the Annals of Family Medicine show that regular PPI users suffer up to a 53% increase in bone fractures. Think that’s bad enough? PPI users also have elevated risk of C. difficile, excess production of the gastrin hormone and also mineral imbalances that can lead to hypertension and even Alzheimer’s disease. The cause of reflux is usually very easy to find and treat naturally.

04/10/13 Which is worse? An arrhythmia in the heart or cancer? Well, how about both? Amiodarone is the most widely used drug to treat arrhythmias, or irregular heartbeats. The problem is that this drug also causes cancer… Patients on high daily doses of amiodarone within the first year had an increased risk of developing cancer – at nearly twice the risk! How about we find the cause and fix it? But not everyone wants to quit the bad diet and sedentary lifestyle or change their environment, remove the metal fillings, treat the mineral deficiency or something simple and silly like any of these things.

04/09/13 A survey has suggested that dentists tend to overprescribe antibiotics in children. But what can go wrong with that? How about changing a child’s digestion and neurology permanently? Or, how about developing antibiotic-resistant organisms? How about severe allergic reactions? US dentists write up to 300 million antibiotic prescriptions a year. In a recent survey, only 31% of pediatric dentists and 24% of the general dentists followed ADA prescribing criteria. Dentists also departed from the guidelines in showing a willingness to prescribe antibiotics over the telephone.

04/08/13 How about the medical mistreatment of overactive bladder? Do you have recurring bladder infections and UTIs? Might just be because of an underactive bowel…There is a close relationship between bladder and bowel function that cause urinary symptoms, bowel symptoms, or both. Clinical studies show that there is a bladder-bowel cross-sensitization, or crosstalk. Functionally, this means that bowel distention affects bladder activity. This is very true in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and bowel symptoms in patients with acute cystitis. Constipation can contribute to the development of lower urinary tract symptoms like overactive bladder. The usually prescribed antimuscarinics can worsen constipation, a common side-effect. The real treatment would first deal with coexisting constipation to resolve urinary symptoms.

04/05/13 The worst vaccine of all is the whooping cough vaccine…It is responsible for a lot of deaths and for a lot of infants suffering irreversible brain damage. In susceptible infants, it knocks their immune systems about, leading to irreparable brain damage, or severe attacks, or even deaths from diseases like pneumonia or gastroenteritis and so on. It was similar with the measles vaccination. They went through Africa, South America and elsewhere, and vaccinated sick and starving children…They thought they were wiping out measles, but most of those susceptible to measles died from some other disease that they developed as a result of being vaccinated. The vaccination reduced their immune levels and acted like an infection. ~ Dr A. Kalokerinos

04/04/13 A recent study is now turning 30 years of medical dogma along with the associated drugging on its head. The latest independent experts now report that blood pressure drugs used to treat mild cases of high blood pressure not only do not reduce heart attacks, strokes, or overall deaths, but that they come with a litany of nasty “side effects” from loss of libido to sudden pain, urinary infections, asthma symptoms, insomnia, depression, coughing, rashes, dizziness, drowsiness, constipation, diarrhea and on and on. One of the “side effects” of these unnecessary medications is death. (There are no such thing as “side effects,” they are ALL EFFECTS)

04/03/13 If your baby even burps funny once, it seems that pediatricians are right there to write the prescription for Zantac or another harmful medication. Medications used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease are some of the most widely used medications unnecessarily prescribed for children less than one year old. According to the University of Michigan, pediatricians are taking normal processes in digestive development and turning them into a disease and making healthy infants sick. Of course, the best way to actually get a digestive disease is to treat for it with medications. I have yet to find a colicky infant that doesn’t respond to non-prescription ginger root tea and Primadophilus, a probiotic that is great for infants.

04/02/13 Did you know that C-section babies are more likely to have abnormally reactive immune systems along with asthma and allergies, according to the research disclosed from the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology? Yes it’s true! By the age of two, C-section births are five times more likely to have elevated responses to common allergens – the first step toward developing asthma or allergies. Lead study author Christine Cole Johnson puts forward this hypothesis: “We believe a baby’s exposure to bacteria in the birth canal is a major influencer on their immune system.” This exposure actually helps the baby’s immune system develop correctly. Of course, the sterilizing of baby’s environment and the use of antibacterial soaps are also hurting the proper development of the immune system.

04/01/13 The FDA declared the HPV vaccine safe to prevent a sexually transmitted disease safe for girls and boys. Well, the federal government also protects vaccine manufacturers from being sued when the vaccines cause injury and death. But did you know that the federal government has recently paid out some 6 million of our tax dollars to victims of the HPV shot alone – including at least two who died from the shot? These facts come from information obtained from the Department of Health and Human Services. Of course, the government set their own program called the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program to limit the losses with this “kangaroo court” which dismisses cases, in my opinion, pretty much at whim. The government calls this a “no-fault alternative.” NO FAULT? The HPV vaccine has caused thousands of adverse reactions, including seizures, paralysis, blindness, pancreatitis, speech problems, short-term memory loss, Guillain-Barré syndrome and even death. Want to know the kicker? According to the Annals of Medicine, “At present there are no significant data showing that either Gardasil or Cervarix can prevent any type of cervical cancer…”

03/29/13 Medicalization and pharmocracy: Do you have difficulty sleeping after guzzling coffee? It’s not your fault… You are a victim of 292.89 – Caffeine Induced Sleep Disorder. Don’t worry; drug treatment is available. If you’re thinking about spiritual issues, you’ve got V62.89 – Bad parenting? Again, not your or your child’s fault… Your child suffers from the drug-treatable 313.81. If your child argues with adults or annoys people then they are druggable F91.8. Sibling disputes? – V61.8. Heaven forbid, should you argue with your spouse about whether the child should be spanked, grounded or drugged, in this case YOU are the drug-treatable V61.1. My favorite is the drugging for math homework challenge 315.1. Crazy? This medicalization is a process by which the medical profession has asserted authority over spheres of life previously overseen by – well, you.

03/28/13 Harmed by the false positive… In the US and Europe, the rate of false positives with mammogram screening brings a rate of up to 60%. A false-positive screening mammogram can cause lasting psychological harm, according to the latest study. Three years after declared free of suspected cancer in a false-positive mammogram, women who had this event consistently reported greater negative psychosocial consequences than their peers with normal findings. Holly G. Prigerson, PhD told Medscape Medical News. “It is dramatic that 3 years after a false-positive screening there remained elevated psychological distress — mostly in anxiety-related symptoms,”

03/27/13 Think your parental rights are safe? Safe in the great state of Texas? NOPE! There is a new act in the Texas constitution that will either take effect immediately or automatically come into being September 1, 2013. This act allows children to make their own medical decisions and receive potentially deadly vaccines – without the parents’ knowledge or consent! This is not a joke and the all the child has to do is make their own legal statement to be empowered with this. Part D states: “A health care provider or facility may rely on the written statement of the child…” this kind of thinking is wrong on so many levels. But kids can already do this in California. Surprise!

03/26/13 HPV vaccination rates are falling. That’s because more parents are wising up to the deadly side-effects and poor efficacy of the vaccine. A rising percentage of parents say they won’t have their teen children vaccinated to protect against the human papilloma virus. Of course, physicians are increasingly promoting adolescent vaccinations and some vaccine companies even offer cash rewards to teens for taking a toxic jab. The Mayo Clinic reports that about 2 in 5 parents surveyed believe the HPV vaccine is unnecessary, and a growing number worry about potential side effects, researchers found. This was published in the latest issue of the journal Pediatrics.

03/25/13 Get a steroid injection and slow the healing process down! The most common treatment for ligament and joint aches and pains is a steroid shot. The latest research confirms that cortisone injections can actually make full recovery within a year less likely. They proved this conclusively by putting the steroid shots up against placebo injections. They also did this experiment with both groups – with and without rehab. Overall, the steroid patients took longer to recover and were more likely to suffer relapse. They take your money and call this a “treatment”. Sounds more like they are giving you the “business”. Steroids also cause appendicitis and pancreatitis. That’s a medical fact, Jack.

03/22/13 Got reflux? Don’t want to have to change your diet and treat the causes? The medical science has the “cure” for you… It’s called sphincter augmentation with a magnetic device. This where they cut you open and place a magnetic ring around one end of your stomach. Of course, placing your health in the hands of the medical mucky mucks will bring even more risk and procedures later. Placing metal objects with synthetic materials into your abdomen will not go unnoticed by your immune system. Eventually, this device will cause infection – maybe sooner, maybe later. So, if you escape this procedure without contracting a superbug you may still be on the toxic medications for life. Isn’t changing your diet and supplementing with some HCL with meals and baking soda at night to treat the cause a better idea?

03/21/13 The irony of tonsillectomy: Doctors have always treated the tonsils as a general nuisance and just can’t wait for the first excuse to charge you money to remove them. Yep, first sign of trouble and out they come! Doctors assume that tonsils are good for nothing except producing minor infections and bad breath. Researchers have found that the tonsils actually manufacture the T-cells your body needs to prevent or fight cancer and autoimmune diseases. According to the research published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation, T-cells in five different stages of development were found in the tonsils. If your tonsils are swollen and infected, there is a good reason. Find the cause and fix it.

03/20/13 The new #3 cause of death in America is sleep drugs! New numbers find that the sleep drugs could be linked to around 507,000 deaths a year. Heart disease is #1 killer at 599,413 and cancer a close enough #2 with 567,628 deaths a year. The heavy sleep drug users are 5.3 times more likely to wake up dead than non-users. Zolpidem (Ambien) ups the risk some 5.7 times and temazepam (Restoril) raises the risk to 6.6 times, according to the BMJ. Think that’s bad enough? Heavy sleeping pill users are also 35 percent more likely to get cancer. Just 18 pills or less a year more than triples risk of death and over 18 a year more than quadrupled it.

03/19/13 Did you know that MRSA kills more people each year in the US than HIV and AIDS? This man-made antimicrobial resistance poses a catastrophic threat. Just think, any one could go to a hospital for minor surgery and die from an infection that can’t be treated by antibiotics. To add to the dilemma, other superbugs are spreading. Even totally drug resistant tuberculosis has appeared in this new wave of “super superbugs”. Now the WHO says untreatable superbug strains of gonorrhea were spreading everywhere. Do you think we’ve learned our lesson on antibiotic overuse yet? Nope, not even slightly….

03/18/13 So, 4 doses of DTaP vaccines didn’t work. They upped it to 5 doses and guess what? Isn’t working either. In fact, the boosters just make the child more susceptible to pertussis every time the forced and fake immunity wanes. The 5-dose series was implemented in 2005 and the study published on March 11 in Pediatrics shows that children born between 1998 and 2003 and who had received 5 doses of DTaP, still had a rising incidence of pertussis where the rates rose from 13% to 23%, according to the CDC. Anyone for trying 6 toxic shots to see if the rates rise even more?

03/15/13 So, this year’s predicted flu epidemic was a major flop. No masses of dead bodies leftover from what the CDC claimed would be among the worst flu seasons – EVER. At the same time, the CDC also admits that this year’s shot is one of the least effective vaccines of all time. So, what’s a federal agency to do? I know! Blame Google… And that is exactly what they’ve done – blame it on Google. No, really! The CDC used Google to track the spread of flu and predict flu at double the rate of reality. What actually happened was that people heard the dire CDC warnings and rushed to Google-search for information on the flu. The CDC just assumed (you know what assuming does…) that these were sick people searching for help. I wonder what they’ll blame the hype on next year?

03/14/13 There is a hot new list out from the American Academy of Neurology that calls into question 5 clinical practices judged to be of little or no benefit for patients. Here they are: 1. Do not perform electroencephalography (EEG) for headaches – which does not improve outcomes, and increases costs. 2. Don’t perform imaging of the carotid arteries for simple syncope without other neurologic symptoms. 3. Don’t use opioid or butalbital treatment for migraine except as a last resort. 4. Don’t prescribe interferon-β or glatiramer acetate to patients with disability from progressive, nonrelapsing forms of MS as they can negatively affect quality of life. 5. Don’t recommend carotid endarterectomy (CEA) for asymptomatic carotid stenosis.

03/13/13 Welcome to the machine… Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems were implemented to reduce workloads and better health care in general. But the percentage of clinicians who would not recommend their EHR increased recently to 39%. In fact, clinician satisfaction overall has dropped and 34% of users are “very dissatisfied” with the ability of their EHR to decrease workload. The horrible part is that 32% surveyed have not even returned to normal productivity levels versus the old way. These findings were disclosed by the American College of Physicians and American EHR Partners at the 2013 HIMSS Conference & Exhibition.

03/12/13 The recent flu vaccine had a worse protection rate than it did side effect rates. According to Reuters, the flu shot was, at best, marginally effective, with protection so bad that Reuters declared the flu shot “largely failed” in its vain offer to protect the elderly during this recent flu season. According to the CDC, the efficacy of seasonal influenza vaccines among those 65 years of age and older was an epic fail with a mere 9% protection rate. Given the 30% rate of vaccine adverse reactions, this drugging of Americans is looking criminal at best. So, 91%of the elderly paid their money and had no benefit in the 2012-2013 flu season. Instead, the all had a lowered immunity and increased heavy metal toxicity with a total of 50mcg of mercury delivered in 2 shots.

03/11/13 Gross overspending on ineffective prostate cancer treatments: A majority of men with low-risk prostate cancer in the US are being treated unnecessarily, risking harm for no benefit. The cost? About $32 million a year. What do you get? All the side effects, significant harm, misery and even death. Previous studies have shown that for death for men with low-risk disease prostate cancer is very low – close to 0%. The kicker for this worthless over-treatment? Urologists suggest surgery and radiation oncologists suggest radiotherapy. Every man who undergoes a prostatectomy will have some degree of immediate urinary or erectile problems. With radiation, the problems develop and worsen with time.

03/08/13 Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in infants may be caused by what their mothers ate during pregnancy, according to the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine. The sickest of the sick babies with RSV came from mommies who ate lots of foods high in carbohydrates during pregnancy according to Fernando Polack, M.D., study author. RSV is the most common cause of severe lower respiratory tract disease among infants and young children worldwide. Of course, we vaccinate these babies literally to death when we should be dynamically concerned with providing the diet and nutrients they need to thrive. Currently there is no effective vaccine against RSV. Don’t look for a vaccine that overcomes nutrition deficiencies, it ain’t happening.

03/07/13 The “silver tsunami”: Approximately 8 million Americans 65 years of age or older have mental health or substance-use disorders. According to the IOM, that number will reach up to 14.4 million by the year 2030. In that year it is estimated that there will be about 1650 geriatric psychiatrists – or less than 1 per 6000 older adults presenting with mental health and substance-use disorders. Of course, they want to be able to effectively drug those 14.4 million blue-hairs and have totally missed the important fact that diet and lifestyles are the absolute most effective treatment for mental disorders and the common aches and pains associated with aging that lead to substance abuse.

03/06/13 Getting tired of the ad-nauseum rhetoric that mercury does not help cause autism? Yea, me too… The latest study out shows that blood-mercury levels ARE higher in kiddos with autism. Up to 47% of the severest autism was associated with high levels of mercury and cadmium in this study. So, where did that mercury come from? There is mercury in literally dozens of childhood vaccines that infants are bombarded and assaulted with. Infant flu vaccines alone pack 12.5 mcg of mercury – each (2 shots yearly). That is 25,000 ppb of mercury in annual infant flu shots. 2 ppb is the adult limit of mercury allowed in drinking water according to the EPA.

03/05/13 Wanna up your risk for cancer? Then go ahead and take a cancer vaccine! Cancer vaccines are vain attempts by medical science to treat cancer by attempting to stimulate the immune system. The reason that these vaccines fail and actually assist cancer is that the killer T cells in the body aims at tumors but opts for the easier vaccination site according to MD Anderson Cancer Center. So, the killer T cells leave the cancer tumor unscathed and double back to the injection site. Meanwhile, the overstimulated immune system response can cause lesions at the injection site and eventually – cancer.

03/04/13 MRSA loves kids in the summertime and winter-time antibiotics could be to blame for this according to Eili Klein, Ph.D. Interestingly, in the winter, MRSA preys on the community of elderly in hospital settings. Overall MRSA infections have not decreased in the recent years, despite titanic efforts to control their spread. One thing is very clear, the overuse of antibiotics has caused this little problem and it is not going away – neither are we wising up to the indiscriminate use of antibiotics. MRSA stands for methicillin-resistant Staph aureus.

03/01/13 Root canal madness: Your tooth may look solid but it is alive with tiny tubules that carry nutrients and host nerves. By the time your dentist condemns a tooth to a root canal, the tooth is already in a diseased state and that is why the tooth is painful. So the dentist bores the center of the tooth out, severing the nerves, blood supply and nutrient flow to the tooth. The tooth is now dead. But this where some people’s problems begin as bacteria in the tubules moves into the tooth interior and begins to thrive. Over time, this bacteria mutates into disease-causing bacteria to become a veritable toxin farm. This subclinical fester now sends toxins into the body but there is no way to reach the bacteria with antibiotics from the outside. Dead tooth = long-term trouble.

02/28/13 Keep doing what you’re doing and keep getting what you’re getting… A recent report in the journal of the American Academy of Neurology found a spike in strokes among the young. If you want to call a decade or so increase of a 44% spike. I call it an alarming and dramatic trend that deserves immediate attention. Of course, the experts are dumbfounded as to why this is happening. They want to blame lifestyle factors while refusing to consider that one proven side effect of vaccines is strokes. Keep taking toxic vaccines and the stroke risk compounds with each heavy metal-laden dose. Vaccines are also linked to autism, narcolepsy, autoimmune disorders, macrophagic myofasciitis, encephalopathy, epilepsy, convulsions, Guillain-Barre syndrome, nerve deafness, blindness, paralysis, sudden infant death syndrome, and many other chronic health problems. I’d rather have the flu anyday…

02/27/13 Did you know that cortisone causes acute appendicitis and pancreatitis? Did you know that cortisone is used in a lot of common medicines? This is just two of the nasty side effects of this drug. New study results published in JAMA Internal Medicine also shows that patients treated with some forms of cortisone should also be advised to refrain from alcohol and smoking. Another study shows that patients treated with cortisone in tablet form had a 70% higher risk of developing acute pancreatitis. The pancreatic connection was observed after three days’ medication, which substantiates that the causal factor was the cortisone rather than the treated disease. Cortisone treats symptoms – not causes. Find the cause and fix it – symptoms gone! No drugs needed.

02/26/13 So, an Italian court recently ruled that a boy’s autism was caused by the MMR jab. Meanwhile, the medical community in the US has pulled of all kinds of chicanery and shenanigans to hide MMR facts from Americans. The couple that was suing Italy’s Ministry of Health may have won the case, but they have lost their boy because of this bad jab. Worth it? The money will never bring back the child they had before the inoculation. Americans need to quit bowing to the medical mucky mucks and do some research of their own. Educate before you vaccinate and report vaccine reactions (It’s the law)! Less than 10% of adverse reactions are ever reported.

02/25/13 Early on in Western medical history, vaccines have been held with much public skepticism. Edward Jenner first published his claims that scratching cowpox pus into the arms of healthy children could protect them against smallpox in 1802. Almost immediately, a cartoon was published showing vaccinated people with cows’ hooves and horns. As the anti-vaccine movement began to build, it brought prominent supporters like Frederick Douglass and Leo Tolstoy. Even George Bernard Shaw called vaccinations “a peculiarly filthy piece of witchcraft.” Anti-vaccers from the beginning have been brow-beat and scorned by the main stream, yet the unvaccinated children are much healthier by and large than the vaccinated children.

02/22/13 Nature knows best and the consumer is basically stupid! Manufacturers take something natural and produce a chemical counterfeit and market it for mega-bucks. Take marijuana for instance: The synthetic marijuana causes acute kidney injury, psychosis, birth defects, behavioral changes, and acute coronary syndrome. AKA Spice, Spice Gold, and K2, synthetic cannabinoids have been marketed as various herbal mixtures and sold as incense, bath additives, and air fresheners. Synthetic cannabinoids cost about $20 per gram and are difficult to detect in drug tests which makes them even more popular than the real thing. In a recent 6 month period, cases of synthetic cannabinoid problems reported by US poison control centers rose by 430%.

02/21/13 About those bone meds: Drugs used to “prevent” bone loss in osteoporosis patients come with nasty side effects, like more bone breaks, fractures, muscle pain, cancer and other problems. Bone meds actually pervert the body’s natural remodeling of bone tissue and potentially have negative side effects that include unusual bone fractures and joint and muscle pain. Did you know that inflammatory bowel disease and diabetes cause bone loss? Now scientists are discovering what I’ve been saying all along: Probiotics that build the gut also build strong bones! “We know that inflammation in the gut can cause bone loss, though it’s unclear exactly why,” said Laura McCabe at MSU’s departments of Physiology and Radiology. “The neat thing we found is that a probiotic can enhance bone density.”

02/20/13 Fish exposed to anti-anxiety medications exhibit risky behavior, antisocial tendencies and over-eating. Researchers exposed perch to the anxiety-moderating drug Oxazepam in levels common to that found in densely populated areas and found obvious behavior changes. The drug made the fish braver and less social to leave the safety of their normal schools to look for food on their own. (A school formation is a key defense for perch to defend against being eaten by predatory fish.) The fish also exhibited gluttony and ate more quickly than before exposure to the drug. Could it be that we are changing our human society artificially with drugs? Not even a question actually. It’s a statement…

02/19/13 Hospital medical alarms can be very harmful! Ever ignored a car alarm in the parking lot? Most people do. Medical alarms on infusion pumps, ventilators, and numerous other devices are designed to inform medical staff of problems that needs prompt attention. But like the car alarm, the sheer number of alarms in a hospital can overwhelm staff. This leads to all alarms being given over to complacency, delayed response and patient harm. Caregivers have been known to turn alarm volumes down or even off. “If too many alarms are sounding, then all alarms start to lose their meaning,” said Rob Schluth, Senior Project Officer of ECRI’s Health Devices Group. This “alarming” situation – once again – puts the ultimate responsibility of health care back on the patient and their loved ones.

02/18/13 If you have Parkinson’s, MS or other muscle problems, your doc will want to prescribe dalfampridine (Ampyra, Acorda Therapeutics). I ask you this; do you want to improve your symptoms at the risk of anaphylaxis and developing seizures in the first week of taking this poison? Well the FDA is putting Ampyra on the “watch list” to warn prescribers about this overt problem. Betchya that you’ll never hear about this from your doc though… Doctors only throw drugs at symptoms to manage them. Every disease out there has causes that can be found and eliminated. Don’t wait to be a part of a lawsuit (if you survive the drug’s side effects). Take action now! Start with a healthy diet and targeted nutrition. Find someone who doesn’t prescribe drugs but has success with treating things naturally and make them your best friend – for life!

02/15/13 Do you guys realize that the “gold standard” of medicine is the double blind, placebo controlled study? How about this fact: There has never been any study on vaccines to prove their efficacy other than questionable and contradictory epidemiological studies – again with no control population. In the last 50 years, the US has accelerated the vaccine schedules to include well over 50 toxic vaccine doses given before Kindergarten and 26 in the first year of life. It is no wonder the kidney damage, diabetes, obesity, cancer, death, autism and other disease rates are gone sky-rocket. What we need is a vaccine against medical stupidity to inoculate the Big Pharma money mongers with.

02/14/13 How about a radiation burn from diagnostic radiology procedures? It happens a lot more often than it is reported. Image quality improves with higher radiation levels, so the toxic dose increases. If it is not clear enough the first time, crank the dial up and shoot again! Inappropriate dose levels and blatant overuse of CT scans lead to unnecessary radiation exposure for patients and greater risk to the patient. But will you associate the cancer 10 years from now with the scan given today? Probably not… Acute reactions such as radiation burns and hair loss occur way too frequently. “Radiation-induced burns occur because the radiation beam may stay on the same area of skin for too long”, said Jason Launders, Director of Operations of ECRI’s Health Devices Group.

02/13/13 Homeopathy under fire! A recent Medscape report issues a warning that homeopathy comes with risks. The researchers searched high and low for anything that resembled an adverse event to homeopathic remedies and found 38 such events (they included reports where homeopathy replaced conventional treatments). 38 events were all they could find in all of 2012 – This made headlines AND they are all up in arms about it! Gee, let’s make the control group for this study the 1.5 million people harmed by medical treatments last year according to the National Academy of Sciences. This makes homeopathy 50,000 times less harmful than medical madness. Peeps, this ought to give you a clue…

02/12/13 Want to be a good parent? Then do NOT give your child non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen. These drugs are commonly used to treat pain and reduce fever in children and now they are once-again linked to Acute Kidney Injuries in children. This latest study coming out in The Journal of Pediatrics reports the findings on children diagnosed with these Acute Kidney Injuries caused by NSAIDs. Kiddos less than 5 years old were more seriously affected by these Over-The-Counter poisons and more likely to need dialysis as a result of taking them. Grow a brain here peeps. Big Pharma is not out to heal you. They steal your money and eat your children without conscience.

02/11/13 The FDA has now approved even more GMO madness! A new vaccine has hit the market, called Flublok, which contains recombinant DNA technology to help them make faster vaccines. Flublok’s package insert tells you that it contains Genetically Modified proteins from three different flu strains. The maker of Flublok, states that this flu vaccine is produced by extracting cells from caterpillars and genetically altering them to produce large amounts of a flu virus protein that facilitates the flu virus’ entry into the human body. Caveat: The package label lists Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GSB) as a potential side effect. Other potential side effects include allergic reactions, respiratory infections, headaches, fatigue, altered immunocompetence, rhinorrhea, and myalgia – and let’s not forget death as a side effect… The kicker? Flublok is only effective 45% of the time. We are MUCH better off taking our chances with the flu itself peeps.

02/08/13 Alzheimer’s is growing out of control thanks to our own stupidity. The number of people with Alzheimer’s disease in the U.S. is expected to triple in the next 40 years, according to a new study published in Neurology. Wanna know why? It’s our own fault because we listen to the medical mucky-mucks who treat dietary/lifestyle diseases with drugs and also destroy our immune systems with toxic vaccines that don’t even offer immunity. Dr. Hugh Fundenberg and colleagues have shown that 55 year old people who receive the flu vaccine each year for 5 years in a row increase their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease a whopping 1,000%!

