Cancer Natural Treatments

Lecture notes and excerpts from upcoming book “Cancer Simplified”

What is Cancer?

Cancer… The very word can strike fear into the heart of the noblest warrior. Finding out you have cancer usually brings with it one question: “How long do I have?” When we find out a loved one has cancer, we often wonder; “How long do they have?” Cancer is a horrible enemy, consuming alive the young and the old, the successful and the poor, the meek and the prideful.

Cancer is seemingly indiscriminating and not generally linked to genetics.(1) Cancer lurks like a demon in the depths of the body, brooding, festering and gathering silent momentum. For a lot of people, cancer = fear. Fear is a tool of intimidation. Fear is conceived in ignorance and, nurtured with misinformation until it finally blossoms into destruction. Fear is reactive. Fear’s only purpose in life is to motivate negatively. Fear is sand in the machinery of life. Fear is both abrasive and corrosive, eating at our very life force, while wisdom brings strength for defense and ultimately life. Wisdom is proactive.
Wisdom is acting out of understanding and respect for consequences and brings wisdom and deliverance.

Cancer tumor

A tumor is a growth of tissue that has no physiological function and comes from a rapid proliferation of cells. A malignant tumor is a growth that has a tendency to produce deterioration or death. Metastasis it the process whereby a certain cancer, like lung cancer for instance, invades another body system, like the bone, and then has to potentiality to invade yet other tissues, like the brain, liver, intestines and etc. Cancer does not cause death unless and until it interferes with critical body functions or causes a secondary septicemia (blood poisoning) that the immune system is too weak to fight. Many deaths attributed to cancer mortality statistics are actually caused by the treatment of radiation and chemotherapy.

Chemotherapy alone accounts for 25% of all “cancer deaths”.(4)

Bottom line, cancer is tissue rot. Cancer is a symptom of something gone horribly wrong in the body. Medical science calls it a disease but according to the pathology of cancer it is technically a result of a disease process in cellular catabolism. Cancer is often the culmination of years of abuse of diet and nutrition, years of toxic buildup and from compromised waste elimination. Because of the conclusion that cancer is merely a symptom, we find that medical science concerning cancer is founded on the false premise that cancer drugs are something that cures cancer and that cancer can be cured when the right drug is found. I say: “Clear the Toxemia and the body cures the cancer”.

Surviving or thriving?

A “cancer cure” is NOT just surviving cancer to breathe just one more day in your life. In conventional medicine treatment terms and statistics, the “cancer cure” really means to them “alive after 5 years”. That could be 5 years and 1 day alive on life support with no hair and half a brain and it is touted as success. In a real world standard, cancer cure would surely mean remission of cancer and restoration of the normal body detoxifying processes.

Where cancer starts

Before any cancer cell can take hold, there is a normal cell with normal chromatin in the DNA and normal proteins making up the cell nucleus. Chromatin is a protein complex that both packages DNA and strengthens DNA to allow mitosis (cell division) and meiosis (division of the chromosomes). In other words, chromatin controls gene expression and DNA replication. In the cell nucleus, normal gene inactivation depends on the recruitment of various enzymes to control the DNA within the chromosome. Many different toxins and metals interfere with these required enzymes, leading to uncontrolled cell

Vitamins are critical cofactors in all enzyme production. Without certain vitamins, the cancer cell destruction process shuts down. Taking isolated forms of vitamin supplements causes shortages in the entire vitamin complex and can also affect thyroid production and exacerbate cancer growth.

Heavy metals that are immuno-suppressant and can actually cause cancer are: Mercury, Lead, Cadmium, Aluminum, Iron, Arsenic and Uranium. These deadly and silent invaders cause suppression and/or deregulation of the immune system, leading to a 10-fold increase in cancer mortality. (Blumer, W. and Cranton, E.) Also of note is that most vaccines contain aluminum salts as an adjuvant to “improve immune reaction” to vaccine mediums. These vaccines with aluminum salts injected into our muscles are a huge cause of aluminum buildup in our cells which directly interferes with metabolic processes.(6) Multiply to this equation, fluoride, and you have a cancer soup. Fluoride ions supplied in our everyday drinking water and dentifrices combine with aluminum to form cancer causing aluminum fluoride in the body.(7)

Fungus amungus

Once a bad bacteria balance occurs and fungus sets up shop, the intestinal wall becomes leaky, allowing partially digested foods, bacterium and allergens to cross into the blood. Now the already weakened immune system has double-duty to perform trying to clean up the gut while tracking down these new threats to the body.

