Misguided trust – America on drugs

Natural News article by Craig August 13, 2012

(Natural News) Americans currently spend over $2 trillion a year on health insurance, Big Pharma drugs, and medical bills. According to the Kaiser Family Foundation, America’s health care costs will more than double in the next eight years. The United States of America is the most heavily vaccinated population in the world; and yet we are plagued with the highest occurrence of autism, diabetes and asthma in the world. With the biggest vaccine schedule on earth, we should have the lowest death rates and the best health. But the US has recently plummeted from worldwide ranking of 34 for infant mortality rates to number 41 – falling behind such countries as Croatia and Crete.

About 48 percent of US men and 38 percent of women can now look forward to getting cancer. Over eight percent of our children suffer from serious food allergies and nearly 20 percent are now on schedule II pharmaceutical drugs. One out of three adults and children alike are obese and another third are overweight. Heart disease, asthma, allergies, diabetes, mental illness, cancer, and obesity rates are spiraling upwards among every sector of the population. Is it coincidence that chronic disease rates are rising in cadence with our growing medical system?

Bottom line, Americans spend more for healthcare than any other nation in the world; and yet, we are not the healthiest nation in the world. In fact, we are sadly ranked at number 50 world-wide for life expectancy. So, with our sophisticated and expensive healthcare, where is our health?

Misguided trust – America is hooked on drugs!

America loves and trusts her medical doctors and the support system around them that is stealing their health and picking their pockets. America is the most drugged nation of the world and surprisingly, it is legal drugs that are the problem. It’s not just the psychotropic drugs and pain killers we consume like candy; it is also the Statin drugs, antibiotics, blood pressure drugs, sex enhancing drugs, OTC pain killers and vaccines that are also exacting a toll on our health. We take them because we think they make us healthy; but, to the contrary, we only take them because we are unhealthy!

We cannot afford to wait for medical science to stumble upon the pharmaceutical answers for us. For example, if we wait for the miracle drug cure for cancer while continuing to eat a trashy diet and live a sedentary lifestyle – the prognosis is bleak. Or, if we rely on the FDA to tell what is safe, while continuing to use products daily that have “FDA approved” toxins in them – we are only bailing out the boat without ever stopping the leak. If we swallow the fact that the EPA only allows 0.1 mcg of mercury per kg in our diet, yet we allow 25 mcg of mercury into our arm per flu shot, we will find out the hard way that there are long term consequences to allowing toxic metals into the body.

Can we really afford our health care – even if it costs our health?

Diet, exercise and stress reduction is the key to our health.
Over 90 percent of all heart disease and a host of other ailments can be avoided by applying these three things to our lives: diet, exercise and stress reduction. Taking the time and effort to live a healthier lifestyle will pay off in our quality of life and in our health – both now and later. And unlike the statistics above, preventive healthcare, natural medicine, and proper nutrition have all been linked to a broad range of health and social benefits, including but not limited to: disease reduction, increased academic performance and lower healthcare costs.

It is time to shift our misguided trust from medicine to healthy lifestyles. The best time to seek your health is while you still have it!

Sources for this article

Read the live article here: https://www.naturalnews.com/036781_America_hooked_on_drugs_Big_Pharma.html

About the author:
Craig Stellpflug is a Cancer Nutrition Specialist, Lifestyle Coach and Neurodevelopment Consultant at Healing Pathways Medical Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. With 17 years of clinical experience working with both brain disorders and cancer, Craig has seen first-hand the devastating effects of vaccines and pharmaceuticals on the human body and has come to the conclusion that a natural lifestyle and natural remedies are the true answers to health and vibrant living. You can find his daily health blog at www.blog.realhealthtalk.com and his articles and radio show archives at www.realhealthtalk.com

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