02/07/13 Epidemic of opioid abuse. The rate of overdoses from prescription opioids multiplied by seven-fold in New York City in a recent 16 year period. Researchers examined deaths from prescription opioids versus heroin and found that the increase in the rate of drug overdose was driven entirely by prescription overdoses while heroin overdoses declined. Whites were twice as likely to overdose on opioids than Hispanics and three times more likely than blacks. Part of the problem is that users think that prescription opioids are safer than other drugs so they abuse them more freely.

02/06/13 Did you know that medication infusion pumps bring more adverse incident reports to the FDA than any other medical technology? More than 700 deaths were reported between 2005 through 2009 associated with infusion devices. But don’t blame the machines! They are just doing what they are told to do. Data-entry mistakes, like mistyping or entering the wrong field are the real problems. Often errors are caused by illegible orders or sometimes by drugs improperly prepared or even drugs given to the wrong patient. It behooves us to check out all procedures given to us or our loved ones. TRUST NO ONE! If the nurse or doctor makes a fatal mistake, they go home tonight – you don’t…

02/05/13 OK peeps, there is another BIG LOSER medical device coming your way. It’s a stomach pump that you use to get rid of the food in your tummy – through a different outlet. Doctors cut a hole in your stomach leading to your abdomen and put a cap on it. So you stuff your pie-hole all you want and then go to the potty and pump it all out again. The machine is called the AspireAssist which attaches to the port in your stomach and sucks the food right out. This crappy weight solution will be coming to America soon and is already being used in Europe. Call me crazy here, but isn’t it a much better solution to not put that food in the stomach in the first place?

02/04/13 Dirty endoscopes and cross-contamination hazards occur when flexible endoscopes aren’t properly reprocessed. This has been on the top 10 medical hazards list for years. Numerous reported incidents harmed the patients when “dirty” instruments were used in surgery and other medical procedures. Of course, contamination is often not detected until after the instrument had been used on a patient. The root causes of contaminated medical instruments? The staff didn’t know the correct procedure to decontaminate, the supplies were not available, there was insufficient time allotted to perform the procedure correctly, or the staff felt pressured to take short cuts.

02/01/13 Heavy metals from vaccines are cancer-causers. But who is going to relate the cancer they have now with the multitude of vaccines you may have had throughout the years? What doctor is going to look you in the eye to tell you that you have cancer because of choices you and your parents made throughout the years that involved bad diet and toxic medical procedures? What they’ll tell you these days is that it is genetics and random. Less than 5% of almost all cancers are genetically inherited, yet that is where all the big research money is spent – in genetics.

01/31/13 Relative flu numbers or real flu numbers? The CDC is claiming about a 60% relative effectiveness rate for the flu shot last year. Sounds like a fair number, but what if the real number was a lousy 1.5%? How many people would vaccinate then? Here’s the scoop on the 60%. Only about 2.7 out of 100 adults on average will get the flu in any given year. If you vaccinate 100 people, the rate of adults contracting the flu drops by 60%. So, instead of 2.7 out of 100 adults getting the flu, only 1.2 of the 100 adults gets the flu. This means that you vaccinate 100 people and a negligible 1.5 people are spared the flu – according to a recent meta-analysis in the Lancet. BUT, 30% of the 100 people vaccinated have an adverse reaction to the vaccine and 6% of those have life-changing, severe reactions – according to the CDC website.

01/30/13 Americans spend an estimated $322 million a year on laboratory tests as part of “general health examinations”. But – general health checkups do NOT reduce mortality, in fact the just add to the misery of once-healthy-now-medicated patients. Don’t believe me? Then believe their own studies published in JAMA January 2013. These studies exclude any visits for the management of chronic conditions or acute care visits. “Secondary outcomes assessed included morbidity, new diagnoses, hospitalizations, disability, worry, self-reported health, referrals to specialists, and additional visits to general practitioners,” the authors wrote.

01/29/13 Life-altering antibiotics are easier to get now than ever. But just one dose of these changes the body’s intestinal flora and even the neurological chemical makeup forever. Now you can get your over-prescribed antibiotics virtually every time (no, really virtually) by making an e-visit instead of an office visit. This is where patients fill out online forms about their symptoms and a doctor gives them antibiotics 99% of the time versus 49% with an office visit. Insurance companies love them because e-visits save them money, but I say it will only cost us more in health.

01/28/13 They’ve been treating this wrong all along, but they wouldn’t listen to me… Eczema is chronic inflammation of the skin. A new study looked at the gut bacteria of children with and without eczema and found that the children at 18 months with eczema also had clostridium clusters IV and XIVa (not normal for kids), and the no-eczema kids had a greater amount of Bacteroidetes (normal for kids). I’ve always said that eczema is caused by the composition of bacteria in a child’s gut. This is influenced by foods and especially affected negatively by gluten and casein. All those drugs, antibiotics and steroids given out like candy by doctors have only served to make things worse for the child.

01/25/13 Trust the scientific medical studies? Well, you shouldn’t… The latest report out from Albert Einstein College of Medicine takes a look at what really happened with some of the retractions of studies. In reviewing cases of retractions of scientific papers reported by the DHS supported – United States Office of Research Integrity, the researchers determined that fraud was involved in 94% of these cases. Interestingly, 40% involved trainees, 32% involved faculty members, and 28% involved technicians, study coordinators, and interviewers. This flies in the face of other experts that blame errors for the majority of retracted papers. You just can’t trust anyone anymore…

01/24/13 Big Pharma drugs are fueling a new wave of gunpoint-robbery crimes. Now in New York, police will have pharmacies stocking decoy bottles with GPS devices among the popular and powerful painkillers like Oxycontin and oxycodone because of gunpoint robberies of drug stores. Last year alone, federal and New York Police Department investigators seized 9,000 painkillers being sold at an open-air drug market in northern Manhattan. The infamous New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg wants to restrict ER patients to a three-day supply of painkillers to limit abuse.

01/23/13 Would you trade a 62% chance of missing the flu for a nightmare? – A permanent nightmare?? Many countries are reporting a huge spike in narcolepsy cases right after the flu vaccine is given. This is especially a problem in young children. So, the flu lasts a few hours, maybe days, but this side-effect of the toxic flu vaccine is permanent and destroys any chance for a normal life! Europe’s drugs regulator has ruled that Pandemrix should no longer be used in people under 20. Dr. Mignot, who is a specialist in the sleep disorder at Stanford University, says: “There’s no doubt in my mind whatsoever that Pandemrix increased the occurrence of narcolepsy onset in children in some countries… Who out there is stupid enough to continue this vaccine madness?

01/22/13 For most lazy Americans it is easier to pop a pooping pill than to change the diet, take a supplement or exercise. They would rather pay to poop now and manage the side effects later than change harmful lifestyle habits. This is why the FDA recently approved the drug linaclotide – AKA Linzess (with side-effects)- for the treatment of chronic idiopathic constipation and irritable bowel syndrome with constipation (IBS-C). But if you really want healthy bowel movements don’t rush out to demand this medication from your pill-pushing doc until you exhaust all the possible causes and natural remedies.

01/21/13 So you think Big Pharma really cares about your health and making you well? Think again, because the latest report states that spin and bias exist in a high proportion of published studies of phase III clinical trials of breast cancer treatments, according to the cancer journal Annals of Oncology. The study investigated how accurately outcomes and side-effects are reported in breast cancer trials and found that a third of all trials failed to show a statistically significant benefit and in two-thirds of the reports there was bias in the way adverse effects of the treatment were reported, with more serious side-effects poorly reported. It seems that reporting things honestly would severely affect sales dollars.

01/18/13 Did you know that cholesterol (the target of statin drugs) is critical for your internal dopamine factory to function? You are told that cholesterol is bad for you and that you should avoid it, yet your brain CANNOT function without it. The truth is that cholesterol is a healthy blood fat produced in your liver and used in muscles, hormone production, brain function and your sense of well-being, happiness, excitement and satisfaction. People with low cholesterol (below 200 for most) are weak and their muscles hurt – that’s depressing. People with low cholesterol are missing their feel-good dopamine – so they become depressed. They are missing their cognitive function – so they become forgetful and depressed. They are also missing their sex hormones – so they become sexless, celibate and depressed. Low LDL cholesterol TRIPLES the risk of Parkinson’s disease. Got it yet? Or do I need to repeat myself?

01/17/13 About those hystericalectomies: Women who have radical hysterectomies and go through surgical menopause have an increased risk of decline in memory and thinking skills, according to a study released at the American Academy of Neurology’s annual meeting. The earlier the surgery – the faster the symptoms advance for decline in long-term memory related to concepts and ideas, in memory that relates to time and places, in overall thinking abilities, and in the plaques linked to Alzheimer’s disease. This same association was not seen in women who underwent natural menopause. Did you know that this is even elective surgery for some women??

01/16/13 Sounds like a shot in the dark to me! The CDC is reporting that the current seasonal influenza vaccine is effective in 62% of patients to prevent flu. This means that 38% of Americans who get the toxic vaccine still contract influenza. But the CDC isn’t reporting the some 30% of adverse reactions to the vaccine – 6% of which are far more serious than the flu itself. The 2011 CDC’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System website reported 51 deaths caused by the flu vaccines, along with 232 life threatening events, 116 permanent disabilities, 739 hospitalizations, 109 prolonged hospitalizations, 4,039 ER visits, and 6,221 “not serious” reports. According to the NVIC – fewer than 1% of all adverse vaccine reactions are ever reported.

01/15/13 The American Medical Association recently issued a warning to doctors reminding them that their first responsibility is to the patient and not their pocket books or their corporate sponsors. You see, docs working for their own money do overtly more procedures and treatments (mostly unnecessary) and make loads more than salaried docs. But the worm turns when it comes to salaried docs under-treating because they are trying to save the corporation money. Some of them even get bonuses based on how much money they save by denying treatments. As long as money is involved patient care, the patient will lose – maybe their life.

01/14/13 Freedom of speech and Big Pharma – goose and the gander: The goose (Big Pharma) got off the chopping block this last December when the U.S. appeals court invalidated the conviction of a Big Pharma sales representative who was caught in illegal promotion of a prescription drug. What was the hitch that got the goose off? The First Amendment “protected speech” now allows Big Pharma lawbreakers to – well, break the law some more. So, what about supplement companies (the gander)? If they say that a supplement treats a condition, even when backed up by studies, the FDA comes sweeping through to destroy the products and jail the hardened criminal vitamin pushers. A little bit of inequity in America? Damn right. It’s about money and Big Pharma has more of it.

01/11/13 What if I took some mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, antifreeze, and live viruses cultured in dead animal tissue, then mix them with peanut butter and had my kiddos eat this in a snack? Would you think I was a good parent? How about I inject them with it but add some petroleum oil and told them, “This will keep them from getting sick…”? I would be arrested for child abuse. However, when doctors inject our kiddos with the same ingredients and tell us “This will keep them from getting sick,” who even gives it a second thought? This is not good logic peeps and the madness has to stop!

01/10/13 Fudge the study, make the sale, collect the money, pay the criminal fine – come out ahead. One of Big Pharma’s underhanded ploys is to swamp drugs regulators with large numbers of “incomplete, partial, sub-standard clinical trials”. The poor feds (sarcasm font needed here) are overwhelmed trying to ferret out good from bad and have to rely on this garbage to make regulatory decisions on drugs that kill and maim. The net result is that drugs get approved without anyone being able to know how effective they really are or how much serious harm they will cause – that is until they are already out there killing and maiming. Did you know that pharmaceutical “recalls” are up by over 400% in recent years?

01/09/13 Easy to get hooked on, hard to get off of… Antidepressants such as Ativan, Xanax, Prozac, Paxil and Lexapro drugs are prescribed to patients without a mental health conditions. The Journal of Clinical Psychiatry says that half of all patients who take these psychiatric meds never see a psychiatrist. Antidepressants only address symptoms and though they seem to work for some people they have their nasty effects. Look at the facts: St. John’s Wort in a 2005 depression study had a 50 percent remission rate in just six weeks with no reported side-effects. Paxil came in at just 35 percent remission but came with severe side-effects. Guess which one your medical doc is going to push on you?

01/08/13 Big Pharma pays out billions in criminal fines – but it is only a small “cost of doing business” – even if it kills you… Prosecutors charged that Amgen had promoted the anemia drug Aranesp to treat cancer patients not undergoing chemotherapy. It was unapproved by the FDA and a later study actually showed that this application of the drug increased the risk of death in cancer patients. So what’s a company to do? Pay the $762 million in fines. Amgen brought in $2.3 billion profit just last year alone. U.S. revenue totaled more than $11 billion from 2001 through 2008, with about $6 billion coming from Medicaid and Medicare. Would you spend $762 million to make $11 billion? Like I said – just the cost of doing business.

01/07/14 You’ve been Pink-washed! Eli Lilly & Company gets paid to cause cancer and then paid again to treat it: Eli Lilly creates cancer with rBGH for upping cows’ milk production and then sells cancer treatment drugs like Gemzar and Evista for the resulting cancer in women who drink the milk. Eli Lilly’s cancer drugs made well over $2.5 billion for the company in 2008 alone and Eli Lilly & Company stands to lose millions of dollars a year in rBGH sales if dairy producers have to label products for hormones. As so often happens in American society; money ‘talks.’ The FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) keeps right on bowing to corporate pressure to allow the sale of rBGH to continue in spite of scientific evidence relating it to breast cancer. Now that’s Pinkwashing for you.

01/04/13 Pain med side-effects: Men who use acetaminophen more than twice a week have double-the-risk of hearing loss. Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs increase that risk by two-thirds. Regular aspirin use increases the odds of hearing loss by a third. According to a study of 26,917 men in a study the AMJ found all painkillers to be hard on the hearing. Painkillers don’t just kill your hearing; they tear apart your insides, increasing your risk of ulcers, bowel problems, kidney disease, high blood pressure and even the heart problems some of these drugs claim to prevent. Pain is just a symptom, not a cause. Find the cause and fix it – pain gone!

01/03/13 Sick people make for a healthy hospital cash flow. Vaccinations make you generally sicker and often offer very poor “protection” at best. Worse yet, fully vaccinated boys are 112% more likely to have autism than un-vaccinated. Vaccinated boys are 120% more likely to have asthma and 279% more likely to have ADHD than unvaccinated boys. People at 55 years of age who receive the flu vaccine each year for 5 years in a row increase their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease a whopping 1,000%!

01/02/13 Medical error statistics in the United States are horrendously alarming. Did you know that the total daily number of medical errors and related deaths equals a grand total of no less than SIX jumbo jets crashing every single day? The ten-year tally comes up to about 8 million deaths every decade caused by conventional medicine errors. Now, when the airlines have one jumbo jet crash we tremble and demand air safety measures immediately. It seems we have an inordinate infatuation with medical science as we seek after chemical and radiological invasions and avoidable surgeries to supersede the lifegiving basics of diet, exercise and stress relief.

12/31/12 Vaccines should never be called immunizations because that is a misnomer. Immunity and vaccinations are two different subjects altogether. In vaccines, an antigen is injected into the body to produce a reaction and the immune system responds in the form of antibodies, but antibody presence does not confer immunity. People still catch the diseases that they are vaccinated against. Vaccines actually skip the normal immune responses to activate killer cells which can also trigger an overproduction of cytokines in response to the toxic vaccine adjuvants and can damage tissues and organs and even stop the heart and block air pathways. Vaccines often kill and maim more than the disease they are supposed to fight…

12/28/12 History fact of the IoM: The Institute of Medicine was created by Congress in 1970 and is supposed to impartial to government influence. On its website, the IoM claims “we do not receive direct federal funding for our work,” yet an absurd 64.9% of the IoM’s funds actually come from the federal government – making it a government puppet IMO. Even though the IoM’s website claims it does not receive federal funding for its work, an investigation by Senator Coburn’s office reveals some of the real numbers: >>Read the report here<<

12/27/12 Ask your dentist which brand of X-ray machine he uses. Chances are that they might have bought the “bargain brand” that zaps you with higher and more dangerous levels than approved machines. There are unapproved X-ray machines that come direct from China, according to a new warning out of the U.K. Look out for the Tianjie Dental Falcon that costs one-twentieth of the dollars but delivers 10 times the normal dose of radiation. To top it off, the machine doesn’t use a focused beam, so your entire skull and thyroid gets radiated. Your dentist saves money and with the cancer you get, the oncologist makes money too!

12/26/12 More statin drug lies exposed! Recent Big Pharma lies tried to suggest –howbeit erroneously- that statin drugs had a benefit in persons with knee osteoarthritis. But an even newer statin drug study conclusion found that statins actually increased knee pain with NO function or structural progression over the 4-year period. In fact, there was a worsening of physical function associated with statin drugs. Before this, the effects of statins on knee pain and function had not been examined. High cholesterol is only a symptom of inflammation in the first place. Statin drug use is based on lies from the beginning. Did you know that a mere 500mg a day of vitamin C beats statin drugs in University studies?

12/24/12 Take a BP med and up your chances by about half! The risk of a hip fracture in people aged 66 and over is increased by about 50% in the first 6 weeks after they begin taking medication for high blood pressure. In a recent study in the Archives of Internal Medicine, it was found that there is an immediate increased risk of hip fracture on initiation of antihypertensive drug therapy. The likely mechanism is orthostatic hypotension – a blood pressure that is lower than the body is used to, which is also associated with dizziness and fainting that leads to falls and consequent hip fractures.

12/21/12 The infection by Clostridium difficile bacteria (C-diff) is linked to 14,000 deaths every year and most of them are seniors in hospitals and nursing homes. It turns out that hospital food is the worst food you could ever eat. And they want you to get better on this crap?? What is worse than that is the food in hospitals can be filthy with C-diff – so bad even that the germs actually thrive in the food. Researchers tested about 100 foods served at a university hospital in Houston and found the C-diff bacteria in a full half of the turkey meals, nearly half the chicken and egg dishes, one third of seafood and three out of five desserts.

12/20/12 Medical use of radiation is running amok. According to Eric Topol, MD, Editor-in-Chief of Medscape Genomic Medicine, “we’re not doing the right things for patients… We have runaway uses of nuclear scans, CT scans, and PET scanning, and we don’t even warn our patients; we don’t give patients any data on the dangers.” There is no accountability system to catalog the patients’ exposure and this is an even bigger problem with children diagnosed with a pediatric malignancy. All the information on cumulative amounts of medical exposure to radiation should be collected from birth and made a part of electronic medical records. Until then it is up to you question and limit all exposures to radiation. You are the one it affects, not the doc…

12/19/12 Over-the-counter acid reflux and heartburn drugs cause bone fractures! U.S. health officials are now warning both doctors and patients about the serious risks of these over-the-counter medications and how they are linked to increased bone fractures risk in middle-aged adults. If you have indigestion or acid reflux the problem is probably not too much acid but too little acid. OTC drugs only treat the symptoms and not the causes. The causes for this common digestion problem can usually be treated naturally, easily and quickly. Find the cause and fix it!

12/18/12 Someone’s bright 6-in-1 vaccine idea has caused at least 73 infant deaths since it came out. Of course, this has been hush-hushed by Glaxo-SmithKlein until a confidential document leaked out to expose these and other facts about the Infanrix Hexa vaccine that has left a swath of destruction and hearth-ache. According to Initiative Citoyenne, a confidential 1271 page document reveals that GSK received a total of 1,742 reports of adverse reactions in two recent years along with 503 serious adverse reactions and 36 deaths. Many of these hapless infants died within a few days of receiving the vaccine and some died within hours – at least these are a portion of the 10% of vaccine reactions that are ever actually reported. Still trust Big Pharma with your baby?

12/17/12 In 2012, Vermont officially declared a whooping cough epidemic and, of course, urged everyone 19 and older to get a shot of toxic vaccine. This is in a state that boasts a 90% child vaccination rate. I guess it just doesn’t work, but they won’t listen to me. AND, most of these nasty infections are occurring in already-vaccinated children. In adults, the Tdap vaccine (which is a medical procedure WITH adverse reactions) only temporarily “protects” 7 out of 10 adults. Did you know that a recently vaccinated child or adult will infect others with this disease? The acellular whooping cough vaccine actually enhances the colonization of Bordetella parapertussis and has contributed to the increase in whooping cough over the last decade.

12/14/12 The CDC is ramping up the push for toxic flu vaccines earlier than before, saying that this flu season “could be underway”. But they use the term “influenza-like illnesses” that may include everything from sniffles to coughing. Data from the CDC’s Flu View site shows the week ending November 24 to have 2.2% of physician office visits with unverified flu symptoms. Of course, they are now skewing the flu-death numbers to include both pneumonia and influenza. Only two pediatric influenza deaths have been reported for this flu season to date. I wouldn’t rush out for a medical procedure that has more deadly risks than the disease has. You just may be one of the 30% of vaccine-takers to have an adverse reaction to the vaccine. I’ll take my chances without the shot-in-the-dark.

12/13/12 Get this: An irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) wonder product trounced the power of Big Pharma drugs in IBS! Researchers divided irritable bowel patients into two groups: One group received nothing at all, the other got a placebo. Oh, they were informed up front that it was just a placebo and nothing else. After three weeks, 59 percent of the placebo patients showed significant symptom relief, versus just 39 percent of nothing at all patients. The placebo patients also had almost double the rate of overall improvement over the nothing at all group, according to a study in PLoS ONE.

12/12/12 Treating Inflammatory Bowel Disease: The latest findings for IBD/IBS is deficiencies in micronutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements) that occur in patients with IBD, and especially in Crohn’s Disease with fistulas, strictures, or surgical resections of the small bowel. There are several mechanisms for malnutrition in patients with IBD. IBD patients typically have reduced food intake anyhow, even when the disease is in remission. Deficiency of nutrients could be from lack of digestive capabilities, chronic diarrhea and chronic gastrointestinal tract bleeding, food allergies/sensitivities and bowel resections that short the body of B12 and other nutrient production. Medications for IBD, such as sulfasalazine, actually interferes with nutrient absorption. Here’s a novel idea, see a naturopath and find the cause – fix it – go on with your life.

12/11/12 One of the complications of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) treatments is hepatitis and liver fibrosis – and fibrosis does not always correlate with laboratory assessments of liver enzymes and function. This means you could be harming the liver and there are many reports of serious liver disease with the combined use of the drugs methotrexate and leflunomide. A recent report in Arthritis Research & Therapy says that leflunomide can be associated with a 12-fold increase in liver stiffness measurement (an indicator of liver fibroids) which “increases the risk of silent liver fibrosis in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving methotrexate.” But this doesn’t clear methotrexate as it too can cause liver stiffness and fibroids. There has been very limited research regarding potential liver stiffness associated with other antirheumatic drugs.

12/10/12 Medical madness: For several years now, doctors of chiropractic have been under fire in Texas where the medical mucky-mucks want to take away certain rights to diagnose that will severely limit the scope of chiropractic practice. The Texas Medical Association sued the Texas Board of Chiropractic Examiners and its executive director seeking a declaration that portions of the Board’s administrative rule defining the scope of chiropractic practice were invalid. The net effect of this is to call normal parts of chiropractic “practicing medicine” and require licensing by the Texas Medical Board that would ultimately exclude doctors of chiropractic. It’s all about the money. Always has been…

12/07/12 The NEJM reports that 93% of “early detection” for breast cancer has absolutely no benefit to the patient according to study co-author Dr. Gilbert Welch who discovered that there was virtually no reduction in late-stage breast cancer from all this “early” diagnosis. Welch and his team reported: “We found that there were only around 0.1 million fewer women with a diagnosis of late-stage breast cancer. This discrepancy means there was a lot of overdiagnosis: more than a million women who were told they had early stage cancer — most of whom underwent surgery, chemotherapy or radiation — for a ‘cancer’ that was never going to make them sick.”

12/06/12 According to new research in the Journal of Adolescent Health, today’s teens are abusing prescription painkillers more than any other age group in history – a whopping 40% higher than any other groups. This fact is present across all racial and ethnic groups. Marijuana is number 1 and prescription painkillers a close 2nd of abused drugs by adolescents in the US. Prescription painkiller use by teens has jumped 10-fold since the 1960s. “I think many parents just don’t realize how dangerous unsecured prescription drugs are to their children and their children’s friends,” said Richard Miech, Ph.D. of the University of Colorado. The study concluded that one cause of the epidemic is the increasing availability of prescription painkillers in medicine cabinets at home and more intervention is needed to make parents aware of the problem.

12/06/12 According to new research in the Journal of Adolescent Health, today’s teens are abusing prescription painkillers more than any other age group in history – a whopping 40% higher than any other groups. This fact is present across all racial and ethnic groups. Marijuana is number 1 and prescription painkillers a close 2nd of abused drugs by adolescents in the US. Prescription painkiller use by teens has jumped 10-fold since the 1960s. “I think many parents just don’t realize how dangerous unsecured prescription drugs are to their children and their children’s friends,” said Richard Miech, Ph.D. of the University of Colorado. The study concluded that one cause of the epidemic is the increasing availability of prescription painkillers in medicine cabinets at home and more intervention is needed to make parents aware of the problem.

12/05/12 Over-treatment procedure for heartburn: Heartburn is actually one of the most common reasons that people go to a doctor. Some physicians consistently do a upper endoscopy to diagnose and/or manage GERD), but most patients do not require the procedure according to the American College of Physicians Clinical Guidelines Committee. In a new evidence-based paper in the Annals of Internal Medicine, David Bronson MD says “Inappropriate use of upper endoscopy does not improve the health of patients, exposes them to preventable harms, may lead to additional unnecessary interventions, and results in unnecessary costs with no benefit.”

12/04/12 Off-label psychiatric hell: In a new study including Stanford University and the University of Iowa, four of the antipsychotics most commonly prescribed off label were found to lack both safety and effectiveness. Aripiprazole (Abilify), olanzapine (Zyprexa), quetiapine (Seroquel), and risperidone (Risperdal) in a 5-year study found that within one year of treatment, one-third of the patients enrolled in the study developed metabolic syndrome and within two years, nearly a quarter of the patients developed serious adverse effects and just over half developed non-serious adverse effects. While the researchers tried to continue the patients on the medications for two years, the average length turned out to be only six months, after which the medications were halted or switched because they didn’t work and/or had side effects. Because of a notably high incidence of serious adverse events, Seroquel had to be discontinued midway through the trial.

