Diabetes lecture notes 09/06/12
Diabetes causes and treatments
Diabetes facts:
- Diabetes is fast becoming the fourth leading cause of death in the U.S., accounting for about 180,000 deaths per year (right behind medical mistakes). Cancer, heart disease, medicines and medical mistakes are the top 3 killers.
- Due to eating habits in the USA, one in three children born in the year 2000 are going to get type II diabetes.
- The number one cause of blindness in adults in the United States is diabetes.
- Women who work irregular night shifts have up to a 60% higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than women who work normal shifts according to a study at the Harvard School of Public Health.
- Researchers from the National Cancer Institute examined data on 500,000 people between the ages of 50 and 61 who were tracked for 11 years, and found that diabetes increased the risk of death by cancer in women by 11%, and in men by 17%.
- www.diabetes.com? GSK owns that one…
- The International Diabetes Federation is a conglomerate of Big Pharma shareholders.
Diabetes is:
The main two main types are type I and type II. In type I diabetes, the pancreas (the organ that secretes insulin), is either destroyed by autoantibodies or permanently damaged, that’s why people with type I diabetes always need insulin. Type I diabetes occurs in about 10% of all the diabetics in the country.
People with type II diabetes are often overweight and usually diagnosed after the age of 35. Medically, type II diabetes is primarily considered a condition called ‘insulin resistance’. The hallmark elevated blood glucose concentrations in type II diabetes arise from a defect due to insulin resistance upon normally insulin-receptive tissues. In the early stages of type II diabetes, there’s plenty of insulin around, it just doesn’t work well.
Type II diabetes typically responds very well to diet and lifestyle changes. Un-managed type II eventually needs insulin. Type II diabetes accounts for approximately 90% of all the diabetes in the US.
Type II diabetes complications are mainly a result of oxidative stress: Taking vitamin C or vitamin E antioxidants help intervene on blood glucose and insulin concentrations, while defeating some of the oxidative stress-caused complications. Free radicals are created when the body’s cells combine with oxygen. Cells damaged in the oxygenation process and other damaged cells are actually missing a molecule and searching for balance. Unfortunately, in order to find their missing molecule, they attack healthy cells, injuring the healthy cells and ultimately damaging DNA.
General causes of free radicals are damage during cell division, vaccines, air pollution, cigarette smoke, asbestos, excessive sun exposure, contaminated food or drinking water, toxins, pesticides, and excessive alcohol.
Diabetes diet causes
The rising consumption of meat proteins in the US has a direct correlation to heart disease, diabetes and other diseases. The adverse health impacts of excessive meat-eating stem in large part from what nutritionists call the “great protein fiasco”–a mistaken belief of many Westerners that they need to consume large quantities of protein. True in part only as God designed cows to eat grass and not grain. What you get from grain fed cows is literally “diabetic meat” at the meat counter. Diabetes in cows causes delicious marbling of the flesh after all. Eat a sick cow and you start to take on the disease they had.
Diabetes deficiencies
- Sodium imbalance impacts diabetes numbers. Sodium plays a major role in the formation of the digestive juices, saliva, bile and pancreatic juices. Sodium is necessary for the elimination of carbon dioxide from the body and keeps the digestive and the respiratory system functioning properly. Either a deficiency or excess in sodium is one of the causes of diabetes.
- Vitamin D deficiency has been shown to increase insulin resistance and decrease beta-islet cell function. Beta-islet cells are special cells found in the pancreas that manufacture and release insulin, a hormone that controls the level of glucose in the blood.
Did you know that gluten sensitivity increases your risk for type I diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal cancers, brain disorders and disease? As each of these conditions come with even more potential complications, recognizing and treating gluten sensitivity often improves the chance to live a normal, productive, and diabetes symptom-free life.
Diabetes Big Pharma causes
Do you want to shot to death or stabbed to death? Sometimes the cure is worse than the disease. The JUPITER study that so impressed the FDA found that patients placed on the cholesterol drug Crestor had a 27% higher risk of diabetes than patients who took a placebo.