Cancer is a disease of inflammation (remember though, it is really not a disease but rather a symptom of something gone badly wrong in the body). The gut compromise and leakage of particles into the blood causes inflammation all through the body. Chronically inflamed organs become targets of heavy metals, viruses, bacterium and fungus. Your body will naturally have stronger and weaker organs from genetic predispositions and injuries.

The thyroid factor

To properly utilize thyroid hormones in the body there are four basic and very important processes that have to occur: initial production of thyroid hormones, transport to and across the cell membrane, conversion from T-4 to T-3, and finally, transport into the cell nucleus. A breakdown in any one of these processes will cause symptoms of hypothyroidism that can lead to cancer. Two main factors that cause these interruptions are: 1) toxic accumulations of metals, chemicals and waste; 2) critical shortages of vitamins and minerals.

Selenium deficiency is one of the biggest mineral shortfalls in thyroid production. Selenium is an integral component of 2 important enzymes, glutathione peroxidase and iodothryonine deiodinase. Selenium is used in the body to remove mercury which, when the body is mercury toxic, further depletes selenium reserves. Notably, selenium deficiency in study rats also decreased critical thyroid enzyme activity by 90%.

In order for our body to properly digest any food and thoroughly utilize the food’s constituents, the food we consume needs to be “complete” and in its original form. Incomplete food means that it has been refined, changed and stripped of some or all of its nutrients. This changes the way your body digests the incomplete food causing the body to borrow any missing co-factors (like vitamins or minerals for instance) from another part of the body to use in digesting the food. In other words, if the food is not whole and natural, it can cause vitamin, mineral, enzyme and other deficiencies in the body as it does its best to digest an incomplete or altered food.

Processed foods cause depletion of body nutrients. When isolated nutrients and even fake vitamins are added to processed/incomplete foods, the new version of food is often called “fortified”. Fortified does not mean “improved” at all because an incomplete food causes digestive deficiencies. Eating fortified foods are a big no-no if we want to recover and maintain good health. Complete foods are a must to battle the symptoms of cancer.

Processed foods almost always contain excessive salts and sweeteners. Almost any label you read has added salt products, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sugar and artificial sweeteners and flavors. These all add a toxic burden to the liver. High fructose syrup in any form is metabolized exclusively in the liver. And when the liver is overburdened it is forced to store the excess toxins and high fructose syrups in fat cells. This causes inflammation in the liver and compromises your body’s biggest detoxing organ.

Mammograms cause cancer

In mammography alone it has been found that mammograms cause more cancer than it finds. According to Russell L. Blaylock, MD, it is estimated is that annual radiological breast exams increase the risk of breast cancer by 2% a year. So over 10 years the risk for cancer will have increased 20%. During X-rays, MRIs and other medical procedures, radioactive iodine will be readily taken up by your thyroid gland, especially if you are deficient in iodine already. British researchers looking into the alarming rise of this unusual thyroid cancer found that patients who’ve been X-rayed 10 times or more have 5.4 times the thyroid risk when compared to those smart enough to avoid dental X-rays. A mere 5 to 9 dental X-rays will quadruple your risk, and getting zapped with X-rays 4 times will double your risk.

Mercury fillings cause cancer

Did you know that mercury amalgam filling material is handled as a toxic substance before it is put in your mouth, considered “safe” while it resides in your mouth, but is a toxic substance again if it is ever removed from your mouth? The only time it is considered “safe” is while it is in your mouth??

Some natural cancer alternative treatments

Some of the alternative cancer treatments include: acupuncture, amalgam removal, coffee enemas, colloidal silver IV therapy, colon hydrotherapy, enzyme therapy, essential oil therapy, Gerson therapy, heavy metal IV chelation therapy, hyperthermia, infrared sauna, juice fast, light therapy, naturopathic medicine, ozone IV therapy, pH therapy, stem cell therapy, stress reduction, targeted nutrition, targeted supplementation, thyroid support, UV light therapy, vitamin C IV therapy, yoga and other therapies.

Overcoming cancer

Health is a lifestyle. It is not a whimsical pursuit of on-again off-again diets or taking of vitamins because so-and-so said to. Good health is cultured and nurtured. Good health also means overcoming health challenges every time they come up and not just suppressing symptoms. A strong immune system means less illness and quicker recovery times. Ideally, your body will encounter bugs and viruses and deal with them and you never even realize that they were there.

Cancer treatment option articles

4) According to a 2011 study done by the National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Deaths
6) PEDIATRICS Vol. 97, 1996, pp. 413-416
7) Neurological Impact Of Fluoride Toxicity

Authored by Cancer Nutritionist Craig Stellpflug NDC, CNC, Dayspring Cancer Clinic Scottsdale, AZ
Copyright 2012 Craig Stellpflug© Permission is hereby granted to copy and distribute this article but only in its entirety

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