12/03/12 A 3 year study on diuretic drugs for heart failure shows a bust… “Aldosterone antagonist therapy, which is a diuretic drug, for heart failure and reduced ejection fraction shone mightily in the drug company trials. But for use in clinical practice therapy, researchers found rising all-cause mortality by 0.3% and cardiovascular readmission up by 0.6%. Of course, the study analysis of the data indicated that there were no significant differences in mortality and cardiovascular readmission. The study also found higher hyperkalemia readmission rates in the treated group. How about a novel approach? Let’s change our diets and lifestyles and avoid all the other nonsense?

11/30/12 Recent studies show an increase in women with breast cancer choosing to have both breasts removed in a potential overtreatment among these patients. 90 percent of women who had surgery to remove both breasts reported were worried about the cancer recurring even though a diagnosis of breast cancer in one breast does not increase the chances of breast cancer in the other breast for most. “This does not make sense, because having a non-affected breast removed will not reduce the risk of recurrence in the affected breast,” says DR Sarah Hawley, associate professor of internal medicine at the U-M Medical School.

11/29/12 Heart failure medication failure: Digoxin is a drug used commonly to treat heart disease. But using this drug has been found to increase all-cause mortality by 41% regardless of gender or the presence or absence of underlying heart failure when used by patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). This is according to findings by University of Kentucky researchers who also found a whopping 61% increase in deaths from arrhythmias with a 35 percent increase in deaths from cardiovascular causes. One additional AF patient out of six taking digoxin will die Vs. those not on digoxin.

11/28/12 How about a shot of CIPD? Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP) is characterized by progressive weakness and impaired sensory function in the legs and arms. These symptoms are caused by damage to the insulating myelin sheath of the peripheral nerves. Mercury-based thimerosal in vaccines and shots is known to strip the myelin sheath and is a major contributing factor to CIDP. Flu vaccines have 25 mcg mercury per shot, this makes one flu vaccine 250 times the limit to be labeled toxic waste. Yet we allow Big Pharma shoot this deadly poison into our children? That’s a choice…

11/27/12 Children in the cross-hairs: There has been a 50 percent increase in cholesterol meds prescribed to children. But cholesterol is critical for proper brain development and children are natural saturated with cholesterol. Do you see the problem here? Kids are now the fastest-growing demographic target for the drug companies, with sales rising four times faster than in the overall general population. Without parents standing up and saying NO to the medical system, it will only get worse…

11/26/12 How about a BP med to increase your chances for cancer by 7.2 %! Taking angiotensin-receptor blockers (ARBs), a class of drugs commonly used to treat heart problems, is now linked to an increased risk of cancer. The US researchers said the evidence from nine trials should prompt drug regulators to investigate. But for some stupid reason they advised people to keep right on taking these killer drug s… ARBs are mainly prescribed for conditions such as high blood pressure and heart failure. This adds up to a lot of cancer because they are used by millions of people worldwide. Overall, they found that taking ARBs was associated with a significantly increased likelihood of a new cancer diagnosis compared with other heart medications or a placebo. High BP has a cause peeps.

11/23/12 Antidepressants can raise the odds of a bleeding stroke by 50% according to the latest research on Celexa, Lexapro, and Zoloft. Of course – if you never take this stuff in the first place, the chances of stroke are negligible AND you will drop the nasty litany of side effects including insomnia, strange behavior, sexual problems, osteoporosis, and suicidal thoughts. Suicidal thoughts!!! I thought this miracle drug (which actually does work for a very few) was supposed to ease depression? This is just the short-list of side-effects though because the info crammed into the Lexapro info is 25 pages long. One new study of depressed seniors given omega-3 fatty acid supplements documented genuine improvements in a just eight weeks. Also good and side-effect free are B12 supplements, St. John’s Wort, or a relaxing weekend away from the rat race.

11/21/12 FACT: Lowering cholesterol can make heart disease worse. A review of medical studies on cholesterol and mortality in heart patients found that lower cholesterol levels led to death – not survival. FACT: Low cholesterol is linked to Alzheimer’s. Researcher Iwo J. Bohr points out that Alzheimer’s patients typically have lower cholesterol and suggests that a great way to prevent the disease may be to eat a high cholesterol diet. FACT: Low cholesterol is linked to suicide. You see, your body has to produce its own cholesterol which is a necessary building block for your immune system, hormones and especially your brain cells. Of course, all this is contrary to what drug companies want you to think.

11/20/12 Mercury is often used to prevent microbial contamination during the vaccine manufacturing processes leaving it present in the end product. Of course, the intention is to remove it, but up to 1 microgram per 0.5ml dose is permitted to remain. This is termed “trace” mercury. The catch is that vaccines are termed “preservative free” only because they do not contain enough mercury ration to have preservative properties. Single dose injections/vaccines therefor may contain “mercury traces” of up to 1 microgram per 0,5ml dose. All multi-dose injections often contain thimerosal/mercury in a strength of at least 0.01%. This is equivalent to 50 micrograms of thimerosal per 0.5ml dose, or 25 microgram mercury.

11/19/12 They artificially lowered the BP numbers to get more people on medications –BUT – The members of the Action to Control Cardiovascular Risk in Diabetes (ACCORD) study group report that targeting the lower systolic blood pressure did not reduce the incidence of cardiovascular events in patients with type 2 diabetes. Among patients with coronary artery disease, the risk of myocardial infarction was increased when the diastolic blood pressure was less than 70 mm Hg. Patients with peripheral-artery disease also actually increased the heart attack risk.

11/16/12 A lot of vaccines contain aluminum. This toxic metal (called an adjuvant) is there to overstimulate the immune system to cause it to react to vaccine antigens that the immune system would normally overlook. The body doesn’t use aluminum in any processes but rather, aluminum builds up in the brain and other tissues to cause everything from Alzheimer’s to breast cancer. Aluminum toxicity in infants, children and adults,caused by vaccines, can lead to colic, rickets, gastro-intestinal disturbances, poor calcium metabolism, nervousness, anemia, headache, seizures, cancer, decreased immune, liver and kidney function, forgetfulness, speech disturbances, memory loss, softening of the bones, and weak, aching muscles. Still want your beloved vaccine now?

11/15/12 Even the very lowest levels of radiation are harmful to life, scientists have concluded in the Cambridge Biological Reviews. Reporting the results of a wide-ranging analysis of 46 peer-reviewed studies published over the past 40 years, researchers say that even low-level, background radiation was found to have small, but highly statistically significant, negative effects on DNA as well as several measures of health. The scientists reported significant negative effects in immunology, physiology, mutation and disease occurrence and more. This data provides evidence that there is no radiation threshold and radiation effects are measurable as far down as you can go.

11/14/12 Tamiflu – Take it back! The BMJ is asking the drug maker Roche to release all its data on Tamiflu, claiming there is no evidence the drug can actually stop the flu. This is not the first request either. Why won’t they just release the evidence? Is it damning? This worthless drug is stockpiled by dozens of governments in case of a global flu outbreak. It was used widely but failed to deliver during the 2009 swine flu pandemic. Now researchers linked to the BMJ journal called for European governments to sue Roche for their money back and for the public to boycott the product. YEAH! Tamiflu can sometimes shorten the duration of flu symptoms by mere hours but comes with a litany of side effects – including death…

11/13/12 “Evidence-based” medicine has been degraded with missing data, distorted promotions, false advertising, forgery, bribery, chicanery and advocacy ghost articles written by Big Pharma and posted in the most prestigious of medical journals. Today’s doctors prescribe drugs because that is what they have always done. The user/patient expects a prescription and the pusher/doctor provides. Did you know that there are nearly four billion prescriptions filled every year in the US and about one billion filled in England? We are taking a drug for every possible ailment but we are not any healthier, don’t live any longer, haven’t lost any weight, and get sicker and sicker because Big Pharma drug’s generally don’t even work.

11/12/12 According to yet another new study, people who take sleep and/or anxiety drugs – even occasionally – have a higher death risk. Canadian researchers followed 14,000 volunteers who answered questions about their meds, lifestyle, and health every two years. During the 12-year study period, 15.7 percent of the patients who took a sleep or anxiety med at least once a month ended up dead… versus just 10.5 percent of those who didn’t take the drugs. For you number crunchers, that is a 36% increase in death rates. NOT acceptable! Don’t just resort to meds, if you can’t sleep, find the cause and fix it.

11/09/12 A study in Precocious Puberty, “Thimerosal Exposure & Increasing Trends of Premature Puberty in the Vaccine Safety Datalink”, confirms a significant association in our children between the increasing rates of premature puberty and the increasing exposure to mercury from childhood vaccines. This goes with I’ve said all along. Recent attention has been focused on the role of endocrine-disrupting and feminizing metals and chemicals on the timing of puberty. The CDC reports that mercury is a known endocrine disruptor and it adversely affects the steroid synthesis pathway in animals and humans. It can actually feminize a child. When do we cry “UNCLE!”? When our kids can’t reproduce and are dying before we do?

11/08/12 Yes there is even a drug for shyness… More and more people are diagnosed with mental disease today because of newly expanded ranges for mental disorders. For example: if you are shy, the FDA approved Paxil for use in “social anxiety disorder” (common shyness), which Big Pharma promoters of Paxil claim afflicts 13% of Americans. That’s a huge market to medicate! To go along with this, there is an explosion of people on disability for mental disorders because disability benefits exceed welfare benefits. And, a claim of disability is far more likely to succeed if one is taking a psychotropic medication like Paxil. Paxil is easy to get hooked on and hard to get off of…

11/07/12 Stand up and holler! When patients complain of vaccine adverse reactions, studies show that doctors are highly likely to dismiss them. Thus, over 90% of vaccine injuries and reactions go unreported. If vaccines worked so well we should be the last in world statistics for child mortality with our some 36 scheduled childhood vaccines. But instead we have plunged to number 49 in the world (we used to number 34 just 3 years ago). We have more under-5 child deaths in the USA than such countries as the Czech Republic, South Korea, Croatia, Guam, Hungary, Cuba, Taiwan and 42 other countries. We are losing ground fast peeps…

11/06/12 When the drug fails, market the side effects! There is another failed antidepressant that has more side effects than benefits – including headaches, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, diarrhea and urinary infections. But it makes women ready for sex so it’s a winner (NOT). It’s called fibansarin and it is for “hypoactive sexual desire disorder”. This is a “new drug” designed to boost sexual desire in women but in reality there was only a slight increase in the number of sexually satisfying events in users. The FDA staff who reviewed the results said the so-called response rate isn’t “particularly compelling.” The maker states that it increases a woman’s “global desire” rather than “the intensity of [her] acute episodes of desire.” –HUH?

11/05/12 You can kill mice with hand grenades… There is still a big push to get more men on the dangerous prostate med, Avodart, by claiming it can reduce harmless cancers by 23 percent. While this med may actually reduce the non-life-threatening form of prostate cancer, this med will actually CAUSE deadly cancer! Avodart does work on the non-aggressive, non-life threatening cancer but another study found that this drug increases the risk of developing unusual and highly aggressive cancers. Prostate cancer is highly over-treated in the first place. You won’t find me rushing out for a prostate exam and PSA count.
11/02/12 Shingles, or herpes zoster, can afflict anyone who has had chickenpox. Both are caused by the varicella zoster virus. It is possible that shingles develops in people who received the chickenpox vaccine, which contains a live attenuated form of the virus. The latest science shows that we keep our natural immunity to the shingles by being re-exposed as adults to chickenpox in children. With the un-natural suppression of chicken pox in children comes a weak immune system and – shingles. We need some old-fashioned chickenpox parties. Not more vaccines.

11/01/12 Mercury is in most vaccines – even the “mercury-free” ones. But the so-called experts say the organic thimerosal mercury in vaccines won’t hurt you. But mercury in both organic and inorganic forms is neurotoxic. Rats treated with thimerosal (ethylmercury) were found to have three types of mercury in their blood organs, ethylmercury (the “supposedly harmless” compound), methylmercury (the harmful compound) and inorganic mercury (the most harmful of all). Methylmercury accumulates in the brain and becomes associated with mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, golgi complex, nuclear envelopes, and lysosomes. In nerve fibers methylmercury is localized primarily in myelin sheaths, where it leads to demyelination. Thimerosal is highly destructive and NOT safe in any amounts.

10/31/12 Medical madness: The more I report on drugs, side effects, gross ignorance of doctors and their open resistance to disclosing drug problems to patients, the more I see the whole of mainstream medicine has gone against the Hippocratic dictum of “first do no harm” to practice what I call “medical madness”. From the venomous oncologists with a 2.1% survival rate – to most psychiatrists who themselves are insane to think the brain can be manipulated with impunity – to the offending pediatrician who goes after the helpless young and hapless newborns with noxious and metal-laced vaccines while blatantly overprescribing antibiotics. These revered doctors are blind to the harm they cause. Now that’s true medical madness…

10/30/12 They knew this in 2007! There have been ongoing concerns about the safety of the diabetes drugs containing rosiglitazone (Avandia, Avandaryl, and Avandamet) – a chemical used for glycemic control in type 2 diabetes mellitus. In 2007, a meta-analysis of controlled clinical trials found increases in the risk of myocardial infarction and an increased risk of death from cardiovascular causes when rosiglitazone was compared with placebo or with standard diabetes drugs. Drugs do not treat causes peeps.

10/29/12 Blood pressure meds: The reason these drugs have no effect on longevity seems to be that although they often lower blood pressure, they also increase insulin resistance, which leads to diabetes, raise your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. (Not good!), and they can alter something called platelet function – increasing your chances of a deadly blood clot (really not good!). Blood pressure meds are updated every few years not because they’re getting better… but because Big Pharma loses its patents on the old meds and needs to come up with something new to sell.

10/26/12 Pain meds abuse is still growing and many physicians are full-aware of a patient’s dependence or even misuse of these drugs and prescribe them anyhow. Throughout the early through mid-19th century, doctors spoke out against the use of pain remedies arguing that pain vital to the healing process and a sign of physical vitality. That was before oxycodone. Now, treating pain with drugs is mandated. Earlier this year, Pizzo and Clark urged health care providers as well as “family members, employers, and friends” to “rely on a person’s ability to express his or her subjective experience of pain and learn to trust that expression.” Thus- the overtreatment of symptoms grows…

10/25/12 Flu shots kill and maim: 30% of flu vaccinations come with adverse reactions, and about 6% of all adverse reactions bring with them serious health events – including death. What the CDC neglects to tell you is that in five recent studies, people who did get the 2008-2009 flu shot were more likely to get the swine flu than those who did not take the poke. Also, with the flu vaccine came three times more risk for hospitalization in children. Do some research before you or your loved one gets injured from this medical procedure that can kill you.

10/24/12 You may be better off smoking than taking the drug Chantix… When you smoke, nicotine unleashes a chemical signal that causes the brain to release a little dopamine – the feel-good brain chemical associated with pleasure. The Big Pharma drug Chantix blocks this action, theoretically sucking the joy out of smoking – but any time you let Big Pharma suck on your brain, you’re asking for trouble. Take the anti-smoking drug Chantix…or, rather, don’t take it because this drug has been linked to suicide attempts. All anti-smoking drugs come with endless risks and terrifying and even deadly side effects. Chantix has also been known to cause nausea, vomiting, constipation and gas – and death. As if that’s not enough, it can even alter your dreams.

10/23/12 A recent Wall Street Journal story “The Danger of Daily Aspirin” began with “If you’re taking a daily aspirin for your heart, you may want to reconsider.” One study in the Journal of the American Medical Association found no benefit at all in giving aspirin to people at high risk of heart disease. Aspirin actually can cause bleeding in the stomach and brain. And that’s not the only way this OTC painkiller can kill you… because aspirin can actually cause potentially deadly blood clots. Roughly half of all people who suffer a fatal heart attack took an aspirin that day. If you really want to pop a pill for your heart, make it a fish oil capsule instead.

10/22/12The CDC recommends two rounds of the MMR (measles, mumps, and rubella) vaccinations at 12-15 months of age and again at 4-6 years. Current CDC records report 118 cases of measles January to May 2011 – which was the “highest reported number for the same period since 1996” – none resulted in death. However, a search on a government website called VAERS using the same time period, found a total of 436 adverse events and 2 deaths related to measles vaccines. But don’t be fooled as these adverse event numbers are much lower than actual numbers since the National Vaccine Information Center says that “…perhaps less than one percent of all vaccine-related health problems are ever reported…”. CDCs own website shows clearly that measles was almost gone before the measles vaccine was ever introduced in 1963.

10/19/12 Did you that Big Pharma Johnson & Johnson, maker of Risperdal, owes hundreds of millions of dollars to several states over settlements for improper marketing of this dangerous medication? These penalties are for encouraging doctors to prescribe Risperdal for non-approved uses. I’ll bet you didn’t know that because this case was settled so that the company’s CEO, Alex Gorsky, won’t have to testify about the allegations that Risperdal caused young boys to grow breasts, among other things. Out of the billions this illicit marketing helped produce, the company reached a pittance settlement in court recently, agreeing to pay 36 states and the District of Columbia $181 million for claims of consumer fraud. So, that settles that… except the criminal company lives on.

10/18/12 Statin losers: Researchers looked at data from more than two million 30-84 year-olds over a six-year period and found adverse effects from cholesterol drugs – like liver problems, acute kidney failure, muscle weakness cataracts, heart events and more. For kidney failure and liver dysfunction, higher doses of the drugs seemed to be associated with greater risk. Risks of side effects were greatest in the first year of use (there is no such thing as “side effects”, they are ALL effects). Evil drug companies gain – you lose with this class of worthless meds. Did you know that half of all heart attack victims have “normal” cholesterol readings?

10/17/12 How about prescription to cause diabetes? Zyprexa and Seroquel are now FDA approved for teens… The fact is that some 2 million kids are already on these kinds of meds for off-label uses already. A study published in JAMA found that kids who took Zyprexa gained 19 pounds in 11 weeks and there are over 1,400 lawsuits filed already because Seroquel causes diabetes. Sound criminal? Well, legalize the crime then says the FDA… Seroquel sold nearly $4.5 billion last year, coming in at the number two drug for the company AstraZeneca. Eli Lilly already paid more than 500 million smackers just to settle whistle-blower suits and a federal investigation into its marketing of Zyprexa – including accusations the med was promoted illegally for off-label uses.

10/16/12 After a heart attack, patients who take NSAID painkillers like Advil or Aleve are 59% more likely to drop dead from any cause and 30% more likely have a second heart attack. Five years after a heart attack the death- risk raises to 63% and a second heart attack chance jumps to 40%. Recap: What have we learned here? Big Pharma meds kill and maim. Treating symptoms with drugs kills people. The best natural anti-inflammatory out there is fish oil. White Willow Bark can relieve pain naturally also without causing death and destruction. Change your diet now to prevent heart attacks. Or – just keep right on listening to your Big Pharma pill pusher who gambles with your life.

10/15/12 Americans get more radiation-powered medical tests than anyone else – half of all advanced procedures performed on the entire planet, according to a recent Associated Press report. But are we getting healthier for all our medical procedures? NO! Americans have fallen to number 42 worldwide in longevity. This means that there are 41 other countries that you can move to and live longer. Statistics do not lie. Big Pharma and Big Money, they lie… Don’t be a statistic peeps. Think for yourself and save a life – yours.

10/12/12 Do vaccines cause autism? Well studies show that it causes similar effects in monkeys given human dose-equivalents. The mercury that is still in most childhood vaccines is very neurotoxic and causes developmental delays and aberrations. Dr. Wakefield came under fire for even suggesting that. But he NEVER told anyone not to vaccinate a child. All he did was step on Big Money toes by suggesting that the abominable MMR combo vaccination – the one that overwhelms a baby’s immune systems – be split up into a series of individual shots. I advocate that we skip the vaccines altogether and keep the child’s neurodevelopment intact.

10/11/12 Diet drug effects failure: Sibutramine underwent FDA scrutiny and came up a loser. Along with causing seizures and even depression, the most common side effects included: Headaches in 30.3% of people, dry mouth in 17.2%, loss of appetite in 13%, constipation in 11.5%, insomnia in 10.7%, runny or stuffy nose in 10.2%, sore throat in 10 %. The common side effects just keep going on like a bad TV drug commercial with a continuing laundry list of over 2 dozen more common side effects. That’s just the short-term trouble peeps. what happens in 5 or 10 years on this crap?

10/10/12 Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors taken by the pregnant mother alter the language development in the baby! Researchers at the University of British Columbia and Harvard University found that maternal depression and this common class of antidepressants can alter a crucial period of language development in babies. But they never think of testing the mother’s thyroid instead of tossing life-altering drugs at the mom and unborn child. Depression always has a cause and treating the symptoms of diseases with drugs is what Big Pharma does – BIG mistake! Find the cause and fix it and the symptoms go away.

10/09/12 Children now get a 5th dose of the DTaP vaccine. A recent study funded by Kaiser Permanente found that the purported protection against pertussis gave these hapless kiddos the increasing odds of getting pertussis that rose by 42% every year after shot number 5. Shot number 5 came out in 2006 and did not prevent the large outbreaks of 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013. So what good is the shot? The DTaP is known to actually cause pertussis in kids. The vaccinated kiddo is also highly contagious for days following the shot and can infect children and adults around them. Vaccinations are NOT immunization – far from it.

10/08/12 What if only 4% were reported? Over 100,000 patients die preventable deaths annually in hospitals and scores more with medical injuries. At least that is the ones reported because according to the BMJ, underreporting of adverse events in hospitals is estimated to range up to96% annually. This fact alone could make medical mistakes the number one killer – ever! Can you imagine over 2.5 million needless deaths a year in hospitals? We are crazy to think that we go to hospital to get better. We often go to the hospital out of ignorance of diet and natural remedies.

10/05/12 A new article in the BMJ shows that aggressive over-treatment with medical procedures in the US caused around 30,000 deaths among Medicare recipients alone annually. Unnecessary interventions also account for up to 30% of spending on healthcare ($800bn) annually. Examples of over-treatment procedures range from overused screening tests and imaging technology to a veritable epidemic of questionable surgery.

10/04/12 Common cold vaccines: Adenovirus (common cold): Most infections are mild and require no treatment. But, researchers ran tests on children and found that those with adenovirus 36 were more likely to be obese. But, not all of the children with the virus were obese, and not all obese children had the virus. The Stupid Conclusion: Vaccination time – of course. If so, they need healthy children volunteers to risk their health to study this out and see what the effects and side effects are. Other adenoviris vaccines have side effects like: diarrhea, difficulty with moving, muscle pain, stiffness, nausea, joint pain, upper abdominal or stomach pain, vomiting – and even death. Can they use your child for this experiment with yet another toxic injection? They can’t have mine.

10/03/12 The word is getting out and more parents are opting out of vaccines. Nonmedical vaccine exemption rates have been increasing in some states by 8% annually. In states with harder exemption criteria, exemption rates have increased by a whopping 18% annually! Before 2004, there was only an increase in exemption rates in states with philosophical exemptions or easy exemption procedures. In spite of tougher state laws requiring vaccines, nonmedical exemptions have continued to increase in all 50 states, and the rate of increase has accelerated. Pass the word to “pass on the vaccines”. Source of data: NEJM report, 09/20/12

10/02/12 The same people who push the drugs at the medical doctors write the books and teach the classes that recommend them. One of the biggest examples of corporate influence on medical practice is the Clinical Practice Guidelines. Fifty-eight percent of the authors for this book received financial support to perform research and 38% had served as employees or consultants for a pharmaceutical company. Overall, an average of 81% of authors of the CPG had Big Pharma connections and interactions. The fox is guarding the henhouse on this one peeps.

10/01/12 Big Ooops… In 1974 the Medical College of Virginia at the behest of the U.S. government did a study that was supposed to show that marijuana damages the immune system and causes cancer. Well, the study instead found that THC slowed the growth of lung, breast cancer and virus-induced leukemia. At the NIH, the medical evidence for the effectiveness of THC at treating cancer and also reducing pain was overwhelming. Of course, the DEA quickly shut down the Virginia study and all further research on the anti-cancer effects of marijuana. Big Pharma can’t allow any non-toxic, inexpensive medicinal cures. It’s ALL about the money peeps.

09/28/12 There has been a 24 percent rise in blood pressure drugs prescribed to children! Why? The latest study out shows that after thirty years of stupidity, BP meds not only do NOTHING for the mildly high BP but the side effects make them a big negative. If you are on BP meds, you are only treating the symptoms. Bad move unless you are actively changing your diet and lifestyle to treat the causes and get off of them. If you are not actively treating the causes… go on -take your meds, but we’ll miss you when you’re gone.

09/27/12 The Vancouver Sun reported just last week on findings that show the flu vaccine INCREASES the odds of contracting H1N1 – along with causing more severe bouts of illness for those who do get sick. Back in 2007, CNN announced, “The truth is, while the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and most mainstream docs are pushing the flu vaccine, the latest science suggests it just doesn’t work very well.” Vaccinations are estimated to make Big Pharma over $36 billion this year. Flu and other vaccines are Big Money for Big Pharma companies, who hold incredible influence over government agencies. That’s why government agencies are quick to attack any reports on any and all natural alternative prevention strategies. Even the study-backed preventatives like vitamin C and astragalus.

09/26/12 So you think your meds are great? Prof Light, who has also written articles for the British Medical Journal and the Lancet, said data from independent reviewers suggested that 85 % of new drugs provided few, if any, new benefits. Big Pharma has hyped-up patented medicines, spent vast amounts on getting doctors to prescribe them and underplayed serious side effects. When the “toxic side effects” of prescription drugs were taken into account, and their misuse, Light claims they were “a significant cause of death”.

09/25/12 Fluoride is known to interfere with basic functions of nerve cells in your brain. There are now numerous animal and human studies demonstrating the damage fluoride inflicts on your brain, including your pineal gland. So what do you think they put in pharmaceutical drugs and vaccines to open the cell pathways and make them work? Sodium fluoride, used in many prescription drugs and dentifrices, is not a mineral nutrient but is recognized as a drug by the FDA and has NEVER been tested for safety or effectiveness (because sodium fluoride was on the market before FDA testing laws were enacted).