Dr. Lisa Landymore-Lim in her book Poisonous Prescriptions explains clearly how many drugs used by the unsuspecting public today are involved in the onset of impaired glucose control and diabetes. She explains using the example of the drugs streptozocin and alloxan, both used in diabetes research to make lab rats diabetic. Vacor, a related rat poison, is known to cause insulin-dependent diabetes in humans.
Avandia: Another bad diabetic drug still on the market years later! 10 new randomized trials show that the risk of acute myocardial infarction is up to 80% higher among patients taking this drug.
Blood pressure meds: The reason these drugs have no effect on longevity is that although they lower blood pressure, they increase insulin resistance, leading to diabetes, and raise your “bad” (LDL) cholesterol.
There is evidence linking antipsychotics to the development of diabetes and blood sugar disorders. In the US, 2 separate lawsuits claiming that quetiapine use has led to diabetes have been filed in federal court. A Delaware state court was recently scheduled to hear a trial alleging a link between Seroquel and diabetes and that AstraZeneca withheld information about a link between Seroquel and diabetes.
Diabetes natural interventions
- Cutting carbs and sugars and exercise are the best natural plans for diabetes intervention.
- Diabetes during pregnancy can often be prevented with 300mg of B- 6 and 1,000 mg of Vitamin C.
- Supplements that help treat diabetes Taking vitamin C or vitamin E antioxidants intervenes on blood glucose and insulin concentrations, and on the oxidative stress caused complications.
- Pomegranates and their juice have been credited with lowering cholesterol and help managing type II diabetes while even fighting prostate cancer. The tasty red seeds called arils are a good source of fiber, vitamins B and C, potassium, and polphenols (antioxidants).
- Green tea extract, has significantly shown to help decrease the risk or delay the onset of developing type I diabetes. The green tea extract was also able to modulate specific inflammatory compounds as well. Inflammation (symptom of oxidative damage) being a contributing factor for the development of diabetes.
- Fiber has also been tied to a reduced risk of developing heart disease, some cancers, diabetes and obesity. Fiber helps bowel movements and lowers cholesterol levels, blood sugar, blood pressure, promotes weight loss and reduces inflammation. Eating a diet rich in fiber may reduce your risk of dying from diabetes by 22% according to researchers from the U.S. National Cancer Institute.
- Take your vitamin D. In type II diabetes, vitamin D deficiency has been shown to increase insulin resistance and decrease beta-islet cell function.
- Supplemental use of both forms of vitamin K1 and vitamin K2, were shown to decrease the incidence of developing type II diabetes.
- The benefit of milk thistle for type II diabetes were published using silymarin at 200mg 3 times a day to dramatically improved blood sugar control. After 4 months, average fasting blood glucose level fell by 15% in the group taking the silymarin, whereas it rose by 13% in the placebo group.
- Harvard researchers were stunned to discover that Kuna Indians drink about 5 cups of cocoa each day and are practically “immune” to hypertension and have much lower death rates from heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, and cancer. They also found that Kuna Indians who move away from the islands are just as likely to suffer from diseases as anyone else.
- Blueberries are naturally very high in antioxidents called polyphenols. Traditional folk remedies have cited the blueberry as a natural resource to help combat diabetes for centuries.
- Cinnamon significantly reduces blood sugar levels, triglycerides, LDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol in people who have type II diabetes. Additionally, cinnamon supports the digestive system, relieves constipation and the pain and stiffness of muscles and joints.
Have you had your exercise today?
Over 10 million American women have diabetes. Active muscles gobble up glucose from the blood for fuel, which helps keep blood-sugar levels stable. One study showed that just walking 5 days a week adds up to 4 years to your life. Regular exercise lowers your risk of dying of any disease by 56% and your risk of diabetes by up to 90%.
In Closing: People ask God to heal their bodies ‘God heal my cancer, heal my cancer’ ‘God heal my diabetes’ ‘heal my arthritis’ but they won’t stop smoking, drinking and eating a trash diet! In other words they won’t stop sinning against their bodies but they still want the forgiveness and healing from their bodies!
Authored by cancer nutritionist Craig Stellpflug NDC, CNC, Dayspring Cancer Clinic Scottsdale, AZ
Copyright 2012 Craig Stellpflug© Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this article but only in its entirety