Got gout? Get the lead out

Natural News article by Craig Saturday, November 17, 2012

(Natural News) Studies in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) trial looked at study participants to correlate the risk for gout attacks when compared to blood lead levels in the body. What they found was that blood levels of lead predisposed gout victims to episodes of gout but that purine levels were not a factor. People without gout had no more or fewer levels of purines as compared to people that did have gout. But the gout people did have higher lead levels.

Toxic blood levels of lead in children are currently set by the CDC at five micrograms per deciliter (µg/dL). For adults, blood levels of lead are considered “elevated” by the time they reach 25 µg/dL. According to study findings, individuals with blood urine lead levels in the 1.40 -2.10 µg/dL range (notice that this is below acceptable lead levels in children) had a 94 percent greater risk of gout attacks along with a 70 percent greater risk of elevated uric acid levels. The researchers also found that blood lead levels as low as 1.20 µg/dL can increase gout attacks.

50 to 75 percent of the US population has blood lead levels in the 1.40- 2.10 µg/dL range as reported by the CDC.

“All of this suggests there’s no such thing as ‘safe’ or ‘acceptable’ lead levels,” said study leader Dr. Eswar Krishnan, of Stanford University School of Medicine. Krishnan also noted that the average blood lead level in the U.S. is 3 mcg/dL.

About the gout and lead

So where does this lead come from? Besides on-the-job exposure to lead, people also inhale lead through cigarette smoke or lead-containing dust from deteriorating lead-based paint in an older home, drinking from old lead solder and lead water pipes, cooking on glass and enamel coated cookware, coming in contact with lead contaminated children’s toys and jewelry, touching sun-baked plastic furniture and other outdoor toys and fixtures and also from hobbies, like working on old cars, or making glazed pottery and stained glass.

Gout can be very painful and is a form of arthritis that attacks joints in the body, mostly the big toe. The symptoms of gout can occur when an excessive buildup of uric acid in the body forms painful crystals in the joints. These crystals are monosodium urate or uric acid crystals deposited in the articular cartilage of joints, tendons and surrounding tissues provoking an inflammatory reaction of these tissues. The buildup of uric acid can lead to sharp uric acid crystal deposits in joints, deposits of uric acid lumps under the skin called tophi, and kidney stones from uric acid crystals in the kidneys.

Treat the cause and the symptoms go away

Allopathic medicine is notorious for managing symptoms while root causes go on wreaking havoc unabated. ALL diseases have causes that can be found and remedied so the symptoms go away. The same is true of gout. Allopathic medicine throws drugs at this condition without ever looking for root causes. Treatment plans for gout usually include the obligatory “cut back on proteins” which helps the patient manage the symptoms of gout but does not treat the cause.

In the book “Prescription for Nutritional Healing,” Certified Nutritional Consultant and nutrition researcher Phyllis A. Balch, states that alfalfa has a detoxifying effect on the body and aloe vera juice may help remove metals from your digestive tract. Chlorella and cilantro are also natural chelators that can absorb toxic metals like lead.

If you are experiencing either gout or elevated purine levels (hyperuricemia), then consider having your blood levels checked for lead and other heavy metals. In the mean-time, avoid any and all contact with lead and take the herbs mentioned above. These herbs won’t harm you if taken in normal doses and may actually help you live longer and healthier.

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About the author:
Craig Stellpflug is a Cancer Nutrition Specialist, Lifestyle Coach and Neurodevelopment Consultant at Healing Pathways Medical Clinic, Scottsdale, AZ. With 17 years of clinical experience working with both brain disorders and cancer, Craig has seen first-hand the devastating effects of vaccines and pharmaceuticals on the human body and has come to the conclusion that a natural lifestyle and natural remedies are the true answers to health and vibrant living. You can find his daily health blog at and his articles and radio show archives at

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