09/24/12 Conspiracy to commit murder: In 1985 Dr. Scheibner and her husband, electrochemical engineer Leif Karlsson invented the CotWatch breathing monitor for babies who are diagnosed “at risk” for SIDS. Over the next three years, the couple monitored hundreds of babies and studied the event reports that their CotWatch produced. They found that babies were dying within hours after vaccination. “By 1988 we knew that vaccines are killing babies,” said Dr. Scheibner.

09/21/12 FACT: Low cholesterol raises your cancer risk. A new study actually links low LDL levels with an increased risk of developing cancer. And it’s not the first study to do this. In fact, more than 20 studies have been done on cholesterol and cancer – and the overall majority linked cancer with low cholesterol. Certain cholesterol-lowering drugs called statins (such as atorvastatin, cerivastatin, lovastatin, pravastatin, simvastatin) also deplete levels of cancer fighting CoQ10 in the body. Taking CoQ10 is critical for statin drug users. If your doc has you on a statin drug without requiring CoQ10 also, they are very bad doctors.

09/20/12 Dr. Michael Baum of University College Hospital, London says the latest statistics show that mammograms don’t save lives and half of all women diagnosed with ‘early breast cancer’ may be having mastectomies for nothing. Mammograms have harmed far more women than they’ve ever saved. After just five mammograms, women who are at high risk for breast cancer are 2.5 times more likely to get the disease than those who skip out on the tests. Women who get mammograms before they turn 20 are also at a higher risk. No one thinks to blame the “solution.” How about thermography for more accurate detection that’s noninvasive?

09/19/12 Make an informed choice. After vaccinations, T-helper lymphocytes have been shown to fall to levels seen in active AIDS patients. This indicates a very real danger of immune system harm and dysfunction following an injection of hostile chemicals directly into the body. No one wants to put their child in harm’s way but powerful pharmaceutical interests have total control of the media and are able to literally herd 90 percent of the population into vaccination clinics. But take heart as there is a mounting resistance to its insistence by the medical overlords. Enough resistance that states are scrambling to make tough vaccine laws to force medical treatment on the public. It’s your body, your child’s body and you decide to vaccinate or not – no law can take that away from you.

09/18/12 Milking cancer: So, if you own a food product that causes cancer AND you own the cancer treatment, you cause cancer and then get paid to treat it. That is good business for Eli Lilly & Company and their rBST bovine growth hormone that ends up in our milk supply. This artificial hormone is linked to colon, breast, and prostate cancers. By adding rBGH to products, Eli Lilly creates cancer with rBGH and then sells cancer treatment drugs like Gemzar and Evista. Eli Lilly’s cancer drugs made $2,683,000,000 for the company in 2008. Now that’s Pinkwashing for you.

09/17/12 Go figure! Children who take stimulants for ADHD are more likely to suffer from suicide, sudden death, mania and bipolar disorder than those who are un-medicated. But for a real solution to ADHD you’ll have to do something more than just push a pill… Researchers found that giving a child with ADHD a quick reward can make them behave. They say that their study also shows how you can lower the dose of toxic and deadly meds like Ritalin for some kids by using a simple reward system. So my question is – why use these meds in the first place??

09/14/12 Feds warn about Zocor: The FDA says the statin drug Zocor that’s been used by millions to lower their cholesterol levels is actually even more dangerous than they thought. Take this drug, and your muscles can dissolve into your bloodstream (rhabdomyolysis). Then your kidneys come grinding to a halt. The FDA knows all this and even doles out a slight warning about it. But don’t expect your doc to tell you zippo when he reaches for the script pad to write this one. Your body actually needs cholesterol to function and statin drugs like Zocor can bring your cholesterol to dangerously low levels. Below 200 for most people is not good.

09/13/12 Measles is a relatively harmless childhood disease that rarely kills. Routine immunizations bring patients back for repeated office calls and are the bread and butter of the once impoverished pediatricians who continue to defend them vehemently. According to the World Health Organization, the chances are about fifteen times greater that measles will be contracted by those vaccinated for them than by those who are not. The measles vaccine is associated with encephalopathy and other complications such as Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis, which causes hardening of the brain and is fatal. Other damage by measles vaccines include ataxia , mental retardation, aseptic meningitis, seizure disorders, hemiparesis, encephalitis, juvenile-onset diabetes, Reye’s syndrome, and multiple sclerosis. Now add in some autism…

09/12/12 It’s all about the patent and the money: If Big Pharma could they would patent water as a treatment for thirst… Now they are trying to patent B vitamins as a treatment for Alzheimers. Their “secret” blend contains 800 micrograms of folic acid, 500 micrograms of B12 and 20 milligrams of B6. That’s not a lot for most people but it does significantly slow down the associated brain shrinkage in AD.

09/11/12 There is a billion-dollar blockbuster drug called levofloxacin, (AKA Levaquin) that is spending more time in court than a court reporter. This drug is killing livers and popping tendons open all over the place. Researchers say that levofloxacin and the related moxifloxacin, doubled the risk of acute liver injury that killed more than 60 percent of the patients hospitalized for it in the new study. But consider this; the researchers compared these bad drugs to another antibiotic to get these figures. This basically means all other antibiotics more or less come with the same danger. Along with the risk of liver damage, tendon damage and ruptures, the fluoroquinolones are also linked to nerve damage, muscle weakness, heart problems, and more.

09/10/12 Did you know that vaccines cause the very diseases they are said to treat? 1959: Where compulsory vaccination was practiced in North Carolina and Tennessee, investigations report a 400% increase in paralytic and non-paralytic Polio during 1959 V.s. 1958. The conclusion was, the more vaccine that is used the more the actual infection that comes about. In the March 4, 1977 issue of Science Jonas and Darrell Salk warn, “Live virus vaccines against influenza or poliomyelitis may in each instance produce the disease it intended to prevent.” Americans need to wake up to the fact that the medical community is dead wrong about a few things – vaccines being one of them.

09/07/12 There is evidence linking antipsychotics to the development of diabetes and blood sugar disorders. A Delaware state court was recently scheduled to hear a trial alleging a link between Seroquel and diabetes and that AstraZeneca withheld information about a link between Seroquel and diabetes. Dr. Lisa Landymore-Lim in her book Poisonous Prescriptions explains clearly how many drugs used by the unsuspecting public today are involved in the onset of impaired glucose control and diabetes. She explains using the example of the drugs Streptozocin and Alloxan, both used in diabetes research to make lab rats diabetic.

09/06/12 Big Pharma uses professional ghostwriters to draft articles that glorify drugs and to diss on supplements. Then they get well-known physicians to sign on as the author of a paper even though all they did is read the articles and maybe suggest changes. This fact was first used in a court case filed by more than 14,000 plaintiffs who developed breast cancer while taking the menopausal hormone therapy drug Prempro. There is no corporate conscious when it comes to Big Pharma. It’s all about the sales first and never about your health.

09/05/12 But does your dentist tell you this? Recent studies show how dental X-rays can turn into a battle for your life with thyroid cancer. Researchers looking into the alarming rise of this unusual cancer found that patients who’ve been zapped at the dentist 10 times have 5.4 times the thyroid risk when compared to those smart enough to avoid dental X-rays. One study found that between five and nine X-rays will quadruple your risk for this. Getting zapped a mere four times doubles your risk.

09/04/12 You have heard about the bird flu and the swine flu? Well now we have the seal flu… This is not a drill folks. It is the real thing and the probably the next pandemic that Big Pharma will attempt to shove into your right to bare arms. Yes, seals (according to researchers) are the next flu threat to eventually spread “deadly” flu to humans. Of course, they are not through milking the swine flu yet as they have left-over vaccines to sell from the last pandemic. Researchers for Big Pharma are in a race now to develop the next billion dollar vaccine to pawn off on you (as soon as the swine flu supplies deplete). Arm yourself with some vitamins D, C, Lysine and some intestinal fortitude to skip the toxic crap coming down the pike if you know what’s good for ya.

08/31/12 In March and May 2007, the FDA issued national Avandia warnings to alert everyone about the health risks associated with Avandia use. The FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) also ordered GlaxoSmithKline to print “black box” warnings on Avandia labels which are the most serious FDA warnings, as they indicate a drug’s potential of causing fatal side effects. On the heels of these FDA (Foot Dragging and Alibis) – Avandia drug warnings, in September 2007, a study conducted by the Cleveland Clinic found that Avandia patients were 43 percent more likely to have a heart attack, 50 percent more likely to suffer from congestive heart failure and 64 percent more likely to experience sudden cardiac death. As of yet the FDA (Further Delays Ahead) has failed to protect the public from this disastrous drug.

08/30/12 Tip of the iceberg! California doctors received a total of $26.4 million from seven drug companies for consulting and speaking gigs since 2009, according to an eye-opening investigation by ProPublica titled “Dollars for Docs: What Drug Companies are Paying Your Doctor.” Some of whom have accepted tens of thousands of dollars each. Big Pharma companies such as Merck and Eli Lilly have disclosed $258 million in payments nationwide in 2009 and the first half of 2010.

08/29/12 Childbirth is NOT a procedure. Epidural research, much of it conducted by the anesthetists who administer them, has unfortunately focused more on the “benefits” of different drug combinations than on the many possible serious side-effects to mother and infant. Studies find subtle changes in the behavior of newborn babies after epidural with one study showing that behavioral abnormalities persisted for at least six weeks. After an epidural, mothers spent less time with their newborns, and describe their babies at one month as more difficult to care for. Epidurals adversely affect the successful establishment of breastfeeding.

08/28/12 Heartburn drugs: They’ve been linked to an increased risk for osteoporosis and bone fractures, diarrhea, potentially deadly cases of pneumonia and so much more. Healthy people with no history of tummy troubles were given antacid meds for eight weeks. Then, after being taken off them, more than 40 percent developed heartburn, acid regurgitation and/or dyspepsia. The study was published in Gastroenterology. More often than not heartburn is a LACK of acid… Here’s a radical thought; how about we treat the cause of heartburn? But, I guess there is no money in that…

08/27/12 Long-term use of bone meds like Actonel, Boniva, Fosamax and Reclast have been linked to femur fractures and even cancer. One study found bones turning to peanut brittle at four years. Two studies found an increased risk of fracture at five years or more. Another pair of studies found that women who take bisphosphonate meds actually have an increased risk of brittle bones and femur fractures. When the FDA read these studies, they sprang into their usual inaction by issuing a statement saying there’s no clear connection between these meds and hip fractures… AND told everyone to keep right on taking them! See no evil, hear no evil… believe no studies, especially when they concern a class of drugs that did $3.5 billion in business in 2008 alone.

08/24/12 I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again… Medications rob you of essential nutrients. Researchers found that the drug Metformin can rob the body of vitamin B12 – a critical nutrient that helps balance your mood and memory. In a study in the BMJ, researchers randomly assigned 390 diabetics to either Metformin or a placebo for four years. Those with the placebo had no change in their B12 levels. The Metformin crowd had a 19 percent drop in B12 levels. What’s more, the researchers say the B12 robbery got worse over time. It’s high time to find and fix causes instead of treating symptoms with drugs.

08/23/12 Big Pharma wants to experiment with sex drugs on children. Pfizer vied for a six-month patent extension for the sex drug Viagra because of tests it’s conducting on a low-dose version of the med in kids with a rare lung disease. The condition is called pulmonary arterial hypertension, and it’s basically high blood pressure in the lungs that only affects some 600 kids a year. The company didn’t launch this trial out of the goodness of its black corporate heart. They did it for the six-month patent extension that was worth 10s of millions to them.

08/21/12 Medications will NEVER overcome a nutritional deficiency or sedentary lifestyle. According to the Physicians for Social Responsibility (PSR) about 100 million Americans, more than one-third of the US population now suffer from some form of chronic disease like asthma, diabetes, cancer, heart and kidney disease or arthritis. Most doctors, dentists and health officials have been brainwashed; they cannot see the forest for the trees when it comes to toxicity. Medicine and dentistry are among the worst polluters of the human body but they are the last ones who will come to grips with this fact. Could it be the money?

08/20/12 You don’t need to be afraid of the flu but you should be terrified by the vaccination! Ever since they began poking people, patients have been passing out, dropping dead and coming down with Guillain-Barre Syndrome (a potentially deadly nerve condition). I’ll take a bout with the flu any day rather than risk a whopping 30% chance at an adverse reaction. Forget the toxic flu shot. Researchers gave Japanese schoolchildren either a D supplement or a placebo, and found the kids who got the D were 58% less likely to get the flu while lowering the risk for colds and even asthma. Don’t even get me started!

08/17/12 Atypical antipsychotic medications are used to treat the symptoms of bipolar affective disorder. The risk of extrapyramidal side effects and the risk for tardive dyskinesia makes you wonder who thought up this evil. In studies these drugs often fail to treat disorders better than a placebo. In addition to the increased stroke risk (up to four-fold), atypical antipsychotics cause weight gain, diabetes, and muscle problems. Roughly 5 percent of the people who take these meds develop involuntary and often permanent muscle movements, especially around the mouth.

08/16/12 Not only did they lower the number for hypertension to get more people on dangerous meds but there is also an event called White Coat Hypertension where blood pressure goes up at the doctor’s office in anticipation. Researchers found the best and most accurate warning signs of pending heart trouble came from the blood pressure readings taken at home and not the doctor’s office. White coat hypertension could land you on an unnecessary and very harmful drug. One drug leads to another. Don’t let some over-eager pill pusher get you started on legal drugs.

08/15/12 Killing kids with drugs: Researchers at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center reported chromosome abnormalities after just three months in children treated for ADHD with methylphenidate. There is a threefold increase in levels of chromosome abnormalities-occurrences associated with increased risks of cancer and other adverse health effects. The rate of the abuse of ADHD drugs has been in lock step with the increase of the use of these drugs. Between 1998 and 2005, prescriptions for this “disorder” increased by an incredible 80 percent. And abuse of the meds increased by 76 percent during the same time period.

08/14/12 Are you a betting parent? Double your risk for seizures with vaccines – vaccines that don’t even work! Toddlers who get a combined measles-mumps-rubella and chickenpox immunization are at twice as likely the risk for fevers and convulsions. In the US since 2006, among those who’ve contracted mumps, 88 percent had received one MMR vaccination, and 75 percent had received two. But even a double dose is supposedly “only 90 percent effective”. Authorities are now busy giving a third toxic dose to “mitigate the outbreak”. Yeah right… it didn’t work the first or second time. Studies have shown a high vaccine failure rate in children given mumps, measles and rubella shots, either separately or in combined form.

08/13/12 Wonder why drug studies come up roses and rainbows and supplements get the big diss? The secret: Get the study results you want but don’t compare the drug to anything else, and don’t bother looking at safety. More than two-thirds of studies on existing drugs published in the “top six” medical journals never bother to compare the med to any other treatment. A meager 11 percent of those studies compare a drug to a nondrug treatment. Of course alternatives never come out ahead. They’re not even in the studies! If they are in the study and come out ahead, you’ll never hear about it because the study will dropped like a lost phone call.

08/10/12 In the 2012 mumps outbreak in the NY area, 77 % of the affected people were FULLY VACCINATED. The kid who brought it back from the United Kingdom was FULLY VACCINATED! Most people ignorantly think that an unvaccinated kid is infecting their “protected” kids – because that is what AAP and Big Pharma tells you (hoping to scare you to run out and get yet another vaccine). And guess what authorities are saying? – that you now need a third MMR shot for protection… This is not protection peeps! Getting the mumps is the only real protection against the mumps. Getting the shot not only doesn’t protect you from the disease but actually causes the disease – and worse.

08/09/12 Antibiotics (anti-life) are NOT our most powerful weapon against infectious disease. They’re just the most profitable for drug companies… Antibiotics strip the digestive flora and also compromise the gut’s ability to chelate normal amounts of heavy metals that are removed in the GI tract during digestion. Fungi and bad bacteria proliferate and the resulting flora produces opioids and other neurotoxins when it feeds on gluten or casein. When the fungi goes into a hyphae state and penetrates the bowel walls it causes partially digested food to cross into the blood stream causing immune reactions. Probiotics are pro-life and help build the immune system rather than destroy it like anti-life antibiotics.

08/08/12 Disease mongering happens when pharmaceutical companies invent or hype a disease in order to sell drugs. Leonore Tiefer, a psychologist and clinical associate professor at New York University School of Medicine, argues that drug companies sell diseases as well as treatments. Companies create a buzz around the disease and present their drug as the easy solution. If you are foolish enough to be convinced by a commercial that have their vague disease, at least pay attention to the death-list of side effects that go along with their “miracle drug”.

08/07/12 Who is doing well in this economy? Big Pharma! Name-brand meds prices inflated at more than TRIPLE the rate of the Consumer Price Index over the past five years. Most drugs are marked up hundreds or even thousands of times. Then there is cashing in on cancer with Provenge at a cost of $93,000 that adds four months’ survival, on average, for men with incurable prostate tumors. Estimates of the cost of a year of life gained for lung cancer patients on Erbitux ranges upward to as much as $800,000. And with the side effects of cancer drugs, there is often no quality of life in those extra days.

08/06/12 ADD/ADHD is a “disorder of the brain”. It’s high time to take this disorder out of the hands of the medical specialists, who have not only outright failed to treat this non-medical condition but have caused much harm to our children. A disorder by definition is a condition where the normal order of things is disrupted. Drugs do not cause order; they only cause more disorder. It takes order to overcome disorder. In other words, you cannot expect organized function from a disorganized brain, no more than a tornado can assemble a working school bus by running through a salvage yard.

08/03/12 Shingles: The common assumption in the medical community is that occurrence of shingles increases as the individuals’ immune systems are declining. The latest research, however, shows the real reason is because older people receive fewer natural boosts to natural shingles immunity as their contacts with exposed young children goes down (NVIC, 2012). The medical community’s answer? More vaccine madness – give more shots of course… Medical folly has caused the shingles by giving a chicken pox vaccine, so now they want to give yet another toxic vaccine in the hopes that in doing so a patient can maybe avoid (50% maximum chance) an outbreak of shingles.

08/02/12 WARNING: A few short years ago, immunologist Dr. Hugh Fundenberg and colleagues discovered that people at 55 years of age who receive the flu vaccine each year for 5 years in a row increase their risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease a whopping 1,000%! There is no proof that flu vaccines drop the level of flu occurrence but there is proof that they cause side effects and harm. Vitamin D3 has been shown to help prevent against the flu, in addition to giving many other benefits to your body.

08/01/12 Over-treatment of prostate cancer: Researchers looked at 1,269 hapless men treated for prostate troubles. Most of the patients had surgery to remove the prostate, while some others were zapped by radiation or given hormone-blocking meds. The study found that patients who had surgery or radiation were more likely to have problems urinating in the first year. While many improved in the second year, they never really regained full control of their own urinary function. But even worse, the men in this study reported sex problems no matter what treatment they chose. Even with all this butchery and drugs – the death rate for prostate cancer is unaffected.

07/31/12 The new biggest target drug-pusher targets are your kids. Not the illegal drugs… the prescription ones. There has been a 147 percent leap in heartburn meds and PPIs prescribed to children. Why? Money of course… Treat the symptoms – collect the money, rinse – repeat. Did you know that because kiddos are intrinsically healthy and that being a pediatrician once was a poor career choice? There’s no money to be made off of healthy kids. That is, until vaccines came long making our kids sick to begin with.

07/30/12 Mammograms are a distinct failure at saving lives even though the $4 billion-a-year mammogram industry begs women to rely on toxic x-rays to “protect” their health. Did you know that mammograms harm ten women for every one helped? Mammograms actually increase women’s cancer risk by as much as 3% every year. In the Cochrane review in 2001, all-cause mortality was unchanged or higher among women who underwent screening mammography in eight of the nine trials with lower-than-expected mortality in the unscreened group. Interpretation: Mammograms don’t save lives but rather can cause the cancer they are so desperately looking for. Thermography is the way to go.

07/27/12 Aspirin – AKA- acetylsalicylic acid is a salicylate drug. Aspirin has an antiplatelet effect that inhibits the production of thromboxane, which binds platelet molecules together to create a patch over damage of the walls within blood vessels. The main undesirable effects of aspirin are gastrointestinal ulcers, stomach bleeding, and tinnitus, especially in higher doses. There is also a risk of Reye’s syndrome. There’s no credible evidence that proves “aspirin therapy” can lower heart risk. But there is with fish oil!

07/26/12 Statin drugs block CoQ10! Levels of CoQ10 are low in people with congestive heart failure (HF), a disease that occurs when the heart is not able to pump blood effectively. This can cause blood to pool in parts of the body, such as the lungs or legs. Information from several clinical studies suggests that CoQ10 helps reduce swelling in the legs enhance breathing by reducing fluid in the lungs. CoQ10 also increases exercise capacity in people with HF. If your doc has you on a statin drug without telling about related CoQ10 problems, they are bad doctors and need to see that they are damaging people’s health. “First do no harm”? Not if you are an MD with a prescription pad…

07/25/12 Drug researchers studied 146 dieters and after 48 weeks, low-carb eaters lost an average of 9.5 percent of their body weight while enjoying some great food. The drug-takers managed to lose 8.5 percent of their body weight but had those nasty side-effects of gas, incontinence and diarrhea that often come along with diet drugs. The jubilant researchers announced a tie of course. But once you factor in blood-pressure readings the drugs never had a chance. Low-carb dieters lost an average of 6 points off their systolic and 4.5 points off their diastolic readings. The pill-poppers, on the other hand, had almost no change in blood pressure at all, according to the study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

07/24/12 How is this for going from worse to – well, worser? Tired of taking so many dangerous meds with deadly side effects? Try the new polypill and get four in one meds with all the combined side effects at once! (They are all effects by the way, good or bad). In a study called “Use of a Multidrug Pill in Reducing Cardiovascular Events”, UMPIRE for short. The old study in 2003 on the polypill found an absolute reduction in heart attack risk of a meager 1.4%. Need I list the side effects? Fish oil, in a double-blind controlled study brought in a 9% reduction in heart attack death Which do you want? 1.4% or 9%?

07/23/12 Lowering cholesterol artificially with statin drugs has NOT reduced the number of heart attacks in men or women. In a five-year study of 950 men and women, researchers from Johns Hopkins University found that 95 percent of all heart attacks, strokes, heart-related deaths and other heart problems occurred in the patients with high levels of arterial calcification, not high cholesterol. But statin drugs are the industry sweethearts and cash cow, coming in as the #1 prescribed drugs in the world. If your doc has you on statin drugs he is only treating symptoms and creating other problems for your health. Find a naturopath and a good nutritionist and fix the cause!

07/20/12 Vaccines can cause Juvenile Diabetes. The vaccine virulent poison – pertussis toxin, is the worst. Pertussis toxin affects the pancreas in the insulin-secreting parts. As early as the 1970s, the pertussis shot was known to stimulate over-production of insulin by the pancreas followed by exhaustion and destruction of the islets of Langerhans, resulting in diabetes. Vaccine reaction symptoms within days of the DTaP shot include: high fever; sudden collapse; hours of persistent crying, high pitched screaming with arching of the back, signs of brain inflammation; severe and/or bloody diarrhea; redness, swelling and pain at the injection site and signs of seizures.

07/19/12 A study in the American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine found that kids who took Tylenol were more likely to suffer allergic nasal congestion and the itchy skin condition eczema. Another study found one more connection between this medication and bad breathing. Researchers say babies given Tylenol in their first year had up to seven times the risk of wheezing problems between the ages of 1 and 3 years old. Tylenol given before and right after vaccinations ups the odds of autism. My suggestion – lose the bad drug Tylenol forever.

07/18/12 Cholesterol and blood pressure targets have been revised downwards for years. Not to make people healthier, but to sell more meds… These drugs only treat symptoms and the only reason your doc would leave you on these deadly meds is that he doesn’t have a clue to the causes. But you’re worth more to them on drugs anyhow. Drug treats the symptoms so you can go right on eating yourself to death – longer… You can throw those damn meds out by making some real lifestyle changes and fixing the causes. BE WARNED! Side effects of eating healthier and exercising are longer lives without the Big Pharma intervention. Imagine for one moment if you will, a drug-free and healthy life.

07/17/12 Mercury is used as a popular medical disinfectant used for bandages, diapers, tooth fillings and even Kotex. It is also used as a vaccine adjuvant (makes the vaccine reaction work “better”). Mercury is a potent, developmental neurotoxin that damages the brain, liver, kidneys and central nervous system. Infants and young children are particularly vulnerable to mercury’s toxic effects. Even at low levels, mercury is capable of causing a number of health problems including, endocrine disrupting, impaired motor functioning, cognitive ability, emotional problems and gender bending. But 30 years after the poison is shot into your child they will ignore the possibility that a vaccine adjuvant caused a disease or two.

07/16/12 It’s another case of the cure is worse than the disease. The shingles vaccine temporarily “protects” about half of those vaccinated (CDC, 2011). No one knows how long the “benefits” of the vaccine will last and each Zostavax shingle vaccination contains a litany of additives including MSG and aborted fetal cells and DNA among things. Shingles cases result in three times as many deaths and five times the number of hospitalizations as chicken pox (Goldman, 2006). Both chickenpox and shingles are caused by the herpes zoster virus. Shingles mainly affects people who have received a chickenpox vaccine.

07/13/12 Researchers reported on more than 2 million Brits, and found that statin users faced higher levels of liver dysfunction, kidney failure, cataracts and that most famous side effect of debilitating muscle weakness. Yet another Statin study found that for every 10,000 women treated with these meds, there are 74 cases of liver dysfunction, 23 patients who suffer acute kidney failure, 307 cases of cataracts and 39 cases of myopathy AKA – severe, debilitating and often irreversible muscle pain. Despite all those side effects reported, the commentary published in the BMJ says you should go ahead and keep taking your statins anyway.

