Turning the ozone into the go zone
The history of ozone therapy
The rich history of ozone began with its discovery in 1840 and has been used to purify water and treat disease ever since. In 1881, Dr. J.H. Kellogg used ozone in steam saunas describing it in his book, “Diphtheria: Its Nature, Causes, Prevention and Treatment.”
The first ozone generator was patented in 1896 and by 1902 “A Dictionary of Practical Materia Medica”, described the successful use of ozonated water to treat anemia, cancer, diabetes, influenza, morphine poisoning, canker sores, strychnine poisoning and whooping cough. In 1904 the US Surgeon General approved the book “The Medical Uses of Hydrozone and Glycozone” by Charles Marchand, a New York chemist and by 1910 Sears and Roebuck Company was selling ozone generators. In 1929, the book “Ozone and Its Therapeutic Action” was published, listing 114 diseases and how to treat them with ozone. In 1931 Dr. Otto Warburg won the first Nobel Prize for work proving cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen in the cells.
Ozone was used during the First World War to disinfect wounds.
In 1933, the AMA officially set out to eliminate any and all alternative treatments that could compete with drug therapies–including ozone therapy which is outlawed in 37 states even today.
What is ozone?
Ozone is simply oxygen (O2) with an extra oxygen atom making it O3. Ozone has a half life of 20 minutes which means that ozone is virtually gone within about an hour of generation. The extra atom that makes O3 breaks off easily to combine with other molecules and oxidize them. The extra oxygen atom prefers to combine with carbon monoxide (CO) to make it into carbon dioxide (CO2), rendering it harmless in the body to be expelled during normal respiration. Ozone is very effective in destroying toxins, virus, bacteria, molds, mildew, fungus, and cancer cells—which all tend to thrive in hypoxic states.
Ozone does not attack healthy cells because normal, healthy cells have functioning enzymes to protect them from the extra oxygen molecule oxidation. Healthy cells require oxygen to work and every cell is an oxygen burning machine. Cancer cells cannot process oxygen properly, and start consuming sugar for energy instead. Unhealthy cells also contain errant enzymes that will not protect them from being oxidized. Unhealthy cells, including cancer cells, are virtually defenseless against ozone. Ozone is highly effective against pathogens that thrive in low oxygen environments.
“Cancer cells cannot process oxygen properly and start consuming sugar for energy instead. This is why cancer patients should avoid sugar and processed carbs.”
Oxygen is a real cancer killer and ozone is a safe and effective way to get an abundance of oxygen directly to the cancer cells. Ozone diffused in the blood becomes a free radical that attaches to and oxidizes wastes to facilitate their removal. In most forms of cancer there are very few cancer cells in the blood so ozone does not work primarily for blood born cancer cells but rather helps saturate surrounding tissues to work in the cells of the body to treat cancer.
Ozone increases cellular metabolism without any expenditure of vital energy.
What is ozone therapy?
Medical grade ozone for disease treatment is made from pure oxygen whereas ambient air ozone contains nitrous oxide and many other pollutants. Ozone treatments should only be administered by a medical practitioner. Blood infusion ozone disease treatments can be given up to twice a day and treatments can endure for weeks or months.
There are several types of ozone therapy available including Bottle Infusion, Direct Ozone IV Infusion, Rectal or Vaginal Insufflations, Ozonated Water therapy and Ozonated Air Breathing Treatments.
Bottle Infusion therapy is where a pint of blood is drawn from the patient into in an infusion bottle. A measure of ozone is pumped into the bottle and then mixed with the blood by shaking gently. The treated blood is now bright red and is given back to the patient’s venous system which diffuses the ozone in the blood to saturate the tissues with oxygen.
Direct Ozone IV Infusion is similar treatment to the Bottle Infusion therapy except that the ozone gas is infused or even injected venousely directly into the blood. Being a gas, the ozone applied in this manner does not cause embolism in the body. Ozone is typically injected directly into a vein until the patient is “full” of ozone and begins to off-gas ozone in the lungs.
Rectal and Vaginal Insufflations are ozone gas directly insufflated via a catheter and a generator for a predetermined amount of time and into the respective organs.
Ozonated Water Therapy requires an ozone generator to be handy for dispersing ozone into water to drink throughout the day. The short half-life of ozone makes this application difficult to be performed by transporting ozonated water as fresh water has to ozonated immediately prior to each drink. Ozonated Water Therapy is also not near as effective as venous infusions to saturate the body tissues.
What is ozone therapy good for?
Ozone is a viable alternative cancer treatment that has received unwarranted bad press by conventional medicine promoters. Ozone has proven to be extremely safe and free from side effects. Ozone has proven for well over a century to be one of the safest medical therapies for alternative cancer treatments. Comparing ozone therapy to medical drug reaction deaths at about 100,000 Americans a year, ozone therapy is sterling.
Ozone therapy benefits
- Inactivates viruses, bacteria, yeast fungi and protozoa
- Stimulates the immune system
- Scavenges cancer cells
- Supports and enhances the healing process
- Cleans arteries and veins
- Breaks up red blood cell clumping
- Purifies blood and lymph
- Normalizes hormone and enzyme production
- Reduces tissue inflammation
- Reduces pain and calms nerves
- Stops bleeding
- Prevents shock
- Scavenges free radicals
- Prevents stroke damage
- Reduces cardiac arrhythmia
- Improves brain function, and memory
- Oxidizes toxins, facilitating their elimination
- Increases the amount of oxygen in the blood
- Increases oxygen in the body tissues
- Stimulates production of all protective cell enzymes
- Prevents and reverses degenerative diseases
- Prevents and treats communicable diseases
- Prevents and eliminates auto-immune diseases
Authored by Cancer Nutritionist Craig Stellpflug NDC, CNC
Dayspring Cancer Clinic Scottsdale, AZ
Copyright 2007 Craig Stellpflug© Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this article but only in its entirety