07/12/12 There is a new word for criminal, it is ENTHUSIASTIC? A study published in JAMA said at least half of the 72 published studies they examined featured false pro-treatment conclusions that were completely at odds with the actual data. Researchers behind these “doctored” studies glorified the positive parts of their analysis all but ignored anything that might slight their findings. Outrageous? Criminal? But the authors of this study said that their fellow researchers are simply “enthusiastic about their results”. ENTHUSIASTIC? …don’t even get me started…

07/11/12 Are we getting sicker? Or is Big Pharma getting really good at telling us that we are sick? Big Pharma is remarkably sneaky at creating diseases and convincing us that we have them – even when we don’t. They’ve gotten so good at it that seven out of 10 visits to the doctor’s office now result in prescriptions. In 2004, spending for prescription medication was $188.5 billion, almost five times what was spent in 1990. In 2008 it was 234 billion. In 2009 the government figures ditched Medicare part B stats to fudge the new stats to a falsely low 259 billion. New predictions are that spending on diabetes medications alone will grow from $194 billion to $500 billion by 2020. With all these meds we are not getting better. We are losing ground peeps.

07/10/12 Vaccine Safety Datalink confirms a significant association in American children between the increasing rates of premature puberty and increasing exposure to mercury from thimerosal-containing childhood vaccines. All childhood vaccines still contain mercury, even the “mercury free” ones according to chemistry professor Boyd Haley. The US Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry of the CDC reported that mercury is a known endocrine disruptor and it adversely affects the steroid synthesis pathway in animals and humans. Your best choice will be to make an informed decision before allowing someone to inject chemicals into your child’s body.

07/09/12 Female sexual arousal disorder (FSAD) is Big Pharma’s conundrum that has no “Viagra” solutions (yet). But when they find it they will make billions by preying on people’s gullibility and desires no matter what the side effects are. Well, rise up oh manly men! Nothing works better than good old fashioned chivalry, roses, respect and passionate foreplay… If those aren’t working, then there really is a problem ranging from depression to hormonal imbalances. Solutions are out there and most of these are diet, lifestyle and stress reduction related. But generally, when it comes to FSAD, it’s up to you first – men…

07/06/12 Requip, a drug for a disorder vaguely described as Restless Leg Syndrome (RLS). The 3-minute Requip ad describes RLS as “a strange sensation,” that is so obscure that almost anyone can wonder if they have it. Requip is a drug that was originally developed for Parkinson’s disease that has a litany of nasty side effects and “may not decrease the symptoms” of either Parkinson’s or RLS. Treating the causes, such as food sensitivities, iron, B-12 or other nutritional deficiencies is more effective. Overall, this and similar drug advertisements do not hold the interest of the patient first and hold back information about the drug while medicalizing nutritional problems.

07/05/12 Gary Null: “Gardasil is possibly the most dangerous vaccine on the market with the potential to injure, maim, or even kill the children who receive it”. Studies by the Big Pharma company Merck found that Gardasil had the same overall reaction as the placebo and the studies praised Gardasil for being as “safe as the placebo”. But the placebo used was laced with the same deadly adjuvants as the shot. The placebo actually contained the same amount of aluminum as the shot, a metal that can cause the same types of nerve damage that has been linked to Gardasil. So, when any study says “as compared to the placebo” you cannot trust it! But you and your children will be stuck with the damage of these shenanigans so make an informed decision.

07/03/12 Some of the easiest money in the entire medical field is in CT scans which bill up to $6,000 and can usually be completed during a commercial break. One study found that heart attack patients get the equivalent of 850 chest X-rays in the first few days of their hospital stay – and that most were repeats of tests they’d already had. CT scans are now responsible for 1 percent of all new cancer cases, with 29,000 new cancers in 2007 alone. Approach any test with extreme skepticism, because most docs just want to see inside your wallet, not your body and don’t seem to care that they are causing cancers over their inordinate love of money.

07/02/12 Prostate madness: Researchers studied 9,026 men and randomly assigned 1,500 to get screened every three years. During a 20-year follow-up, 4 percent of those who didn’t get screened were diagnosed with prostate cancer versus 6 percent of those who were. But both groups had the exact same rate of death by prostate cancer. The best medical science has to offer for prostate cancer treatment actually increases the risk of high-grade tumors. In my opinion you are better off untreated by drugs that chase after symptoms and cause worse diseases while lowering quality of life. Besides that, there are some awesome natural treatments for prostate cancer that work far better than chemo and drugs – without leaving you sexless and incontinent.

06/29/12 A study published in the journal Pediatrics, by the American Academy of Pediatrics, shows an association between the use of antibiotics in the first year of life linked to an increase in the occurrence of asthma. The study also noted that the risk of childhood asthma increases with the number of courses of antibiotics prescribed. Meanwhile, superbugs – bacteria strains resistant to antibiotics – are on the rise costing billions of dollars in additional treatments a year. It is because of our indiscriminate use of antibiotics for everything from hangnails to bad hair days… Question the prescription peeps!

06/28/12 NEWSFLASH!!! Researchers have recently “discovered” that you can lose weight by going on a diet with exercise! After six months, diet-walkers lost 24 pounds and improved major risk factors of waist size, liver and abdominal fat, blood pressure and insulin resistance. Now compare that group to the drug Meridia dieters who lost an average of just 9.5 pounds each but suffered 28 percent higher risk of a nonfatal heart attack, and a 36 percent increased risk of a nonfatal stroke. Does this even really compare?

06/27/12 Chemotherapy is notorious for lowering levels of infection-fighting white blood cells and causing a condition known as neutropenia. This happens when neutrophils, the most abundant of the types of white blood cells, are destroyed along with cancer cells and even other healthy cells like hair, gut cells and bone marrow. Neutrophils contain tiny packets filled with potent enzymes that can destroy bacteria when these enzymes are released. Bacteria are then the most common source of infection for patients receiving chemotherapy because when your white cells are low, a very small infection can quickly escalate into a serious health threat.

06/26/12 Dr. Myron Wentz ~ Legal drug use has surpassed alcohol as the #1 cause of liver disease. The top culprit is acetaminophen found in Lortab, Tylenol and other readily available, OTR pain relievers. Acetaminophen lowers glutathione levels; glutathione is a master antioxidant with a powerful ability to neutralize cell-damaging free radicals. According to a recent study, taking just four acetaminophen per week for four years could double your risk of blood cancer. BTW Big Pharma has been using it as the “secret ingredient” in some 300 pain, cold, and allergy products for decades.

06/25/12 Vaccine madness: All vaccines are medical procedures and significant adverse effects have been reported with every type of vaccine. Quite often the “side effects” and death tolls from the vaccines far outstrip the actual toll from just the disease the vaccines are purported to cure. Vaccine never offer immunity and victims of vaccine lies are still susceptible to the original disease – sometime more so! Vaccine reactions may occur soon after vaccination or even several months to many years later. Delayed reactions to vaccines are insidious and less obviously linked to vaccination and thus harder to nail down without large-scale epidemiological studies.

06/22/12 Botox in your bladder?? The cutting edge treatment for overactive bladder (OB) is to kill it with botulinum toxin. The truth is only one out of three women get any relief from the botox bladder injection. But one in six went from having OB to having difficulty urinating at all. Some of these victims of bad medicine now rely on self-catheterization for relief. Couple this trouble with the rate of urinary infections skyrocketing three times along with all the other effects to deal with including constipation, dry mouth, and blurred vision. In the end, a mere 31 percent of the women reported a positive outcome. I’ve found gluten and acidosis to be major causes of OB. How about treating the cause instead of poisoning the symptoms?

06/21/12 Prempro and ghost writers… Big Pharma uses well-paid ghostwriters to draft articles for publications and then have top-flight physicians to sign on as the author – even though all they do is read the articles and suggest changes. This fact was first publicly scrutinized in 2008 when Congress first took an interest. In 2009, a New York Times and The Public Library of Science (PLoS) gained access to documents used in a court case filed by more than 14,000 plaintiffs who developed breast cancer while taking the menopausal hormone therapy drug Prempro. Ghost writers were implicated in that case and guess what? Prempro is still out there! Did you know it causes cancer?

06/20/12 Aspirin – AKA- acetylsalicylic acid is a drug. On the down side, aspirin has an antiplatelet effect that inhibits the production of thromboxane, which binds platelet molecules together to create a patch over damaged walls within blood vessels. The main undesirable effects of aspirin are gastrointestinal ulcers and stomach bleeding. The aspirin a day deal is a bad deal and does more harm than good. On the up side… Well, there is no up side because there’s no credible evidence that proves “aspirin therapy” can lower heart risk. The best way to lower your heart risk is through better eating, exercise and fish oil capsules.

06/19/12 In 2010, 300,000 women underwent breast augmentation surgery. This means that 300,000 women felt that unhappy with their bodies. One major risk of the surgery is losing sensation and sexual pleasure in the breasts. The loss of sensation may be lifelong, but your silicone implants may not be lifelong. At least one-in-five women will need the implants removed due to serious health complications. These are complications that far exceed the perceived problems of having small(er) breasts: Implant rupture, scar tissue hardening, breast wrinkling, and in the most unfortunate and rare cases, anaplastic large cell lymphoma. This is not a one-in-a-million chance. It’s one in five.

06/18/12 Statins – one of the most common prescription drugs –can double your risk of low testosterone levels, leading to a rapid decline in sexual performance. Statins tell the pituitary gland that the body doesn’t need any more testosterone, effectively shutting down production. Did you know that most people who die of heart disease have low or normal cholesterol levels? Unfortunately, drug companies and makers of cholesterol-free foods make billions of dollars from the myth that low cholesterol will save you from a heart attack. As little as 500 mg of Vitamin C a day kicked statin drugs butts in university studies.

06/15/12 Vaccine awareness: VAERS is a passive reporting system set up by the CDC, so the number of people believed to be hurt by vaccines is horribly underreported. On the CDC website: Dr. David Kessler, former head of the FDA, “only about 1 percent of serious events are reported.” This is fact is also confirmed by the Think Twice Global Vaccine Institute. CDC records show that there were 118 cases of measles reported from January through May of 2011 (most of them coming from outside the US). Using the same time period on VAERS, you find a total of 436 measles adverse events and 2 deaths related to measles vaccines IN THE US! If that represents “about 1%” we are in deep doo-doo peeps.

06/14/12 Not worth the risk: The World Health Organization says the odds of getting Guillain-Barré syndrome following an infant Menactra vaccination for encephalitis are 1.25 in a million. The risk of getting GB syndrome from the vaccine is actually greater than the overall risk of the disease the shot is supposed to (but might not) prevent. On the label – “Vaccination with Menactra vaccine may not protect all individuals.” Did you know that vaccines actually cause encephalitis?

06/13/12 Mafia style business: Is your doc on the Big Pharma payroll? Federal whistleblower lawsuits have charged that drug companies reward cash to doctors who dole out prescriptions for their drugs. One database shows $26.4 million dollars 2009-2010. But this is nothing close to a true total of what doctors get from drug companies. It’s just the total from the seven major companies that are already disclosing the payments. The other 70 or so drug companies will be required to disclose these out and out bribes by 2013. Can your doctor be trusted to not be blinded by the flash of cash?

06/12/12 Dental madness: Mercury amalgam fillings suppress the thyroid. Did you know that mercury amalgam filling material is handled as a toxic substance before it is put in your mouth and again if it is ever removed from your mouth? The only time it is considered “safe” is while it is in your mouth. The US is now calling for a phase-out of dental amalgam in World Mercury Treaty negotiations. Thousands of scientific papers have been published about the danger and toxicity of mercury dental fillings (amalgams). Our governmenthas always maintained that amalgams are safe in humans.

06/11/12 Mumps vaccine fails to protect children! Most children are vaccinated against mumps along with measles and rubella in the MMR shot at about eighteen months old. Pediatricians defend this immunization ardently by saying that if the children do not gain immunity they may contract mumps as adults. But the vaccine fails to protect anyone! The mumps happens mostly among patients ages 7 to 18 despite 85% coverage with the two recommended MMR vaccine doses.

06/08/12 Prostate biopsies: An Australian researcher found that 2 out of every 100 cancer-free biopsy patients suffer from sepsis, which is a potentially deadly blood infection, occurring after the procedures. In another recent study, researchers found that 9 out of every 10,000 men DIE of infection within a month of a biopsy and that they didn’t even have cancer to begin with! Prostate cancer death rates are the same in the screens and the unscreened. Only the unscreened don’t suffer killer, emasculating, incontinence making, life-altering procedures.

06/07/12 Die trying with stop smoking drugs! There are now well over 1500 injury cases against Pfizer pending in Federal Court, including one where the parents of a murder/suicide married couple are suing. The plaintiffs claim that Pfizer knew of the extreme adverse effects since 2006 and hid those statistics with their unethical reporting procedures. A series of lawsuits claim more than a thousand people who took the popular anti-smoking drug Chantix tried to kill themselves and more than 100 succeeded. Want to see their ad with an amazing amount of time spent on side effects?

06/06/12 Defensive medicine or just a bunch of wimpy docs? Dr. Casamassimo, a professor at Ohio State University in Columbus says “… a lot of pediatricians are forced into giving antibiotics to satisfy the parents rather than to treat the patient…” He compares the gross overuse of antibiotics to the overuse of fossil fuels, because in both cases the ultimate harm is hidden from the abuser. “The typical [doctor] doesn’t see the effect of this,” he said. “They can go through a lifetime of abusing antibiotics.” Antibiotics abuse is a bad thing with deadly consequences.

06/05/12 Vaccines cause encephalitis: A study on immunization of infants in the Journal of Pediatrics was conducted to determine the incidence of cardio-respiratory events and abnormal C-Reaction Protein (CRP) elevations associated with either a single vaccine or multiple vaccines given about two months of age. CRP levels and cardio-respiratory manifestations were monitored and elevations of CRP occurred in 70 percent of infants administered single vaccines and in 85 percent of multiple vaccines. Overall, 16 percent of infants had potentially lethal vaccine-associated cardio-respiratory events with episodes of cessation of breathing and/or abnormal slowing of the pulse. Bbrain hemorrhages occurred in 17 percent of those receiving single vaccines and in 24 percent of multiple vaccines. CRAZY OR WHAT? This study was published in 2007…

06/04/12 DPT reactions: Most babies that die after DPT shot reactions have symptoms before death. Vaccine reaction symptoms within days of a DPT shot include: high fever; sudden collapse; hours of persistent crying, high pitched screaming with arching of the back, signs of brain inflammation; severe and/or bloody diarrhea; redness, swelling and pain at the injection site and signs of seizures. DPT adverse reactions are largely under-reported. Vaccines are medical procedures that always come with risks. Study up before you shoot your child!

06/01/12 In a recent Supreme Court case it came to light that a Big Pharma company hid side effects of Zicam from shareholders. Nothing huge, just the complete and permanent loss of the sense of smell in a few study patients. The question wasn’t IF Zicam caused loss of smell- it can- but rather that Big Pharma did hide information like this. The court ruled that you do have to disclose all these piddly little “side effects”. BTW , THEY ARE ALL EFFECTS AND NOT “SIDE EFFECTS”. Investment risk aside, would you risk your nose-smeller over a drug if you knew the risk?

05/31/12 Big Pharma = Big Lies: Just out on Medscape yesterday: All statins can cause muscle toxicity… The original Big Pharma controlled studies showed myalgia (muscle pain) in 0.01% of study patients. Not bad, eh? But that was a Big Lie! Apparently so as the Medscape reports states that it has been shown that myalgia occurs in up to 10% of patients prescribed statins in subsequent observational studies. Think that’s bad? That’s a 1,000% error peeps. Something is bad wrong with Big Pharma math. They don’t care about your health; they want 1,000% of your money.

05/30/12 If one 747 airplane crashed every day, killing all 500 people aboard, there would be a national uproar over aviation safety and an all-out mobilization to fix the problem. Airlines would be shut down immediately. ONE plane crashes we would shiver in our boots and wait to see what the cause was before flying again. How about 493 unnecessary medical deaths a day? crickets chirping in background What are we doing here peeps? That’s equivalent to one airlines crash a day! Maybe we need to put the FAA in charge of the FDA… We have fallen asleep to medical madness here. That’s 493 medical madness deaths PER DAY peeps…

05/29/12 Antibiotic overuse: The evidence is overwhelming that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics is dangerous from a public health standpoint. Antibiotics foster drug-resistant bacteria as they kill off both bad and good bacteria in your body. This allows toxic germs to gain major footholds. Antibiotic abuse also helps train the bad bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics. MRSA causes 19,000 deaths every year in the U.S., which is more than HIV/AIDS causes. But as opposed to AIDS, 20% of those who get the superbug bacteria die from it. More and more the victims of superbugs are young and seemingly healthy people.

05/28/12 Big Pharma is out to counterfeit and patent everything good for you. They did it with fish oil and call it Lovaza. Lovaza is a DRUG that has side effects – including death… Why do we need an estherized version of fish oil? We don’t… Treatment with Lovaza can actually increase LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol). Not a good choice. Esterification strips nutrient cofactors away and renders the God-given fish oil form less nutritious. Don’t listen to your doc if they say you need Lovaza because they need to be educated by someone besides Big Pharma about cholesterol and nutritious, unadulterated fish oil.

05/25/12 Ritalin use leads to a number of side effects including increased blood pressure and heart rate, body temperature, lowered alertness and suppressed appetite. These side effects, however, are very minor compared to research that has linked Ritalin use to cancer, an increased probability of suicidal thoughts and behavior and even a 7X increase in sudden death. According to the CDC and Prevention, 1 in 5 high school students in the U.S. has taken a prescription drug, such as OxyContin, Vicodin, Adderall, Ritalin or Xanax without a doctor’s prescription. The great majority of kids who misuse prescription and over-the-counter drugs get them from family members and friends.

05/24/12 The FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) is ineptly warning patients about Multaq, a cardiac drug for atrial fibrillation and atrial flutter, which DOUBLES the risk of death and causes twice as many heart attacks, strokes and hospitalizations than in the placebo control group. Despite the usual lightweight FDA (Foot Dragging and Alibis) warning, the Big Pharma company, Sanofi says the drug is still safe for use. SAFE FOR USE? Oh, well… as long as the money-grubbing manufacturer says its good we shouldn’t believe those pesky study numbers.

05/23/12 Cholesterol is not your enemy! If your doc is telling you that it is, then they need to be re-educated in what cholesterol is and does. Without cholesterol you die. If your cholesterol level is too low, (under 250 for some people and almost NEVER below 150) you will not be able to use the sun to generate sufficient levels of vitamin D or produce the right amount of sex hormones. Triglyceride levels rise from eating too many grains and sugars, physically inactivity, smoking, drinking excessively and being overweight. NOT from a lack of statin drugs. Find the cause of high cholesterol and fix it.

05/22/12 Follow the money: Researchers looked at 546 drug trials and found that 85 percent of all Big Pharma-funded studies came up roses for the drug that was tested. Drug studies by nonprofit groups and non-federal organizations that received Big Pharma funding for their research also turned out positive 85 percent of the time, according to the Annals of Internal Medicine. Remember Vioxx? The Big Pharma research backing that killer drug was all positive. Even after the hundreds of millions of fines were paid out for criminal chicanery, the drug company still made lots of money. No profit from any drug, no matter how rosy they make the studies look, is worth murder. Time for a corporate death penalty.

05/17/12 Believe it or else! There are plans to prescribe statins on the NHS agenda for in around one in four adults aged over 40. The Department of Health had predicted prescriptions for the drugs would rise by 30% a year, as GPs find more and more people eligible. Back in the USA the FDA is waffling over whether or not to let statins be over-the-counter so more people can self-medicate with this outright poison. There has been much debate over side effects and the latest research set out to confirm where the problems may lie in a “real life” population over the money-skewed Big Pharma studies.

05/16/12 Dr. John Bailer: “My overall assessment is that the national cancer program must be judged a qualified failure. The five year survival statistics of the American Cancer Society are very misleading. They now count things that are not cancer, and, because we are able to diagnose at an earlier stage of the disease, patients falsely appear to live longer.” Women with mild or benign diseases are being included in statistics and reported as being “cured”. When anyone points to our weak survival figures and say we are winning the war against cancer they are using those survival rates improperly.

05/15/12 Dumbing you down one way or the other… The EPA calls fluoride “chemical having substantial evidence of developmental neurotoxicity.” This is backed by 24 studies linking fluoride exposure to lower IQ in children. Over 100 other studies found fluoride exposure to cause dysfunctional neurobehavorial development, impaired cognitive function, damage to the hippocampus (responsible for forming new memories and retrieving old ones), high aluminum levels, and bone and teeth problems. The United States heavily fluoridates 70% of public drinking water despite these studies. Federal agencies respond by criticizing all of the studies while refusing to conduct studies of their own to refute the findings.

05/14/12 There is only one kind of immunity and that is natural immunity, which is achieved by going through the infectious diseases itself. Vaccination is merely the artificial triggering of temporary responses to manmade and altered pathogens. Vaccines should never be called immunizations because that is a falsehood, a misnomer, a doublespeak lie. Immunity and vaccinations are two different subjects altogether. In vaccines, an antigen is injected into the body to produce a reaction and the immune system responds in the form of antibodies, but antibody presence does not confer immunity. People still catch the diseases that they are vaccinated against.

05/11/12 Relax! It’s just chemo… In an enlightening study in Molecular Cancer Research, researchers found that anyone who gets stressed out before chemotherapy (who wouldn’t) can awaken the stress protein HSF-1, or heat shock factor-1. This allows the cancer cells to repair themselves in spite of the poisonous chemo. Even when used “correctly”, toxic chemotherapy drugs can kill you, destroy your digestive tract, immune system, vascular system and cause other cancers later on with the impaired immune system and genetic damage.

05/10/12 Rising Tide of Autism: March 2012 figures are in and 1 in 88 children now have autism along with 1 in 6 children having developmental disabilities. In 1980 the figures were 1 in 10,000 kiddos with autism and we just keep stacking more and more needless vaccines on our kids. Do you think that Big Pharma is going to cut down on money-making vaccines to find out if vaccines are the cause? You are the only one that can stop this madness by refusing to participate in vaccines that are cytotoxic, neurotoxic and immunotoxic (well, that’s pretty much all of them…). Chemicals aside, did you know that if you are Vegan you have to refuse all vaccines on the principle of animal and fetal cells, proteins and products that are in all the vaccines that I know of?

05/09/12 Vaccine madness fact: The measles, mumps, and rubella vaccines were administered separately for a number of years with only slight increases in the incidence of childhood autism. That is prior to the introduction of the MMR vaccine in 1979… Following the start of this triple vaccine, the incidence of childhood autism showed a sharp and dramatic increase. Coincidence? Not even. Don’t risk it peeps! You can demand these in separate vaccines, or better yet, refuse them altogether… they don’t work anyhow and had nothing to do with the lower rates of measles.

05/08/12 Big Pharma logics made simple: Gwen Olson, a fifteen-year veteran of the pharmaceutical industry, says that the pharmaceutical companies are not in the business of health and healing, but instead, in the business of disease maintenance and symptom management. They are not in the business to cure cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes or heart disease because, if they were, they would be in the business of putting themselves out of business. The Big Pharma juggling-act-balance is keeping you sick enough to need their concocted drugs and well enough to stay alive – – and paying your bills…

05/07/12 There is no such thing as side effects – they are ALL effects. Researchers recently wrote in the Archives of Internal Medicine that 40 percent of Big Pharma medications “side effects” were so serious they required hospitalization and 15 percent led to death. 15 PERCENT! So what are the options? Side effects of vitamins and herbs are vibrant living and health with no deaths last year! Now why do we step into a trap that is so clearly marked?

05/04/12 Flu shots contain mercury peeps! Straight from the package inserts: FLUVIRIN®The 5-mL multidose vial formulation contains thimerosal, a mercury derivative, added as a preservative. reboundFLULAVAL: Each dose contains 25 mcg mercury. FLUARIX does not contain added mercury but does have octoxynol-10 (an emulsifier), polysorbate 80 (cancer causing, heart problems, blood clots, stroke or heart attack, heart failure, chest pain, arrhythmia, abnormal heart rates, high and low blood pressure and even death) and formaldehyde. I would much rather fight off flu than the immune system eating, chronic disease causing additives in Big Pharma brews.

05/03/12 Aspirin for cancer prevention?? Not hardly. If you think for one minute that manmade chemicals can prevent or stop cancer, think again… aspirin fails to deliver any prevention for cancer and actually increases your risk of developing cancer! In the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, data from a 20-year study of 88,000 women suggests that women who consumed 2 or more aspirin a week had a 58% greater risk for pancreatic cancer and women who took 14 or more aspirin weekly were 80% more likely to be diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Regular use of aspirin destroys the intestinal lining, causing severe bleeding, colitis, intestinal perforation, infections and even death. Aspirin is not a nutritional supplement peeps! It is a Big Pharma medication with deadly risks and side-effects.

05/02/12 Criminal injustice: A federal judge ordered Merck & Co to pay a $321 million criminal fine two weeks ago for improperly marketing Vioxx ten years ago. Add that to $600,000 other Vioxx fines for a total of about 1 billion dollars in fines for murderous chicanery. But no one goes to jail… Someone should be held criminally responsible and there ought to be a corporate death penalty installed. Keep in mind that $1 billion is only a smaller portion of the billions of dollars this bad drug raked in at the expense of human life and injuries. ALL the profits and more should be garnished and paid to the victims instead of the Federal Government because bottom line, these criminal and civil fines are nothing more than a drug industry payoff for Merck’s illegal activity.

05/01/12 Some cure… Bariatric surgeries come with a HUGE risk of complications like nausea, indigestion, dehydration, extremely bad flatulence and even death. Main stream medicine is claiming a miracle cure for diabetes by cutting you open and surgically shrinking your stomach. But this is anything but a cure… It’s more Big Pharma propaganda and Americans are buying into it. Did you know that many of these “cured” people eat their way right back into a “new” stomach even bigger than the old one? The only true cure for diabetes is to make drastic diet and lifestyle changes, including avoiding all processed foods, most medicines and toxic vaccines. Who do you want to believe? Me or Big Pharma? I’m not in your pocket…

04/30/12 We know that HPV infections can be linked to cervical cancer, but we also know that most women under the age of 25 years will clear the HPV infection all by themselves. So why the big push for Gardasil vaccines? It hasn’t saved any lives; in fact the toxic vaccine has caused a mounting death toll and widespread misery and permanent disabilities far beyond the reaches of the purported protection. Follow the money and you’ll find Big Pharma behind it all. And they don’t give a hoot if your daughter dies or gets crippled from the vaccine as long as they get the vaccine. But don’t believe me, check out the VAERS website for yourself before letting your son or daughter be the next victim of bad medicine.

04/27/12 Not an even trade-off: (NEJM)A meta-analysis of six statin trials that included 57,593 participants revealed a 13% increase in the relative risk of new-onset diabetes with statin drugs. In the JUPITER study involving 17,802 participants without diabetes, the hazard ratio for newly diagnosed diabetes was increased 25% in the statin group over the placebo group. Am I missing something here? Must be some new math I missed in school that makes statins worth risking diabetes when there are natural remedies (like 1,000 mg of vitamin C) that beat statins at lowering cholesterol and had no side effects or diabetes in a university study.

04/26/12 There’s a new cure out there for depression brought to you by Big Pharma. It is called death… Take Celexa – rewire your heart – BAM you’re dead! Yep, no more depression there. But don’t worry; the FDA (Further Delays Ahead) stepped up with a warning… That’s as strong as it gets though. Seems the greatest at risk for death by Celexa is to be over 60 and/or have low levels of potassium or magnesium. But the FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) says “take some supplements” alongside of Celexa… Really?? What?? Well, how about the other “side effects” of: birth defects, cleft palates, heart disease, sexual dysfunction, sleeping disorders, and higher risk of suicide? Find the cause and fix it peeps!

04/25/12 Big Pharma’s $4 billion Alzheimer’s drug Aricept has side effects that cannot be tolerated by 26% of takers and has only a temporary boost in memory and cognitive function with absolutely no reversal or slowing the progress of Alzheimer’s Disease. Namenda is no better with a litany of similar side effects and no hope for reversing or stopping Alzheimer’s. Side effects reported from both of these drugs include: arrhythmia, high blood pressure, dizziness, diarrhea, vomiting, constipation, reduced hearing, blurred vision, cataracts, kidney disease, heart attacks, and seizures or convulsions. Did you know that coconut oil and niacin out-perform these meds and actually help reverse Alzheimer’s without the deadly side effects? Who is responsible for your health anyhow?

04/24/12 There are much better ways! Fosamax and Boniva can mean bone death: A serious side effect for people taking bisphosphonates for osteoporosisis the risk of developing osteonecrosis of the jaw which literally means bone death and the jaw is the typical place for this side effect to occur. Osteo meds are also known to cause fractures and are linked to heartburn, abdominal pain, fever, bone and muscle pain, low energy, low calcium in the blood AND esophageal cancer and necrosis of the jaw. The feds admit it but say “keep taking them anyway”. There are so many better ways to improve bone health naturally. Osteo meds only improve bone density, not bone quality.

04/23/12 Each year, more than 1 million cancer patients receive outpatient chemotherapy, radiation, or both. On the government US National Library of Medicine website – AKA PubMed – is the report which estimates that chemotherapy brings an overall 5-year cancer survival rate of a meager 2.1%. The conclusion states: “To justify the continued funding and availability of drugs used in cytotoxic chemotherapy, a rigorous evaluation of the cost-effectiveness and impact on quality of life is urgently required” (Morgan, Ward, Barton, 2004). Why is the FDA still allowing the deadly use of chemotherapy if this study came out in 2004?

04/20/12 Cold Eeze: As usual, the harder the ingredient list is to find on the mfg website, the more horrible the contents of the product. Well… I couldn’t even find the ingredient list on their website. When I did find it elsewhere, I found CORN SYRUP to be the number one ingredient. GM corn? A huge No-No! Then there was SUGAR listed. But wait! There’s a chemical sugar in there too! Did you know that sugar is known to suppress the immune system, mess up your digestive system and cause a long list of side effects that wreak havoc all over your body? So… One good ingredient (zinc) and three or more BAD-FOR-YOU ingredients. Call me crazy here but this company needs a nutritionist on board and not an uneducated panel of medical doctors and bean counters.

04/19/12 Vaccines are both harmful and dangerous and are leading to generations of humans with no natural defenses to disease. As vaccinated disease rates go down (but not necessarily from the toxic vaccinations), the rate of chronic disease goes up in lock-step. Vaccines, as they are commonly given, destroy the natural immunity process and accelerate auto-immune disease process. Many vaccines contain both aluminum and trace amounts of mercury. When you mix these 2 metals together it causes Extreme Synergistic Toxicity.

04/18/12 Recently the FDA (Fraud and Deception Allowed) approved Bayer’s industry sweetheart, Yasmin birth control. Fraught with several conflicts of interest on the voting board, this deadly drug made it through with the 4 known-conflicted voters giving it the nod of approval. This is just business as usual for these Big Pharma shills as Yasmin’s rate of all serious adverse events was “10 fold higher” than that of other products. It is not the first time that the FDA has approved a dangerous drug or overlooked conflicts of interest. Remember Vioxx, Fosamaxx, Avandia, and Gardasil to name just a few?

04/17/12 Shingles vaccine facts: – It “protects” just half of those vaccinated, and you might just as soon take your chances because no one yet knows how long the “benefits” will last. Here’s what is in the ZOSTAVAX: Each dose contains 31.16 mg of sucrose, 15.58 mg of hydrolyzed porcine (PIG) gelatin, 3.99 mg of sodium chloride, 0.62 mg of monosodium L-glutamate, 0.57 mg of sodium phosphate dibasic, 0.10 mg of potassium phosphate monobasic, 0.10 mg of potassium chloride; residual components of MRC-5 (FETAL) cells including DNA and protein; and trace quantities of neomycin and bovine calf serum. Wait… what?? MSG? I wouldn’t take it on a bet… Methylcobalamin B-12 can protect the nerves and would be a great daily supplement for life and health.

04/16/12 Zicam: The FDA (Further Delays Ahead) heard that people lose their sense of smell using this crap and leaped into action and issued a “warning letter” to the company over Zicam with the bogus studies that back it. That’s about as strong as it gets with FDA… I guarantee it isn’t the zinc causing the loss of smell… (which BTW is only 1% of the solution). The “inactive ingredients” are: Benzalkonium Chloride, Glycerin, Hydroxyethylcellulose, Purified Water, Sodium Chloride, Sodium Hydroxide. The Benzalkonium Chloride is probably included as a preservative, but it is a very potent biocide and is an actual active ingredient that could also be the culprit here. Oh, and sodium hydroxide??? That’s lye peeps! If you’re pumping this crap up your nose you need to be informed about the dangers.

04/13/12 Cashing in on cancer: Doctors have questioned the value of Genentech’s Tarceva for pancreatic cancer. The $4,000-a-month drug won approval by boosting median survival by a mere 12 days. Here’s how to think about this cost: People who added Tarceva to standard chemotherapy lived nearly 6 1/2 months, versus 6 months for those on chemo alone. So the Tarceva patients spent more than $24,000 to get those extra 12 days of hell…

04/12/12 NEWSFLASH: Hypertension levels were set – and revised, again and again – not to save lives but to get more people on medications. Big Pharma is behind the latest number of 140. If you have BP around 150 or so, get off of sodas, gluten and maybe dairy before you try a medication that has the “side effect” of death. If your doctor doesn’t bring these up first, he/she is a BAD DOC! Olive leaf extract and fish oil work as well or better than BP meds and these natural wonders have the “side effects” of lower BP and better health.

04/11/12 A study, conducted at the Jackson Hole Center for Preventive Medicine shows that people who take sleeping pills were 4.6 times more likely to die within 2.5 years than those not taking the drugs. That’s one out of 16 people irrespective of underlying health conditions or smoking and alcohol use. Sleep drugs alter a person’s breathing pattern as they sleep and also greatly increase suicide risk as well as yet another “side effect” of greater cancer risk. There are great alternatives like lobelia tea, ornithine, melatonin and even a small drinkey-poo before bed. You should also check your cortisol levels through the day to see if they need to be adjusted naturally.

04/10/12 When good parents follow bad advice… How did the flu vaccine work for you? For your kids? I bet you didn’t expect a 17 fold increase in narcolepsy among flu-vaccinated kiddos. But that’s what research showed happened with the Pandemrix vaccine, given by doctors to children to “protect” them against H1N1 swine flu. That was just plain bad medicine because narcolepsy rates jumped from 0.31 per 100,000 individuals to after-swine-flu-vaccination rate of 5.3 per 100,000. I know it didn’t affect my kids because my wife and I don’t buy into the flu vaccination de-ja-moo.

04/09/12 Autopsy studies show that about 30% of the men have undetected prostate cancer. But don’t rush out for a screening as more study results also show that prostate screening has no impact on survival rates. But screening does lead to more emasculating procedures that can wreck man’s sex life and leave him incontinent or sometimes – dead from infection. That’s what you get with your screening statistics; same life expectancy, far worse quality of life outcome. I’ll keep my prostate to myself please and thank you.

04/06/12 A study analysis reported in the Journal of Negative Results in Biomedicine last year concluded that the number of people suffering or dying from heart attacks simply has not gone down, despite the huge rise in statin usage – but rather has risen. Statins are the industry sweetheart and number 1 best seller peeps! But what else has risen and is now associated with this harmful drug class is: diabetes, dementia, chronic fatigue, kidney failure, heart disease, hypertension and stroke! Now if doesn’t prove we are truly in the dark ages of medicine then a moose needs a hat rack! You are so much better off choosing my voodoo diets and snake oil supplements to recover your health.

04/05/12 Pertussis is caused by the very vaccine that was intended to eradicate it. Most of you already know that I’m not a fan of the current vaccine schedules. Now, Reuters reports that according to the CDC, the number of pertussis cases is growing – in the vaccinated population! The number of cases have been rising steadily for the last two decades in the fully vaccinated – but not in the unvaccinated population. So what is the Dumb and Dumber solution to this dilemma? Two more booster shots that still don’t give immunity…

04/04/12 Researchers looked at data on more than 2 million Brits, and found that statin users faced higher levels of liver dysfunction, kidney failure, cataracts and debilitating muscle weakness. Despite all of those effects reported in the study, the commentary in the BMJ says “go ahead and keep taking your statins anyway.” Try these apples: 1,000 mg of Vitamin C beat out Crestor in a study and had no heart events compared to the 34% heart events in the drug group. Did you know that 50% of all heart attacks are in people with normal cholesterol? Cholesterol is only a marker and not even the cause of the problem here.

04/03/12 Diabetic drug = human guinea pigs + cancer: Just five years into the study data from a 10-year study show that patients who take Actos the longest and those who have the highest cumulative dose have a higher risk of bladder cancer. AND the risk really kicks in at the 24 month mark taking this bad med! It’s a race to see which will kill you first, the disease or the effects of the meds. If you have diabetes and your doc hasn’t helped you with diet and lifestyle changes but just throws drugs at it, they are a bad doc and should lose their license.

04/02/12 Stats don’t lie: In Montreal 1958 there were less than 100 cases of polio and by August 27, 1959, there were 521 cases with 27 deaths. In Ottawa 1958 there were 64 cases of polio and in 1959 – 455 cases with 41 deaths by August 22. In all of Canada alone there were 7 times more paralytic cases in 1959 than in 1958, with a greater death rate. What changed? The polio vaccine came out in Canada 1959… In Detroit the vaccine came out in 1958 and the polio cases were 697, compared to the unvaccinated 226 cases in 1957. The District of Columbia the Health Department reported 7 times as many cases in 1958 as in the unvaccinated 1957. Unfortunately, this fact remains constant throughout the world.

03/30/12 Worth a repeat: Immunologist Dr. Hugh Fundenberg and colleagues discovered that people at 55 years of age who receive the flu vaccine each year for 5 years in a row increase their risk of developing Alzheimer’s Disease a whopping 1,000%! If that’s not bad enough, another serious reaction to the flu vaccine is Guillain-Barre Syndrome which brings muscle weakness, unsteady gait, numbness, tingling, pain, and occasional paralysis of one or more limbs or the face. I’d much rather have the occasional bout with flu.

03/29/12 PSA screening: In six studies involving 387,000 men who were randomly assigned to either regular screenings, or no screenings at all, researchers found that PSA tests detected about 20 cancers for every 1,000 men screened. BUT those detections had zero impact on survival rates and NO effect on the odds of dying from prostate cancer. Back to those 20 men that were found; they often end up facing incontinence and impotence when they’re treated for a disease that statistically never would have hurt them. Here’s an idea: get off of gluten and sodas which can cause inflammation in the prostate.

03/28/12 Archives of Otolaryngology: Viagra makes you hard… of hearing! Researchers looked at data on 11,525 American men 40 years old and older and found that one out of every six were either deaf or hard of hearing – that is, before the Viagra factor. Users of Viagra and other similar sex drugs came in at one out of every three (that’s double for you math whizzes) as deaf or hard of hearing. Add hearing loss to vision loss and just keep on using this dangerous med and see where that gets you. You might even win a not-so-free trip to the ER with a potentially deadly Priapism (let’s not even go there peeps).

03/27/12 Killed by the cure… In a study of close to 15,000 patients who were treated with radioactive iodine, just over 20% of those patients developed secondary cancers over a follow-up period of 11 years. Cancer of the salivary gland as well as leukemia was the most common in patients who had been treated with radioactive iodine. There are alternatives that work. Find a good naturopathic practitioner and save your thyroid. You need your thyroid!

03/26/12 WARNING: SSRIs antidepressants or selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, such as paroxetine and fluoxetine (Prozac), affect the thyroid hormone production. “Side effects” are slow metabolism, poor digestion, depressed mood, lowered immune function and impaired muscle function. Risks include: hypothyroidism, depression, weight gain, lowered immunity and a litany of others. The “side effects” of lifestyle and diet changes include health and happiness. Risks include: living longer-stronger.

03/23/12 Approve first, test later – but use humans to find those pesky “side effects”… The deadly diet drug Qnexa failed to make it through FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) vetting in 2010. So what do you do? Keep pushing and maybe next time they’ll allow it. Now the long-term study that hasn’t been done is FREE! And We The Sheople are the testing ground guinea pigs. Here’s an idea: RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN AWAY FROM ANY DOC WHO PRESCRIBES THIS! Try a diet and lifestyle change and quit your stupid grieving for the Big Macs and diet sodas. This is the only healthy way to lose weight.

03/22/12 Medical madness and deadly new Tylenol recommendations: Hurt feelings? Pop some acetaminophen. UCLA neuroscientists threw drugs at hurt feelings to find that people who took the liver killing painkillers felt better than people who took the placebo. Did you know that acetaminophen overdose brings over 56,000 ER visits and hundreds of deaths every year and is the single biggest cause of acute liver failure in the country? Would dying hurt your feelings more? How about some abdominal pain, nausea, the sweats, and kidney failure? People, we have got to get a grip!

03/21/12 Cancer news: A study in the journal Stem Cells found that, despite killing half of all tumor cells per treatment, radiation treatments on breast cancer transforms other cancer cells into treatment resistant cancer stem cells by 30 fold. So, kill ½ of these and multiply the others by 30… The radiation-induced stem cells had a more than 30-fold increased ability to form tumors compared with non-irradiated breast cancer cells. The treated breast cancers used the same treatment pathways to fight back against the radiation treatment and multiply even more.

03/20/12 Birth control madness: Yaz and Yasmin are Bayer’s top seller with over 4 million users. But this pill contains a drug called drospirenone and the Alliance for National Health (ANH) says that women who take drospirenone are almost seven times more likely to develop blood clots called thromboembolism, (AKA; deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, stroke, heart attack, and death) than women not taking any contraceptive pills. I guess that’s not so bad… after all, it is only double the same risk while taking levonorgestrel.

03/19/12 Insulin pens: Death by convenience. The CDC came out with new warnings to health professionals Feb 22 of this year over the misuse of insulin pens by professionals. Insulin pens are convenient pen-shaped injector devices that contain a reservoir for insulin or an insulin cartridge. They are designed to be used multiple times, for a single person. Some providers have a dangerous misperception that because the pen may be used multiple times, it is acceptable to use the same pen for multiple patients. Not true!

03/16/12 Pfizer paid $1,000 to Florida psychiatrist Joseph Altieri to speak about the antipsychotic drug Geodon in 2010. He probably needed some cash after $30,000 in fines he was hit with a year before. This Pfizer advocate was also ordered to take courses on prescribing controlled drugs and medical ethics, according to New Scientist. I see this guy as someone with a problem but Pfizer sees him as “role model.” Pfizer paid another psychiatrist $2,500 to give a lecture on the same med… while he was on probation!

03/15/12 Recent years have seen headlines of health scandal after health scandal that have caused 10s of thousands of deaths and crippled 100s of thousands. Two of the world’s biggest pharmaceutical companies have criminally charged and fined billions of dollars after investigations into their secret working practices came up with all kinds of chicanery. Revelations have emerged of pervasive fraud, fatal side effects being hidden and huge kickbacks paid to doctors. You’d think that what these cases revealed would eventually change the way the drug industry is perceived forever but so far… nothing. Time to take a wake-up pill peeps.

03/14/12 If you know someone on Haldol its more likely they are on it to make them compliant because it does zippo for dementia, like the nursing home doc says it’s for. But did you know that Haldol is not even approved for dementia and the FDA (Foot Dragging and Alibis) has even warned against it? Take this antipsychotic drug and double the risk of death and also double the risk of pneumonia. But I guess if you want to save man hours at a “care” facility you can zombie the patients with this poison and save money while billing the insurance company. It’s a win for the bottom line at the care facility, it’s a lose for you or your loved one.

03/13/12 Thyroid blood tests are bogus because if it shows you have low thyroid… then you do. But, if it shows normal, you may still be hypothyroid because you cannot use the available thyroid. The over-wide test “safe” range is .5 to 5.5, so over 5.5 TSH is low thyroid. But most people only thrive around the 1 to 2 range and only survive and actually feel bad at 4 to 5. The best test for thyroid you can do right at home. It is the basal body temperature test.

03/12/12 Did You Know that some cancer drugs triple the metastasis of cancerous tumors, make cancer more aggressive and make cancers more likely to spread and kill? Cancer Cell journal reports that some treatments sabotage the body’s defenses against cancer. Antiangiogenic therapies enable cancerous cells from inside the tumor to travel through weakened walls to new locations in the body. The cure is worse than cancer itself. This highlights just one of the many deleterious effects of mainstream cancer therapies. My advice: seek out a naturopath with cancer experience. They have a much better success rate than conventional medicine.

03/09/12 Sleeping pills can put you to sleep alright… permanently! Researchers have just found that sleep drugs increase the overall death risk was as much as 530 percent along with a 35 percent elevated risk of developing cancer. A new study published in the BMJ shows that taking benzodiazepines, non-benzodiazepines, barbiturates and sedative antihistamines for insomnia killed 1 in 16 pill-poppers within 2 years while only one in 80 patients not taking these drugs died. Explore your natural options of diet changes, GABA, valerian root, peppermint, chamomile, passionflower, lavender, L-glutamine, 5-hydroxytryptophan, ornithine and melatonin before risking the Big Pharma versions.

03/08/12 If vaccines truly give immunity and protect people from infectious disease, then the vaccinating parents should never worry about their vaccinated kids being exposed to my unvaccinated kids. Right??? Yet there is a lot of hype about the possibility of vaccinated people being around unvaccinated people and getting sick along with the pie-in-the-sky “herd immunity”. Did you know that vaccinated kids historically have more measles cases than unvaccinated kids? Something a little bit wrong with the logic scale here. Make an informed decision before taking a shot in the dark.

03/07/12 Synthroid (the synthetic thyroid drug) failed a study for brain function in developing infants. Any good naturopath knows that low thyroid in the mommy causes low IQ in the child. A new study took pregnant women at 15 weeks and gave them 150 mg of levothyroxine a day. The results were the same for the child at 3 years of age compared to the no-drug mommy. Gee, I wonder what would have happened if they used a real thyroid medication that actually works, like the prescription Nature Thyroid or even Armor (which are actually natural). Instead they used the Big Pharma version that is nothing like thyroid. Not even chemically close. If you are on Synthroid, have your doc switch you to a natural version.

03/06/12 For the love of money… Thirteen physicians and one nurse practitioner along with a company director were arrested last December 13 and charged with accepting bribes from Orange Community MRI for referring numerous patients for imaging exams. The imaging company made over 1 year of illegal kickbacks according to United States Attorneys. At the end of each calendar month, individuals at the imaging company printed reports showing much money these crooks got for the referrals. I wonder how many of these procedures were not necessary but done for the money?

03/05/12 Medical madness gone too far: In an epic debacle, children have been dispensed breast cancer treatment medication mistakenly distributed by a NJ pharmacy instead of prescribed fluoride pills. CVS pharmacies have acknowledged improperly dispensing Tamoxifen instead of chewable fluoride tablets to children in NJ for some 60 days. In the expected “double speak”, a rep of CVS says these “rare occurrences… can be important learning tools to help ensure that similar problems don’t occur in the future.” IMO, if you are going to a pharmacy for fluoride in the first place you have not made an informed decision.

03/02/12 CT scans alone are responsible for at least 1% of all new cancer cases. That rate will only go up because docs are ordering these up like fries at a fast food joint. Researchers from the University of California at San Francisco studied the average dose of radiation in 11 of the most common types of diagnostic CT scans and found that the amount of radiation delivered by each scan varied widely even when looking at the same part of the body. Each CT scan brings about 600 times more damaging radiation than one x-ray.

03/01/12 Each day, about two out of every 100 prescriptions filled at pharmacies are for drugs that have never — I repeat, never — been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. These unapproved drugs often make unsubstantiated claims not supported by scientific data or laboratory testing. Many of them are wrongly deemed safe and are often incorrectly labeled as “generics.” None of them have even seen the light of an FDA laboratory.

02/29/12 Clinical trials are designed to prove a drug’s efficacy and are not designed to prove whether or not there are nasty “side effects”. I’m afraid that “side effects” take a back seat in clinical trials. There are efforts underway to link ALL reported “side effects” to data bases to better track the undesired effects of drugs. I think that if this ever happens we will be totally shocked at how deadly and unhealthy our favorite drugs are. IMO they cause many more “side effects” than they treat diseases.

02/28/12 A report in Vanity Fair finds nearly 60,000 drug trials conducted overseas since 2000, including 6,485 in 2008 alone, all for meds intended for use in the United States. Over “there” the trial results will be less regulated and who knows what the bad results will be that don’t get reported. These countries are called “rescue countries” by Big Pharma. I wonder why?

02/27/12 Placebo madness: One Annals of Internal Medicine report looked at studies published in four major medical journals to see what placebos were used. A mere 8.2 percent of all pill studies disclosed the contents of the placebo. In one trial, where they actually disclosed the placebo contents, the researchers loaded the placebo with aluminum, which can cause the same types of nerve damage that has been linked to Gardasil. Well of course the vaccine did just as well as the placebo on side effects! If your placebo is the same junk as the drug less the active agent your study will come up roses every time… The feds do not even require placebo disclosure. That’s maddening!

02/24/12 And the next vaccines will be… The CDC estimates that there are approximately 48 million foodborne illnesses resulting in 128,000 hospitalizations, and 3000 deaths per year. That means that 15% of Americans can expect to have a foodborne illness annually and that 41 in 100,000 will be hospitalized and 1 in 100,000 will die. Even now, Big Pharma companies are racing to develop a whole new line of toxic vaccines for salmonella and other ubiquitous microbes. Mark my words peeps, these hell-born vaccines will kill and maim more than the microbes do now.

02/23/12 Despite the purported cardiovascular benefits, all statin drugs for cholesterol are associated with myopathy, ranging in severity from asymptomatic increases in creatine kinase to muscle aches or weakness to fatal rhabdomyolysis. Recently, concerns have been raised about a disproportionate increase in the risk of myopathy with high-dose simvastatin. Did you that 1,000 mg of ordinary vitamin C beat a statin drug in a Berkeley study? On top of that, the statin had 34% adverse reactions while the vitamin C had none!

02/22/12 So, you’d think that with the high-tech blood pressure medications being passed out like discount coupons at Mardi Gras that blood pressure rates overall would be dropping. But they are still rising. Guess what? It’s not working! In fact, these medications are causing a litany of side effects, like strokes and death. Interesting, isn’t it, that death is a “side effect”. The CDC reports that 1 in 3 adults now have high blood pressure and that the number of people taking related drugs is increasing. Did you know that diet and lifestyle changes cure HBP? Too bad this doesn’t come in pill form or more people would take them to save their lives.

02/21/12 CT angiograms are toxic to the thyroid and the kidneys. If you don’t really need one it might just ruin your life instead of saving it. The latest news is that with a CTA you are up to three times more likely to now have a thyroid condition than the unscanned. Did your doctor ever mention this risk? First do no harm? Bah! As for the kidneys, they have to absorb the iodide dye used for these scans which can cause permanent, serious damage called contrast-induced nephropathy.

02/20/12 Can you ever take down a sacred cow? One of the world’s most respected immuno-geneticists, Dr. Hugh Fudenberg M.D., confirms the link between Alzheimer’s and sacred flu vaccinations. Backed by ten years of research, Dr. Fudenberg found that the risk of developing Alzheimer’s is ten times greater in individuals who have had flu vaccinations for 5 or more consecutive years, than in those who have received two or less shots. He attributes the risk to the industry’s sweetheart additive thimerosal, which is 49% mercury. Every flu vaccine drawn from a multi-draw ampule contains 25 mcg of mercury. This is 250 times greater than the safety limit set by the EPA.

02/17/12 Still want your precious vaccines? Vaccines do not provide long-term immunity; only temporary at best. A vaccine skips normal immune responses to start up killer cells and can set off a deadly cytokine storm, A cytokine storm is an overproduction of cytokines in response to an exceptionally virulent microbe, infection or the adjuvants in a vaccine. The exaggerated production of pro-inflammatory cytokines like TNF-alpha, interleukin-1 and interleukin-6 can damage tissues and organs; for example the lungs fill with fluids and immune cells block airways causing death…

02/16/12 Take this for gout and make your gout worse? The latest gout medication Rilonacept is an immune system suppressor that not only puts you at risk for infection and disease. Now it is shown to make gout worse as one “side effect”. But there is a new medical “cure” for this bad drug. It is combining another bad drug with the first one. Treat side effects with more side effects. Isn’t this how you make a two-fold child of hell? Gout is NOT caused by a lack of Rilonacept or Allopurinol, so don’t even go there.

02/15/12 Better sit down for this one… The DHS reports that six out of seven medical mistakes are never reported, as required under Medicare rules. These include mandatory reporting of injuries, infections, wrong meds, overdoses, bedsores, patient mix-ups, etc. And that is just Medicare numbers! 130,000 patients are hurt and 15,000 people are killed by medical screw-ups every single month. Doctors and nurses are required by law to report them and hospitals are required by law keep a record on them. One of the most dangerous things you can do is to set foot in a hospital.

02/14/12 Slash strokes by 1/3 but increase heart attacks by 1/3 by taking the latest drug – Pradaxa. If this kind of medical madness doesn’t send you running to a naturopath, you will get what you deserve… death by medicine. A company study claims the new blood thinning Pradaxa cut the risk of stroke by about a third and in the same study showed it ups the odds of a heart attack by about a third. Why is this even on the market? Because people do not make informed decisions and docs don’t either… that’s why.

02/13/12 Does your child get nosebleeds? It could be a condition called thrombocytopenic purpura or ITP. Guess what causes 80% of hospital ITP admissions in one study? The deadly MMR vaccine in the two year olds and under. Also found to cause ITP is the hepatitis A jab along with the chickenpox and Tdap shots. If your child gets a shot and then starts having chronic nosebleeds a few days or weeks later they might also be bleeding in the brain or other places you don’t know about. Is the vaccine worth it? Not in my world.

02/10/12 Big pharma drugs are acid and cause arthritis! Most drugs are alkaloids that contain nitrogen. These drugs have to be converted first to nitric acid and then to the mineral salt, sodium, potassium or calcium nitrate before they can be excreted. Aspirin, Motrin, and anti-inflammatory medicines for arthritis, actually make the arthritis worse in the long run. This is because aspirin and other alkaloids are converted to strong acids in their excretion. Strong acids make for hurting joints and aching bones. The excess acids we consume and the drug acids are stored in the joints. Fluid taken from an inflamed joint is always acidic.

02/09/12 Antibiotics mean anti-life. Antibiotics work like a flamethrower in your gut killing both good and bad bacteria. This causes severe problems for your immune system. Worse than that, the bacs go dormant while the antibiotics go by and come roaring back a few weeks later while quickly gaining immunity to the antibiotic. Drugs like penicillin that used to work well must now be taken at triple the dosage. In frightening numbers of new cases, they can’t kill the bacs at all.

02/08/12 Comparing Avandia to Actos: Researchers looked at the numbers on 810,000 patients who took part in 16 diabetes studies, and found that Avandia, as compared to Actos, increased risk of heart attack by 16 percent, congestive heart failure by 23 percent, and overall mortality by 14 percent. Another study found that Avandia increases the odds of heart attack by up to 39 percent, while another tied it to a 27 percent higher risk of stroke and a 25 percent higher risk of heart failure. Why not compare them both to a diet and lifestyle change?

02/07/12 Botox is a drug derived from the deadly Clostridium botulinum bacteria. Ever heard of botulism food poisoning?? Make no mistake, this stuff is poisonous and the worst “side effect” of botulism is death or paralysis. Medical science uses small amounts of this bad bac as a muscle relaxant. In reality, it is muscle paralysis. Botox injected into muscles in your face blocks the nerve signals to the muscles. Any wrinkles caused by gravity or sun damage cannot be treated by Botox. Ever seen a Botox treatment gone bad? I have. NOT recommended.

02/06/12 Still want a shot in the dark? Not me. Experimental research clearly shows that aluminum normally mixed into vaccines carries a risk for autoimmunity, long-term brain inflammation and subsequent neurological complications and may thus have profound and widespread adverse health complications. Tomljenovic L and Shaw CA. Aluminum vaccine adjuvants: Are they Safe? Current Medicinal Chemistry. 2011; 18: 2630-2637.

02/03/12 The psych industry is looking to turn laziness into “cognitive tempo disorder”, anger into “intermittent explosive disorder” and temper tantrums into “temper dysregulation with dysphoria”. They’re even looking to reclassify teen “irritability” as a new psychiatric disorder. 100% accurate, 100% stupid, 100% worthless. But you can bet they only want to classify these victims to medicate them. Try diet and lifestyle changes with their side effects of great mental health before you put your trust in the system.

02/02/12 Pfizer announced the recall of more than 1 million packets of birth control pills Wednesday. Seems they might have got the real thing mixed up with the placebo causing another embarrassing recall… AGAIN… But this time due only to a packaging error. Well now, that explains it! This mistake means that an unknown number of women may be at risk of an unplanned pregnancy. How about, well maybe, a million of them? Pfizer has urged, and I quote, “consumers exposed to affected packaging”… to “begin using a non-hormonal form of contraception immediately.”

02/01/12 Researchers from Novartis gave the company’s diabetes drug Starlix to patients at high risk of diabetes, and according to the studies published in the New England Journal of Medicine, Starlix didn’t do a thing to reduce diabetes, cardiovascular death, heart attack, stroke or heart failure. Why is this crap still on the market for diabetes? And why does anyone pay for something that doesn’t work? Sounds like the emperor’s new clothes all over again.

01/31/12 Big Pharma brand-name makers do so well with their inflated profits that they can afford to pay other drug makers millions NOT to produce generic forms of the drugs. But of course, they charge you the difference. According to the FTC, this is costing us an extra $3.5 billion a year. And since the government pays for about one third of all prescription drugs, it costs Uncle Sam about 1.2 billion extra per year.

01/30/12 “Abortion is safer than giving birth.” Study title in Reuters health section January 23, 2012. This headline puts abortion into a positive light and encourages a woman to fear childbirth enough to support abortion. What they didn’t discern is deaths by Cesarean procedures which make up an unnecessary 33 percent of childbirths. Cesarean deliveries are passed out like candy and fraught with complications of surgery, including death. It’s all because our educated idiots failed prenatal nutrition and totally meddle with the birth process.

01/27/12 We are medicating our kids to death! OK, the lucky ones only get chronic diseases, others get autism, some die… May 2008, scientists of a University of California San Diego reported that acetaminophen use after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination is associated with autistic disorder.

01/26/12 I was wrong; it just did get worse… Now get toxic vaccines that don’t work, AND free junk food, AND a free ride for keeping your baby fully vaccinated. UnitedHealthcare of Michigan is bribing uninformed parents with free junk food from fast food joints and a free ride to help them start their babies off with both a lousy diet and potentially deadly vaccines adjuvants. We should change their name to “UnitedDiseaseManagement” and sue them for blatant stupidity. Make informed decisions peeps! And pass on the junk food too.

01/25/12 Among 1,087 individuals participating in cancer screening trials, 43 % had at least one false positive test result, BUT, 51% of men in the study had at least one false positive test, according to a recent issue of Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention. How many of these were harmed with aggressive cancer treatments that are immediately pushed upon them? Physical harm aside, the economic consequences of false-positive screening results are significant, not to mention the emotional suffering inflicted upon many thousands who are told they have cancer when they do not.

01/24/12 Mammoscams: The $4 billion-a-year mammogram industry begs women to rely on toxic x-rays to “protect” their health. But, yet another study shows mammograms harm ten women for every one helped. A review of 500,000 women for both the benefits and negative effects of breast cancer screening showed that for every 2,000 women who received mammograms over a 10-year period, only ONE would have life prolonged and TEN would be harmed. Mammograms actually increase women’s cancer risk by as much as 3% every year.

01/23/12 The height of lunacy is as follows: Researchers at the CDC just released a study recommending women withhold breastfeeding their children in order to boost the “effectiveness” of the rotavirus vaccine. The paper claims the immune-boosting effects of breast milk are a detriment to the efficacy of three vaccines and that women should stop breastfeeding long enough for the man-made poison to work on artificial/temporary “immunity”. Now I’m MAD!

01/20/12 Connaught Labs’ 1986 DTP vaccine insert reads, “Sudden infant death has occurred in infants following administration”. William Torch, at the University Of Nevada School Of Medicine, noted that in one survey two-thirds of 103 American children who had suddenly died had been given DTP vaccine within 3 weeks of death. Many died within 1 day of the procedure. Children do not need artificial immunizations.

01/19/12 Antidepressants do nothing for mild depression. Surprised? Not me…Ulrich Hegerl, MD, summarizes antidepressants for mild depression in the review of eight separate random clinical trials as “does not provide evidence for the efficacy of antidepressants in patients with minor depression” and “Effective treatments are urgently needed.” In case you want a real solution to minor depression instead of drugs, I find diet to be the biggest player in minor depression followed by exercise.

01/18/12 The IoM is the go-to organization for setting health policy but is 2/3s funded by government AND takes money from vaccine manufacturers. Even with severe conflicts of interest, both the government and mainstream media tout the IoM as being a trustworthy independent non-profit that tells the truth about vaccines. The Washington Legal Foundation, which advocates free choice in health care, charges that the FDA cannot legally accept recommendations from the “non-profit” IoM because the committee members do not meet lawful requirements of being “fairly balanced.”

01/17/12 The CDC recently confirmed that a majority of winter illnesses blamed on the flu are just run-of-the-mill colds. Of the 24,027 suspected flu specimens tested in 30 states in October and November of last year, a mere 266 were the actual flu. But the mucky-mucks still say that the flu shot works while the other side of their mouths admit that two-thirds of us refused a toxic “shot in the dark”. Reality Check: 23,761 people thought they were sick enough to get tested.

01/16/12 Take statin drugs and get diabetes! A new Harvard study reveals a horrific 50 percent increase in the risk for developing diabetes if you take these bad drugs. Experts are dumbing this down to a “slight” or “modest” increase. The researchers at Harvard Medical School report that women over the age of 45 are much more likely to develop diabetes if they’re taking a statin drug. Statins only treat the symptoms of purported “high cholesterol. Vitamin C does a better job than statins and C’s side effects are improved health and less diabetes.

01/13/12 Long-term use of bone meds like Actonel, Boniva, Fosamax and Reclast have been linked to femur fractures. One study found bones turning brittle at four years. Two studies found an increased risk of fracture at five years or more. The fractures tend to happen to healthy active women on these meds- not nursing home patients. But that’s just the latest bad news, because bisphosphonates have been linked to esophageal cancer, necrosis of the jaw, heartburn, abdominal pain, fever, bone and muscle pain, low energy and low levels of calcium in the blood.

01/12/12 Heartburn drugs: The more you take them, the more you need them… Recent research shows how that the most popular antacid meds – PPIs – actually give stomach acid problems to healthy people. Healthy people with no history of tummy troubles were given these meds for 8 weeks. After they were taken off them, more than 40 percent developed heartburn, acid regurgitation and/or dyspepsia. We are only treating the symptoms with these false healers.

01/11/12 What if I took some mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, antifreeze, and live viruses cultured in dead animal tissue, then mix them with peanut butter and spread it on a cracker for my kiddos to eat for a snack? Would you think I was a good parent? How about I inject them with it but add some petroleum oil and stated, “This will keep them from getting sick…”? I would be arrested for child abuse. However, when doctors inject our kiddos with the same ingredients and tell us “This will keep them from getting sick,” who even gives it a second thought?

01/10/12 In 2008, J &J staged a “stealth recall” by paying another company to secretly buy up defective Motrin packets from stores. This generated investigations by Congress and the FDA. Really? 2008 and they are still investigating this chicanery? Now a Washington state couple is suing Johnson & Johnson, alleging their toddler son was killed after taking defective Children’s Tylenol from a batch that had been recalled. The lawsuit accuses them of “willful and reckless conduct which needlessly caused the death of (the boy) simply to preserve the continuation of their billion-dollar revenue streams of pediatric medicines.” Time for a corporate death sentence if you ask me…

01/09/12 Big Pharma treatment of COPD with indacaterol causes asthma exacerbations and respiratory-related deaths. Sooo, what does the FDA (Foot Dragging and Alibis) do? They mildly suggest lower doses to kill less people… How about a “No Kill” policy peeps? Vitamin C helps COPD wonderfully, yet no medical doctor I’ve heard of would dare suggest vitamin C. If vitamin C killed one person with COPD there would be an immediate FDA ban of vitamin C supplements. Where has our common sense gone?

01/06/12 GlaxoSmithKline Argentina Laboratories and two doctors were fined for killing 14 babies during illegal lab vaccine trials conducted between 2007 and 2008. The charges included experimenting with human beings, falsifying parental authorizations so babies could participate in vaccine-trials and irregularities during the studies. Babies were recruited from poor families that went to public hospitals and doctors took advantage of illiterate parents by pressuring and forcing them into signing a complex 28-page consent form to get them involved in the trials.

01/05/12 Data mining for big profits (not yours): Big Pharma spends billions each year sending salespeople, known as “detailers”, into Drs’ offices. Promoting drugs, detailers show up at offices with biased product information and drug samples. But they first get a report about the doc’s prescribing history. They do this to influence the doc to sell their product. Not to bring health to you my friend…

01/04/12 Deaths from measles in 1900 were 13 per 100,000 people. In 1948; less than one. Measles vaccines weren’t even introduced until 1963 but took full credit for what they never did – eliminate measles. Total deaths from all childhood diseases in 1900 were 75.4 per 100,000. In 1950 the deaths from childhood diseases were 1.7. It was after this decline we started vaccinating one and all. Less deaths? The measles vaccine actually causes more measles plus death and misery then the original disease. It wasn’t vaccines that lowered measles deaths.

01/03/12 Japanese health authorities realized that early inoculations were causing crib deaths so they postponed them until the 24th month and SIDS virtually disappeared. Amazingly, whooping cough (pertussis) during the first two years of babies’ lives also dropped sharply. Instead of preventing whooping cough the DPT promotes it as well as SIDS. This should have been our second of many clues that the medical system we so trust as Americans is killing and maiming us and our babies.

01/02/12 After-effects of vaccines are followed for a very short time only. Effects are sometimes not seen for 30 years and will hardly be associated with the inoculation. Long-term neurological impairment from vaccines has been evidenced many times. Immunizations are contributing to the lowering of immunity along with the spread of auto-immune diseases such as arthritis and even AIDS throughout the industrial world.

12/29/11 Misguided trust: We thought we could trust the medical community to aid in maintaining or restoring our health, only to find that they persuade us to take chemicals and synthetic drugs that poison our bodies, destroy our lives and lower our immune systems rather than saving us.

12/28/11 Researchers from The Cochrane Collaboration examined 50 studies on flu vaccinations, and found no reduction in the rate of complications such as hospitalizations and pneumonia, and no evidence that flu shots slow the spread of the disease.

12/27/11 Whenever you read or go searching for information about vaccinations you will find almost every pediatrician out there saying that vaccination is absolutely a great thing for every child. Doctor after doctor will tell you that vaccinations have reduced the incidence of many infectious diseases but they have no real proof. In fact, all the epidemical evidence shows that disease rates rise after vaccines – often in the vaccinated population. Should we trust them just on their word? Make an informed decision before taking a shot-in-the-dark.

12/26/11 Did you know this about glucocorticoids? They negatively impact your bone health. These are steroid medications prescribed for asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), lupus, and rheumatoid arthritis. How much your bone health is affected depends on how long you take steroids and the strength of your bones when you began the treatment. Treating the symptoms only has never worked out in the long run.

12/23/11 We are being vaccinated to death! Peer-reviewed studies link the Hib vaccine to epidemics of type 1 diabetes, the hepatitis B vaccine to autoimmune and neurological disorders, and the flu vaccine to paralytic ailments. Medical and scientific journals contain hundreds of peer-reviewed studies linking vaccines to debilitating ailments.

12/22/11 Ritalin is a methylphenidate, and is a Schedule II drug. The DEA reserves it as one of the most dangerous and addictive drugs allowed to be legally prescribed. Some of the serious known side effects are heart palpitations, heart attacks, cardiac arrhythmia and sudden death. Children on Ritalin have 7 times more sudden death. First do no harm? Doesn’t mean a thing to most medical doctors.

12/21/11 Not so good medical news: Defensive medicine is alive and thriving. Every doctor readily admits to ordering tests to placate their patients. It is faster to say yes to unnecessary, even harmful tests, so patients are happy that they got everything they thought they needed – even if they conjured it up from TV advertising. Two things constitute a medical lawsuit: bad outcome and angry patients. Doctors order extra unnecessary tests to help abate both parts of that equation.

12/20/11 Want to keep your gall bladder? According to the FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed,) proton pump inhibitors such as Prilosec and Prevacid have significant side effects like decrease in gallbladder motility and subsequent biliary symptoms and also severe magnesium deficiency which itself can lead to an increased risk of leg spasms, arrhythmias, and seizures.

12/19/11 Want to get your mad on? I recently had a rheumatoid arthritis lady that did a three week juice fast and started a vegetarian diet. After almost 20 years on various meds and pending knee replacement surgery she became pain free – drug free. She went back to the same rheumatologist she has seen for a dozen years and this doc told her “that’s impossible – you’re nuts for even trying that” called me a Witch Doctor and walked out on her. Some doctors don’t have the sense that God gave a cabbage.

12/16/11 Killer vaccine: The most common diagnosis in Gardasil related deaths is “blood clot”, sometimes hours after injection but usually 2 to 4 days after vaccination. They give this to 9 year old and up girls to protect them??? Now they are given to 9 year old boys??? This vaccine only temporarily protects some people from one or two strains of the HPV virus. This monster vaccine is causing more cancer, misery and death than the disease it can’t even stop.

12/15/11 Maddening: There is a drug out there that is now officially proven NOT to work called Avastin. It is useless as a cancer treatment so it has been pulled by the FDA (that’s a feat to see…) and yet somehow they’re going to keep using our Medicare tax dollars to pay $100,000 per treatment. This med was allowed on the market in the first place by the FDA’s approve first, ask questions later – “fast-track” approval system. This system gets a new drug to market without those approval killing clinical trials.

12/14/11 Tamiflu is made with fluoride and fluoride is a highly neurotoxic chemical. In Japan, they’ve stopped giving Tamiflu to kids after reports of deaths due to “irrational behavior” by kids on this junk. Tamiflu: It can shorten your symptoms by less than 24 hrs, is highly toxic and can up your chances for rebound flu… Worth it? You decide…

12/13/11 Outlawing State Safety Laws for Generic Drugs: In a 2009 case, the Supreme Court ruled that manufacturers of brand-name drugs could be sued under state law for failing to adequately warn of new risks discovered after the drug was approved for marketing by the FDA (Foot Dragging and Alibis). But this doesn’t include generic drugs and if you are victimized by the generic drug, federal law says it is “too bad – so sad”.

12/12/11 Short term gains, long term losses. Antidepressants only address symptoms and though they seem to work for some people they have their nasty effects also. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) prescribed for depression and even pain increase your risk for bone loss. “The exact mechanism we don’t understand,” says one Dr. Bukata, “although there’s some nerve signaling involved [in bone production] that these medication may interfere with.” Find the cause and fix it peeps. Start with diet.

12/09/11 There are always consequences for taking Big Pharma medications. Depo-Provera is a form of contraception, given by shot every three months that has been linked to a loss in bone mineral density in women. Women who use DMPA may lose significant bone mineral density. Bone loss is greater with increasing duration of use and may not be completely reversible. Now, the other effects of this devilish med are depression, weight gain, liver failure, seizure disorders, etc, etc, etc. Not very smart in my world peeps…

12/08/11 Nicholas Gonzalez MD is on record for saying that oncologists “…have to be an idiot not to be aware that for most of the cancers chemo isn’t doing anything. It’s in all the journals. It’s not like it’s a secret.”

12/07/11 Evidence linking mercury exposure to psychological disorders has been accumulating for 60 years. The recognized psychological symptoms of mercury toxicity include irritability, excitability, temper outburst, quarreling, fearfulness, restlessness, depression, and in some cases insomnia. In a study of individuals with amalgam fillings who had them removed, the majority noted psychological improvement.

12/06/11 It’s merely the cost of doing business when Big Pharma payed out billions of dollars to settle false marketing claims that killed tens of thousands of people. But don’t worry, nobody is going to jail for murder… Recently Merck agreed to pay nearly $1 billion to settle fraudulent marketing of Vioxx claims. GlaxoSmithKline agreed to pay-off with $3 billion for fraudulent marketing of Avandia. Pfizer paid $2.3 billion and Eli Lilly paid $1.4 billion not long ago. You know, a lot of people die because of the chicanery of these pharmaceutical companies. We need a corporate death penalty and jail time for murderous fraudsters.

12/05/11 Take statins and lose your thinker: Statins have been suggested to protect against Alzheimer’s disease but that is a lie. In even more clinical studies, subjects with chronic statin treatment exhibited cognitive deficits compared with age matched controls. How many more reports do you need to see in light of previous reports that statins impact cognition? Blood levels of CoQ10 decrease with statin use leading to poorer mental cognition, muscle weaskness and heart attacks. Statins fail, vitamin C wins!

12/02/11 What do you think of your aspirin now? Researchers looked at data on 83,677 heart attack patients, 42 percent of whom had been given NSAIDs. They found that heart attack survivors given NSAIDs were 45 percent more likely to have a second attack or die inside of one week after the first attack. By 90 days, the aspirin taker’s risk increased to 55 percent.

12/01/11 The treatment with the drug Infuse for bone growth causes your risk of cancer risk (including pancreatic) to shoot up by more than 250 percent in one year and 500 percent by three years. I always wonder how they can continue to use a deadly drug with impunity when recent studies found that Infuse (used during spinal fusion surgeries 96 percent of the time) gives up to 50 percent of the patients’ side effects including: infection, male sterility, pain, bone loss, and unwanted bone growth.

11/30/11 Stranger than fiction: More vaccine harm coming down the pike! The University of Georgia is developing a vaccine that deliberately damages fertility as a method of contraception. It contains polysorbate 80 which is a “preferred” chemical ingredient. This chemical is well known for the damage it does to the female reproductive system.

11/29/11 Again doing more harm than good. Neisseria Meningitis in college students is very rare and the latest vaccine they are pushing doesn’t cover the most prevalent serogroups of meningitis. In Texas 2009, the total number of confirmed cases of Neisseria meningitis was 7. But 4 of the 7 were from serogroups that not covered by the temporary vaccination leaving a measly 3 that were the kind maybe covered by the vaccine. Count the adverse reactions to the vaccine and you find just another vaccine pushed on us that causes more harm than good.

11/28/11 Who is so smart now? Microglia and astrocytes are first-line immunological responder cells located in the brain that defend against infectious invaders. Normally they respond to events like a viral infection, which are of limited duration and harmless to the brain. However, administer a vaccine and the microglia and astrocytes are over-stimulated for prolonged periods causing inflammation and bleeding. We are being vaccinated to death peeps!

11/23/11 More medical madness: The FDA itself says flu shots may pose an unknown risk to pregnant women and fetuses as well as to nursing mothers and their babies and yet the CDC recommends highly toxic and completely untested flu shots for all preggos… As far as true flu deaths, they are very rare. As far as phony balonie government statistics go: Anyone who happens to sneeze before they die is considered a flu death… no matter what they really died of.

11/22/11 Guns don’t kill people … Doctors kill people. Guns kill less than 20% of what outright medical mistakes do. 250 times more people die every day because of medical errors than died in the Iraq war. Yet we were outraged at the war?

11/21/11 Anyone for a Prilosec calcium blocker? The latest research again links that PPIs to increased fracture risk.. The most recent study, published in the Annals of Family Medicine, found that PPI users have a 29% boost in overall fracture risk, a 31% increase in the odds of a hip fracture and a devastating 54% boost in the chance of a vertebra fracture. If you acid indigestion, reflux or GERD, try taking Betaine HCL instead.

11/18/11 Up 30% and rising rapidly: The number of people dying from diabetes continues “on a relentlessly upward trajectory,” with no signs of abating, according to officials. This includes 1 person dying from diabetes every 7 seconds. Wanna know why it is going rampant? I blame vaccines, amalgam fillings, GMOs, sky-rocketing gluten intolerance and high fructose corn syrup for starters. Keep doing what we are doing and we shall keep getting what we are getting. The number of people with diabetes in 2013 surpassed 382 million.

11/17/11 The number of retractions in peer-reviewed journals topped a record 339 last year, an incredible 15-fold rise over the past decade, from 22 in 2001 according to a new study. The researchers said that 73.5% of the retractions were due to average sloppiness. But the 88 of these trusted papers were pulled for scientific fraud. Anyone else see a BIG problem here? Medical doctors make life-altering decisions for people’s lives after relying on a bogus study. Was one of them your doctor?

11/16/11 Whose interest do they really have here? Behind every successful drug on the market there’s a conflicted panel that was paid to push it. Statin drugs are the best example of this with the guideline-writing committees of the American Heart Association having a 69 percent of the members with financial links to drug makers. The guidelines on everything from heart disease to cancer screenings have been written by “experts” dipping into Big Pharma money

11/15/11 The five year cancer survival statistics of the American Cancer Society are very misleading. They now count things that are not cancer, and because we are able to diagnose at an earlier stage of the disease, patients falsely appear to live longer. More women with mild or benign are being included in statistics and reported as being ‘cured’. When health officials point to survival figures and say we are winning the war against cancer they are using those survival rates improperly.

11/14/11 Way less than 10% are ever reported! Flu vaccines had over 10,000 reported adverse reaction reports in 2010. Of those, 636 (6%) were reports that were classified as “serious” health events that were life threatening or resulting in death, major disability, abnormal conditions at birth, hospitalization, or extension of an existing hospitalization. Worth it? Not in my paradigm. This toxic shot only temporarily “prevents flu in about 1 out of 100 people.

11/11/11 Bet your doc didn’t tell you this! Statin drugs block the production of CoQ10, an anti-oxidant and nutrient associated with energy production. Risks include: neurological decline, heart attacks, fatigue, weakness, memory loss, impotence, shortness of breath, leg cramps and frequent infections. 1,000 mg of vitamin C beat the popular statin drug Crestor in a university study.

11/10/11 It’s in your flu shots! Way back on August 1st of 2006 the American Chemical Society published research that showed conclusively that methylmercury induces pancreatic cell apoptosis and dysfunction. You’d have to be nuts to think that this is “OK” for you or your children’s body. Make an informed decision peeps.

11/09/11 There is a non-malignant breast tumor is called ductal carcinoma in situ, or DCIS and the survival rate is above 99 percent. Worth watching as a possible precursor to cancer but you can bet your doctor’s bass boat it is not worth the majority of aggressive treatments offered that can cause much more harm than doing good! First do no harm? Not if you are a medical doctor…

11/08/11 Eli Lilly and its marketing firm were recently accused of trying to influence opinion about Xigris in unethical ways, including making unfounded accusations that physicians were “rationing” the use of Xigris and paying to influence the original Surviving Sepsis Guidelines and ethical discussions of ICU care. Now the Big Pharma company has pulled the plug on Xigris (activated protein C). Must be about money and the fact the drug is another bad drug.

11/07/11 Informed consent? Not in America… It is important to understand that fluoride is being used as a drug and no other drug has ever been administered as fluoride for a public health measure. It is a major intrusion on your freedom of choice. No disease develops in humans when they are “deprived” of fluoride.

11/04/11 Just keep doing what we are doing… and we’ll keep get what we are getting: Several autism-free zones exist in the United States in the sea of childhood autism are in places like Amish communities in Pennsylvania and Ohio where parents rarely vaccinate their children. The only exceptions there were several vaccinated children that were adopted. Wise up folks!

11/03/11 Russian Roulette with 5 bullets: Investigators reported on cardiorespiratory events following immunization with DTaP-based multivalent vaccines or when DTaP was given simultaneously with other vaccines. After excluding from their study infants with chronic illnesses and using only one lot of combination vaccine, observed cardiorespiratory events in 42% of infants. Pourcyrous M, Korones SB, Kristopher LA, Bada HS. J Pediatrics. 2007:151, p. 171.

11/02/11 A meta- analysis of 61 studies published in PLoS ONE found an 11% increased risk of breast cancer for women taking antidepressants. Curiously, the 11 pre-clinical studies done by investigators who were financially supported by Big Pharma showed no cancer risk. I thought pre-clinical studies that are supposed to determine drug risk before offering a new medication to the public. It depends upon where the money comes from…

11/01/11 Graph first; then chart the findings… The use of “science” to increase company profit has been around for awhile. Remember the tobacco industry “scientists” telling us for decades that smoking was okay? You can hire a scientist to “prove” almost anything. It used to be that scientists would design studies to uncover information and then report it completely and honestly. In the Big Pharma paradigm, scientists are first given a conclusion and then asked to create research to support it… AT ANY COST!

10/31/11 Going blind on aspirin: Aspirin is a very potent blood thinner and it causes macular degeneration. Worse than that, it is the wet form of macular degeneration caused by leaking blood vessels in the eyes. If you’re a senior and take a daily aspirin, you now have double the risk of losing your vision. How about taking some fish oil instead? It can help thin your blood naturally without the laundry list of effects that aspirin has

10/28/11 Flu vaccines do nothing in 98.5% of adults but they do cause neurological disorders in 7.5% of vaccinated people: In an influenza vaccine study recently published in The Lancet, it shows that you have to inject 100 adults to avoid flu in a mere 1.5 adults. But in those 100 people there is an estimated rate of 7.5 cases of long-term neurological side effects such as dementia or Alzheimer’s. This means you are 500% more likely to be harmed by the flu vaccine than helped by it. Don’t be a victim of bad medicine peeps.

10/27/11 Chronic disease is the number one killer in the United States, accounting for about four out of five deaths in America each year yet doctors have not the slightest idea of what is really causing this. Toxic metal exposure is one of the biggest causes of chronic diseases. Medical muckymucks go on and on about the flu and viruses instead of addressing the fact that vaccines, pharmaceutical medicine and toxic dentistry are perhaps the greatest sources of toxic exposure to us.

10/26/11 Redundant question: Multiple studies show that about 30 percent of Americans soldiers who have served in combat now suffer from PTSD. Could it be the vaccines? PTSD symptoms are also found in children with autism. Vaccines injure the central nervous system and cause regressions in neo-natal reflexes. Our soldiers get an armload of vaccines right off the bat, as do our newborn children. This is epic madness peeps.

10/25/11 Statins drugs can take you there! Low testosterone levels can lead to low energy, sleepiness, irritability and depression. It can ruin your mental focus and sap your energy. Researchers found the connection between statin drug use and low testosterone after studying data on nearly 3,500 men who visited an outpatient clinic to complain about sex problems, according to the study in the Journal of Sexual Medicine. If you have high cholesterol, don’t be a sap for statin drugs! Find the cause and treat it!

10/24/11 Vaccination and immunity are not synonymous. Dr. William Atkinson, former senior epidemiologist with the CDC, admits that “measles transmission has been clearly documented among vaccinated persons”. In some outbreaks, over 95% of cases have had vaccination. In a recent outbreak of pertussis, over 80% of the people who contracted the disease were vaccinated against it; In a recent outbreak of mumps, 92% of the cases were in people who were vaccinated against mumps.

10/21/11 First make your bass boat payment, then do no harm second… Too many patients are getting thyroid cancer treatment that kills thyroid tissue but also harms other tissues in the process. A new study finds that doctors are treating patients with early-stage, low-risk thyroid cancer using radioactive iodine, which doesn’t increase their chances of surviving but rather puts them at very high risk for a secondary cancer. But it makes the bass boat payments!

10/20/11 Although many vaccines are implicated in causing Juvenile Diabetes, the vaccine for pertussis, part of the DPT shot, is the worst. This shot includes pertussis toxin which is a virulent poison. Pertussis toxin affects the pancreas in the insulin-secreting parts. As early as the 1970s, the pertussis shot was known to stimulate over-production of insulin by the pancreas followed by exhaustion and destruction of the islets of Langerhans, resulting in diabetes. Physicians in 1949 called attention to low blood glucose in children who were reacting to the pertussis vaccine.

10/19/11 More medical madness: The AAP is promoting the idea that every child must live in a “family-centered medical home” so pediatricians can “oversee” children’s health, including giving children three times as many vaccinations as children got three decades ago. Diseases are on the rise. Not because we need more doctoring but because we need to wake up! We need better food and less medication.

10/18/11 How about a Prilosec calcium block? The latest research again links that PPIs to increased fracture risk.. The most recent study, published in the Annals of Family Medicine, found that PPI users have a 29% boost in overall fracture risk, a 31% increase in the odds of a hip fracture and a whopping 54% boost in the chance of a vertebra fracture. Take Betaine HCL instead of your Prilosec and see if that cures you.

10/17/11 Thyroid blood tests are bogus because if it shows you have low thyroid… then you do. But, if it shows normal, you may still be hypothyroid because you cannot use the available thyroid. The over-wide test “safe” range is .5 to 5.5, so over 5.5 TSH is low thyroid. But most people only thrive around the 1 to 2 range and only survive and actually feel bad at 4 to 5.

10/14/11 The recent Bachmair vaccine study reveals that the allergy rate in vaccinated children is more than double the rate in un vaccinated ones. Vaccinated children are also nearly eight times more prone to developing asthma or chronic bronchitis than unvaccinated. Furthermore, vaccinated kiddos suffer from more neurodermatitis, herpes, otitis media, hay fever, hyperactivity, scoliosis, epilepsy and seizures, migraine headaches, thyroid disease and SIDS than the unvaccinated children. Love your child? Don’t be a sheople. Make informed decisions about vaccines.

10/13/11 Over-the-counter painkillers kill early… very early. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen boost miscarriage rates by a phenomenal 240 percent! Pregnant women who gobble down these bad meds during pregnancy lose their babies 36 percent of the time.

10/12/11 A virus vaccine is often made from diseased material from sick animals or humans, crushed spinal cords from dead bodies, diseased sap, minced brains from monkeys, guinea pigs, calf, mouse, rabbit, rat, and squirrel brains, rabbit and mouse testicles, cancerous chickens, feces from sick or dead people, ox and human blood, fetal serum, cervical cells, snake venom and pus… The flu vaccine is made from mucus, nasal discharge and snot taken from humans with a cold/flu. It would make better sense to inject something healthy and not something from the effects of disease. You can’t get health from diseased-foreign tissues. Never have and never will.

10/11/11 What is worse than catching the flu? Why, taking the flu vaccine of course… Finland has openly admitted that the swine flu vaccine “conclusively” causes narcolepsy and that they will now pay for “lifetime medical care” for children who have been irreparably damaged by the swine flu vaccine. Sadly, these children would have likely gotten over the flu in a few days.

10/10/11 Which is worse? The conjured disease or the med’s “side effects”? A review published in the American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs found nearly 900 studies of adverse effects linked to statin drugs. Heart attacks, muscle problems, cognitive problems, peripheral neuropathies, increases in blood glucose levels, tendon problems, increased liver enzymes, liver damage, nausea, diarrhea, abdominal pain, constipation, headaches and skin rash are known side effects.

10/07/11 Here’s a remarkable fact: Since vaccination was made compulsory, the death-rate by small-pox in London rose from 53, before compulsion to after compulsion rate of 679 per year. Dr. Josef Hermann, head physician of the Imperial Hospital, Vienna, writes: “I am convinced that vaccination is the greatest mistake and delusion in the science of medicine; a fanciful illusion in the mind of the discoverer: a phenomenal apparition, devoid of scientific foundation, and wanting in all the conditions of scientific possibility.”

10/06/11 Reversing earlier statements that breast implants are completely safe and never have to be replaced, the Food and Drug Administration now says many women who have implants must have them removed or replaced within a decade. “The key point is that breast implants are not lifetime devices,” Jeff Shuren, director of the FDA’s Center for Devices and Radiological Health, told Reuters. “The longer you have the implant, the more likely you are to have complications.”

10/05/11 Death by aluminum: “Aluminum hydroxide is used in vaccines to increase the body’s production of antibodies, though no one knows how it works,” says Purdue researcher Stanley Hem, professor of industrial and physical pharmacy. The Hepatitis B vaccine given at birth has 250 mcg, which is 20x the toxicity threshold. Based on FDA toxicity thresholds a 6lb baby could not handle more than 11-14 mcg of aluminum. Average babies weigh close to 12 lbs at 2 months of age when they are injected with 1,225 mcg of aluminum in their vaccines – 50 times the toxicity threshold.

10/04/11 Biopsy nightmares: Prostate biopsies are linked with approximately a 7 percent rate of hospitalization within 30 days of the procedure. Researchers found that having a prostate biopsy resulted in men being more than twice as likely to need hospitalization in the immediate post-procedure period. Once hospitalized, the men were at an increased risk of serious complications including bleeding and infection, flare-ups of underlying medical conditions and death. I’ll avoid any prostrate work because there is negative benefits all around. BTW, you’d be surprised to see the link between gluten and prostate trouble.

10/03/11 Want another headache? The common OTC pain relievers not only cause rebound headaches but a recent study finds that NSAIDs can boost the risk of kidney cancer in men and women alike by 50 percent. Find the cause of the headache and fix it peeps!

9/30/11 Now who do you trust? When doing a safety study for an injection you should use a placebo such as saline solution. Did you know that Merck safety studies for the HPV vaccine used a placebo identical to the Gardasil vaccine minus the HPV virus components? Study this peeps: The placebo contained aluminum, polysorbate 80 and sodium borate. Because the side effects of the HPV placebo were similar to those being experienced after Gardasil injections, they were discounted. With either the HPV or the placebo injection, over 70 percent of the participants acquired conditions ranging from flu-like symptoms to paralysis.

9/29/11 A new study published in the journal Neurologia: “The prolonged ingestion of fluoride may cause significant damage to health and particularly the nervous system. Fluoride is capable of crossing the blood-brain barrier, which may cause biochemical and functional changes in the nervous system during pregnancy, since the fluoride accumulates in brain tissue before birth.” There is not one good reason why this poison is in our medications, toothpastes or drinking water.

9/28/11 Do you really think that there are “side effects”? I’ve got news for you; they are ALL EFFECTS and most of them undesirable effects. It is so vogue to do the Big Pharma route that we are swallowing what’s killing us and paying good money for it! Did you know that drug “side effects” topped over 2.2 million reports between 2000 and 2010 alone? That’s more “side effects” reported in 10 years than in the previous 30 years combined! 40 percent of those “side effects” were so serious they required hospitalization… and 15 percent led to death. Who is doing your thinking for you?

9/27/11 And you thought the HPV vaccine was meant to prevent cancer! When the HPV vaccine is injected in a girl with either a dormant or harmless form of HPV, the development of precancerous lesions increases by over 44 percent. Is this what you want for your child? Peeps, this deadly vaccine does not save lives. It makes money for the vaccine industry.

9/26/11 Did you know that a chickenpox vaccination can cause pneumonia, meningitis or hepatitis years later if the virus, normally suppressed by the immune system, re-emerges after the immune system has been weakened? Vaccines give absolutely NO permanent immunity and damage the healthy immune system. If you think you are laying a foundation for health with vaccines you are building on shifting sands my friend.

9/23/11 A new study published in the journal Pediatrics has found that US docs are needlessly prescribing about one million antibiotics a year to children with asthma, even though asthma usually does not have anything to do with a bacterial infection. This should be criminal and is harming kids and contributing to the spread of superbugs.

9/22/11 The latest in vaccine madness: The third-generation DNA vaccine – MMR contains genetically-engineered materials that are injected into the body to permanently alter proper human development. This is how GM crop seeds have been injected with altered DNA that changes their genetic makeup. DNA vaccines like MMR are overriding normal DNA with altered DNA. There are already documented genetic mutations and/or deletions, viral infections, and encephalitis with this vaccination.

9/21/11 Safe bone growth with Infuse = BIG LIES! Up to 50 percent of patients using this bad med suffer conditions such as male sterility, infection, increased pain, bone loss and – wait for it … unwanted bone growth. People, do this naturally and forsake the killer-medical adjuncts for bone health. Take Vitamin K, vitamin D, Betaine HCL and LAY OFF THE SODAS!

9/20/11 Who is responsible for this? You are if you continue in the lies: Prescription drugs have surpassed automobile accidents as the number one cause of unintentional injury death in America according to the American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Did you know that hospitalizations due to poisoning by prescription medications increased by 65 percent between 1999 and 2006 alone? Find the cause of the ailment by finding a new doc if all you get is a pat on the old prescription pad from your old doc.

9/19/11 Statin drugs block the production of important nutrients in your body, including CoQ10, which is beneficial to heart health and muscle function. If CoQ10 levels become depleted, which is common in those who take statin drugs, it can actually cause heart failure. If your doc has you on statins but did not tell you to take CoQ10 then he/she needs some basic biology training 101. Oh, and find a doc who can fix the cause of your “high cholesterol” and not just throw chemicals at it

9/16/11 Health officials have no explanation for the fact that today, up to 54 percent of all American children suffer with at least one chronic illness requiring health insurance reimbursement. This includes 26 percent of children under age six years at high risk for developmental, social or behavioral delays. In the past decade, developmental disabilities have increased by 17 percent are led by a rise in autism and ADHD.

9/15/11 A lack of Synthroid is not the cause of your thyroid problem. Metal poisoning, wheat and other common food intolerances, adrenal fatigue and nutrient deficiency are the cause of “hypothyroidism” in the vast majority of cases. Let’s find the cause and fix it naturally people.

9/14/11 Vaccine madness warmed over like last night’s spaghetti: With millions of left-over vaccines from last year, no one should be surprised that this year’s seasonal influenza vaccine virus strains are reportedly identical to those contained in last year’s vaccine. Get 50 mcg of toxic mercury before your last year’s immune deficient vaccine wears off… And be sure to poison your 6 month old and up babies along with your pregnant wife and developing fetus while you are at it ~ CDC recommendations.
Don’t even get me started!

9/13/11 The MMR vaccine is linked to mitochondria dysfunction caused by DNA mutations. Mitochondria are the powerpacks for cells and that convert energy into forms that are usable by the body. When these do not work properly, the entire human body becomes compromised. Individuals with autism demonstrate mitochondria dysfunction as well as various other problems.

9/12/11 Think your vaccines are safe? In May, Merck sent a letter to doctors advising them to be on the lookout for brown particles in its vaccines. The ongoing problem is small pieces of the shrink wrap inside of product vials charring during the sterilization process. Also, Merck has received complaints from doctors regarding bubbling and foaming in vials of certain vaccines. I don’t recommend taking a shot in the dark nohow… Make an informed decision peeps!

9/9/11 Yet once again, the FDA has been too slow to react to a serious drug safety problem… The FDA is finally recommending that physicians restrict prescribing high-dose Zocor to patients (as if you would even want a low dose), given an increased risk of muscle damage. This folly started back in 2004! Please note that is only an FDA (Fatal Drugs Allowed) recommendation… My recommendation: treat the cause and the symptoms of the so-called cholesterol diseases go away

9/8/11 400+ x-rays or 1 CT scan = same radiation: A study in the journal Radiology revealed that the number of CT scans performed on pediatric patients in the emergency department has increased fivefold over a 13-year period ending in 2008. This pattern essentially duplicates what has happened with CT scans for adult patients. In 2007 alone it was estimated that 29,000 new cancer cases would be caused by CT radiation. What’s your lucky number?

9/7/11 Mental health advocacy organizations, such as NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness), CHADD ( Children and Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder) and a myriad of other “support groups” are inundating the internet. These are groups operating under the guise of advocates for the “mentally ill,” but are in reality heavily funded pharmaceutical front groups – lobbying and working on state and federal laws which affect the entire nation. They consistently lobby for legislation that benefits Big Pharma interests which fund them, not patients they claim to represent.

9/6/11 Mercury vapor is an insidious, invisible and deadly poison. Like radiation, it can’t be seen, tasted or smelled but kills you slowly. The number one source of mercury poisoning in humans is the insane use of mercury amalgam fillings that is widely accepted in America – albeit only out of sheer ignorance. If you can’t see, taste or smell it, this makes it very easy to deny the presence of mercury vapor.

9/2/11 The most common reason to have a gallbladder removed is because of gallstones causing pain and obstructing the bile. A good, old fashioned gall bladder/liver cleanse can save you from a lifetime of complications! I have helped scores of people keep theirs and live pain free with this simple cleanse:

9/1/11 Save the ta-tas by stopping the runaway mammogram madness: The Lancet wrote that “the benefit (of mammograms) is marginal, the harm caused is substantial, and the costs incurred are enormous.” Researchers found that 70-80% of the detected tumors by mammograms were not tumors at all. — These false positive results create a great amount of emotional stress on patients and family members involved. Thermography is the solution here.

8/31/11 Big Pharma has come out with a new high dose UTI drug they claim beats low dose cranberries. With the new TMP-SMX antibiotic you can experience vomiting, diarrhea, loss of appetite, headache, muscle weakness, mental/mood changes, new lump/growth in the neck, low blood sugar, neck stiffness, seizures, liver damage, lung injury, and vaginal yeast infections. Not so with cranberry! Make the obvious choice here peeps – the natural one that won’t raise your antibiotic resistance.

8/30/11 You have the right to refuse any procedure in whole or in part. CAD software in mammograms was first approved by the Food and Drug Administration in 1998 and Medicare began covering it in 2001. Since then the false-positive rate increased from 8.1 percent before CAD to 8.6 percent after. What’s more, the detection rate of breast cancer and the stage and size of breast cancer tumors has not changed. So… why do we still do this?

8/29/11 Do they really work? Antidepressants are now the third-most prescribed medications, behind cholesterol-lowering drugs and painkillers. Antidepressant use doubled between 1996 and 2005. SSRI use is linked to a plethora of illnesses and conditions, including increased risk of stroke and heart disease, as well as psychological problems which have actually led to increased suicide numbers.

8/26/11 In the Department of Justice’s latest defense of Big Pharma’s killer pain meds, they ruled that marijuana has no medical value at all, can’t be used safely and has a high potential for abuse even when given under a doctor’s supervision. What is really wrong is that it is cheap and effective and can’t be patented for money controls by the not-so-friendly people who buy your politicians. I don’t smoke it but I know some who benefit from it greatly!

8/25/11 It’s all about the money and damn your child: Dr. Paul Offit once said that a six month old infant could withstand 10,000 vaccines safely. Now, a U.S. Congressional report shows Offit has several financial ties to vaccine manufacturers while posing as a concerned pediatrician. Offit shares the patent with Merck for the Rotavirus vaccine he developed and then made sure his vaccine was placed on the childhood vacc schedule while he was a member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices.

8/24/11 Even more statin drug madness: Just when you think the stupidity over cholesterol couldn’t get any worse, Pfizer is wanting to sell Lipitor to consumers over the counter as a way to offset the expected plunge in revenue as the world’s best-selling prescription drug goes off patent in November, according to the Wall Street Journal. High cholesterol is a made-up disease with a bogus treatment peeps. Treat the cause and the symptoms go away.

8/23/11 Only 7 hrs? John McDougall MD authored Senate Bill 380 in California that requires all medical doctors in California to take a 7-hour course on nutrition as part of their continuing medical education. Of course the bill was strongly opposed by the California Medical Association and other groups but still managed to pass the committee. Physicians have the responsibility to learn how to cure and prevent diseases. Nutrition knowledge is the most important thing that most physicians lack.

8/22/11 The FDA (Foot Dragging and Alibis) recently announced that the Big Pharma research company, Cetero, had “significant instances of misconduct and violations” in conducting clinical trials with at least 1,900 instances of fraud (I didn’t make this up!) and falsified studies in a five year period. Each one of these instances was used to fraudulently prove that a drug was safe before it went on the market. According to the FDA,” nobody should be concerned.” Who is more criminal? FDA or Cetero?

8/19/11 Autism shuffle of facts: Dr. Poul Thorsen (who served as a consultant for the CDC and influenced and helped to slant Danish studies against possible links with vaccinations and autism) is wanted for fraud, money laundering and tax evasion after stealing somewhere between $1-2 million in research grant money from the CDC. Interestingly, the CDC still has not officially declared his fraudulent work invalid after almost 5 years. In fact, his work is still listed on the CDC website today under the title: Thimerosal and Autism/Neurodevelopmental Outcomes. What are they waiting for? Another fraud study to replace this one?

8/18/11 Smoking gun: In the Archives of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, a recent study found that children who take at least one antibiotic are three times as likely to develop MRSA than children who take no antibiotics, while children who take four or more antibiotics are 18 times more likely to develop MRSA. Antibiotics are the most overused and abused prescription out there. If your doc puts you or your child on one without confirming a bacterial invasion – SHAME ON HIM! Get a new doc.

8/17/11 Mad as a hatter? There is a growing public awareness of the dangers of mercury, and its continued use in dentistry. This has led to a slow realization that removing mercury amalgam fillings and then chelation treatment to detox and remove the body burden of mercury, is critical for long term health. IMO, to continue to use amalgams in dentistry is criminal.

8/16/11 WARNING! The human immune system is a highly complex symphony of skin, lung, sinus, nasal and throat mucous membranes, spleen, tonsils and adenoids and lymph nodes as well as the intestinal bacteria and fungi. This system responds quickly to destroy invading pathogens by triggering lymphocytes (killer cells) in the circulatory system. Support it with healthy diet and lifestyle. Mess with it and you’ll pay dearly.

8/15/11 True life-long immunity comes from actual exposure to infectious diseases. When the disease is fought off naturally, life-long immunity for that disease results. Not so with vaccines. Vaccines falsely initiate the body’s last line of defense by activating killer cells and skip the normal pathways which, unfortunately for some, can cause a cytokine storm, unleashing the immune system to overwhelm and even kill the person who so trusted their Big Pharma voodoo.

8/12/11 Antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil and Lexapro are now the third most widely prescribed group of drugs in the United States. The drugs prescribed to patients without a mental health condition were more likely provided to white women between the ages of 35-64 and patients with public insurance and chronic medical conditions, such as diabetes and heart disease along with people complaining of nervousness, sleep problems, sexual dysfunction and an inability to quit smoking.

8/11/11 Born with ADHD: Researchers from Colorado State University published a study showing a strong relationship between pitocin induction of labor and the incidence of ADHD. Labor induction has been linked in previous studies to increased risk of c-section, instrumental delivery, shoulder dystocia, NICU admission, and respiratory problems in the baby, among other complications. Now you can add ADHD to the litany of significant health risks without adequate benefit of selective induction.

8/10/11 In the past week, the first of what lawyers predict of thousands of lawsuits were filed across the country alleging that Actos triggered bladder cancer in those who took the pills daily. The FDA (Foot Dragging and Alibis) has issued warnings about the cancer risk based on new research, but they have allowed sales to continue. Now the billions they made will go to compensate victims. Is that a good trade off? Cancer for money when diet and exercise may well have done the job?

8/09/11 The ghost that killed you: In their article, “Legal Remedies for Medical Ghostwriting: Imposing Fraud Liability on Guest Authors of Ghostwritten Articles,” Stern and Lemmens argue that because medical journals, academic institutions, and professional disciplinary bodies have done little if anything to sanction against this practice of bogus authorship of research papers, a more successful effective approach would be to take legal action.
is the practice of writers paid by pharmaceutical companies to draft articles for marketing purposes on which physicians and scientists from academia are credited with authorship

8/08/11 Side effect? NO! They are ALL effects! Take your drugs and lose your health. The depletion of major nutrients from the body is a common occurrence in almost all medications. In the top 50 most commonly prescribed drugs, 80% can be associated with drug-induced nutrient depletions. When the body is depleted of vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids, it begins to weaken. This makes it susceptible to a host of diseases and loss of well being.

8/05/11 In Rosenhan’s classic 1973 study “On Being Sane in Insane Places,” healthy researchers were admitted to inpatient psychiatric wards, claiming that they heard voices. After admission, they behaved as they normally would, without exhibiting any further symptoms. However, all their behaviors were interpreted as consistent with their original diagnoses, and a wide range of psychotropic medications were prescribed. Rosenhan concluded that once a person is labeled with a stigmatizing psycho-diagnostic label, mental health professionals cannot distinguish the sane from the insane.

8/04/11 In August 2010, an FDA inspector accused Merck of not reporting to the agency certain adverse events associated with patients’ use of its drugs within the required timeframe. But this has always been “business as usual” for this Big Pharma giant as well as the industry in general. Why shoot yourself in the financial foot over reporting products with harmful events in humans?

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